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Everything posted by RegalSteel

  1. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Name: Regal Steel Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Golden yellow Coat: Steely gray Mane/Tail: She has a short mane of violet with dark bangs that often fall into her face. Her tail is worn in a loose curl that she does her best to keep immaculate. Physique: Taller and thinner than an average unicorn. Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Blacksmith. Cutie Mark: A dark purple shield surrounded by black curly q's. Regal always had a lot of trouble with her magic from a young age. Whenever she would try to manipulate delicate objects she would break them; fine china, drinking glasses, all destroyed by her telikinetic touch. Nobody understood why she had such a vicelike magical grip. That is until one day her Father returned from duty as a Royal Guard, his armor dented and banged up. While he was away haggling with a local smith. Regal; desperate to help, attempted to "make the armor pretty again" as she put it. When her father returned the armor was not in fact fixed but most likely further damaged, but Regal had found her calling; Blacksmithing. History: Regal was born to [colour=#b22222]Fleurette[/colour]; a model, and [colour=#696969]Adamant Shield[/colour]; a Royal Guard,[colour=#696969] [/colour]in Canterlot. She has never left the city in her lifetime. She grew up with two loving; if a bit overbearing, parents in a nice house near the palace. She was an energetic little filly, and was a bit of a "tomcolt" for much of her younger life. Preffering to play with the colts than other fillies. She enjoyed making friends, and playing games. As a filly Regal dreamed of being a matchmaker; she was always trying to fix her friends up. Most often her efforts were met with mixed results at best. She tries to help others find their special someponies from time to time and she still ussually just makes a mess. When she was old enough; and out of school, Regal began to apprentice for a local smith. She worked for the Master Smith for quite a few years, learning the ins and outs of the trade. Eventually after quite a few years she managed to save up enough for her own little shop in which she still works now. Regal's Steel and Iron is located on the outskirts of Canterlot. Character Summary: Regal Steel; Regal to most, is a very polite mare. She loves to meet new ponies whenever she can and does not hold lack of manners against those she meets. She understands that not everyone had a Mother who crammed manners into them as much as they could. She tends to be very calm and collected but gets excited easily when subjects veer to something she enjoys. On occasion she will snort when laughing; a very unladylike sound, and gets very embarrassed. Regal becomes rather clumsy when excited. She enjoys all things metal and shiny, as well as theater, parties(the fancy kind), sugary snacks, and celebrations of all kinds. She deplores loud music. Regal cannot swim(not sure if that's normal). She also has on many occasions tried her hand at sewing, knitting, crocheting, and all manner of other fabric related crafts; every attempt only ends in ruined fabric and needle stabs. Regal is deathly afraid of Spiders. She also is afraid of train rides(part of why she has never left Canterlot). Regal spends most of her time working but always makes time to go to the spa regularly. She also frequents other local shops, preferring those that sell sugary goodies. When she can she attends plays at the theater as well as fancy parties. Regal dreams of one day being a Royal Armorer. She has always loved seeing the Royal Guards since she was a little filly.
  2. Have an idea for a zebra OC... Don't see many of them.

    1. tacobob


      Yeah. We need more Zebras. I do hope we get a new Zebra character in the next season...Or maybe even pop over to their lands for an episode..If that happened, we'd probably get A ZEAL of Zebra OC's!

    2. RegalSteel


      That would very interesting.

  3. [bye Queen Chrys.] Regal watches the small cluster of ponies quietly whilst devouring some sweets; in a ladylike way of course. She dabs at her face with a napkin; horn aglow with silvery magic, before moving over to the group. "[colour=#666666]Greetings, I hope I'm not intruding upon your conversation[/colour]." Regal says curtly.
  4. [sorry for absense, catch up time.] Regal watches the stallions Flake and Crimson converse. Smiling at the mention of royal guards. She politely clears her throat before interjecting, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances Flake and Crimson Blade." "I've never had the pleasure of meeting a royal guard, do you have armor" She asks Blade giddily.
  5. "Hi, I'm Regal. Steel! That is Regal Steel, but most just call me Regal. Heh." She rambles, voice sweet and polite.
  6. Scoots out of the doorway to allow Crimson further in, giggle-snorting at the stallion's statement. Then immediately looks embarassed.
  7. A silvery-coloured unicorn peers into the window before entering the shop. She takes a moment to survey the interior; noticing the commotion, she waits. Idly blowing a darker purple part of her short mane out of her face.
  8. My father got a lathe at an auction so I'm lucky there. Hamhooved brethren unite!
  9. Learnin to use a lathe with limited success. I tend to be a thinker, not a doer. Blasted hamfists
  10. I agree vehemently. They need more good Rarity merch.
  11. That's awesome! I wish I had a crafty bone in my body.
  12. I like to pretend 4th never happened. Hi hello heya howdy!
  13. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you like it here. Like the Dashicorn avatar it's unique.
  14. What kind of leather work out of curiosity? (My internal Rennie must know) Anyways welcome welcome!
  15. I love cats! Have three of my own. Hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot!
  16. Just watched this & have to say you're 100% right. This got me rite in the feelbox. I really liked the Luna parts in it especially.
  17. Rewatching season after this long was like seeing it for the 1st time

  18. I'm hoping that we get an episode that; much like when the CMC were asking the mane 6 about their cutie marks, has Twilight being told the story of each Alicorn from them.
  19. From the album: My OC's

    My OC adorably drawn by Shenanigan
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