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Status Replies posted by stormchaser1991

  1. Rainbow Rocks ROCKS!!!! Doesn't it?

  2. There is a squirrel climbing all over my window and front door. i think hes trying to get in >.>

  3. I almost got abandoned on a beach!

  4. I just read an article on products that have been turned more "girly". I saw MLP on the list and showed the 80's toy (Then) next to the a toy from g3 (now) and I was thinking "wow. This is a historical article. Back in the olden days when mlp had been slowly turning more girly. Back in the good old days of...Aug. 23rd 2013...." hmm. Someone didn't do their hw.

  5. I really want some cake right now!

  6. I have returned from the land of 'Not-being-on-here-that-much'!

  7. So I was using some superglue to fix something earlier today, and the next thing you know I get my finger stuck to the table and when I yank it off, some of the paint from the table peels off too XD it hurt so much...

  8. Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate.

  9. Super excited for the new Super Smash Bros game!

  10. Super excited for the new Super Smash Bros game!

  11. No one cares when darkness consumes my mind, nor when it consumes my body.

  12. Just saying, I'm real lonely :( I must find RP's!

  13. ........I like trains........

  14. My dad came to pick me up from school and as I sat in the car, he told me "Sinead, Mercedes isn't coming home. The vet said she was too weak to save"

  15. i once found a song on youtube that had pinkie and cheese on the cover singing but can't think of the name of it does anypony know what i am talking about

  16. What does the fox say?

  17. It always scared me that, while I'm fast asleep, you guys are probably RPing like crazy... O_O

  18. Naruto RP? Who's interested?

  19. *drowns robi* and it's done...

  20. Not going to lie; I'm going to have an interesting computer build. o.o I'll post up the specs once I get all the parts and get it together.

  21. I'm not going to sit here and say Rainbow Rocks sucks, because I haven't seen it yet and wouldn't know. However, based on the shorts and the trailers, I'm feeling pretty nauseas about it.

  22. Slowly but surely I will get back into the swing of RP...

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