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Let's hear the most cringe-worthy thing that gives you joy in these categories:





For me

books would have to be Sweet Valley High. I know how stupid they are. But they're so damn funny.

music: why is Def Leppard so hilarious and awesome? And Van Halen?

tv: I like bad action made for TV mini-series. Like Atomic Train.

movies: CABIN BOY


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Music: Furries In A Blender, and Mayhem

*They're like chiptune/techno happiness for my ears*

Book: Anything by Stephen King.

*I absolutely adore "The Long Walk" and "IT"*

*I know this wasn't one to choose but...*

Food: Ice-Cream Sandwiches

*Gets aroused shiver just thinking about them* XD

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Books: Not so much a guilty pleasure, but I recommend this to absolutely everyone if I get the chance. "Soon I Will Be Invincible" by Austin Grossman.

Music: Creed. I mention I like them and suddenly, I'm a leper.

TV: Good Eats I suppose, since we're not counting MLPFIM in this thread.

Movies: Tron, the original. Mystery Men. The Spirit.

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Books: I still like reading "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstien now and again.

Music: Ke$ha. Yes, I know. :I Some of her songs are fun to listen to, though. Even if it's synthed so much that it's not even her singing, anymore.

TV: Dr. Phil, when I can catch it.

Movies: Nacho Libre. Stfu Jack Black can be lulzy when he wants to be. ;o;

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Books: I still like reading "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstien now and again.

Music: Ke$ha. Yes, I know. :I Some of her songs are fun to listen to, though. Even if it's synthed so much that it's not even her singing, anymore.

TV: Dr. Phil, when I can catch it.

Movies: Nacho Libre. Stfu Jack Black can be lulzy when he wants to be. ;o;

The Giving Tree! I got that when I was little...but now I have no idea where my copy is! It makes me sad :) .

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Books: I still like reading "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstien now and again.

Music: Ke$ha. Yes, I know. :I Some of her songs are fun to listen to, though. Even if it's synthed so much that it's not even her singing, anymore.

TV: Dr. Phil, when I can catch it.

Movies: Nacho Libre. Stfu Jack Black can be lulzy when he wants to be. ;o;

Jack Black can be lulzy when he wants to... WHICH IS ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME! :(

Sorry one of my favorite actors, had to comment there.

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Books: Anne McCaffrey - Acorna's entire series

Music: Marilyn Manson

TV: Friendship is Magic

Movies: Most things Disney or Don Bluth

I never got into the Acorna series, but hot damn did I love the Dragon books when I was younger (and recently re-read them for the amusement)

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  • 1 month later...

Reviving this!

Books: None atm

Music: Evanessence?

TV: None (I don't watch TV)

Movies: Napolean Dynamite

Bonus (Games, and because I didn't answer 2 of these): Final Fantasy 13 :x

Books: Anne McCaffrey - Acorna's entire series

Music: Marilyn Manson

TV: Friendship is Magic

Movies: Most things Disney or Don Bluth

Don Bluth is awesome though. ;)

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Books: The entire Redwall series.

TV: Survivor. Everyone I know hates it D:

Music: Nickelback. Honestly, why does everybody hate them so much?

Movies: Most of the older Disney movies.

I loved the Redwall books :mrgreen: I got to meet Brian Jaques in middle school and I was too starstruck to even say anything to him. I gave him a picture of a fox I drew though.

I will not comment on why all people hate Nickelback because I'm not sure on why that is either. One of my old friends explained the logic behind this to me but I forgot what it was.

Books: Cosmo magazine. It makes me feel as if I need a bath afterwards sometimes. I read books but none of them really fit the guilty pleasure category (okay, I will pick up a trashy historical romance novel once a year... I will say no more on this... :roll: )

TV: Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant. Both have made me want to run in the other direction of all children I see. Babies scare me and when I pick them up they have a tendency to cry.

Music: Britney Spears and Nsync. I am a teeny bopper with nothing to teeny bop about right now but if I hear Nsync on the radio my inner pop demon starts squealing.

Movies: I'd say Disney but in my family (everyone from aunts, cousins, grandmas etc) it is considered completely normal to watch Disney movies and you are considered abnormal if you don't. Not sure why. So, I'd have to say Black Beauty. No one understands why I love this movie.

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