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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Image result for princess luna banner


    The Princess of the Night became more accustomed to her role for the night as time went by. Though it still made her heart tinge with regret, she had for the most part moved on. It was almost fun to be in the role of her once alter ego and she began to plan what she could do with the role. 


    More and more ponies began to pour in for the feast. She couldn't blame them. The food was delicious and there were bountiful amounts of everything! Though she was required to take candy for the participants in the festivities of the night, Luna found herself rather hungry for other foods at the moment. She left her place of honor and swooped down among her beloved ponies.


    "Where is there food enough to quell my mighty appetite?" She grinned darkly, showing the fake fangs she had secured over her front teeth earlier that night. She certainly did look sinister! "I desire sustenance!"


    She spotted Shining Armor and decided to test some more acting out on him!


    "So a noble paladin has come to challenge Nightmare Moon has he?" She glanced a the pony dressed in battle armor nearby. "Have you both come to take on the most fierce of foes?" 

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