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Status Replies posted by QuickLime

  1. Rainbow Rocks was surprisingly good! Can we just make Sunset Shimmer the main character now?

  2. when you want to go see a movie and you have no friends....fml

  3. Today I was going to smash watermelons in the yard for fun. Parents never let you do anything.

  4. RIP Hub Network. Let's hope for a bright future with Discovery Family.

  5. I hate being told to "smile" while Im minding my business when Im out and about.

  6. I'm told I have a defeatist attitude... whatever your rebuttal to this is, you win!

  7. No one cares when darkness consumes my mind, nor when it consumes my body.

  8. Always remember, it is NEVER ok to wear a fedora.

  9. I need to do some soul searching. I've been pretty dissatisfied with life lately.

  10. I refuse to pay your exhorberant snack prices movie theatres! D:<

  11. god, it makes me feel terrible everyday when I wanna go on canterlot.com, but I'm too busy with school, personal problems, jobs, Football, ETC. I will never forget you guys, and I will try my best to get back on with you guys. And if I won't come back for a while, I'd like to thank all of you for your support, kindness, and friendship. Especially for QuickLime for interesting me here.


  13. The king has three daughters. One day the first one asked him: "Why is my name Rose?"And the king answered her: "Because when you were a baby the rose fell down into your bed.After some time his second daughter asked him: "Why is my name Jasmine? "And the king answered: "Because when you were a baby the jasmine fell into your bed.And than the third daughter said: "Whafhk gdji ngdi"The king looked to her and said: "Shut up, Bricky"

  14. The Lord of Lies, The Master of Deceit

  15. *drowns robi* and it's done...

  16. I'm not going to sit here and say Rainbow Rocks sucks, because I haven't seen it yet and wouldn't know. However, based on the shorts and the trailers, I'm feeling pretty nauseas about it.

  17. Made my first RP post ever today!

  18. Chick go WRA! Bun bun go GRRR! and the Freddy goes BOO! But there's one sound no one knows! What does the guard say!?

  19. Job orientation tommorow!

  20. You know, I think I found one thing that the entire fandom will agree on... Derpy is secretly best pony

  21. Is there a pony named JUST Martini? Because I sorta wanna make one to honor my little brat of a bird..

  22. New Icon! Friend commissioned it for me <3

  23. New Icon! Friend commissioned it for me <3

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