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So we all know we are bronies. Well, mabye not me, but that is because of my view on life. And on this question.

What is the definition of a brony?

I know people can call themselves bronies and only watch 1 episode (I am the opposite), but what do you think officially qualifies someone as a brony? Sure I like the show, but does one need to convert to be a brony? I want to know what everyone thinks of this, because my friends have me confused.

Have a nice day by the way!

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"Brony" is simply a fancy-shmancy term for more grown-up fans of MLP:FiM. What it takes to be a fan of FiM is no more different than what it takes to be a fan of any other show.

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I've been defining it as "a non-traditional fan of My Little Pony". I think it can include male children who enjoy it.

If you consider yourself a fan, and want the label, go a head and take it.

If you watch the show, but don't consider yourself a fan, go ahead and deny the label if you want. Deny it for any reason if it makes you uncomfortable.

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To equate it to something I find somewhat similar, I've always just assumed that being a brony is like being a nerdfighter. There is a solid definition, but very little requirements to become one. As in, if you want to be a brony, you are one. Simple as that.

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I've been defining it as "a non-traditional fan of My Little Pony". I think it can include male children who enjoy it.

If you consider yourself a fan, and want the label, go a head and take it.

If you watch the show, but don't consider yourself a fan, go ahead and deny the label if you want. Deny it for any reason if it makes you uncomfortable.

Pretty much this. I've called myself a "pegasister" and consider myself a pegasister, but I've met other ladies that dislike the term, or openly embrace it like I do. I think it's a fun way to wave your banner of pony support, but at the end of the day It's a matter of personal taste and opinion if you wish to do so at all. I think this has to to do with some people feeling uncomfortable with revealing to others they enjoy Pony or take part in the community (which includes all of its presented aspects -- including the dark and embarrassing side), which is completely understandable.

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My definition would revolve around this concept, although i havent gotten the wording down quite right...

A adult who enjoys my little pony friendship is magic, who is a kind, cat0ring and open minded individual, who can recognize and appreciate creativity and excellence imaginative thinking regardless of preconcieved notions.

Basically saying a fan od fim, who can tell when something is good, quality entertainment and doesnt simply judge something negativly before actually givng it a chance. But they also have to be a good person... i wouldnt call a person who yells at haters with profanity a brony... because thats not what we're about...

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I feel that being a brony goes beyond watching the show. Being a brony to me means understanding all of the inside jokes, knowing some of the fannon, and so forth.


By your definition, I am not a brony, though I have self identified as such for 8 months.

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Yeah, I am not super into the "brony" or "pegasister" labels.

Then again, people have always just kind of accepted my love of My Little Pony as kind of an almost expected quirk because of who I am (even people who are meeting me for the first time have mostly been pretty OK about it). I don't even need to have a means to identify with it.

I like My Little Pony. That's all. See? It's cool. As long as you are OK with yourself and don't go overboard with shoving your likes and dislikes in people's faces, they'll be OK with you.

Or maybe it's just because I am way better at scorning people than they are to me?

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I'm not intentionally trying to oust people, that's what being a brony means to me. It's just my definition. Much like what freedom means to different people. It's always going to be different.

I'm ok with the fact that after 5 years of living in Texas, I was not considered a Texan, because I wasn't born there (and neither were my parents or grandparents).

I'm ok with the fact that after 2 months of living in Alaska, I was considered an Alaskan*, because I wasn't planning on leaving.

But guess which one made me feel more welcome?

There is nothing wrong with your definition, but I'm not going to be its biggest fan, because I like the brony (and the Alaskan) label.

*There are two tiers of non-native Alaskans: Cheechakos, and Sourdoughs. I will never get to sourdough, but many people do in less than 10 years. "Cheechako" is a cooler word though, so whatever.

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Heck, Weesh, you move out of Texas for a month, live in a northern state, move back, you're labeled a Yankee for the rest of your life.

The differences between the two states were pretty shocking in the first couple of months, but now that I have lived in both the similarities are pretty striking.

I'm enjoying Alaska more, but that is mostly because the Texans I know have dispersed, and all the Alaskans I like are in my city.

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Wow, i come back after a day and thirteen replies, with some varying opinions. i'm glad some conversation got started.

That is because, like most labels, it is either self-defined, community defined, or defined by society. There are many different definitions. It depends on what you subscribe to. At this point each definition is equally valid, because this fandom is still in its infancy.

I personally define it as an overzealous fan of MLP to the point of obsession. But because of the positive attributes of the show, it balances out with the philanthropic nature of the fandom. So while I can't personally consider myself a full on "Brony" I do consider myself a fan (though I am warming up to the term, and starting to shift my definition to something more broad).

Other people may consider it just being an adult fan or a fan outside of the targeted demographic (this seems to be the most popular)

Yet others consider it a variation on mine, one who goes the extra mile.

And still yet others consider Bronies to be sexual deviants who clop to questionable pony pictures on the internet.

(among others)

Are any of these correct? To a degree all of them are correct (yes even that last one). The question is, how do you define bronydom?

I love this community, I really do. It does a lot of good, but because it is still in its infancy it doesn't have an actual identity yet. There are many fans who are trying to make it positive, like Bronies for Good, and yet others who seem hell bent on making content that would shed negative light on the fandom. Over time I'd hope that Brony simply becomes a term for fans of this particular generation of the MLP franchise. Much like how "Trekkies" and "Whovians" don't have an age or gender association, I don't think bronies should either. And then I hope the community and show gets a separate association with "Love and Tolerance" and the overall message of the show, and that the bronies choose to follow said ethos. Will it ever happen? I don't know, only time will tell.

However for the time being, support your own view.

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My personal opinion. If you just like the show you are a fan. To be a Brony you have to really LOVE the show and if at all possible, be part of the community. I cant really say what determines Brony-dom, but I can say if you own merch, have cosplay'd a pony, or have/do regularily RP a pony then your a Brony. Just discussing the show from a literary PoV, tearing it appart for all the inside jokes, etc does not make one a brony.

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Much like how "Trekkies" and "Whovians" don't have an age or gender association, I don't think bronies should either.

We might need a new gender-inclusive nickname for FiM fans then. :P

At any rate, the only way I'd make the title of "Brony" more exclusive than my previous definition is to only apply that title to those who feel a need to openly express their appreciation for FiM and/or seek out other FiM fans. Sort of like how casual Star Trek fans who may like that franchise but would not go out of their way to buy merch or seek out like-minded others would not be considered "Trekkies". Ergo, I'd say that everyone who posts here is a "Brony", if for no other reason that everyone here made the conscious decision to become members of a clearly-advertised FiM community. FiM fans who seek out other FiM fans shouldn't have to be regarded as "less than Brony" just because they don't buy merch, create fanwork, reveal their love of FiM to non-fans, or perform any other specialized activity.

EDIT: A FiM fan who does buy merchandise but does not make an effort to find other fans is still a "Brony" in my book, too.

Edited by Bellosh101
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finally, a chance to share my idea! i like to have 4 kinds of fans.


people who watch the show, ,

but just because they're younger

brothers and sisters watch it

MERCH LEVEL: only gifts

to younger siblings

pony fans:

people who watch the show for enjoyment,

but don't take it like its a big deal. often will

be the ones who mostly enjoy it for animation

MERCH LEVEL; a Mc Donald pony toy


people who not only like the show

but are near crazy about it. often,

they will be artist and musicians.

will join site devoted to the show,

like fimfiction, equestria daily,

and canterlot. MERCH LEVEL



people who try to get everyone to watch the show,

determend to make mlp; fim concord the globe

the site of the hate of haters, normally

MERCH LEVEL; a funhouse of ponies.

(i call them flutterminds because of

fluttershy's YOUR GOING TO LOVE ME!!!

or, in case of fluttermind, YOUR GOING TO


subtypes of bronies


no need to explain artists who enjoy drawing ponies in dark, gritty,

and torturous environment.

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Perhaps you can fix the formatting on your suggestion? It is very hard to read.

Also, I think is is better to keep the definitions loose. I don't think additional labels add to our understanding, and I like that I can describe a brony to someone in one short sentence.

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its designed to be a indepth look at our fan base. you can say total recall is a action movie, or you can say total recall is a si fi action movie starring arnold schwarzenegger who may has a VR chip in his head.

but i do agree with my format error

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The difference is that the labels:

si-fi, action, starring arnold schwarzenegger, VR chip

Are unrelated to each other.

Your labels could be replaced with:

brony, plusbrony, doublebrony, doubleplusbrony

It may be unproductive and confusing to assign new labels to a spectrum rather than to completely different things. Especially if some of the labels have a negative connotation built in.

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hmmm.... so, different levels of being a brony? thats what i intended, but i guess it wasnt clear. also, different tidles , at least to me,allow us to differenced a person who watches the show and a person who is obsessed with the show.

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But do they also hurt the inclusiveness of our community?

Do they make those at the top tiers feel superior to the lower tiers when they wouldn't otherwise?

What benefit do they provide that other qualifiers don't? Can't someone be a fringe brony, or a hardcore brony?

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