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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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[colour=#afeeee]"Tw-Twilight! It's been too long!" [/colour][colour=#000000]The voice was heavily edited, masked by layers of static and distortion that made it impossible to tell the identity of the pony on the other side of the mirror, whether it was even a stallion or a mare was impossible to tell. Yet even through this garble, the voice was clearly excited to be hearing from Twilight. What appeared in the mirror before Twilight was just a glowing horn, nothing more, the rest of the mirror curiously blacked out to where it was not even reflecting the light within Twilight's room. The Mistress of Shadows was truly a shadow, darkness followed in it's wake.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Of course, it didn't have such an ominous title for no reason. Of the agents that served the GEF, The Mistress of Shadows was probably one of the most infamous. It had the unique ability to not die when she was killed, instead seemingly coming back over and over again until the job was done right. And the job was virtually always the death of somepony. It had a large mouth, it bragged a lot about her accomplishments and prowesses, and yet nopony seemed to be able to truly figure out the identity of this pony of shadow. Rumors flew as they always did, but anypony who was close enough to ask the Mistress of Shadow questions was probably not going to survive. Only one mare knew the truth about it. And that mare was Twilight Sparkle.[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"I would be honored, pleased, happy, pleasured to serve you my lady. I will do everything in my power to ensure that your will is done, and I shall never betray you." [/colour][colour=#000000]One heard the noise through the mirror of a pony- average size- bouncing about and clattering objects, as if eager, packing things. Sharp things, by the screech of metal that could be heard. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Oh, and I heard that you have replaced Red Fox! Congratulations, Twilight! You finally have the power you deserve."[/colour]

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Once Draco was suited the two exited his armory and went down to the briefing room. Just as Draxis had requested two teams of twelve guards had been assembled. The guards all wore kevlar barding similar to Draco and Draxis', but lacking a glowing gem in the middle. Sadly, the RLF had badly damaged many of their vehicles, so one group would have to hoof it (yes, i just did that).

[colour=#008080]"Team A take the transport to sector G4, you know the drill breach and clear. Watch your fire and if the Loyalists retreat do not pursue, those kids are the main concern here. Move out!"[/colour] Draxis told his soldiers, with them set he turned back towards Draco and the other group.

The group of ponies designated as team A walked single file and entered the armored vehicle. The sounds of buckles clasping and hooves against metal poured out of the transport before becoming muffed behind its metal doors.

[colour=#008080]"Now that leaves us, team B. We will march to the diamond dog outside of the city and save the children that already been put to work. Same things applies to us, the charges are our primary concern. Move out!"[/colour] he said. [colour=#008080]"Draco, with me. Do you have any questions?"[/colour] he asked.

Streets of Equinia came to a halt as the twelve pony detachment of guards strode through the capital. Civilians parted and stared at the group, hooves hammered the ground, and weapons were prepped. On the way out towards the diamond dog lair, one of the city's large broadcasting boards stopped displaying it image ofthe lastest bandwagon food stuff and displayed the image of the GEF's Archmage.



Raidar and the LT looked at the insane pony writhing on the floor in front of them.

"Bag him Raidar." LT said, obviously irritated.

"Yes sir!" Pvt Raidar used his telekinesis to pull a set of cuffs out of his saddlebags. He looked at the pony's leg and noticed a little bruising and swelling. "Um sir, I think his he may have a sprain. We can't make him walk on this." He said with a sad look as he examined the pony's leg.

"Whatever, cuff him then hoist him up on to my back." The LT wasn't the brightest pony, but at least he was a meat head.

Broken Mind offered little more resistance than laughing wildly and occasionally rolling in hysterics after the fought with him like a parent fight with ones foals over getting dressed Raidar lifted the captive onto the LT. They nodded to each other and started on their way out the front door. Right before they made it out of Broken Mind's house the radio near the door came to life, the voice of the GEF's Archmage flowing out of the box.


[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

Wind whipped through the wings of the four griffon spec ops members as they descended upon main RLF stronghold. The UGN had given Alpha inForce the green light signifying that the Loyalists were ready to move to the next step and allow griffon government aid into their ranks. Even though Baxter was the last griffon out he made it his business to be the first griffon on solid land. He and his squad landed in the front of the stronghold with a thud, startling the ponies performing guard duty.

"Freeze, no sudden movements or we'll open fire." one of the guards yelled.

Gilda narrowed her eyes at the two stallions who were pointing their rifles towards her and the squad.


The party of griffons continued to walk towards the guards, when the were face to face with the ponies Baxter stepped forward and removed his mask. "Commander Baxter of the United Griffon Nations, Leader of Alpha inForce. We're the troops sent in to help the loyalist effort." He said, pulling out a letter with both the seal of the Griffon Ambassadors and the Military's Commander-In-Chief. The ponies at the entrance look over the document briefly before letting the group in.

[colour=#daa520]"Outta the way dweeb,"[/colour] Gilda says harshly as she rudely shoves one of the guards out of her way.

Alpha inForce stumbles around the base for a minute, getting awkward looks all the while until the see a pony trotting around and mumbling something. "Hey," He called out to the pony. He and his crew quickly catch up to the stallion, utterly blindsiding him. "Can you tell us where to find General Quickhoof?" (YEAH IM TALKING TO YOU MUSTANG!)

[colour=#008000]"Baxter," [/colour]The griffon who had been working on the device called. Tech rarely speaks, so what ever he has to say must be pretty important. [colour=#008000]"I have the comms jacker working, I think you want to hear this." [/colour]He unplugged his earphones and let the message playout in the open air.

[colour=#40E0D0]"Equestria, this is Archmage Chronarch of the Grand Equestrian Federation. [/colour][colour=#40E0D0]You have wondered for these past few years who our leader is, but question no more. Citizens of the Federation, Loyalists, and any other peoples who do not agree with our stance, The Red Fox has be 'defeated' by Twilight Sparkle. The time of fearing the pony in the mask has ended! Twilight has taken up the reigns left behind by The Red Fox and wishes to lead this great nation towards the prosperity and peace its citizens deserve, and in an effort to move forward with that goal in mind Twilight Sparkle will open up negotiations with all of the Federation's enemies. Equestria has awakened to a bright new day."[/colour]

Baxter's eye twitched. "I don't believe what i'm hearing."

[colour=#daa520]"There's no way Dash's little purple egg headed friend took down the Red Fox."[/colour] Gilda chided.

Tech remained silent.

[colour=#808080]"This doesn't sit right with me."[/colour] Quick Scope added as she removed her mask. The griffon put her claws on her sniper as if ambush was lurking around the corner.

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Draco shook his head.[colour=#008000] "no sir .. i understand. innocents first then tangos.." [/colour]he said he had always wanted to say Tangos but as he marched he put a few things in perspective to himself.. he would be a purely defensive guard if he could. a pacifist in a sense prepared to protect not fight. that is when while marching the broadcast went through.[colour=#008000] "a new day?.. yes i believe so.. for whom.. that is not set in stone though.."[/colour] he said wary of what future lies for him.

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Twilight nodded, accepting the mysterious unicorn's words. Well...if this pony was fooled by the charade, than so will others. Giving a false smile, she held up her hoof for the pony to cease its collection of tools.

"...hopefully, you will not need those for the mission I have for you. In a few days, I will be hosting negotiations with the rebels...and I am going to require your illusionary expertise. If things turn sour during the meeting, I will be relying on you to see us out of it alive. We will be surrounded by our enemies...and I am not foolish enough to do this sort of thing without just cause...or insufficient defensive measures. Do you understand?"

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Free chuckled at Glad's challenge, before adding, [colour=#000080]"Did you forget what I got this thing for old stallion?"[/colour] He called over, looking down at his cutie mark, a single white wing, which meant his special talent was running and parkour. The stallion exploded into action, sprinting ahead towards Glad in leaps and bounds. After he had sufficiently 'whupped his flank', Free stopped and pulled out the small radio he had used earlier. [colour=#000080]"All units, this is general Free Quickhoof. We have made it out of the capital, and are now on our way down to Neighagra falls. After we have dropped off the princess, I will require a troop transport to get me back to base. Over."[/colour] Free spoke into the small machine, getting a reply quickly from a familiar voice. [colour=#ff8c00]"Commander Applejack here sah. We'll get goin to Neighagra falls ASAP, but news is we have a griffon team bein' dispatched to help us. I won't be able to join the convoy., as i'll be talking with them. Over." [/colour]Free sighed, thank Celestia he wasn't walking back to base. [colour=#000080]"Got it Commander. Tell the griffons i'm sorry for the delay, but will be there ASAP." [/colour]Free switched off his radio after he said this, hoping the GEF weren't jacking their comms.

Meanwhile, Applejack had just gotten the news of Alpha inForce's arrival. She was glad the griffons were cooperating, they would be a huge help if it did indeed come to war. The mare trotted down the hallways of the RLF base quickly, not wanting to keep the team waiting. She heard a gruff voice, and could only assume that was one of them as she sped up her pace. She rounded a corner to see the griffons talking with Captain Striker. [colour=#ff8c00]"General Quickhoof's delivering princess Cadence to a safer location right now. E'll be back soon." [/colour]Applejack slowly trotted up to the griffons, before spotting Gilda, frowning a little. Of all the griffons that could come to help, it had to be the one going around terrorizing Ponyville. She done her best to ignore the griffon, as the past was the past. [colour=#ff8c00]"I assume you're the Alpha inForce team sent in to help us?" [/colour]She said, walking over to what looked like the leader from the large sword, and holding out her hoof to shake.

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The Mistress of Shadows squealed happily when Twilight smiled at it. The horn present in the mirror glowed sharply for a moment. Almost immediately, the clatter of many metal tools upon the ground was heard, as if the Mistress had dropped everything the moment Twilight had ordered her to.

[colour=#afeeee]"I can make that happen Twilight, no doubt about it. Peace or war, whatever you decide, I shall follow. How is Rarity, if I may ask?" [/colour][colour=#000000]It was pretty clear from what little of it's tone actually made it through that it was just trying to make some form of conversation. [/colour]


Cadence laughed, galloped like a little school filly even though she was pretty much the slowest present. It was definitely understandable, after all, she had been listless for a long period of time. That wasn't something one just walked away from without some atrophy of physical ability. She had once had a dancer's body, now she was just bone thin.

When she eventually caught up, she was surprised to hear a pretty familiar voice.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Applejack! Is that Applejack?" [/colour][colour=#000000]It had been so long since Cadence had heard the voices of any of the Bearers of Harmony. She knew Rainbow Dash was in an important position in the GEF. Beyond that, she had no idea where any of them were, if they were still even alive. To hear Applejack's voice clear as day only further bolstered her spirits, told her she was doing the right thing.[/colour]

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"Rarity is fine...now, as for the negotiations, we'll establish a mental connection during the event. I'll require you to create any illusions needed to fool those Loyalists...they will no doubt want evidence of the Red Fox's demise, but its body was destroyed during our encounter. So...you will have to provide it. Most important of all here is that you keep your magics hidden." As she finished her words, a squeaky voice was heard from outside her door.

"Mama, who're you talking to?" Azure asked from behind the door, concerned about what Twilight was doing. Flushing a bit, Twilight turned from the mirror. "...just a colleague, baby. I'll be out in a few minutes." The small foal whined a bit, but eventually gave up and didn't say another word.

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[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

[colour=#daa520]"*Snort* Really the farm hick is in charge? Is the general daft?"[/colour] Gilda said, not even making an attempt to ignore Applejack. [colour=#daa520]"I kinda excpected you to be buried with your apple-umph!"[/colour] The sudden strike to her gut knocked the wind out of her and caused her to double over.

"Stow it Gilda!" Baxter yelled. Cynogriffon cleared his throat and nodded in response to the information that the commander had given him. Tech and Gilda got comfortable and removed there masks like the other two Alpha inForce members. "Yes, that's us. I'm Commander Baxter Swift, please just call me Baxter. This is Tech, he 's our cyber warfare and comms officer," He pointed at the griffon with the green eyes and the shallow crack in his beak. "This is Quick Scope," He pointed to the griffon with blue eye markings "she's a our sharpshooter." He grabbed Gilda by the shoulders and pulled her so that she was face to face with Applejack. "And I believe you two already know each other."

Gilda just made a pathetic mumble sound and looked away from the mare. Before he could check Gilda another voice could be heard yelling for an Applejack. "The heck is that?" He ask.

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Although on the outside, Broken Mind was laughing slightly more than usual, his subconsious genius self, responsible for his work with weapons, was figuring everything out. [colour=#696969]Why did they emphasis 'defeated'? They must have had another word planned. But what? There are many possibilities. It seems he may have almost had a Freudian slip... Perhaps an association between the two? They made some sort of deal? Perhaps Red Fox transformed into Twilight somehow? No matter what, there appears to be some relationship between Twilight and the Red Fox, more than just some fight... [/colour]His consious self took this slightly differently. [colour=#696969]"Red Fox and Twilight, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Ahahahaha!" [/colour]He repeated this while on the guards back.

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[colour=#afeeee]"I wish you trusted me more to have mental connections with me more often!" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadows whined, the whining disturbingly low pitched and growly because of the effects of it's scrambling spell. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Buuut, I've got just the spells you need! I could make them think you were dead when you were standing in front of them! Not that I'd ever want you dead," [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress reassured quickly. It then was silent upon the appearance of Azure. It didn't say anything until the child left.[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"Twilight, I didn't know you had a child!"[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]Licorice Black[/colour]

Licorice parked her caravan just inside the capital city gates, deciding to explore the city a bit before her routine set up for her hoof reading business. Many ponies suddenly passed by, all dawned in kevlar barding. She noticed two with glowing gems, and assumed that they must be the leaders of the group. [colour=#008080]"Hey!" [/colour]Is there a fight about to go down? I'd better be on my toes! [colour=#008080]"..Would you be so kind to tell me what's going on, here..?"[/colour] She kept her voice gentle, hoping to not come off as if opposing anything.

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[RLF Officer Barracks, Private Quarters, Main RLF Stronghold - Undisclosed Location/Time]

Captain Striker is sitting on his bed in his private quarters. The room is dark except for the lamp on his night stand. He is holding a picture... as he looks at it a lone tear drips down his left cheek and onto his clean and pressed sheets. In the photo is a combat medic without her helmet... she's an orange mare with a short blonde mane and soft emerald eyes (looks similar to Applejack)... she's smiling at the camera with a confident wink... [colour=#FFA500]"Tender Care... I can't tell you enough how sorry I am..."[/colour]

The Captain reluctantly puts down the photo so he can get ready for bed. Striker takes off his shirt and reveal a second pair of pony tags. They were 1st Sgt. Tender Care's... since that fateful day, he has never taken them off... her blood is still on them...

He sets her photo on his night stand, removes the rest of his clothing, turns off the light, and slips into bed... again he prays tonight in hope that he can get a full night's sleep for once... without another nightmare...

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Applejack growled at Gilda's comment and nearly reached for the shotgun slung over her back, but then thought better of it. [colour=#ff8c00]"Nice to see you too Gilda." [/colour]She said, narrowing her eyes at the griffon. She didn't realise she had left her radio on until she hard Cadence's voice through it. [colour=#ff8c00]"Princess Cadence! Are you ok? Where 'ave you been? What the GEF done to you?" [/colour]Applejack said, fumbling for her radio. She heard Free laughing on the other end at her frantic reply. [colour=#000080]"The Princess is fine Applejack, she's just a bit........" [/colour]Free paused for a second, trying to think of the right word. [colour=#000080]"Thinner. Like I said, she's being delivered to a safe zone when we get to the Neighagra falls, so you'll have to hold your chit chat until you next see eachother." [/colour]Applejack sighed, glad the princess was safe. [colour=#ff8c00]"I'll talk to ya'all later, we have some griffons here at the moment. Glad to know you're alive'n'kicking Cadence." [/colour]The mare said, putting her radio away as she turned back to the griffons. [colour=#ff8c00]"Now as the general said, he won't be here for a day or two, so get yerselves comfy. As for you Gilda," [/colour]Applejack turned to the griffon, putting her face up to hers, nearly touching. [colour=#ff8c00]"If you go around terrorizing ponies like you did back in Ponyville, well you got another thing coming. These ponies are armed to the teeth. So don't try to pull anythin, if ya will."[/colour] She said, pulling her face away with a frown.

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Twilight's eyes narrowed at the hidden pony on the other side of the mirror, her eyes bright with a dangerous fire in their depths. "...you will keep this particular information to yourself, at all costs. Know that if anything were to happen to my foal..." She left the threat hanging there, knowing that the other pony understood what she meant. In fact...that reminded her of something. She'll have to speak with Rarity once she was done here...

"In either case, you know your orders. Do you have anything to report, or are we done here...?"

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Cadence was happy that it was Applejack, thinner or whatever, she was at least there. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'll talk to you later, Applejack!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence was now more eager than ever to get to their destination. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"How much longer is it to the Falls?"[/colour]


[colour=#000000]The Mistress stuttered, [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"B-but of course, Twilight! I wish nothing but the best for your little one! I could even teach him..." [/colour][colour=#000000]It trailed off sadly. Perhaps it was finally understanding that it's presence wasn't really wanted at the moment. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Well, uh... Nothing to report, Twi. I'll see you later, I guess." [/colour][colour=#000000]It sounded a little more hopeful at that last bit, and it vanished, leaving Twilight's mirror normal, as if nothing had just happened.[/colour]

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Draco looked up at the mare that had beckoned to them. he looked her up and down a nice looking mare one could tell she was a gypsy but nothing wrong with that. her tone was gentle which was nice to hear since he was used to jeers. she asked a simple question and draco decided to answer her. [colour=#008000]"we are going to rescue some innocents from some diamond dog slavers"[/colour] he said and was about to continue on.

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"All patrols continue your sweeps, however patrol teams Alpha 5-1, Indigo 6-5, Kilo-4-3 and Sierra 7-2 report to Checkpoint Delta-Niner, HQ out" the order was heard from a frequency belonging to Freelancer Command to all the patrolling elements that were active, the four patrols that were called up were to head back to the base but first had to past Freelancer's security checkpoints which scanned each soldier's identity thoroughly right down to their DNA, each soldier marched to the checkpoint as they passed a impressive arsenal of firepower and regiments of highly organised troops jogged past them spotting large motor pools and hangers which housed Freelancer's tanks, APCs, IFVs and light armoured recon vehicles while fast moving fighters and dropships flew overhead in tight formation clearly the Freelancers were hiding their true numbers as these ponies seemed to be and were better equipped and better trained and have superior numbers it appeared that they prefer sending in small infiltration teams then a whole army to get a job done and get out before the enemy has time to react and so far it's worked with ridiculous amounts of success, they occasionally passed a group of large intimidating armoured walkers armed to the teeth and well armoured something was wrong as the atmosphere felt tense and electric as if Freelancer were preparing for something huge like a war, or at least on standby in case a war broke out.

They met with the other patrols that were called to the checkpoint the air only grew more tense as these patrols were singled out because they had potential Shade corp agents among their ranks, each patrol was separated into different sections so if there were agents hiding in these squads they wouldn't see what was happening to the other squads Freelancer unicorns were standing by ready to contain the shade corp agents in magic restraints and force fields, it was a swift progress as each patrol was tested and the agents were located and contained their armour was stripped off and their weapons taken away for research as the agents were put into impenetrable holding cells and were taken away for a later time, Applebloom's patrol were to be the last to be tested as the patrol teams entered one by one each soldier was scanned and tested negative and were left to continue as they pleased then it was Applebloom's turn the unicorns were ready as they anticipated her result knowing she might be an agent, as she approached the scanners they bleeped and sent information straight to the security terminals the Freelancer security troops operated, then in an instant she was lifted off the ground as a team of unicorns sent her off to containment.

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((OOC: Sorry for not posting. I thought I had been but apparently htey have not been going through.))

The Equestioner was keen on getting out of the situation with Chrysalis. Nopony would want to be around one of the most infamous things in Equestria for long. But being The Equestioner, he needed his curiosity satisfied first.

[colour=#daa520]"So how do you feed on things that don't actually have mass or energy?" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Equestioner asked Chrysalis.[/colour]

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(Did not understand what you wanted from me the first time Oo)

[colour=#009966]"Love has energy, it's like magic. Our bodies are kept alive through magic so it's basically what an apple is to you"[/colour], she explained, simplifying it a bit because she actually was not interested in explaining this to him any further. [colour=#009966]"So what made you come here? Everypony should know the Neighagra falls are the border to our land and thus should be avoided."[/colour]

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To say that he came here because he was lost would be true. And safer than saying that this was the spot that was romanticaly significant to him wouldn't be a good choice, considering who he was talking to. Honestly, Coming here was something he never had wanted to do again in his life. But he was here, so he might as well go along with whatever happened.

[colour=#daa520]"I got lost."[/colour] He explained with a nod.

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(Yikes, Nova...gave me no control of my ponies there, didn't you? :/ in either case...could you please remove the fear-aspect from the post for the Shade Corps? They are trained to feel no emotion other than hatred, and are taught to feel no pain. Also, I'll have to treat the transmission as a message, since Twilight isn't anywhere near a video screen at the moment.)

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(Yikes, Nova...gave me no control of my ponies there, didn't you? :/ in either case...could you please remove the fear-aspect from the post for the Shade Corps? They are trained to feel no emotion other than hatred, and are taught to feel no pain. Also, I'll have to treat the transmission as a message, since Twilight isn't anywhere near a video screen at the moment.)

Edited, **** that was depressing...sanity restored...Can I and Freelancer go back to Shippings and character development now free of shade corp and all that stuff?.

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[colour=#009966]"Aw common!"[/colour], she turned around, facing him and piercing into his eyes with her own menacing ones, [colour=#009966]"this can't be true, the Neighagra falls are famous, you can't get lost here. And the amount of changeling patrols should scare most ponies away anyway. Tell me the truth - I won't beat it out of you, but you could at least be honest when talking to the royality and maybe your new leader."[/colour]

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