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Status Updates posted by RainbowDaringDash

  1. SO sorry to all im associated with here for my two week absence. My phone line was knocked down in a massive storm, and it has taken the bucking flanks two weeks to fix it.... .You know, cuz there lazy.... Anyway, im back!! Until... the next storm....

    1. Solana


      Funny story. When I was a kid, we had a storm knock out our power for three weeks. But when you drive around, you saw the electricians hanging out at restaurants more than you saw them working on the lines. My dad grabbed an old (Non-function, might I add) video camera, and walked into one of the restaurants. Told the electricians he was gathering footage for the news. Our power was back on that afternoon.

  2. Sorry i haven't been all that active the last week. Iv got exams this week, my last one being today. Just been a little busy. Don't worry, by next week il be back fully!!!

  3. Anyone here play dark souls, has a char around 32 that could help me out somehow? Im stuck at the Gaping drake thing....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RainbowDaringDash


      Are you no where near the gaping dragon? :(

    3. Smartbrony


      I mean, I haven't pushed that far yet because I was going to help you through that maze, but now that I know you've gone that far I'll push through and wait for you there.

    4. RainbowDaringDash


      Yeah, that maze annoyed me..... Anyway, thanks!!!

  4. Okay, i just started playing dark souls 1. Im a rouge, but can't even beat the skeletons after you exit the undead asylim for the first time...... Anyone got any tips? Please, if you do, i need help :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Smartbrony


      That's weird then, that it won't let you play online.

    3. RainbowDaringDash


      I think it is because i was n a xbbox live party. Now im seeing ghosts and messagew severywhere....

    4. Smartbrony


      Yep, that sounds like online mode to me!

  5. Sorry to all people im Rping with, and everyone in general who i am assosiated with on this site. Im going to be a little slow at everything..... Been crying for the last 2/3 hours...... Don't know when this will blow over.... Until then, sorry :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonlover101


      Sorry to hear that what happened. I'm sure it'll be okay, just remember... no matter what you do, you will always be a liver

    3. ShadowWalking18
    4. Lyipheoryia


      Are you alright? *feel better soon*. *hopeful smile*

  6. Dam Wasps, just got my hand stung by one, and it STINGS!!!!!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Ouch. Hope you aren't allergic. I am, and when I got stung on my hand once it swelled up to the size of Mickey Mouse's hand. It was like a water balloon.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Ooo...are you alright?

    3. AlextheAngel


      That... really sucks. I hope you're all right. :)

  7. Geesus,these guys are talented!!!

  8. Why does everybody bucking hate me :(

  9. And after a couple weeks of like, writers block, IM BACK!!! Time to catch up on all the threads i missed

  10. Being sick bucking sucks....

    1. ShadowWalking18


      *Wearing face mask and nurse hat* Don't worry. I'll save you. I ShadowWalking do swear by the holy blood pressure valve that I will work to cure the patient even till all hope is lost. *Crazy smile and pulls out a large syringe full of medicine* Now its time for your vaccinations

  11. "Almighty protector of the sun and sky, I beg of thee, please heed my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game. But first I shall...call out thy name, Winged Dragon of Ra!"

  12. Im going tobe out for the next three days. See you guys when i get back!

  13. I hate it when a great RP idea is made and done, but the people IN it, just don't seem to care, like Rping is just some chore that no effort is put into....

    1. stormchaser1991


      yea i can get behind that RDD

  14. One of my favorite things to do, listen to

    while kicking everyones butt at halo :P The music, makes it so much more fun!
  15. Just had the best time with my crush, stayed over with her, then the next day went to a performance she had to go to. It was SO fun and i even got this cool tattoo, that she got as well :D So fun!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Cadence smiles favorably on you :)

  16. Oh my god... i just found the wosrt thing ever to happen to games. People who use the whole game to teamkill, and be absolute hey ships. It takes all the fun out of it. Especially if its a three v three, and YOUR on the team of those two, and yoru forced to fight alone, with two teammates killing each other, and you EVEN when you are mid firefight trying to actually have fun.

  17. Dammit... YuGiOh has me to entertained to play any games.... ugh....

  18. Iv only just remembered how AMAZING the music MLP has! Why is it so good lol?

    1. AlphaNumeric


      Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up~

  19. I have found one of the hardest games on PC. Halo, combat evolved. Not the remake, the original. Its STUPID hard. The flood are OP. 8 SHOTS with a sniper, and they stil stand their, shooting at you..... If only halo Reach had flood in it, that would have made that game 200x better, well, might have.

    1. AlphaNumeric


      Well of course it takes 8 sniper shots. You're firing a high velocity shot at a body with liquified flesh.

  20. Im literally crying right now, I just fell straight down onto my inkured foot, rebending the foot a bit, and now, it, bucking, hurts....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CloudRunner


      I agree with Pyro.

    3. Bluelight


      Oh.. yeah that might really hurt..........

      I fell in gym today and got road burn, and then mom made me practice volleyball, if it makes you feel better

    4. RainbowDaringDash


      That might have hurt a bit.... Only good part about that landing MIGHT be that it straightended my foot... but, i think that might actually be bad as it was forced, not natural.... :( Having a Bucked up ankle sucks.

  21. I just broke, well, more like fractured, my ankle. Its painful as hell lol, and stupid painkillers from the hospital did nothing... Anyone else ever had the same experiance?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bluelight


      No, thankfully. I hope it heals soon Rainbow!

    3. Tymiko


      Yup. Hehe, it was around my 21st birthday too, but that's what I get for jumping off a building for fun. I had to have this thing in my ankle called an external fixator for a while before they could operate and put the metal plate in, same as PyroBlaze. They took mine out later, though, 'cause I guess they were worried it was causing problems. What did you do to hurt your ankle?

    4. AlextheAngel


      Not exactly my ankle, but I broke the knuckle off of one of my fingers while playing dodgeball at school. Now the knuckle is all crooked, but it's a good thing it hasn't effected my guitar playing much. Hope it gets better, bro!

  22. Note to all, having a broken laptop sucks, especially when it had over 20 OC's, and apps, on it, which may or may not be lost ofrever....

    1. RedCedar


      Get someone to pop the hard drive out and see how your data is.

  23. WHY, DOES, SOMETHING, BAD, ALWAYS, HAPPEN, WHENEVER, I TRY AND DO SOMETHING :(:P *sigh* its horrible being that one person who messes everything he does up...

  24. Well, once again, i broke my PC..... I will be on a shared computer that i don't own for awhile until its fixed, so im gonna be off a lot. Also, off skype like, completely with next to no access... Well, see you guys soon, have to hope my Pc fixes itself overnight

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