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Mafia Round Three: Sign Ups

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It has been two months since the uprising of the Changelings in Ponyville, and only three weeks since the Changeling takeover in Cloudsdale. During the epidemic in Cloudsdale, one of the Changelings left the other ones captured to join the new brigade of Changelings. He is known as SilverThorn. The other living Changeling from the first time, DarkAura, stayed loyally by the others. When a new set of ponies came to the place of other captured ponies, she knew the Changelings have won again.

"At this rate, the entirety of Equestria will fall to the Changelings!" Twilight cried, coming out from the crowd.

"But Canterlot's safe, right? Cadence and Shining Armour took care of them once, and they can take care of them again!" FeatherQuill remarked.

Twilight managed a smile as she wiped away a tear. "I-I guess you're right. Besides! If they try to take over Canterlot, Princess Celestia will notify every other town and city, making it much harder for the Changelings to take over!"

She was answered with mixed replies, in which they lead to yells of determination.

Their hopes, however, were shattered, as DarkAura knew before they did. Silently, she started for the door, but was soon stopped by a stiff hoof on her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Twilight scolded.

She merely shook Twilight's hoof off. "I'm popsicling this blow stand. I want to actually live instead of be neighed down by this nonsense," She said as she went out the door and flew off, entering her Pegasus persona.


Three weeks after the Cloudsdale incident, she arrived at Canterlot after lots and lots of flying. Upon arriving, she noticed a cafe that has a sign that says, "No changelings here, eeyup, none here, no siree."

How inconspicuous! Of course she entered, as this writer was being sarcastic. Right when she entered, a burly voice called out to her from behind. "Hey kid."

She jumped in surprise, nearly blowing her cover. She turned around and saw a large figure in a brown coat. "Do ya want this joint?"

"Um, sure?"

"Take it kid. It's yours. Now... You get to run the game."

Before DarkAura could ask anything, the figure bolted away, leaving her with the keys to the Cafe, known as "The Cafe". Yes yes, it's quite original.

She smiled. DarkAura would totally make it big as a cafe owner. She headed to the back of the cafe when a voice called out to her.

"Changeling 42, I presume?" Female. Definitely female. A too familiar female voice... She turned around and yelped. Queen Chrysalis was in front of her, her eyes flaming with anger.

"42, I may have relieved you, but that's no reason to help thy enemy. Now let's see how you like it when you're the one controlling the fates of others." She disappeared just as quickly.

Confuddled, DarkAura scurried to the front of The Cafe and gasped. There, a dozen or so ponies were staring wide eyed at their surroundings, as if they just appeared there. One of them tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Ah ah ah! The keys will only open once one team wins the game. Here, in this group, are a few Changelings that are doing my bidding. They are instructed to capture the others. No matter what, one of the three teams will win, and once a team wins, the keys will work and they may escape, along with you. Have fun," Chrysalis' voice rang in her head, though she herself wasn't there.

DarkAura nervously walked up to the others. "uh, hello?"

"Why are we here?" One screamed.

"Y-you see, um, you're apart of a game, per se. Only one team will win, and only then may you all leave. Let the game begin!"

(Self insert ftw lol)


Le Rules:

1) Out of thread communication IS ALLOWED

2) Secret votes (Voting through PM) ARE ALLOWED.

3) DO NOT quote your role PM. You may paraphrase it, however.


5) 12 players minimum.

6) DO NOT post in the thread if you are captured, arrested, or if it is night.

7) DO NOT edit your posts. If you have anything extra to add, post again to add it.

8) Not sending in a night action, if you have one, for two nights in a row will get you MODKILLED.

You don't have to do that vote/unvote thing, but whenever you're voting, BOLD YOUR VOTES. If you wish not to vote, say ABSTAIN in bold. Not voting counts as an ABSTAIN.

A whole varity of new roles shall be implanted in this game, but I won't tell you because nyanyanyanyanya hahahahahaha~ :P you'll know their roles once they die, so whatev.

To join the game, add your name to the player list below:















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This looks fun, I'll give it a try, but can someone explain the game mechanics? I think I've haerd of it before, but I'm not sure.

1) hinata2000

2) SteelEagle

3) Diego Havoc



6) Templar Frost

7) HarringtonSleuth

8) Sparkleheart

9) UnitP0N13




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