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The "Dear Princess Celestia" thread!

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Dear Princess Celestia:

Talk into the stage to the point to the stage to the point to the plain to the point to the point to the point.

Memetic Psychological trauma may be experienced

*leaves a total of 18 yards of empty space on the rest of the note*

Dear Celestia from your loving Dear Celestia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I've learned that not everything in our lives goes the way we imagine. We may plan, we may convince ourselves everything will work. But in end, everything depends on factors which we cannot influence. We may be the blacksmiths of own fate, but we're not able to create materials ourselves. We need to use what life brings. In joy or despair, all we can do is raise our heads and hope, that our acts will bring positive effects to our lives.

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned that it's important to be there for your friends when they're going through tough times. Being there for them, to talk, to joke, to have some fun, is often enough to help them get through things, and realise that not everything is so bad.

Bringing ice cream also helps.

Your loving admirer,

Diego Havoc

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I've realized in life that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot satisfy everyone.

You cannot satisfy everyone

and sometimes

you can't even focus.

You have to learn to prioritize

to manage time

to use your ambitions

and to forgive. To be patient for their faults as well as your own.

Let's face it.

You aren't perfect, you never will be. Just do the best you can, and don't stray too far from the path to happiness

keep your vices in check, and draw your lines where you feel they need to be.

Keep in mind that you can only do so much.

Sometimes, over-achieving isn't healthy.

There should be time for sleep, for relaxation, not just wildly trying to get everything, everything done at once.

You're only human toaster.

That doesn't mean you can't be great, though

and you can

and you will

Just take it a step at a time.

I've learned.

I must maintain momentum.

The faultiest toaster,


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Dear Princess Celestia,

I learned nothing today but how to NOT to aim the cannon in the Wind Waker. Seriously, my aim sucks.

Your Hero of Time,

Link, dictated to SilverSwirl prior to placement in a red postbox.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that while trying to be ready for problems and eventualities is important, it's just as important to make sure you're preparing for the right things. And 'the right things' for one circumstance or place are not always 'right' for another. Maintaining focus on problems you're used to being ready for can only hurt you if it means you ignore what you need to do now.

I remain,

Your Humble Servant

The Trilobite

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that the weather in Colorado is all over the place. One moment it's sunny, the next, it's raining and there are tornado and flash flood warnings every 5 seconds. Oh, and I also learned that some fears from chilldhood can be overcome. There was a character in a video game I was TERRIFIED of, but not anymore!

Your Faithful Student,


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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that I have a twin. Actually he's an evil twin who's bent on destroying me so he can take my place.

Wanna know how I know this?

Because I'm Lux's evil twin!


Evil Lux

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Dear Princess Celestia

Sorry for my previous letter I was high on pinkie oats..somebody tainted a batch with bath salts and I needed help. My good friend the blue mage took me to rehab and im feeling better! the lesson is simple..dont let derpy supervise the assembly floor

your faithful student


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Dear Princess Celestia,

The best advice I can give too anypony trying not come under the effects of a mind control device is this, listen for the noise, those things make a lot of it, especially right before somepony tries to use them on you.

Your faithful student,

Dream Notes

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that - if you'll deeply pardon my expression - it is better not to "drag around the beaten horse." Very often, it only opens up old wounds. There are kinder ways to go about things.

There is always a way.

Forever your flummoxed (but faithful) student,


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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that if you find cave drawings that reference an alien race creating humankind, it's probably not the best idea to chase them down to try to find answers, unless you're ready for a fight.

Your faithful subject,

Deep Bass.

(Sorry. Saw Prometheus today. Awesome movie.)

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