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Status Updates posted by Bluelight

  1. Does thou wanna see the moon rise?

    1. Halide


      Dat anachronistic colloquialism.

    2. Bluelight
  2. something wrong celestia? You seem lyrically troubled! I know all your tricks sis, my fun is sure to be doubled! (epic pony battles of history, celestia vs luna)

  3. I love it how my computer doesnt lock after awhile,(my doing) cuz then I can charge it up overnight and BOOM im on! xD

  4. Twilight? Jelous? Now I absolutely CANT miss the next episode!

  5. Im a horrible fish owner, half of the time, i forget to feed my beta fish lol!

    1. QuickLime


      Then don't have a pet if you keep forgetting to feed it :I

  6. I thought my b-day party was going to be the worst cuz i thought no one would show, but one did and that made me feel better.......... and my fave present was a phone! That made my day!

  7. "Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon, look out on her kingdom and sigh. Dejected she cried "Surely there is no pony who loves, or finds any love in my night" ~Luna

    1. XanXeto


      "If for not thee, Princess Luna, we would have no purpose..." -Night Wing Guardian Leader, Mightwing

  8. making a house on mc

  9. for the first time in forever im home on the weekend!

  10. man I really have a hard time with my step-mom! Luckly, I get to take a break from her this weekend!

  11. ugh, my tablet takes forever to start up

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. narwhaliagames


      Or more pylons..........(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

    3. Sailu


      yes MOAR PYLONS

    4. narwhaliagames


      Lol I cant afford mass effect (´Д` )

  12. not feeling too well (Got sick D:)

  13. I went to frankfort today!

  14. I thought march was supposed to be warm as far as kentucky :(

    1. SongHeart


      Ikr. I live in Kentucky and yesterday was literally 55 degrees and today is 19

  15. Shhh mom thinks im asleep

    1. SongHeart


      Shh, my mom thinks I'm not crazy

  16. Ugh! My brother wont look for his percy jackson book! speaking of that, I made a camp half blood rp

  17. bored (problibally going to sleep soon)

  18. No more cookies 4 2day......yay

  19. selling Girl Scout cookies from 2-6 (eastern)

    1. TheExemplars


      :o A fellow girl scout!

    2. Ashton


      Are they made from real girlscouts?

  20. Im booooorrrreedd any threads I can join thats not to far into rp?

    1. MontyPython


      There's always my Tron thing-a-ma-jig...

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