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To All The Musical OCs [Started, Still Open!]

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Alright, so I'm nothing if not persistent even though pretty much every RP my characters are in is either already dead or wasting away. This new idea I've had is simultaneously pretty big and pretty open in content at the same time.

Essentially, what I want to see is some sort of musical convention (exposition might be a better word here), for both professional and hobbyist musicians. It wouldn't be limited to ponies who are actual musicians, any pony who just like listening to music could appear. Concerts and such would be planned so some characters could show off (hell, if we have actual musicians on this forum they could show some of their actual works via link) their works, whether they're already famous or are amateurs looking for exposure. It would run like a any professional music expo, with tech demos, song demos, panels for amateurs looking to up their game, etc. But I'd need at least some characters to help out in some ways, since my idea's pretty darn ambitious.

So, characters. Anypony who has reason to show up can, but I'm looking for some specific ones.

One or two staff would be nice, to act as security (of course there are many background staffers but one or two to make their presence known would be good) and techies and such.

Do we have any producer OCs? Or ponies associated with a label? Or just big musical names, period? We need guest stars and industry ponies, so that the amateurs have ponies to play to!

Obligatory crazy pony standing in front of the convention promoting some belief or another

Location has yet to be determined, but I'm sort of looking towards Canterlot for this. Cloudsdale is out because that limits the attendees, Ponyville already had Daringcon and it's just too darn crowded with stuff as is. Canterlot is a center of culture, and most ponies no matter where they live could feasibly get over to Canterlot for the expo barring some extreme circumstances. I'll accept other suggestions for cities, of course. And I'll accept suggestions and ideas in general! So is there interest in this? Post if you have interest please, so I can get an idea of whether the plan is popular or not!



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Looks like WhiteSlash is here already, heh.

Now I am definitely willing to consider Manehattan! It gets even less love than Canterlot, after all. Gallopocus Islands, I don't think so. If only because that seems way out of the way for a convention of this size (of background ponies, I mean).

-Bridge Breaker could definitely be an act.

-Neon Lights could be either an act, or run a panel, or possibly both!

-Electric Vibe would be one of the amateurs looking at acts and trying to talk to important ponies, am I right?

-Lightning Dancer also looks like an amateur. By the way, SonicRainboom, the link to Lightning Dancer on your Log isn't working, I think.

-The Filly Force Five could easily be a reunion act or something. Otherwise, Rabble Rouser could do something like a panel for the amateurs or could just be wandering around talking to them. Plan B could be showing off some musical gadget she's just invented.

-Timbre Swing would probably be an act. He could also run something for swing music?

These are all just suggestions for your characters based off what I read from your profiles(it goes without saying that you're all in), you can always do something else. We've got a nice healthy pool of interest already, but I still want to wait one more day. See if we get an even larger musical name or some staffers.

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^ Thank you for that. Sorry, I would have actually had to reject you if the name wasn't changed!

Okay, Heartsong and Freeflight are both in. Here's a rough ordering of acts, but these shouldn't necessarily be happening immediately. Mingle first. If you want an act, tell me, since I obviously didn't see your OC as having an act by looking over their app.

Filly Force Five

Timbre Swing

Bride Breaker and his band

Neon Lights

And that's all that's on the line up. I'll be playing Wordplay, and because we don't have a staffer yet, Penumbra. Link will be put in the OP once I get it up. Ponies still free to join, 'course... Welcome to the 3rd Annual Manehattan Music Expo, everypony!

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Well, I DO have a band, the Hay Family, but they play country music.....

They are all siblings:

Haymaker -- oldest sister and undisputed leader of the band. She plays the fiddle

Hayseed -- young stallion brother who plays washtub base for the band

Haywire -- younger sister, a mischievious filly who plays harmonica and 'juice harp'

If a country band is allowed, then they would be happy to join the concert

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