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Pony Dreams


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I had a dream where Twilight was being eaten by a snake. I saved her and we ate waffles afterwards and then she wrote a letter and that was that.

It was fun.

I bet that would make an interesting episode!

I had a dream the other night that I threw tea at someone. :?:

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I had my first (and hopefully only, my dreams tend to become violent rather quickly, and considering some of the stuff that happened in them when I played Pokemon, I'd rather not see that happening to ponies) dream recently. It started out fairly normal, some odd, vaguely anime-ish guys I knew were my friends but never saw clearly were always in my peripheral vision or behind me, and Flutterhsy and myself were all in a vague vehicle of some kind, and then fell through a gray hole in reality down into a Wal-mart/Toys-R-Us hybrid I've seen before in my dreams. Fluttershy disappeared, and we all agreed we had to find her because, well, she was Fluttershy. We heard her singing, and decided for some reason that the Biology section would be the best place to look. Normal stores don't have sections like that, but whatever. We searched across the front end of the store which had candy racks and registers. We went back through the toy isles, and I frowned at incorrect anatomy on a velociraptor toy while making a mental note that it still looked cool. I saw the pets section and sped up, going through some isles with plants and fish and reptiles until I hit the bird aisle. Sure enough, she was unconcerned and flying near the rafters there. Then she landed on giant fake rocks, and I somehow became a reddish pony, either BigMac himself or one of the same build, and climbed up with her. She looked shy and disapproving and hopped over to the other ones. I almost followed but decided I couldn't leap as far, so I did it in two jumps. Then I turned around and a punk rocker with a sword was cursing me out, while a Ringwraith squatted and watched. There was a sword in front of my hoof, so I kicked it at the Nazgul and he slid it right back after catching it, which sliced open my leg. Then everyone was running, my vague anime friends were in a car with Fluttershy telling me to get in, and I was being chased by the punk and four Nazgul. We were in the parking lot at night now. I caught the punk's sword with my bare hand and starting hitting at the other guys while being stabbed myself, saying with every hit "F you, f you, f you, and f you." very matter-of-factly.

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Two days ago I had a dream where I adopted a foal from another family, who for some reason was human as well. There was a folder with birth information and drawings probably done by the foal as well. The other family was also going to eat the foal for some reason so that was a big no no.

Kind of disappointing to wake up to.

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I had one, and this is odd, because I usually don't remember my dreams.

In this the ponies were on an sight-seeing outing in a steam train, leaving from Ponyville station. I wasn't in a fixed character, sometimes I was myself travelling with them, sometimes one of the characters, sometimes an omnicient observer, the way you sometimes get in dreams. Of course it got wierd(er) when the train track started going through the sky, and was apparently a inter-dimensional train (Train Accessing Relative Dimensions In Spacetime, any-pony?)

We travelled through different worlds with the ponies chatting and taking pictures, I particularly remember one which looked like a vast, grass covered cone shaped hill, because it had flying elephants wheeling and circling over it, huge ears outstretched and acting as wings. And I thought, I wonder if they know the Buddist elephants from the new Thundercats series? One flew right past us and Rainbow dash obviously challenged it to a race, which is how I ended up standing on the roof of the train as time keeper (I think I was Angel bunny with a stop watch at the time).

That led somehow into a world of rabbits living in little dome shaped houses with the biggest one in the centre of the village being the home of some kind of con artist. He lived on a platform in the centre and ran a version of 'find the lady' (whether it was a lady bunny on the cards I'm not prepared to speculate.) Surrounding the platform was a deep pool of molten milk chocolate, and I'm not sure of the stakes, but if you lost you got dumped in it.

For dream reasons that made perfect sense at the time, I challenged him and lost, maybe I was Angel Bunny again and he'd said something mean about Fluttershy. I lost and went down the trap door onto the chute that dropped me into deep chocolate but Pinkie Pire floated past on a bunch of balloons and blew a huge bubblegum bubble that engulfed me and carried me to shore, then burst leaving me human and in a fetching pink bubblegum wetsuit.

It's at this point that I looked at a clock and realised I only had 15 minutes to get back to my own bed because when I woke up my mum was making roast pork with crackling for breakfast. (It must be noted that I am 39, live in my own house, and my mother has never made roast pork for breakfast, though she does an awesome roast pork, and an equally delicious honeyed ham). So I stripped off the top half to avoid getting overheated, and started running for home. I remember the overworld music from Zelda Windwaker was playing at the time.

Of course I didn't get there before the alarm went off waking me up. True story!

Yes, it's odd, but it's a dream, it's allowed not to make sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had my first pony dream last night. :kissy: I was watching this new episode in my mind, so I'll tell it from the point of view of the viewer.

Twilight had had some sort of huge magical power surge, simmilar to when she lost control of her magic as a filly during the entrance exam in her cutie mark story. But this one was huge. So huge that someone in a position of power above even Princess Celestia stepped in. Don't really remember who it was or what they looked like. Basically the person's importance was so big, that Princess Celestia seemed nervous and worried around him/her. (And that's saying something for her to not be uber calm like she always is... :-| ) Anyways, the episode seemed to be going in the direction that Twilight would be leaving Ponyville forever and moving back to Canterlot so that she could be under the direct supervision of Celestia and quite probably this new higher power, meaning she'd have to split off from the Mane 6 forever. The episode also seemed to be subtly suggesting that she'd be meeting a new set of friends who would become the regular crew on the show. I believe they all showed up at random points of the episode, much like the Mane 6 in the first episode. The only one I could remember, was 'The Official Canterlot Gardener'. He was a stallion, reasonably tall and slender, much like Flim and Flam. Cream colored and almost drawn in a weird alt art style that both stood out, yet still fit within the show's style. His personality was very much Fluttershy-ish.

That's about all I remember. :blah: But yay for my first pony dream.

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hi hi

The official canterlot gardener was one of my favorite characters in Best Night Ever. :D

I also had a strange pony related dream. It didn't have ponies in it exactly, but I was staying at a friends place for some reason and I decided to put some pony music on the stereo. Then I started getting all worried that someone might show up and find me listening to pony music and then I'd be mortified for some reason, but I couldn't stop listening to it. Weird...

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I just had a weird one a couple of days ago where a frustrated Twilight Sparkle was trying to explain to Pinkie Pie how to turn off her Google search logging before March 1st. I have to say it's the weirdest conflagration of thoughts I've had in a dream in some time. Bonus weird: they were all in 2-d flash style.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a thought id recon would be awesome to discuss, well since becoming obsessed with the show and watching it all the time ive had a fair few random dreams of late staring some of the shows characters.

Had this crazy one last night where i went to a bar because applejack knocked for me, the bar was in appaloosa and granny smith was there selling appplefritters as she does, it was like one of them old western kinda bars like in the game red dead redemption and sweetie bell was doing the singing on a wooden floor stage thingy.

I dont remember much but there the sheriff from the episode the "Over a Barrel" was the bar tender, then Derpy walks into the bar and shouts out Hey "everypony", hows it going" and then promptly falls over a lose floor board causing hysterics all around the western bar.

To be honest was pretty random and funny dream to have.

so how about you lot on here, have you had any random and hilarious my little pony dreams and care to share ..?

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Funny enough with the guy above me, I had one dream when Discord was my best buddy, and we where watching TV drinking beer.

Now THAT was weird, but it made me laugh the next day

OMG best dream ever ! thats soooo amazing. id love to go for a drink with discord, then get pretty drunk and cause hilarious chaos in town by pouring chocolate rain on everyone

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I had a dream where I met with Discord atop a large stone pillar in the middle of a wasteland. He was doing weird necromancer type stuff; he had dark robes on and his hands were skeletal. Then we went down a long river on a skiff. The shores of the river were covered in beds. Big comfy-looking ones with stripey sheets. We ended up in an old west looking town at night, and we were looking for a bounty (turned out it was Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney). Then the dream ended just as we went into a restaurant to order dinner.

Strangest MLP-related dream I've had yet.

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I had a dream where I met with Discord atop a large stone pillar in the middle of a wasteland. He was doing weird necromancer type stuff; he had dark robes on and his hands were skeletal. Then we went down a long river on a skiff. The shores of the river were covered in beds. Big comfy-looking ones with stripey sheets. We ended up in an old west looking town at night, and we were looking for a bounty (turned out it was Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney). Then the dream ended just as we went into a restaurant to order dinner.

Strangest MLP-related dream I've had yet.

Are you in a group Skype chat? :shock:

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I had a pony dream a couple of weeks ago.

I woke up in the Everfree forest. I could see animal shadows, but not the animals that owned them. I stood up and began to walk around. As I did, I felt as though I was being watched and I could hear what sounded like heavy breathing. But I didn't know where it was coming from. I started to run when suddenly a bear jumped out infront of me and knocked me to the floor. It raised its paw to swipe its long claws at me, when I saw something that was yellow and pink. It was Fluttershy. She did the stare and the bear slumped off deep into the forest. After that she started shouting at me because I disturbed the bear by scaring it with my sudden movements.

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No. Why? O_o

Because several days ago in this group chat of people from the forum, we were talking about cute villain characters. And I said how evil Cadence made a good villain... well, Chrysalis as Cadence. Anyway, someone decided to bring Dahlia Hawthorne into this conversation about Cadence and Chrysalis and cute villains or whatever.

[4/23/2012 12:58:54 PM] Tales: Nobody ever suspects the cute ones.

[4/23/2012 12:59:08 PM] DJ Pon-3 - Vinyl Scratch!: xD Unless obvious clues

[4/23/2012 12:59:15 PM] Tales: >_>

[4/23/2012 12:59:17 PM] Alec Harris: (Dahlia Hawthorne)

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Because several days ago in this group chat of people from the forum, we were talking about cute villain characters. And I said how evil Cadence made a good villain... well, Chrysalis as Cadence. Anyway, someone decided to bring Dahlia Hawthorne into this conversation about Cadence and Chrysalis and cute villains or whatever.


*suddenly wonders if Dahlia has been ponified yet.*


This fandom...


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