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Status Replies posted by enderponygirl

  1. To anyone reading this, who's your favorite youtuber?

  2. ITS THE BEEEESSSSTTT DAY EEEEEVVVVVEEEERR! (summer......... summer.......... summer..... YAY finally, last da of school

    1. enderponygirl


      yea on the 26 of june

  3. well...... my dog ran away we got her back..... chipped her tooth cut her lip and right leg but she is okay[:

    1. enderponygirl


      and trimmed her legs[we were to lazy to ourselves]

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Anyone reccomend a good microphone for a computer?

    1. enderponygirl


      they make thous[srry dont know how to spell that xd]

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ok, I am ready for RP, BRING IT ON!

  6. Thunder only happens when it's raining

    1. enderponygirl


      well...........the auther of that song is just dumb

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. whats everyponys thoughts on what the next ep will bring? i think that rarity will be the focus for the ep

    1. enderponygirl


      they all just eat tacos and thats pretty much it

  8. cant wait for season 5, i wonder whats going to happen

  9. i want to be in winter i hate bugs!

    1. enderponygirl


      its sad to say but i have a really big fear of bugs

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. once again due to technical issues posts im working on may be slow... I hate this laptop :(

  11. All is right in the world. Stu Snyder has been relieved of duty as a Turner Animation executive. And Cartoon Network is once again safe.

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