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Everything posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. Kane stepped out and glared at Silent. Silent glared back, finally seeing Kane for the first time. They both stared in silence until Silent finally spoke. "You look more like father than I do. How disappointing." Kane grit his teeth. "What do you want, Silent?" He asked angrily. Silent turned away and looked into the sea. "I want what's rightfully mine." Suddenly a fire acolyte approached the two mares. "Mistress Arial, Mistress Snow, Princess Cadenza has come and wishes to see you." Snow raised and eyebrow and stood up. "I wonder what Cadence could be doing here?"
  2. Guys, I'm like seriously in love with this girl. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solaria


      Someone who is the exact same as yourself gets very boring very fast. I'd look for differences rather than all the similarities.

    3. MetalBronyATL


      When I previoisly stated she was just like me, obviously she has several major differences. I guess I kinda assumed that was given. But you're completely right.

    4. RainbowFoxxy


      If you're able to get to know her more I'd say you don't need too much help. Just be yourself and go from there. :)

  3. "Am I really a traitor, Trax?" Silent asked, pacing around him. "Or was I trying to do Equestria a favor? Did you honestly trust how Equestria was ruled? Celestia was too pacifistic, she would never take necessary action and Luna's death is what started most of Equestria's conflicts." He stopped and smirked to himself. "Father? He could never be king. His mind deteriorated beyond comprehension from the lifetime of war he suffered. Mother? She was so young when she became a princess, and she did nothing but stand in Celestia's shadow, never truly learning how to lead." He turned back to face Trax. "None of them had what it took to lead. You call it betrayal, I call it necessary. And now, Equestria celebrates its supposed 'Golden Age' with little brother at the helm, but they know nothing of true glory. I am the only one who can bring that to them.....and the little colt couldn't even show his face in front of me." Snow squealed happily as she hugged Arial. "That's wonderful! Which element is it?" She asked excitedly.
  4. Silent looked Trax in the eyes unwavering. "Is that any way to greet your nephew after all these years?" He said. "I see little Kane wasn't stallion enough to come face me himself." Snow watched the two Fire acolytes, their youth and skill reminding her of Storm. "It will take some time to find a master for all the elements." ((What's Arial's element again?))
  5. Snow smiled and followed Arial to the porch. "I'm glad I came to visit you, Arial. It's been a lonely couple of months." She said, starting to feel the bad memories of what the two of them had lost. Silent stepped onto the neutral island, giving his arms to a nearby soldier who put them back on the ship. He walked towards the middle of the island and waited for Trax to come meet him. "Don't keep me waiting all day old man." He said to himself.
  6. ((Trax is delivering himself. Lol)) Silent gone on his private ship, preparing to sail to a neutral island to meet Trax and hear Kane's message. Snow thought for a moment, before nodding her head. "You're right, I think it would be an excellent idea. These acolytes look like they have great potential and I'd be happy to teach them."
  7. Kane nodded. "Thank you, Trax. My family is lucky to have you." He said before walking off. In an armored fortress, several soldiers in a dark armor were preparing for a move against Equestria. A messenger came up to one pony standing over a map. "Sir, a message from Canterlot. They want to negotiate unarmed on neutral ground." The pony by the map turned around, revealing himself look almost just like Kane, but older. "Dear little brother has finally found out then. Ready my ship." Snow giggled. "Who knows, maybe they will!"
  8. Kane was silent for a moment, taking in Trax's words. Finally he turned back to him. "Send him a message. I want to meet Silent on neutral ground, unarmed. I'm giving him one chance and one chance only to back down." Snow squealed in excitement. "Oh that's wonderful! I found out mine too, it's a girl!"
  9. ((Oooooh I like that)) Snow nodded and put a hoof on Arial's belly. "Soooooo......how's your little one coming along?" She asked, getting giddy and excited again. Kane sighed and leaned his head against the wall. "If I have an older brother, then I wasn't even supposed to be king in the first place..."
  10. Kane turned away of Trax and punched a nearby wall. He breathed heavily from the rage built up inside him. He felt like his whole family had been keeping secrets from him and left him in the dark. "Trax....this whole time I've had a brother....and now I find out he's the most hated criminal in Equestria, and he's waging war on us. How much more pain must I endure?" Snow sighed. "Kane's still been really upset over what happened. He's starting to lose it." She said, avoiding directly talking about Storm's death.
  11. I was a moose once.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      A M00se once bit my sister

    3. swamp337


      Did it have rabies?

    4. RedCedar


      Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty.

  12. Kane got close to Trax's face, anger burning in his eyes. "You knew didn't you?! You knew about me having a brother! You knew he tried to kill my parents and Celestia and you knew he would return one day didn't you!! DIDNT YOU?!" Kane had never been so angry before, and nopony had seen him act this way since he became king." An acolyte led Snow inside the Elemental castle to where Arial was. "Arial!" She squealed happily as she ran and hugged her, careful of both of their pregnant bellies.
  13. Kane looked between Twilight and Stryker. "What is going on? Who are you talking about?!" he said in a raised voice. Twilight looked at her son with sadness. "Kane....the pony who did this....was your brother." Kane froze and stared at his mother. "What brother?!" Twilight dipped her head in shame. "I'm sorry that we never told you..." ((Flashback)) Two Nightwatch guards dragged a black stallion with a crimson mane and tail before Soul, who stood before the throne. Princess Celestia was too injured from the attack to be there, and Twilight, the stallions own mother, was too emotional and was crying profusely off to the side, her belly showing that another colt was soon on their way. The stallion glared at Soul, and Soul glared back at his son with angry and fury in his eyes. "Silent Night...you have committed crimes against Canterlot worthy of death. It is by the mercy of Princess Celestia that you will still be given your life." He spoke with anger, although pain could also be detected in his voice, for he was condemning his own son. "For this high crimes, you are to be stripped of your rank in the Nightwatch, and banished from Equestria forever, until the day you die." Several Nightwatch officers came towards Silent, ripping his medals and regailia from his chest, along with any other sign of membership of military rank. To finish off the decomissioning, his sword, a gift from his father, was removed from it's sheathe and tossed to the side. Soul looked down at Silent, his gaze like the gates of hell themselves. "You disappoint me, Silent. You are dead to me. I have no son." he said coldly. As the guards began to escort him from the castle, he stopped at the door and turned around. "One day I will return, and I'll bring the hordes of hell with me. And when that day comes, you better pray that you won't be alive....father." ((End Flashback)) Kane gritted his teeth as Twilight finished her story. He grabbed a claice from a nearby table and threw it across the room in anger. He turned and began to leave the room. "Where are you going Kane?!" Twilight asked in tears. He didn't answer until he was back in the main hallway. "Where's Trax?!?" he shouted. Snow and Ledus had finally reached the Elemental Castle. Ledus gently let Snow down and she began to looked around for Arial, unable to contain her excitement, for she hadn't seen Arial in months.
  14. So I met this girl last night who is literally just like me, every detail to a T. I think I'm in love.

    1. DreamySunday


      So she has a beard?

    2. swamp337


      That's potentially either extremely awesome or extremely deadly. Just... don't go exploring strange holes in reality, k?

    3. Sethore


      A girl with a beard... I'm having trouble deciding if that would be attractive or not...

  15. Kane immediately opened his wings and drew his sword, storming down the castle hallways and bursting through the door. The assassin had just dodged the magical blasts and kicked Azure away before hitting Dawn with the hilt of his dagger. Kane burst through the doors and glared at the assassin. The assassin hesitated for a moment seeing him but charged at him anyway. With a shout Kane drove his blade through the assassin before pushing him off with his foot. As he fell dead a small tablet with the image of a moon with a dagger on it fell to the ground. Twilight saw it and immediately started to weep. "No....not him." Kane went to her side. "Who, mother? Who sent this assassin?" Twilight looked at her son with pain in her eyes. "Kane...there is something we never told you...and it's time you knew..."
  16. ((Ok, well scratch that part, Snow can come visit Arial.)) Snow sat on the back of Ledus, flying high towards the Elemental Castle. She could barely contain her excitement and was as giddy as a schoolfilly about seeing what she always saw as her big sister. Kane was relieved that he finally caught a break from the nobles and their complaining, but he looked at the image of the pony leading the attack. He was surprised at how similar he looked to himself, but couldn't figure out who he was. "I don't recognize him, but we must eliminate him. I'm told that it is not another rebellion, nor is it black magic and undead soldiers. It's a true army of enemy ponies from another land. Although this leader looks Equestrian alright." A hooded figure subtly entered into the chamber of Princess Twilight, who was sadly sitting at her desk looking into her reflection in the mirror. It was the anniversary of Soul's death, and she swore she saw a younger version of herself with Soul in the mirror. Before she could thing any longer, the assassin grabbed Twilight's throat. She shouted in fear that could be heard throughout the castle.
  17. In the months following the dragon's attack on Canterlot, Prince Hurricane Lightning, the greatest ruler of Equestria since the princesses, had begun the process of rebuilding the damaged kingdom. Kane had held Equestria together so many times before, he had actually gotten use to managing a kingdom on the edge. However, although he led the kingdom with as much honor and integrity as he once had, Kane was living in darkness upon his throne. His beloved wife Autumn Rain, the powerful new alicorn princess of Equestria, was gravely injured in the attack, and is now unable to bear children of her own. To make matters worse, his adopted son Storm Flare was one of the many who sacrificed their lives to repel the dragons from Canterlot for good. Storm's girlfriend Snow has progressed with her pregnancy well and was in good health. She often visited with Arial, the only other to survive the dragon attack, as the two mares helped each other along with their pregnancies. Kane was sitting on his throne, his head on a hoof, listening to nobles argue and his secretaries speak with each of them, trying to keep some order. He had just learned moments ago that northern Equestria was experiencing random attacks in certain areas. Kane sighed and facehoofed, wishing somebody could somehow come and get these ponies out of his throne room. At the train station, Snow was pratically shaking with excitement, as Arial was coming to Canterlot to visit her. She was pretty far along in pregnancy, but it didn't stop her from acting like a filly.
  18. I'm just here so I won't get fined.

    1. swamp337


      You have already been fined. It's going on your permanent record's permanent record.

  19. Friends don't let friends spend $124 at the bar in one night. I failed as a friend.

    1. Dio


      At least you didn't let your friend order "Blue" at the bar.

    2. Sethore


      The idea is to protect them after they spend all their money, Or at lest that is what I learnt xP

    3. swamp337


      You're right, friends let friends spend $123.75 at worst! For shame!

  20. So I just got rear ended by some guy, and the front of his car got smashed, but my jeep didn't even get a scratch. I drive a tank.

    1. Solaria


      Jeeps are awesome. Same thing happened with mine couple years ago.

  21. This day sucks and I require pizza.

    1. Dio


      Grief pizza is always a good choice.

  22. I didn't know you could burn juice....

  23. That was the best Super Bowl I've seen in years. Congrats to the New England Patriots! Hopefully I'll see my Falcons there soon.

  24. Dude, I'm so making a caribou. Viking culture is my life.

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