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Everything posted by PyroBlaze

  1. Pyro remained where he was as the crowd stopped, watching as Luna began looking him over. He stood tall as she did, feeling justified in his anger. It's not his fault these ponies wouldn't stop bumping into him. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as the voice of a stallion came out of Luna's mouth. He closed his own mouth, blinking in confusion as the scene melted away and he found himself in a familiar position. "Sorry, got a little distracted." Pyro said to the stallion, his eyes quickly searching over the buttons before he hit the one for the smoke. This wasn't how he usually did pyrotechnics, but it's not like he had never done them this way. Usually he was getting lost in the music as his magic activated the things in time.
  2. PyroBlaze

    Cuddle Couple

    Ah, fire and ice. Makes me think of the relationship Pyro got into with an ice mage on a different site. Good job with the art, they look cute together.
  3. I'm enjoying this season so far, I have to say. Just saw the newest episode.

  4. Yay! Another changeling for Flux to make friends with!
  5. PyroBlaze

    Fly Over

    As always, you did a great job. I agree with Eris, this piece looks gorgeous.
  6. This picture is great. It makes me wish once again that I could find someone for my ocs to fall in love with... Oh well, at least I've got one character with a lover that isn't another of my own characters.
  7. PyroBlaze


    I love this, it's great.
  8. Pyro grumbled to himself as the pony ran off to rejoin the group headed towards him. He should probably just leave, especially with the ways things had been going for him so far. These ponies were making him angry, though it wasn't enough to be any sort of problem. Of course, as he was lost in thought, another pony ran into him, this one stepping on his hoof as well. He grunted from the bit of pain, finding himself on the ground again with the stallion on top of him. He growled a bit to himself before pushing the stallion off and getting to his hooves again. "Would it kill you ponies to watch where you're going?" He growled out, glaring at the stallion.
  9. Well... I finally got around to watching Rainbow Rocks...

    1. SunsetSombra


      It's better than #1 at any rate.

    2. Jessiecat


      Did you like it?

    3. PyroBlaze


      Yeah, I liked it.

  10. PyroBlaze

    Ice And Fire

    I kinda wish any of my characters had a special someone on here... Anyways, good job on the pic, looks good.
  11. ... I think I was either waiting on someone or just being lazy... not sure which.
  12. Awesome job. I know I said that already, or something close at least, but you did a great job.
  13. Pyro simply stood still as the group walked past. He didn't really want to join up with them, even if Luna was there. He sighed slightly, not seeing the incoming pony until they collided, sending him to the floor with a grunt. He winced a bit at her voice, growling silently to himself at the pony's apparent lack of concern for the one she has just knocked over. He got to his hooves and gave her a bit of a glare. "Yeah, whatever." He replied simply, looking at the crowd around the Princess.
  14. Tehengu simply watched the teacher, listening to his words. He had to wonder why Midnight had reacted the way she had. Maybe she didn't share his views on the matter, which was fine with him. Everyone deserved to have their own opinions. Still though, he had to wonder what her views truly were, assuming he was correct. He looked over at her as she asked if he wanted to spar again later. "Yes, that sounds good." He said, smiling slightly at her.
  15. Tehengu returned Midnight's smile as she said he didn't need to apologize. He watched her for a bit longer after that, convinced she was hiding something from him. Oh well, she would tell him if she wanted him to know. He looked back to the teacher then, leaving his friend to her thoughts.
  16. Tehengu watched her as she spoke coldly before falling silent for a good long while. She was hiding something, he was sure of it. He didn't want to ask about it though, she deserved her privacy after all. Eventually, she spoke again, and he gave a hum in response. "I want equality as much as they do, I just think they're too quick to jump to violence. I'm sorry, that's just how I see them." He said simply after Midnight had finished.
  17. Tehengu raised an eyebrow for a second as he caught the flash of sadness across her face. He simply listened as she spoke, asking him another question. "Like I said, they're going about this wrong. Violently acting out against humans will not bring equality, all it will do is make humans hate Faunus more, and possibly reverse the status quo. The way they act is not helping their cause at all, I don't think. I admit that the peaceful way can be difficult, but the right way to do things isn't always the easiest way." He said, watching her still.
  18. Tehengu hummed at Midnight's question, looking at her for a bit before responding at all. "I'm fine with the idea, getting equality for Faunuses, but their methods are the problem I have with them. I think they go too far at times. I would support them if they weren't so aggressive in completing their goals, and by aggressive I mean they're too violent." He said, watching her.
  19. "Yeah. I hate how many people judge others based solely on race." He said, sighing angrily. He looked over at Midnight, sighing again as he saw her hand in the air as well. He kind of epected it, given her behavior around others, but it was still sad to know that she had been through something like that.
  20. (Quite. Repercussions. I'm not usually a grammar nazi, but I felt I should point those out.) Tehengu sighed at Andrea before turning his attention back to the teacher as he came back in and kept talking. Apparently the topic was about the Faunus war. The teacher eventually asked about the Faunus that were oppressed because of their race, which, out of the ones in the room, seemed to be most of them. It was a fact that he really hated was true.
  21. Tehengu watched Andrea closely as she began doing something with Midnight. He didn't like the human, and he wanted to keep his partner safe. It seemed that all that was happening was braiding hair, so that was good. He relaxed a bit, returning Midnight's smile.
  22. Tehengu looked over at Midnight strangely as she said that not learning anything wouldn't be bad. That was the whole reason they were here, to learn stuff. She then went on to say that she'd rather be doing things, which was something he could understand. He blinked a bit as the last thing she said registered with him. She wanted to braid hair? That was interesting. He said nothing as he entered the classroom with her, sitting down next to her again as they waited for class to start.
  23. "I hope not. Otherwise we might never actually learn anything." Tehengu said in response to Midnight's words, following after Slash as they headed to their next class.
  24. Tehengu looked over at Midnight as she said she had no idea where they were going next. He then looked down at Slash and Andrea as they prepared to leave. "We can just follow them. Slash should know where we're going next." He said, looking back to Midnight.
  25. Tehengu gave a hum as the fight finished. Andrea could handle herself, it seemed, though she was prone to showing off. It seemed class was over as well, so he packed away his things and waited for Midnight so they could go to the next class together.
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