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Status Updates posted by Armony

  1. I am alive, just incredibly shy.

    1. Rosewind


      I wuv you, statue! We should chat more.

    2. Armony


      I wuv you too! You're more than welcome to message me whenever you like, Rosie!

  2. I feel like I had a very successful day. We have a new safety rule at work and it is ALL MY FAULT! XD

    1. CrossStitch


      Consider my curiosity peaked!

  3. I feel like something is distinctly wrong when waking at 7 AM is "sleeping in" to me.

  4. I get this feeling that Warhammer is about to be taking all my extra money...

  5. I have relocated, and made it back online!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob
    3. iwatchponies


      hey armony i know this is off topic of the status but i was wondering if you could help me with something

    4. Armony


      iwatchponies, please PM me, and I'd be glad to help :)

  6. I just can't seem to catch a break this week. :(

    1. Conor Colton

      Conor Colton

      Hang in there buddy, it's the weekend now so hopefully fun times ahead *Hugs*

    2. Rosewind


      Hang in there, love! Message me if you need, my ear is open.

  7. I just played Mass Effect for the first time. Man, have I been missing out...

  8. I leave for Bronycon tomorrow. I shall return on Monday! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      Have fun you lucky pony! :D

    3. Rosewind


      Have fun! Let us know how it goes! Buy lotsa ponyswag!

    4. Conor Colton

      Conor Colton

      You must have fun! You must! You mussst! :)

  9. I need to get a job that doesn't leave my mind free to wander. I think about some *weird* things at work.

  10. I see you stalking my profile!

  11. I'm baaaaaaack! :D

    1. Conor Colton
    2. Rosewind


      How was it?! Get any swag?!

  12. I'm back from Ohayocon, and I am a very tired Moogle.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Armony


      Princess statues can indeed get tired, especially when they've done over 30 hours of con work and gotten less than 10 hours of sleep in the same time period.

    3. Sailu


      yeah i understand that lol

    4. ChipShot


      Someone needs a kupo nut!

  13. I'm just a bit late on this, but Happy New Year, everyone! :D

    1. Rosewind


      You too, Miss Statue!

  14. I've been a brony for a whole year now... best year ever!

    1. Astalakio


      Happy Broniversary! XD I'm so bad with time that I've forgotten when I became a brony... I'll never be able to celebrate a year in Equestria :(

    2. Armony


      I only remember because Wikipedia remembers for me. 'Twas the day Cutie Mark Chronicles aired.

    3. Doc Hoof MD

      Doc Hoof MD

      Welcome to the club! =D

  15. I've been at work so often over the last two weeks that I no longer know what to do with all of my free time. So I got two more level 6 perks in Killing Floor now.

  16. If anypony needs me, I'll be poking at the ground with my hoof and drawing frowny faces.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. flutterscotch


      Cheer up, Armony. Here's a balloon in the shape of a flower.

    3. Rosewind
  17. Is it a bad thing to feel like being on Steam is a considerable source of stress?

    1. Astalakio


      I don't even know what this 'Steam' thing is that everyone keeps talking about. One of these new 'internet' things, I suppose >_>

    2. Armony


      It's a video game marketplace and digital distribution software with a built-in instant messenger.

    3. Armony


      So, yes... one of those new 'internet' things... though it's not really that new >_>

  18. It's a great feeling when one of your best friends pretty much tells you they think you're a waste of time.

  19. It's beginning to look a lot like moving...

  20. It's my birthday! :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bellosh


      Happy birthday to our favorite Statue!

    3. MessageinaBottle
    4. ShadowWalking18


      *BIRTHDAY HUG* :D*Keeps hugging for an hour for every year you are now*

  21. Just bought the Humble Introversion Bundle. CRAYON PHYSICS!!!

  22. Just finished watching the new episode. In the interest of not saying spoilers, all I will say is... *SQUEE*

  23. Just got home from work about half an hour ago, have to be back in in about 10 hours because my managers are bad at writing sensible schedules.

  24. Look, a talking statue!

    1. Kodokuna
    2. Rosewind


      Not just a talking statue, a Princess Statue!

    3. Bellosh


      *has someone take cheesy tourist pic of me with Princess Statue in background*

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