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Status Replies posted by Quillhart

  1. can your own OC be friends with your other OCs?

    1. Quillhart


      You can mention other peoples OCs but only if you have them post their expressed permission on the Application thread ^^

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. cant wait for season 5, i wonder whats going to happen


    1. Quillhart


      *Has a doggy and once thought of apping Fido*

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. The most workshy pony has returned. Maybe I can finally finish all those requests I have backed up and find out which Threads I'm still in :P.

  5. About that thing I mentioned... I won :|

  6. About that thing I mentioned... I won :|

    1. Quillhart


      A writing contest organized by my school ^^

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. In case anyone remembers that school-directed creative writing competition I mentioned during November last year... I'm in the final!

  8. In case anyone remembers that school-directed creative writing competition I mentioned during November last year... I'm in the final!

  9. No rice, no life.

  10. No rice, no life.

  11. Learning Swedish... Why did I bring this upon myself?

  12. Learning Swedish... Why did I bring this upon myself?

    1. Quillhart


      I did post in Swedish but I felt that I didn't want to risk it... Holler if you need a hand!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Why does Sweden and Finland have so many good metal bands while the U.S. is stuck with whiney, talentless emo bands like Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria and Falling in Reverse?

    1. Quillhart


      Yargh! May Oden bring you to Valhall!

      I WOULD speak swedish but then you wouldn't understand me :c

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Listening to Propane Nightmare unironically while slamming together a new bed. Dance floor CAN'T EVEN HANDLE ME RIGHT NOW.

  15. Each time I cross with someone who try to sound intersting by quoting obscure/old movies, I love to use my Eidetic memory to pop their bubble

  16. so... i missed a good chunk of the Ep cause of lag do to the streams is there anyway/where i can watch it again lag free?

    1. Quillhart


      Google it if you have trouble finding it on youtube ^^

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

    1. Quillhart


      Alright, Swedish lesson! Say the word magic once ... Now take away the C and say the 'g' as in 'gut'. Tadaa! Swedish! ^^

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

    1. Quillhart


      Anyways, we shouldn't speak other languages. Might get the admins on our tails <_<

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

  20. So have you guys and gals spun around in circles today?

  21. For those worried about my knee: The swelling has gone down at least. I'm keeping it elevated and iced. Dio is taking good care of me, and we're pretty sure it's a problem with the joint. Thanks for caring, guys. <3

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