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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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...and he should be proud of himself :) few ponies can put up with what he's gone through (although, it seems like every OC in this RP has gone through similar events...).

*Nods head*

Though you do have to tell me a bit more about Draxis, you did create him after all.

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Gladius' Guide to the World: Chapter 3, the Old Gods. Section Two, the God of Prophecy and Rebirth, Herald.

"...as I have come to learn, this land...our home of Equestria...holds many dark and ancient secrets. Until just a couple years before the Revolution, I had not known that there were other strange Gods like the dreaded Discord...and my discoveries have brought a possible dark light to what could be the future. As I spoke of in my Foreword...when I retired from the Royal Equestrian Army, I began my life anew as a mercenary for hire, as well as a scholar. During my several journeys, I came across an ancient tome hidden deep within Everfree Forest, which possessed a cover made of black iron and had blood-colored engravings of strange letters. I thought at first it was some ancient spell book...but I soon found out otherwise that it was a historical document. Due to the fact that I could not decipher it on my own, I brought it to the former Principality's capital of Canterlot, and had some librarians from the Royal Archives decode its contents through magical means. What we discovered...chilled our bones.

Within the tome were the information and rituals of a long-lost civilization...one which worshiped the Old Gods. As most ponies are aware, Discord is the Old God of Chaos, and possessed infinite power...as do these others. The number of them was astounding, and it seemed that each one of them was locked away or had disappeared over the course of time. One, however, drew my eye more than the others...the Old God by the name of Herald, also known as the "Fox Demon". Being the bearer of prophecy and the catalyst of change, Herald had the largest supply of information inside the book...quite evident that it was one of the most worshiped Gods in the past. By what we gathered was that creatures of all shapes, sizes, and races had come to the Fox God in hopes of seeing the future and achieving power to change the world...and for a time, Herald was a benevolent God...until one unicorn attempted to abuse its power. While no name was listed in the book, the unicorn was simply referred to as 'the Starwalker'. Making a bond with Herald, this unicorn used its immense power to lay siege to Ancient Equestria, harnessing the Old God's power to crush any who opposed it. Angered by the use of its power in such a horrifying way, the Old God attempted to end the bargain...by killing the unicorn. As punishment for the pony's sin, he ripped its soul from its body and devoured it, not allowing the poor creature to ever pass on to the afterlife. This turned out to be a grave mistake.

With that first soul consumed, Herald began to feel a hunger deep within him...a hunger that was insatiable by anything its followers and worshipers brought as gifts. The hunger began to drive it mad...until one day, it snapped when a particularly rude Griffin Lord began mouthing off to the Old God...whom later did the same to it as it did the 'Starwalker'. At long last, the Old God's hunger was disappearing, but it still remained. Convinced that it now needed the souls of free-thinking creatures, it began to only make pacts with those who brought living sacrifices for Herald to devour. This went on for two hundred years, before a united coalition of magicians sealed away the Old God, deep within an unknown temple. The temple's location is spoken of in this text...but I assume that, being a part of the Badlands, it may be either destroyed or buried in the churning sands. Due to the danger that such knowledge as that book contained, the Royal Archivists hid the tome away, deep in the library's recesses...a wise choice, in my opinion...and I am glad that there is no evidence that the Federation had discovered it, either."

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Coming from the immortal agent wielding, shade corp spamming, demon god-using rp-er, yet when I mention nukes I'm suddenly op?

...Sense, start making it.

And the nuclear threat is very real but only used as a final last resort i.e Ponykind is overwhelmed and Equestria is hopelessly doomed if you think I'll use it willingly you're an idiot.

Actually this **** started with the shade corp and the GEF started haxxing their **** into Freelancer and all Freelancer was doing at the time was raiding research facilities going "YAY RAID TIME WOOHOO LOL MOOK COMEDY AND LULZ" seemingly harmless until op started saying NOPE GEF IS ALL POWERFUL AND OP, YOUR **** GET NERFED NAO LAWL FAGGOT!!!

Retcon that **** about GEF everywhere in Freelancer and I'll happily retcon my **** about Freelancer in the GEF, deal? this GEF/Freelancer op bull**** needs to stop before this rp goes critical full pants on head retarded and Freelancer can continue doing small raids and looting awesome tech like before. and bring up the whole "GEF is everywhere in Freelancer without my ok" shtick again and the nukes start going off

For the record Freelancer isn't op but they have **** loads of resources and are awesome also I had some things planned for them that just can't happen now because of the op ****, can we continue the rp without the retarded ****ing op bull****tery now and finally have fun again?.

...that reaction was uncalled for, Nova. We can work this out, you know...no need to freak out and be immature about it.

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Woah guys, I think we are getting out of hand fast. Look, both parties are at fault here and it's making it hard for me, personally, to RP in this. I bet I'm not the only one, too. I feel like I'm being ignored because of all this. Lets just play fair ok? No more of this from either side or I am quiting, seriously.

Remember, this isn't a competition. It's a story.

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Woah guys, I think we are getting out of hand fast. Look, both parties are at fault here and it's making it hard for me, personally, to RP in this. I bet I'm not the only one, too. I feel like I'm being ignored because of all this. Lets just play fair ok? No more of this from either side or I am quiting, seriously.

Remember, this isn't a competition. It's a story.

...alright then. Let's just see how well we can get along for a little while longer.

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actually I'm just going to focus on characters like Four-Six-Niner, Nova and the agents in the Freelancer base and on raids, putting the Director away for a bit and have him appear as less as possible, been focusing on him way too much hence the op drama.

That sounds excellent, thank you Nova :) with Twilight out of the way till the meeting, I'll focus on my other characters as well.

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Oh come on, he's actually alive?!

Is that an issue? o,o C'mon, even as the Red Fox, do you think Twilight would really kill her own brother...? Now, the killing the Princesses to "save Equestria" is one thing...but her brother? Whole other level :P

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No, it's just...


And can you imagine the sheer disgusting sentimentality that's going to ensure when Cadence and Shining meet?!

Well, maybe sentimentality is an issue for bronies, but not for pegasisters :) hehe...but I get what you are saying. Okay, I think I'll hold off on it...so that way it'd be really awkward later...(meaning if she has a Ship with any other pony/non-pony)

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Well, maybe sentimentality is an issue for bronies, but not for pegasisters :) hehe...but I get what you are saying. Okay, I think I'll hold off on it...so that way it'd be really awkward later...(meaning if she has a Ship with any other pony/non-pony)

I like sentimentality...

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