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Everything posted by NeoExlucky

  1. Swift Blitz had made her way into the cafeteria. Her former mentor, Gadget, was sitting at a table by himself and Swift decided to join him. [colour=#800080]"You alright now?[/colour]" [colour=#0000CD]"If your talking about the visions then no, I'm still crazy."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"I never said you were crazy."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Yes, you did. The day before I turned into a shadowbolt I was watching the barrier and you said that I was crazy."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"H...how did you know-"[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"How did I know that? I don't know."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Are you...remembering anything?"[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"No, I'm still an amnesiac."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Any advice for the survival test."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Stay in the trees, watch out for ursa's."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"That's it?"[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"You'd be surprised about what I did during my survival test."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Swift got up and left the table a bit angrily. She made her way to cloud dasher and Flashbomb.[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Flash bomb sir, do you have any advice for my survival test?"[/colour]
  2. Sundial followed behind Dawn as she entered the room. She was so excited that her own wings were fluttering. She heard Celestia mention the word princess and her ear's perked up to about the size of her horn. She just now realized that her sister was now a princess just like Twilight, and cadence, and their aunt, and her own mother, plus her. Now she was really excited. [colour=#daa520]"We have to get you crown, and a royal dress, oh and we also need to figure out your reasoning." [/colour][colour=#000000]Soon Twilight entered the room and was stunned by Dawn's change. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Why hello Twilight, yes my little sister is now a princess."[/colour]
  3. (I have returned, I am now Neo the White!) Pocket looked around as the ponies around her were all starting to creep in. She noticed the door was open, meaning that they wouldn't get their bits. That was okay with drunk pocket and she went through her bag to find the roll of tape she had. She found it and trotted, dizzily over to the door. She would wait for the other fillies but after that she would tape the door back up. She noticed bluemoon and how drunk she was now. [colour=#800080]"She's going to have a killer hangover tomorrow." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said under her breath.[/colour]
  4. [colour=#696969]"Well I mean who would you fight against?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time asked her.[/colour]
  5. [colour=#696969]"Well...who would be your partner?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time asked.[/colour]
  6. [colour=#0000cd]"Vision's getting to my head, Bah!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget said as Flash ran away. He looked around the room. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I'm just as sane as any other pony here." [/colour][colour=#000000]He moved outside and watched the other cadets as flashbomb led them. [/colour][colour=#0000CD]"I'm perfectly fine."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Time Spinner walked through his house. He had just gotten off the phone with his brother and was furious that Twilight had 'saved the day once again.' He moved upstairs and into the last room in his hallway. There was a dimly lit room. In the middle was a blue pool called the looking glass. It's diameter was about 2 feet (I don't know how much that is in Meters, sorry metric users.) and it was made out of a crystal material. Time looked through it to be greeted with Twilight, applejack, and Rarity talking with each other in the royal castle. Suddenly there was a large blast of magical power. Time Spinner feel to the ground at the sense of it. He got up and grabbed the side of the looking glass. [/colour][colour=#696969]"What in the name of Celestia was that?"[/colour] [colour=#000000](I'll wait for Dawn before Sundial's reaction.)[/colour]
  7. Time Spinner, Sundial, Gadget, and a lot of drama will be happening here. Plus a gave a hint at something Time's going to be doing in chapter 3 in gadget's hallucination.
  8. [colour=#daa520]"Well come on little sister, lets go show aunt Celestia!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sundial said trotting out of the bedroom happily.[/colour]
  9. Something I kind of thought of while doing stuff IRL. So the story is kind of based off of Injustice. Twilight became an alicorn too soon and because of this her powers over took her. She now is in a nightmare moon like state except there is one problem. Twilight has taken the lives of Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. What's worse the elements of harmony have changed with her and now there is no pony who can stop her dictatorship over equestria...at least in that dimension. Rewind 20 years and ponyville is perfectly fine, Twilight was recently crowned as the new princess and we have world full of peace. Except there is a problem. During the sun celebration in canterlot somehow the world changed and someponies disappeared from that time frame. Now they awake in a new version of canterlot, a canterlot in which Twilight is ruling with an Iron hoof. Here's the question though, will you save this world and make it home, or die in the process. So you know how there's a rebellion in the game? Well there's also one here. OC's, Mane 6, Background characters, and side characters can all be played but I do have rules. Alicorns of OC, side, or mane character origins can be played but remember magic is limited here so that only a select few can use it endlessly. Not even Time magic can work here, however normal magic should be fine. The mane 6 of the future have changed now. Some elements did stay the same though their meaning is different. So elements like Laughter, charity, and kindness would be pain, greed, and mean spirited. However elements like Magic and loyalty have stayed the same. Honesty to me would be more around deceit than dishonesty so instead lying all the time applejack it would be more like shady dealer applejack. In the RP you can decide what happened to future you so for example the things I can think of would be: Changed, You character changed with Twilight and became evil (Warning you have to play as both past and future versions if this is true.) Absent, during the entire thing your character just wasn't there. Rebelled, You knew it was wrong and fought back. (Warning you have to play as both past and future versions if this is true.) Dead, your character died within these 20 years of some cause. (Just explain it and you'll be fine.) Remember that it's been twenty years so your character may have changed a lot or maybe changed a little bit. Whatever the case is a lot can happen in twenty years. The app: Name: Gender: Age: species: colours: Cutie mark plus story: Future self status: Changes to future you (If the top status is present and alive.): Additional info: I think that's everything we need if you want to app in. Accepted characters: Time Spinner by Neoexlucky
  10. [colour=#daa520]"Your an alicorn!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sundial said happily and ran in to hug her sister. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"But what are you an alicorn of? Twillight is magic, cadence is love, our aunts are the sun and moon, and I'm time so what are you?"[/colour]
  11. Sundial moved through the castle, her orange mane and tail seemed to glow in the light that flooded in through the windows. Her yellow coat was nicely kept and complemented her sundial cutie mark. She looked to her sister's door. Would she enter? Of course she would, why wouldn't she? Sundial lifted a wing to knock on the door, [colour=#daa520]"Dawn, I'm coming in." [/colour][colour=#000000]She levitated the door open and the alicorn walked in. She gasped at the sight in front of her. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Dawn what happened to you?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Gadget looked to flashbomb and had...a sad face. A very sad and depressing face. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"It...was Time Spinner." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said and looked back to the phone. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"He said he would be watching me and Princess Twilight." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget looked down, then back up. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I...think it's..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He stopped, dead in the middle of his sentence. He looked to the left, then to the right. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"I'm sorry, do I know you?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget shook his head after he blacked out. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"That...was odd."[/colour]
  12. (Going in with the trio.) There she was, a purple unicorn sat on the roof a few buildings. She watched as another pony was running through the area. He was grey, and had a wine red mane. She noticed him and just rolled her eyes. She had to get to sweet apple acres, there she would find an easily defend able fortress. Gadget sighed as he snuck across the streets. He was only recently alone. His brother had gotten got my some zombonies and told him to go as he ran another way. He snuck through the area as a lone zombpony approached him, it approached him and he stabbed it with his knife. His left wing was broken and his grey coat looked very dark. His normal black mane was messed up and he looked terrible. He made his way into a library in a tree for safety. Time Spinner charged down the streets as a herd of zomponies chased after him. He looked around for shelter and found sugar cube corner. He ran into it, shut the door, and started to barricade it. He looked inside ad was met with the tip of a knife by a unicorn with a Blue and white mane. [colour=#008080]"What are you doing here?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked. [/colour] [colour=#696969]"I'm just looking for safety. My name is Time Spinner."[/colour] [colour=#008080]"My name is colgate." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said still not taking her knife down.[/colour]
  13. [colour=#696969]"Yeah of course, let's go elsewhere." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time told her offering a hoof.[/colour]
  14. Diamond Dust had just finished some of her work. It was a nice pinch pot, though it was a bit hard to make with her hooves, she enjoyed it. It would only need a bit more paint, but that could wait till later. She needed to make her way to the gates of the empire. She wasn't sure exactly way she should but it was just her gut feeling, and she always followed her gut. She made her way out of her little craft shop and into the streets. As she approached the gates she came across three ponies near it. She knew she would get something from this. She approached them. [colour=#40E0D0]"Hi, my name is Diamond Dust." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said.[/colour]
  15. [colour=#696969]"Ahm...so that was...uh...are you okay?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked a bit startled. He was a bit of a terrible romantic but he had never kissed a mare before.[/colour]
  16. [colour=#000000]Gadget stared at the rubble around him. He moved to the phone next to the rubble and dialed the same number he did earlier.[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Hello?"[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Time Spinner, how long has it been since I last saw you?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"It's been about four months, you graduated at the academy, came back here for two weeks, then went back to the academy for your job as the official tinkerer."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Gadget mouthed the words thank you. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Okay, so do you know what's happened up here?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"What do you mean?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Gadget told what had happened during the whole incident with the shadowbolts and the jewel.[/colour] [colour=#696969]"How did you manage to do that without a powerful magi at work?"[/colour] [colour=#0000cd]"Well, princess Twilight-[/colour]" [colour=#696969]"Oh so you invite little miss, look at me, I'm the best Magi in equestria?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said loudly into the phone.[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Well rainbow just said that she could get her and she does have wings."[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Once again everypony let's her be the most powerful magi ever."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"What's the matter with you? She's our princess."[/colour] [colour=#696969]"She may be your princess but Luna, cadence, and Celestia are mine."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"You've never met Twilight Sparkle, why would you hate her."[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Starswirl the bearded's spell, the crystal empire, the smartypants incident, the legend of the miracle..."[/colour] [colour=#0000cd]"What does any of that mean?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Look, there's something going on back here too. I don't know what it is but it's big. Just be safe and remember I'll be watching you and Twilight."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Alright, bye." [/colour] [colour=#000000]Gadget hung up the phone, something was off about Time Spinner, what was that last part he said, Watching? What did that even mean?[/colour]
  17. Time Spinner approached Cloud and Delilah. [colour=#696969]"Alright I'm back." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said. Piplup gave a pip as a greeting and hopped off of Time's back to introduce himself to eevee.[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"Pip, piplup!" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said. Time spinner looked at the eevee. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Wow, an eevee?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said.[/colour]
  18. (Still in a drunken rage, about to go frolic in the woods, you know the normal. Also I wonder if Rosemary would partake in the 'special' beverage Pocket has...)
  19. Okay, after a long hiatus let's get to some cleaning since I have backed up reviews in my word document of reviews. Winter wrap up is an episode you can't help but love. The episode starts with Twilight waking up to help with cleaning up winter, and she puts on a winter saddle, which is kind of interesting. Anyway the episode is really good but it does have a few problems here and there. The animation of the episode is great, all of the snow being moved, the contraptions the earth ponies have, and the ice being broken looks great as does the animals and the baskets/nests. Everything here looks very nice and some of it looks like it has a lot of detail. The song, winter wrap up, just makes my ears melt. (That's a good thing.) As this is really the first song where everypony has gotten to sing and not just Pinkie pie. Characters act mostly like themselves but there is one pony who doesn't, Twilight. Unlike how she's been portrayed before she never was so excited to socialize with the other ponies in getting the area cleaned. However this may be because of organization and if so then she does act like she should. The other cast of the mane 6 have jobs that seem to go along with their characters. Applejack working on the farm, and fluttershy helping the animals seems obvious, but we also have Rainbow dash on the weather team, something we haven't heard nor seen from since the first episode, plus Pinkie pie ice skating to cut up the ice, which seems like a job suited for her. We also got rarity making the baskets/nests and that definitely is a good job for her and something we'll see in the future of the reviews. Overall if your going to show an episode to a non brony this one is a great choice, it has music that's quite catchy and good, great character portrayals, and some fantastic animation. This episode is really good and for a minute you may forget that this is a show about pastel ponies. I give the episode a B+. Alright now we're going to do something a bit different.
  20. NeoExlucky

    Too Many Ideas!

    My two main WOE characters are gadget and Time, one's a historian and one's an inventor. I like the idea of staying in one area for a job or business. My only artist is Diamond dust and that's just because she is a crystal pony and they all have to do with art. (At least from what I remember from something posted here.)
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