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Status Updates posted by Wysteria

  1. Sometimes I think to myself how incredible the internet is. I mean, we can learn about practically anything - a whole gold mine of knowledge right at our fingertips. And it's all ours to discover.

    1. stormchaser1991


      yet we waste our time Rping and playing games

    2. Dunder


      And cat pictures.

    3. SunsetSombra


      Lots of cat videos.

  2. Hello, headache, my old friend...

    1. Bluelight


      Headache is the one friend no one likes

    2. Wysteria


      Oh, yes indeed.

  3. "I'm not tired even though I only got 4 hours of sleep last night! I'm famished!" *Eats fifty saltines*

  4. I love starting new projects, even though I rarely finish them.

  5. Sometimes I feel like I just live on a diet of saltines.

  6. Finally got around to watching episode two. For some reason I got big G3 vibes from this episode. I think it's because the ponyfolk were very colorful and bubbly in the end, much like the characters in the G3 era.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      I believe that was less good and more creepy.

    3. Wysteria


      I never said G3 was good (although I do have a fondness for a few of the movies, hence my username). The characters, once they got their CMs back, just reminded me of it.

    4. tacobob


      I do like how the comics and show are taking some of the better stuff from the previous generations.

  7. I feel like writing a fanfiction, but I don't know what about. Writer's block, how I hate you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zealot


      Hehe, yeah inspiration is tough. It comes and goes, and you can't schedule creativity I'm afraid. Still, I tend to just power through it. Takes discipline, I find.

    3. PyroBlaze


      Well, it is the first fanfic I'd ever written, and the only other thing I had written being papers for school and such. I'll keep that in mind, though.

    4. Zealot


      Yeah, if it's your first time writing then it's going to be a bit difficult to get in that groove. Best to just make yourself do it, then once you get in the swing of it then it's usually ok. It's just actually sitting down and starting off, hehe. Still, if you ever need a hand give me a shout.

  8. I have returned... for now.

    1. ShadowWalking18
    2. SunsetSombra
    3. starswirlthebearded


      In that case, I shall welcome you back... for now.

  9. Vitamin C... must.. have.. Vitamin C...

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