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Status Updates posted by pollo20x6

  1. The best thing about being a brony is being able to look at your friend's amazingly huge Power Ranger figure collection and knowing you'll never be able to do the same simply because you're a guy and it's MLP you like.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. pollo20x6


      @Quicklime Ohhhh. I see. Yeah, the stigma makes it much worse. Because it's not just how stigma affects how others view you, but rather how stigma affects how you see yourself.

    3. QuickLime


      Trust me, as a chick that got crap for liking DBZ, I getcha, but you can't really weigh yourself down like that

    4. Solana


      When it comes to what others think of me, I've always had a lack of a give-a-f*&k. That being said, pony figurines were never my "thing". I have my own fair share of things that are considered strange by others, but I don't let what others think have even the slightest impact on my decisions.

  2. Who owns Smash Bros for 3DS and would like to join a tourney? There's a guy who seems to be trying to set one up on Instagram, but doesn't appear to have many participants. Anyone here be willing to join if possible?

  3. I just read an article on products that have been turned more "girly". I saw MLP on the list and showed the 80's toy (Then) next to the a toy from g3 (now) and I was thinking "wow. This is a historical article. Back in the olden days when mlp had been slowly turning more girly. Back in the good old days of...Aug. 23rd 2013...." hmm. Someone didn't do their hw.

    1. Th3WiseAssassin


      Really the toys are seen as more girly now...that doesn't seen right. To mean the official toys haven't seemed to change much.

    2. Duskfall


      Where is this article? I wish to read it for myself.

    3. stormchaser1991


      i also wish to read it

  4. My little brother caught me dancing in the kitchen and thought it'd be funny to secretly video record me and put it on snapchat. He doesn't know I made a video dancing on the streets of SD like idiot to mlp music. I think it's safe to assume I have no shame. :)

    1. Frost137


      Snapchat takes video?! (I don't have a smartphone so idk....)

    2. pollo20x6


      That's what I think he said.

  5. it takes exactly 3 hours and 16 minutes to sweep an entire walmart. That seemed much more than i anticipated.

  6. And the Sega Genesis finally died. Daaang it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ciraxis


      When in doubt, use necromancy!

    3. pollo20x6
    4. tacobob


      Yeah, but the Genesis does, what Nintendon't!

  7. I was looking forward to MGSV and now MLP S4. With that, I can feel the seconds stretching even more!

    1. Th3WiseAssassin


      I've realized the best thing top do is to not think about it that way the anticipation doesn't make everything seem drawn out.

  8. Those new mlp announcements. Quite the conversation starters.

    1. Th3WiseAssassin


      Yea we are still talking about Luna...lol

    2. tacobob


      Come on! Can't they just say.. "Season 4 is starting July 21th?" Please? D:

    3. Th3WiseAssassin


      I wish they would too. I want season 4 so badly my mind is running rampant with the ideas they left in the air. more rampant that it was with Equestria Girls. Pollo will even tell you that I've come up with some really crazy/stupid theories...lol

  9. I keep listening to Help twilight win the crown. What sucks is that my mind wants to hate the song. I don't know what I want and this is crazy.

  10. Huge cockroach on the wall and someone's gotta get rid of it. Guess who has the privilege of taking this job. -__-

    1. Kodokuna



    2. StarStorm


      That sounds terrifying!!! D:

  11. Just finished MGS peacewalker and turns out Tara Strong was a voice actor. 0_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kodokuna


      Hahaha. They're quite good though. It recounts her stay at MSF.

    3. Th3WiseAssassin


      looks like I have to play peacewalker now ive had it for ever and never used it once

    4. tacobob


      Tara Strong is in ALL the video games and toons.

  12. The only people who don't like my little pony, have never watched it. Who agrees?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kodokuna


      Lol. I finally completed all the Extra-Ops on my Vita a couple of weeks ago all by myself. @__@ Lol, do tell what your friend thinks.

    3. pollo20x6


      Nice. I'm still working at that. Our PSP broke so I had to restart on ps3 recently.

      and my friend will tell you himself. :D

      Were making a review video.

    4. Kodokuna


      Sweet. Do post. :)

  13. Finally used netflix instead of youtube to watch mlp and the history has been left. The question now is, how will those living with me react to the upset to the old establishment of society? Can't say I'm feeling relaxed on this one.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob


      They might react like I did before I actually watched the show...Ponies? Ugh. No. Then after, they will be in LOVE..like me....If not, they're witches!

    3. Rosewind


      I think you should like whatever you want and you should not worry what other people think. Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

    4. pollo20x6


      True, Rosewind. Its the awkwardness I don't look forward to. That moment of "Have you been watching MLP?" "...Maybe" "..." "..."

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