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Status Updates posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Your avatar is from Gravity Falls, isn't it?

  2. I still remember all of you, and I miss you so so much.

  3. Am I ever going to be able to find anything in life to make me happy ever again?

    1. abc


      well, ya got us!


    2. Crescent



      I feel powerless.

    3. Quillhart


      SPOILER: yes ^^

  4. Hey Weesh! When Everfree Northwest gets printable flyers on their site, you wanna put one up... somewhere in Alaska? To advertise. Seriously.

  5. I don't know how to stop feeling this way, and it's driving me crazy. Day after day, feeling the worst I've ever felt. Not being able to escape this. I can't shake it.

    1. Davroth


      Try not to concentrate on the negative, Tales. You have lots of qualities, and you'll find your place. Just hang in there. :c

    2. StarStorm


      If you're ever in need of a friend, shoot me a message c:

  6. I want to stop feeling like I'm dying inside, I want my soul to stop feeling like it's being torn apart, to stop crying on the outside.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Goal would be nice. Too bad my skills are zero.

    3. Crescent


      They never are. You write, don't you? For Faust's sake, I've never looked up to anyone as I do to you! Please don't underestimate yourself.

      Perhaps I'm missing something?

    4. Davroth


      You have skills. You are excitable and committed to the things that you like. That is worth a lot. :c

  7. There's a hole in my soul I don't know how to fill...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crescent


      Love! Try doing this for love!

      And love will see you through.

      Yes, with love on your side, you can't lose!

      And no one can refuse

      A love so pure and true!

      Don't you feel the love too?

    3. Tenkan


      It's crazy. I tried filling that whole with KRAVE cereals. I don't advise such actions.

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      @Dreamy I don't know where to look anymore.

      @Davroth Hokay...

      @Crescent I feel that loving something more than myself it what got me here.

      @Tenkan Food is not working. Still empty.

  8. Welp, another year old. (Yeah, that means it's my birthday.)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Parker_Izing


      old? NEVER. XX years young, ok, XX years wiser, fine, old, no way...

    3. abc




    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      Thank you SilverWisp, Parker_Izing, and Browneh. :)

  9. Where did you get those pixel characters in your signature?

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