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Status Updates posted by Bluelight

  1. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  2. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  3. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  4. Does thou wanna see the moon rise?

    1. Halide


      Dat anachronistic colloquialism.

    2. Bluelight
  5. even though most likely I will fail, and I forgot my crayons AGAIN, I might try drawing some naruto charracters.......... ponified.:D

  6. finally my mouse is working! I was getting tired of using my pc's touchscreen!

  7. For once, Im actually trying to finish bleach and not jut\st sitting around..... now after I finish bleach I have to finish naruto and break my bad habit of this stuff x3

  8. for some reason, I hate it when books,movies,t.v. shows, etc TRY to make you think the main charracter is dead...

    1. starswirlthebearded


      What about books that legitimately kill the main character only to bring them back because of fan demand? *looks at Sherlock Holmes*

    2. Bluelight


      well like in the first book of pegasus, they keep saying shes a sacrifice to save olympus, and then shes reborn in the flames..

  9. for the first time in forever im home on the weekend!

  10. friday night, gonna party til dawn.... dont worry dad, I got my favorite dress on! -mabel! this is stupid!

  11. Going back to moms today.... That means that I can finish my Kyubey drawing, and then buy the sims 4!

  12. Guess who's back?

    1. stormchaser1991


      Back again Bluelight's back tell your Friends

    2. QuickLime
    3. Bluelight


      @stormie yep! :3

      @lime wut? o.o

  13. Has anyone seen the english dub of Rebellion (3rd movie of madoka magica) In english dub? I dont remember that ending.................. Im pretty sure they left off when homura................. became............ a............... *cough cough* nvm, spoiler alert

  14. help me in my "cou.t to 25 before staff post" thread..... they wont let us get past two

  15. Hey guys! Im back!!!!! :3

  16. hm... I was expecting a bunch of statuses about rainboew rocks for some reason x3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bluelight


      X3 I hardly see any on the status in the side box thingies x3

    3. pizzamovies
    4. Bluelight
  17. hmmm.... what would be the best thing to do if someone won't leave your friend alone?: 1.confront them randomly, and tell them off. 2.Go off like a firework if they come to me with gossip.

    1. Bluelight


      Or 3. Ignore them?

    2. Halide


      4 : sneer at them condescendingly, belittling them and their petty greivances. Make them feel shame for putting such effort into picking at those who've done nothing to provoke them, and what a waste of life it is to engross oneself in such shameless guttersniping.

  18. holy celestia! 71 notifacations!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RainbowDaringDash


      Okay, that is messed

    3. leapman


      Aren't you a busy pony.

    4. DreamySunday


      I had been following like 6 or 7 RP threads and had been gone for the whole day...

  19. How insane am I if I want to animate a song thats about 5 min at 30 frames per second (fps), which would be approximately 9,000 frames, when I've only animated..... about three things? Pretty insane? Alright. I figured xD

    1. TheFinestSorcerer


      ahdunno. How insane is it that I want to construct a 7foot-long dragon shaped much like Smaug(only ice themed) out of thick metal wiring for skeleton and thousands of pipecleaners(ranging 4 different colors) built around it for volume and shape! Cuz I wanna do that :3 Are we both crazy?

    2. Bluelight
  20. I am currently drawing five nights at celestias. Look at what the fnaf 2 demo has done to mah! D: comment if you want me to stream! :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DreamySunday


      Crack shipping is fun for the whole Family! :D

    3. Bluelight


      I finished my (interesting, considering it contains a dishwasher) pet peeves x3 Im waiting for it to be uploaded into the gallery

    4. DreamySunday
  21. I found out what happened to pinkies party cannon! it was turned into a bazooka!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SymphonicFire
    3. SymphonicFire


      It's a party launcher now

    4. Bluelight


      Lol am I the only one on canterlot who saw the season two premier the first time it showed?

  22. I hate people. I hate my school. I feel like crap. Why do people feel the need to try to put others down?

    1. Smartbrony


      I'm no good at advice, but perspective can go a long way. I used to run Cross Country, and we'd motivate each other when we'd get ahead by telling the others "come on", or "keep up". Well, this one kid joined, and he was pretty distant from most of the group. I was a social fringe-walker, and I was pretty friendly, so I once asked him why he always seemed so down. It turned out he was taking their words of encouragement as put downs. I never actually got how he cou...

    2. Smartbrony


      Nooo! My comment was too long! Oh well. In the end, all I said was perspective is the window through which we view the world, and that if you can see the flaws in others and dislike them so much, you'll end up not doing those things yourself and become a better person for it.

  23. I have been obsessed with drawing pony dresses and "art of the dress" x3 ive made a dress for luna, elsa, and tia x3

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