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NightBlade [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestia

Name: Nightblade

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: His eyes are a striking blue-green tone of beryl.

Coat colour: Charcoal gray

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: His mane and tail are navy blue streaked with teal, medium length and somewhat scruffy. His forelock hangs over his eyes and his mane hugs closely against his neck. He has three, small white numbers: "038" tattooed onto his neck. He always keeps it carefully concealed underneath his mane, and very few know of its existance.

Cutie Mark: A slightly curved blade with a golden hilt with a twisting black ribbon of magic behind it.

Physique: A strict training regimen coupled with frequent traveling and sparring has given Nightblade a lean, lanky and tenacious build. Though not the strongest or bulkiest among colts, he possesses impressive speed and stamina, and has the endurance needed to trek long miles over difficult terrain. A particular characteristic he has is his horn; it is honed to an almost infinitesimal point, intended not only for casting spells, but for sport in hoof-to-hoof combat.

Origin: Nightblade was brought up in the outskirts of Marelia, a city that he left recently with no intention of ever returning. He brought with him a small number of provisions and enough bits to last him for a few week's travel. For a while, he intends to be a traveller and drift from city to town until he finds one to his liking, and will settle there when he does.

Occupation: Nightblade aspires to become a member of the REIN organization as his father is. In pursuit of his goal, he often attended REA Militia training in Marelia. However, when it became apparent that he had reached a point where Marelia Militia training would not help him any further in advancing toward his goal he set off in search for a source that could. He will probably do an assortment of odd jobs to support himself or seek to work in a Light Infantry Unit for some time.

Motivation: Nightblade is strongly compelled by the desire to achieve full acceptance in the REIN organization and gain his father's pride and attention. However, in his efforts he realized that he actually enjoyed the job of the Light Infantry Units more. Though he stubbornly continues to tell himself he's out to become part of the REIN, deep within he knows that what he really wants is to one day become one of the most skilled and successful of Scouts by maintaining a strong command over magic and excellence in sparring.

Likes: Solitude, silence, being successful, power, acceptance, the evening, adventure, sparring, practicing magic.

Dislikes: Disturbances, crowds, excessive noise from others, losing & failure, lounging about doing nothing, developing relationship & bonds with others.

Character Summary: For Nightblade's father, the circumstances of marriage and birth were not borne from love between a stallion and mare. Instead, it was a cunning tactical maneuver, designated to gain favour, rank and power, and to secure political bonds. And Nightblade's birth was no exception of such. Nightblade's father took his mother for his wife solely for the fact that she was the daughter of an official in the REIN. He was named Nightblade; after a blade of such nature for the hope that he might become an excellent member of the REIN or Light Infantry one day - and that was exactly the path that he pursued.

Throughout his childhood, Nightblade's father ignored and neglected him, and was often absent on missions with the REIN. Since his birth, Nightblade had very little interaction with his father, who left Nightblade's care and upbringing to his mother, whom he grew very close to. However, when he was a young colt, she unexpectedly died of an illness, leaving Nightblade devasted. The only pony in the world that really cared for him was gone, leaving him with only his father. More than anything, Nightblade yearned to hear his father say that he was proud of him and loved him as his son. But he could think of no way to attract his attention other than becoming the best of the best in the REIN, because his father was a cold, proud stallion who only took interest in those with power, so he strove to gain exactly that.

When he was reached the age of colthood, Nightblade's father had him tattooed with the number "038" on his neck, for reasons he is still unable to understand or explain today. Shortly afterward, Nightblade came of age for his initiation into training in the Militia. He isolated himself from other ponies, concentrating on his studies with single-minded determination to prove himself and shutting himself away from the rest of the world. In truth, part of the reason for his seclusion was the grief he felt at losing his mother; he felt it was simply too painful to develop attachments to other ponies and saw it as a weakness. He even harbored a secret fear of what pain love could bring. In any case, he focused and strove harder to master magic and combat more than any other pony, and in many aspects, he succeeded. He became a very disciplined and diverse spellcaster and an excellent fighter, thriving on strict training that consisted of many practice scenarios, meditation, sparring and lessons. However, the price his paid was the friendship and companionship of others, and he became cold, aloof, remote and distrustful of others.

In the midst of his training in the Militia, Nightblade found himself caught in a competitive rivalry with another unicorn. The other unicorn provided a lot of inspiration to Nightblade to work harder as he almost always bested him in every event, and often teased him. Nightblade found him harrowing and a nuisance, and always wanted more than anything to prove himself to those that were disparaging about his abilities. He trained hard, and eventually, in the later stages of their training, an affront between Nightblade and the other unicorn led them to challenge each other to a sparring contest and a match to see who was more adept at handling magic and casting spells. In this competition, Nightblade strove harder than ever before to do his best, and in the end, he managed to win the contest. It was only during that struggle that he realized the true depth of his passion and ambition for excelling at sparring and magic, and how competitive and determined he really was, which lead to him earning his Cutie Mark, which represents those aspects of him.

Throughout his training, Nightblade came to realize that his passion lay not in the dark and secretive ways of the REIN but in the thrill and adventure of being a member of a Light Infantry Unit. However, one part of him still despnately longed to be accepted and noticed by his only remaining family member, so he left Marelia in search of someone who could teach him more about the organization. He was oddly relieved to depart his hometown, which he had come to see as dreary and depressing, but one of the deeper reasons behind his aversion to his former home was because of all the painful memories that lay buried there. He found the change of scenary refreshing.

Nightblade is an ambitious and passionate colt fueled by the desire for acceptance and pride for him from his father. To most, he appears cold, aloof and detached, holding himself remote and distant from others. His interactions with other ponies are often stiff and emotionless, and he is most commonly seen with a stern frown or slight scowl on his face. He can be calculating and cunning; a practiced observer and alert unicorn, he is sensitive and perceptive of the feelings and behavior of others, which allows him to be manipulative at times. Another characteristic of Nightblade's personality is his pride. Fiercely independent and self-sufficient, Nightblade loathes the concept of needing assitance from another, and will often refuse help, even if he needs it. Nightblade is also stubbornly determined, persistent and tenacious. When he sets his mind to something, almost nothing can divert him from his goal. However, this triat can manifest itself into both a strength and a weakness - it can also make him cling stubbornly to his thoughts, beliefs and feelings, even if it would be wiser to open his eyes to a new idea and turn away from the old one.

Though many aspects of Nightblade can make him seem more or less "evil" in truth, Nightblade is not bad at heart. He is simply living by the standards he was brought up with, his character shaped by the circumstances of his life. The cause for his stony demeanor is the ever-present bitterness that resides within him, resentment at his father's rejection of him and grief for his mother's death. His coldness and unwillingness to trust others stems from his deep, unabiding fear of the irrevocable pain of losing or being betrayed by someone he loves. However, deep within him lies a heart of morality, emotion and even compassion. Throughout his travels on his journey to complete his final quest for his tattoo, he will gradually come to understand that there is more to the world then gaining power and becoming the best, and learn remove some of the isolating barriers of bitterness that he has erected around himself to make room for friendship and happiness. With some work, he may even be able to eventually coax out the inner aspects of his character that he has kept under lock and key for so long.



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Hello, please note : while I'm not a mod, I've been told weapons aren't allowed, especially since switchblade knives are illegal ( though even the government has admitted to the illegallity being stupid) :) But this character should be allowed in the free for all rp if I'm not mistaken.

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Deadpool is incorrect. Weapons are allowed in the mane RP. Usually swords and no firearms. But remember that your pony would probably never be using the weapon. And the weapons are more of a martial art tool than a fighting tool.

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Why would changing from Switchblade to Nightblade matter a whole lot? You still kept BLADE in. XD

While ponies may own some weapons, they are generally used for sport, not combat. As we've seen in show, ponies are peaceful, not fighters. In the last episode with the Changelings, everypony, including guards, were basically just laying down and giving up. They didn't stand a chance. Even with the extra guards around, they were no match, and they certainly weren't going to get any help from the rest of Canterlot. Though ponies likely outnumbered Changelings as a whole, they really had no idea how to handle an attack. Even Twilight and her friends aren't warriors. They may have fought a little harder than others because they knew they were the last hope, but in the end, they still didn't make much of a difference.

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Well, I think I saw other ponies with 'Blade' in their name that were approved so I assumed it was alright, and since Deadpool said that specifically 'SwitchBlade' wasn't allowed I'd just change it to some other Blade instead since those were allowed. ... xD /Luvyna logic.

I agree with you; that is exactly what happened and it does show that ponies are more peaceful. However, I just thought I'd maybe try giving a slightly different concept a shot. If it doesn't go well with World Equestria then I can change whatever is necessary, though. :)

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I'd suggest checking out both boards, Mane and Crossovers, to see which one you'd like to use more. Mane is a lot more active, but Crossovers is more free.

I've had a look at both, and I've decided I very much prefer Mane RP. I'm willing to make whatever revisions are necessary so that NightBlade can be RPed in World of Equestria. ^^

Keep in mind that there is also no limit to the number of OCs you can have at one time, and you don't even have to keep them all active.

I'll keep that in mind. :)

Okay, so I've changed up everything a bit so the sword represents sparring for sport - does that work?

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The Application is looking pretty good so fat, but one thing is a gaping problem with the Application. The Empyrea is not part of the Mane canon, so your character can not be affiliated with them unless this will be a crossover character. There are other options, though, remember that there is the Royal Equestrian Army and the Holy Destriers. But, also remember that the point of the organizations is not for warfare, but to have the military culture.

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Okay, did a massive revamp of his history~

I wasn't 100% sure if I got the whole REA system right (lol I needed a dictionary for every second word in that guide) but hopefully everything works out now, although if there are still any discrepancies, I'll gladly change/remove them.

Finalizing this for review.

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You fixed a lot of the problems from before, but you also created a new one D:

The town of Marelia is not a part of the Mane board canon either, so your character cannot be from there. Unfortunately, we cannot keep track of all the new places people would make up in their OC's background, so we need you to choose one of the cities from The board canon World of Equestria.

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But Marelia is on that map... so I assumed it was a part of the Mane canon world. (Top right corner, by Zherbenok Bay)

Which places exactly are considered canon? I think I must have missed something... ^^; I'm a bit confused now. So is it only the cities listed on top of the individual map region that are considered canon, like Canterlot, Hoofington, Trottingham, Appleoosa...etc that are considered canon?

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From what I've heard, the staff works from the bottom up, so bumping is usually not recommended. Patience is recommended as well as it took almost a month for my first OC to be fully passed.

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