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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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[colour=#daa520]"Look, I just had a life changing emotional breakdown." [/colour]The Equestioner pointed out. [colour=#daa520]"I'm not going to tell you what about, because of two reasons. 1: It's my life that I'm living, not yours. 2: You are no ruler to me. You are a general. A general leads an army. You have an army. And until you prove to me you have actual folowers and not a brainwashed hive, I would be happy to call you a queen."[/colour]

The Equestioner was starting to doubt his new perspective on life. This 'queen' made him feel confined. Why with all the questions?

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[colour=#008080]Licorice Black[/colour]

[colour=#008080]"What?! Count me in!" [/colour]She trotted along side the group, not allowing them much of a choice as to allow her or not. [colour=#008080]"If there's one thing that's worth fighting for, it's the innocent little foals who probably don't even know what's going on."[/colour] Licorice didn't even know what side she was fighting with, but right now, it didn't matter. All she knew was that there were isn't ponies out there in need of saving.

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Guard Captain Draxis looked down at the young mare, he motioned to the team of ponies for them to continue moving towards the objective. "[colour=#008080]It's exactly as Draco said miss. Time is of the essence, so if you have questions you'll just have to follow us."[/colour] He turned his head and trotted after his men. [colour=#008080]"DRACO!"[/colour] he called over his shoulder. The changeling wondered how the day had turned out so interesting, a dragon pony, capturing the leader of a large RLF cell, and a sniper...interesting was an understatement. Also his line of thinking was pretty of the wall today, when he thought about his earlier actions he could only question himself...why didn't I gut Draco? Those experiments are suposse to be dangerous. Why did I offer that mare a chance to come along?

(OOC: Star and Sev, you two so have permission to post as Draxis to move the story along if I'm the only one holding us up.)

(Looks like I was 1 post to slow.)


[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

Gilda returned Applejack's scowl, the mare was nearly touching her face and definitely violating her personal space.[colour=#daa520] "Do you really think I'm afraid you lames, PFFT!?"[/colour] Gilda brought her clockwork wing in front of her and splayed the sharp metallic feathers out in front of the commander. [colour=#daa520]"I've been through things worse than any of you can do, and I've survived them all."[/colour] Using her metal wing she pushed Applejack aside and took flight. [colour=#daa520]"Don't worry about your ponies, I'm under orders to play nice."[/colour]

Baxter watched Gilda fly away and shook his head in disappointment. "What am I going to do with that girl, a monster on the battlefield and a ***** the rest of the time. Just try and have your men keep their distance from her if you think it'll be a problem. I'd really rather not this place turn into a hole in the ground." He narrowed his eyes the orange mare. "I'm serious, that launcher on her back...you don't want to know what it fires."

Quick Scope and Tech glided off to explore the stronghold, leaving Baxter with Applejack. "If there's nothing important to discuss, I think I'll go check out your training area's. Maybe, dish out and earn some bruises in a few sparring rounds with your men. I haven't had any good physical competition in awhile."



The precinct was a ghost town.

"Yo, where is everypony." The LT asked the receptionist.

She didn't even look up to answer him. "They caught Gruff and are inbound to the Diamond dog den and local RLF cell HQ to release the kidnapped foals as we speak."

"Finally, that monster is behind bars!" Chirped Raidar.

LT held his head. "Whatever, but we have this guy." He said as he pointed to the laughing stallion on his back. "He killed two of our men, we need to get this guys processed and detained SOMEWHERE!" He complained. "This guy is annoying the hay out of me."

Raider lifted the pony off of the LT with his telekinesis. Broken Mind was an interesting pony to Raider. He sat the the pony down in front of him and stared at him, wondering what the heck to say.


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Draco chuckled he could not blame her sense of justice for wanting to come along. [colour=#008000]"im not going to stop you miss but.. it will be dangerous and seeing a mare get injured is sad."[/colour] he said as he heard Draxis call him. [colour=#008000]"yes sir!"[/colour] as he ran ahead to his leader and continued the march

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Broken Mind's laughs died down to more of a constant giggle, as nothing super funny had happened during the walk, or since they entered the building. He gave his crazy stare into Raider's eyes. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Want to know a secret?" [/colour]Broken Mind asked. He leaned in to Raider's ear. [colour=#A9A9A9]"I have a broken mind..." [/colour]He whispered, followed by more mad giggling. His surroundings bored him, so he decided he'd start his singing again. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Marukaite Chikyuu... Marukaite Chikyuu... Marukaite Chikyuu, boku Russia..." [/colour]He continued that one line, from the old Stalliongrad song his grandfather Ivan made.

(I've been watching too much Hetalia)

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(OOC: Hetalia: Axis Powers OP!)

Twilight sat on her bed in silence, staring at the star-pattern on the ceiling of her private chamber. She was dwelling quietly on what these next few days will become...and what she would have to do in order to ensure not only her survival, but that of the GEF.[colour=#ff0000] "...what will it ask of me this time...? That creature always makes a bargain, just like last time..." [/colour]A few screams rang out inside her mind as she huddled deep within herself, trying to hide from the sins she had committed. Her wide eyes stared at the floor, her mane hanging in strands over her face. Those days after the Royal Wedding in Canterlot...so many years ago...they were a haunting time of her life. Every night, she had nightmares of what occurred, and often woke up in a weeping fit. Six years ago, she had discovered a hidden book within the Royal Archives, which had a list of several unique and magical places located deep in Equestria's oddest places...and one of them had particularly grabbed her interest: a mystical ruin lost deep within the Badlands. Remembering that, she drifted off into the flashback memory.

Twilight stood at the edge of the rocky, dust-covered cliff, gazing down at the gigantic, crater-like dome in which beautifully crafted ruins lay...some half-buried in sand and others in full view. Truly, it was a marvelous sight, and the young unicorn filly's hooves itched with excitement. Turning, she smiled at the pony behind her, her gray and pink-highlighted mane fluttering in the wind. [colour=#800080]"Come on, Allison! We'd best get inside before that sandstorm arrives, we wouldn't want to get caught in it!" [/colour]The mare named Allison grimaced, her eyes covered by sunglasses and her body covered in an archaeologist's uniform. [colour=#b22222]"Oh, calm down, Twilight...doesn't matter what we do, because we'll be caught in the storm anyways...in a ruin, or in this desert." [/colour]Rolling her eyes, Twilight moved on ahead, Allison grumbling and following behind the filly. It would take them several minutes before arriving at the entrance of the large temple in the ancient city's center, with a gigantic fox's head adorning the roof of it. Looking warily into the place, Twilight led Allison inside, using her magic to make a light for them inside the dark halls. Outside, the storm was brewing, and by the time they were about a few meters in, it struck with full force, practically leaving a wall of wind at the entrance.

Allison glanced ahead, peering deep into the darkness beyond them. [colour=#b22222]"...Twilight, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Something...feels wrong about this place. I can't put my hoof on it, but...I feel like we shouldn't be here." [/colour]Giggling at the older mare's words, Twilight continued on. [colour=#800080]"Don't be ridiculous, Allison! This place is ridiculously old...nothing has lived here for thousands of years. If we need to look out for anything it'd be traps." [/colour]Sighing, Allison trudged behind the scholarly unicorn. Together, the two of them explored the inner sanctum of the massive temple, seeing many statues and paintings of fox-like creatures, some of them wolfish in appearance, others similar to felines. Surely, this place belongs to either a race of fox-creatures...or those fox-creatures were worshiped by ponies here in the distant past. Despite the somewhat chilling origins of the temple, it all fascinated Twilight with the depth of the drawings and simply the rich preservation of the ancient facility. [colour=#800080]"Look at all of this, Allison...this is a humongous find! I wonder why the Princesses kept that book hidden in the Archives...for surely there isn't anything here that could be dangerous to any pony." [/colour]Reaching out, Twilight touched the one of the walls, suddenly yelping back and looking at the singed bottom of her hoof, looking back up only to see one of the small fox pictures to pull itself from the wall, becoming fully three-dimensional and watching the two ponies in front of it. Overcome by fear, Allison snagged Twilight away from the creature in front of them, who tipped its head curiously at them. Allison put herself in front of the filly under her charge, narrowing her eyes at the living, breathing painting.

[colour=#b22222]"...Twilight, we are leaving. Now." [/colour]Ignoring the older mare's words, Twilight broke away and approached the fox, staring at it with a studious expression. The fox looked back a moment longer, before getting up and padding away from the two ponies, turning to a corner and looking back, seeing if they were following it. Making a motion that looked like a shrug, the fox continued on down the hall. With pure curiosity in control of her limbs, Twilight dashed to catch up with the bizarre creature, seeming unaware of Allison's cries for her to come back. Following the painted fox at a frantic pace, she struggled to keep up with the shrinking form. Suddenly, a tunnel of light opened up, and the next moment, Twilight fell through. She found herself within what had once been a tranquil garden...now a dry, barren chamber with nothing but dust and a stone idol in its center. The small fox-creature had disappeared, and Allison's voice could be heard from down the hall. A voice called out to Twilight, its sound like a chorus of bells ringing in her ears.

[colour=#006400]"...Sae rikash meyune...do not be afraid..." [/colour]Feeling compelled to obey, Twilight moved silently toward the idol at the center, which turned out to actually be an altar, with a small spike in its center. Transfixed, Twilight stood over it and gazed at the sharp, pointed metal edge, lowering her hoof toward it. As soon as her hoof touched it, it pricked an unprotected area, drawing a wince from Twilight. A single drop of blood dripped down it...when a sudden burst of bright light filled the entire chamber and Twilight's vision. Stunned, the filly fell back from the altar, blinking as the flash of light faded. As her sight began to recover, she noticed with an amazed expression that she was no longer alone. In front of her, coiled around the altar, was a brilliant, large white fox, green wisps of flame circling its tail and body, its blazing green eyes staring intently at Twilight. Leaping down from the stone, it circled Twilight, wrapping its tail gently around her as it brought her closer to its silvery head. [colour=#006400]"...ironic, that the descendant of those who have imprisoned me sets me loose once more. Tell me, foal...for one such as you to have defeated my brother, Discord...surely you must possess potent power."[/colour]

Gaping at the creature's words, Twilight began to shake with fear. Before her was...did it say it was Discord's brother?! Im-impossible...if it was related to Discord, that meant...it must also be an Old God. Her trembling increased, which seemed to bring a dark smile to the fox-god's vulpine face. [colour=#006400]"...yes, I see much strength in you. I see a future, a destiny, a path of fate... Your memories tell me much of how the world currently is, and of those...Princesses...who have taken control of this ancient land. As thanks for your help in freeing me from this prison...I shall show you a glimpse of the future." [/colour]Leaning in, the creature pressed it's nose against Twilight's head, who stopped her shaking and stared at the fox-god, her mind retreating away to see the vision. Chaos...destruction on a cataclysmic scale...her friends, lying in the ashes of a dying world, her home and everything around her burnt to the ground. Nothing stirred...nothing lived. It was a place of death, despair. She saw Canterlot in ruins, the once-glorious capital now torn apart by a brutal battle. It zoomed into the castle, going deep into the throne room of the Canterlot Castle. Sitting in the throne was a creature whose mane shined like the sun, its eyes blazing with a red aura, and a wicked smile spread across its face. It looked...so familiar...and with a sudden shock of realization, Twilight understood why: it was Celestia. It was with that revelation that more visions were crammed into the young filly's head, causing her to scream at the terrible sights they revealed, and at the end of it all, she lay weeping in the fox-god's curling tail, her eyes wide and rimmed with dark circles. Lifting her chin up to look at it, the fox-god had a gentle, serene face. [colour=#006400]"...it does not have to happen, young Twilight Sparkle. You and I...we can prevent that from happening. However, in order to do so...we will have to make a bargain." [/colour]Gulping, Twilight gripped its fur. [colour=#800080]"...y-yes...! Anything...! Anything at all! That can't happen...it simply can't!" [/colour]Her voice sounded frantic, and she knew it. However, what she had just seen had frightened her beyond all senses...it had torn at her spirit and heart, had nearly shattered her mind. Smiling once more, the creature uncoiled itself from Twilight and moved away. [colour=#006400]"...very well. However, the price...is [/colour][colour=#006400]her." [/colour]

Twilight blinked, wondering what the fox-god meant, when suddenly she heard Allison's voice from across the room. [colour=#b22222]"Twilight! Get away from that thing! Please, run for your life...!" [/colour]Turning to face the frightened mare, Twilight looked on in horror as the creature suddenly appeared in front of Allison, lifting her up from the ground. Twilight's eyes locked with Allison's as she was lifted by some unseen magical force, and a single tear went down the mare's eye...before she became a cloud of red-pink mist, showering the room in a gory, gruesome veil. A small blue orb was left where Allison once stood, and it drifted over to the fox-god, who opened its maw and drew it inside...closing its jaw hungrily as it gave a satisfied growl. [colour=#006400]"...it is done. The pact has been made...Ascendant Sparkle." [/colour]As soon as the words came out, Twilight gripped at her body, screaming as it began to change. Her gentle, purple coat began to fade its colour to the gray of ash, its lustrious look now replaced with a sleek, smokey appearance. Her mane darkened considerably, her dark-gray strands becoming as pitch-black as coals, and her highlights disappearing. In her eyes, their violet colors became mixed with the look of crimson blood. Panting after the physical transformation, she looked up at the monster before her, hate boiling over all other emotions.

[colour=#006400]"...my name is Herald...and you will be my instrument to chance the shape of this world, Twilight Sparkle." [/colour]Herald's eyes burned in her vision, like two fiery orbs of green ember. Gritting her teeth, she bowed, a flow of tears going down her cheeks as she surrendered herself to the power of this almighty being. [colour=#ff0000]"...yes, my Master..."[/colour]

Twilight awoke from the flashback with a start, looking around herself rapidly to make sure she was still within the Citadel. Nothing had changed...nothing had moved. Shaking slightly, she stood up and began to calm herself, pushing the dark memory back into the recesses of her mind. Tonight...she had business with her God. Tonight...was the beginning of Equestria's Ascention. The unicorn resumed her drifting back down the dark halls, her memories now forgotten behind a mental wall of mist.

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Applejack sighed in relief as the griffons left, shaking her head at Gilda's remark. Sure, Gilda had lost her wing. but.......... Applejack couldn't bare to think about it. It had been 5 or 6 years since she had last seen her brother or sister......... If there was any way, any way at all to see them, she would gladly take it.

Over near Neighagra falls, Free stopped for a second to get his bearings. [colour=#000080]"We can only be a couple hours out from the falls, probably 3 hours footslog from here." [/colour]He said, he had seen this area plenty of times, as he used to use it as an outpost in the REA. He started a slow trot, looking back at Glad and Cadence, who were now falling behind. [colour=#000080]"Come on! We should try and make it to the falls before dusk!" [/colour]He called over to the duo, starting to revert back to his normal impatient self.

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Cadence was trying her hardest to keep up a forced march, but she was just not in the shape to maintain a good speed compared to the other two. She knew better than to try and complain, but she felt that she had to at least warn them that she was going to slow them up. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'm sorry guys, I've been out of it for years, I'm going to be slow!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She wasn't breathing heavily yet, she was trying to pace herself. If they ran into trouble she needed some modicum of energy.[/colour]

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(Need to bring in the 3 days skipped - I dont think Equestioner stays there for that long, does he?)

[colour=#009966]"Actual followers? I think you will soon have a new queen, just be patient and watch the events"[/colour], with this sentence Chrysalis left him there alone to do whatever he wanted. She returned to the north and her hive for a day to come back after three days for their meeting.

As she approached the falls for another time she already spotted a small party in the distance, still far away and down the falls, while she was ontop - but she will fly down as soon as they reach her.

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Gladius followed behind the two younger ponies at his own pace, unconcerned about the time it would take them to get over to the Falls. Seeing them off in the distance, his smile faded. The rumors were true, apparently...the waters, even from all the way over here, appeared deluded and filthy. Spotting the patches of brown and gray surrounding that area, he shuddered at how much had changed of the once-beautiful landmark. The sight reminded him of how the remnants of the Everfree Forest appeared these days. The magical, mysterious forest now a wasteland with a few dead trees littering the deadened ground. He sighed audibly...imagining the other travesties the Revolution caused. The old stallion quickened his pace to catch up to the two ponies ahead of him, his aged but well-toned muscles allowing him to meet them with ease.

Trotting up alongside Free, he turned his head to him. [colour=#4b0082]"So, Free. What is your plan once Cadence and I are dropped off at the hive? Will you actually try to make negotiations with the GEF once more...? If that is the case...as much as I dislike it...you might need Cadence there for it. She would bring an authority to the RLF that would be required in dealing in diplomacy."[/colour]

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They slowly but surely marched through the gates of the capital. Into the wood they went and after some walking they found the diamond dogs chief money maker known in the criminal underworld as its Red Light District for underage foals both male and female sick yes.. disgusting yes. Draco was here to clean it out with the help of his new comrades the two guards at the entrance yelped and ran into the entrance knowing better than to fight a armed patrol of guards as they entered the entrance they saw three tunnels. to the right the dim lanterns were covered with red fabric casting a red glow... where the dogs were... serviced most of the young female foals were brought here to be taught the ways of prostitution. the door on the left was Covered with a thick barred door obviously where they kept the foals male and female as well as the guards quarters. the main passage was the biggest this split into multiple passages that went into mines or higher ups quarters. Draco looked to Draxis for orders

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Applebloom groaned slightly, her head painfully banging like a drum. Something had happened to her when she passed through that Freelancer checkpoint, but she couldn't remember anything...wait. She moved her body slightly, and found that she was tied and bound to a metal chair with what felt like rubber-like rope. Opening her eyes, she looked down at herself and her surroundings. Applebloom was in an large, empty room with the walls made of what appeared to be steel. Frowning, she tested her restraints, growing frustrated and finally giving up. Cursed Freelancers...those DNA-scanners were a pain, and the Hyper-flex was supposed to mimic that one pony's DNA perfectly...well, it must have malfunctioned. Easily understandable, considering that it was an experimental prototype. Putting on a dangerous smile, she looked at one of the cameras in the corner.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Helloooooo? Anypony there? I'm awake...so how about we get this over with...? I have a four o'clock appointment tomorrow at the rodeo in Appleloosa, and I'd rather not miss it!" [/colour]It didn't matter what these Freelancers did to her...she won't talk. Her training was brutal...efficient...and had become enjoyable. She delighted in pain, and these ponies would soon realize that she was worthless to them...that would be enjoyable.

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Four-Six-Niner was in her flight suit holding her helmet around her waist, walking to the de-briefing room after yet another successful raid on another GEF research facility in the arctic, this one was tough as her flight skills were put to the test by two persistent GEF fighters pursued her bird constantly even flying through a goddamn glacier just to lose them and depleting her countermeasures, they chased her bird relentlessly but in the end she got the drop on them by dangerously pulling a maneuver meant for high altitude near the ground and blasted them with tracer fire as the fighters overshot and flew right in her sights, she felt tired but victorious and confident knowing she could add two more fighters to her kill tally and laud it over the other pilots in her group, she looked at her watch and knew she was running late as the others were already there at the de-briefing room and started briskly jogging to make up for lost time, "Dammit gonna be late...Great looks like I got no choice but to take the shortcut through the detention block...This'll be fun..." she moaned sarcastically as she always hated passing by there the guards always kept hitting on her and they weren't her type, she didn't mind them but they was so annoying it was painful to see them think they had a chance with her she passed the guards and headed inside quickly hoping they'd never get the chance- Annnd spoke to soon as one of the guards notices her and made a quick vulgar pass at her before she flipped him off and disappeared in the detention area.

"Pfft! they ****ing wish those egotistic assholes!​" she muttered venomously as she passed the cells hoping they wouldn't find her here, then she heard a rather small faint yet deadly attractive voice come from one of the cells [colour=#FF8C00]"Helloooooo? Anypony there? I'm awake...so how about we get this over with...? I have a four o'clock appointment tomorrow at the rodeo in Appleloosa, and I'd rather not miss it!" [/colour]She traced the voice down to one of the central cells and peeked inside she looked closer and saw a really attractive, dare she thought sexy looking mare bound to a chair looking at the camera dangerously, she looked around to see if anyone was watching, she saw no-one there then noticed the keypad by the doorlocks, "Agh! hate these freaking things!" she thought as she tried to access the keypad and after several attempts she opened the door and looked around noticing the dangerous mare she blanked out the camera and studied the mare closely and blushed by the slightest shade of red after seeing how tough the mare in front of her was, "so I guess by the get up you're not the pizza delivery mare huh?..." Four-Six-Niner smirked playfully joking about Applebloom's uniform and put her helmet on a table nearby giving Applebloom a seductive stare with her icy-blue eyes.

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Applebloom shifted her head toward the metal door as it slid open, spotting an elder mare wearing a Freelancer Pilot's uniform. However, something was off about this pony...she seemed distant, absorbed by something. Seeing the mare's blush, Applebloom became curious as to why the Freelancer was acting in such a peculiar way...and then narrowed her eyes slightly at the mare's joke. What kind of torture was this?! Here she was, waiting to suffer, ready to take in whatever pain these cowpie-eaters dished out, and now they were telling jokes?! What the hay!

[colour=#ff8c00]"...if this is the method y'all are pickin' to mess with me, you're more stupid than I thought. Also...lame joke, by the way. I heard better from a griffin's feathered behind." [/colour]She stuck her tongue out, still a bit immature, considering that she was still a filly...if nearly the age of a full-grown mare. After a moment, she then recognized what that peculiar behavior the agent was exhibiting. Was she...checking her out?! That's just...just...hehe...perfect. Applebloom smiled inwardly, seeing a way to escape the Freelancer's custody. If she could seduce this mare...perhaps she could find a way out of the facility, and get back to the Red Fox and give it the information she had learned of the Freelancers. Grinning, she tipped her head and gazed at the agent.

[colour=#ff8c00]"So...who would you be, hmm? Oh...I get it. Y'all wouldn't feel good with inflictin' pain on a filly, right...? Well, I'll have y'all know I'm almost a mare...! So I can take whatever you dish out~!"[/colour]

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Four-Six-Niner smirked as the mare retorted like a filly, well she still technically was a filly "Pfft! that comeback stunk worse than Dragon **** and I had the misfortune to fly through that barbeque turdstorm by natural flight" she remarked sarcastically while flapping her wings dismissively, "Freelancer Pilot, codename: 4-6-9er I'm not an interrogator but I'm a darn lethal pilot behind a dropship, and you?" she gave the shade corp operative a casual glance before she circled the operative cautiously something didn't seemed right with this mare, she seemed WAY too hostile and aggressive to be a regular soldier "she must be special forces judging by her uniform...Wait...That emblem...She's a Shade operative!" it clicked in Four-Six-Niner's head instantly as she recognised that insignia, "Shade corps? haven't heard of those guys since the Revolution still pompous mightier-than-thou asses as ever? some things never change, so who are you then?" 4-6-9er shrugged studying the mare leaning on the wall, toying with the mare.

"This ought to be fun, better than listening to Raptor ***** on and on about not getting enough kills for his precious ego to boost itself with." 4-6-9er smirked and watched the mare loving her attitude she seemed to show a hell load of spirit, kind of like herself when she used to serve in the NEO before she got discharged and supposedly dishonoured, Pompous ****wits too big of an ego for their own good...

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(music for mood)

(Read this slowly to the music and try to see it happening in a dream. Supposed to be a moving moment. Enjoy)


Sounds of war... small arms... dropping shell casings... rocket fire... helicopters overhead...

He fires his weapon... one target down... two.. three... surpressing fire...

Something lands a few meters to his left... EXPLOSION... silence...

Conciousness slowly returns... then pain... great pain...it emanates from various parts of his body...

Somepony cries for help... "MAN DOWN!!! MEDIC!!!"

He screams in pain...

Suddenly an orange goddess in an Army uniform hovers over him... she has a crimson red cross on her shoulder... she smiles... such a beautiful and divine smile... her very presence brings him peace, drowing out all the blood and bullets...

She gets to work quickly... clean... disinfect... stitch... and bandage... then again she smiles... he loves that smile, it makes him feel whole... then she begins to speak... unknown to him, these are her final words...

[colour=#FFA500]"Shhh... it's ok. You are gonna be fine, hunny. Just hold on. I love yo---"[/colour] she falls... a single bullet punctures her body armor and rips through her chest... blood pools everywhere...

He cradles the lifeless goddess... he holds her tighter than a scared child with their teddy bear...

Tears... crying... screaming... unbearable pain...


Striker wakes up in a heavy cold sweat. He shakes with horror... He sits at the edge of the bed with his hooves of his face and breathes heavily but slowly, like if each breath was a sigh of sorrow. All desire to sleep leaves him. He gets up and dressed in his battledress fatigues. He begins to wander the base aimlessly...

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He heard voices. He hadn't heard another pony's voice in three days. Three days of debating weather to be Lon or The Equestioner. Calm insanity or natural normalness? He had been debating for a long time, eating the disgusting grass around the tree when he got hungry, drinking from the putrid water when he got thirsty. He knew he would have to make a decision when the others found him. He simply waited for them to notice him. He still didn't enjoy company, but he was able to handle it in this current state.

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[colour=#d3d3d3]"Whew. What a trip that was." [/colour][colour=#000000]Knowledge expressed to himself. Being made up of nothing, it was hard for him to use a word other than expressed. He knew many different words, most in the Universal language that translated to whatever the hearer was most fluent in. Either way, Knowledge was happy to be on vacation.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]He took a scan of the nearest 500 thousand hexademical meters. After doing said scan, he found only five places containing a good enough ammount of knowledge to last him until next week. Two were living, two were information storages, and one was ommited from this post becasue he likes to keep suspense like that.[/colour]

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Her face became expressionless, her eyes piercing the mare standing in front of her. Did this pony have previous experience with the NEO back in the Revolution...? It was possible...many ponies have left and joined the GEF since then. However, if that was the case...why was she here with the Freelancers? Looking away from 4-6-9er, she gazed at the floor, her eyes narrowed. [colour=#ff8c00]"...my name matters little. My life belongs to the Federation, and I will give it up to the Federation if needed. I will cast my own innocence aside, so that others may be free of the burden of death. I am part of the Shade Corps...I am a guardian shadow of Equestria." [/colour]The words were a recitation from her days in training to become a Shade Corps Agent, a phrase that indicated one's sacrifice in their service to the Grand Equestrian Federation. Each member ruled their lives by those such words, and often acted upon them.

[colour=#ff8c00]"...we've changed much since the Revolution. You would be surprised at how different the Corps is these days." [/colour]

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4-6-9er rolled her eyes with annoyance that same drilled out repetitive propaganda was one of the reasons why she left the NEO, "I was one of the best pilots in the darn NEO I knew the helos from the jets I fought for them believing in a brighter Equestria, I left the NEO after they executed the princesses for...personal reasons..." she slammed her fist into the table trying to hold back tears as memories of her sister and her family who were executed for speaking out against the executions, she was with them every step of the way up to the final moments where she had witness them lined up and shot for being "traitors and associates to the Princesses", "the NEO weren't fighting for a better Equestria...THEY WERE FIGHTING FOR POWER JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER GREEDY POWER-ADDICTED REBEL FACTION I'VE SEEN, AND THEY SILENCED ANYONE THAT STOOD IN THEIR WAY! they're corrupt monsters...and you are too...they've turned you into their instrument, their tool....You're family must be proud to know that their little girl is ending lives of innocent ponies." she stared at the floor tears rolled off her eyes and on the floor leaned wearily on the table.

"the NEO/GEF whatever the **** you wanna call it took everything away I held dear, Freelancer offered me a new job, a new home...a new life they've given me so much more than what the GEF had lying in wait for me, I served the NEO loyally and they repaid me with a death warrant in my name and slaughtered my family just for a reaction. The GEF haven't changed a single bit since then and now I see They're getting worse by the year and the proof is standing right in front of me...Red Fox must be proud to know that he's destroying Equestria and replacing it with something much worse." 4-6-9er stared back at the the bound mare in front of her, the pain, the torment and sorrow in her eyes burned in it's gaze "Look...Look me in the eyes and tell me Equestria is in a much better place I dare you." she didn't care for applebloom's idiotic doctrinal propaganda she knew what the GEF were and she'd never forget it..

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[colour=#ff8c00]"...my family is dead, I'll have you know." [/colour]Applebloom whispered, her eyes still peering at the side, refusing to look at the mare in the eyes. Why should she...? She knew what these sort of organizations did...they got rid of evidence and witnesses, and Applebloom was both of those. Once they got what they could out of her, they would 'dispose' of her, that's how they are...that's how the Shade Corps are. [colour=#ff8c00]"...you want my honest opinion on the state of Equestria...? Well, hear it is; Equestria is better off...and these don't come from a brainwashed lackey. I've seen for myself what the GEF has done for the nation as a whole for the past five years. Knowledge, technology, magic...they all have grown so much. You want to see the horrible things the GEF has committed because y'all suffered because of a rash decision." [/colour]She grimaced, closing her eyes.

[colour=#ff8c00]"...sometimes, sacrifice is needed to ensure the peace of the many at the cost of the few. Also, as for the Red Fox...I know something about it that no pony else knows; that it has suffered far greater than many of y'all who say these sob-stories. Few ponies are brave enough to look at those violet-red eyes...but if you can, you will see exactly who it is." [/colour]After saying those words, she looked up at the weeping mare, her amber eyes measuring 4-6-9er.

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4-6-9ner looked at Applebloom and sighed "I guess...But Freelancer have saved so many ponies from death me included, they let me have my wings back and gave me my own bird to fly, I guess they given me a reason to live again after the NEO...These are good ponies and the Director knows what he's doing and he's given us all a second chance to live again without the threat of prosecution and death that your leaders intend for us all, in return we become part of Freelancer, an idea born from war and tragic events reborn with the intentions of the preservation and advancement of ponykind, and it's worked as we are a shadow nation free of the intruding eyes of the worlds governments we've been in peace since Freelancer's rebirth sure with raided a few facilities to get where we are today but it's been relatively bloodless. to destroy and reveal Freelancer is to doom us all to death we've watched over the world and guided it for the better and you can't argue about the results because excluding Equestria, Freelancer has saved trillions of lives by preventing war. what Red fox is doing to Freelancer is wrong her government seeks to kill us all for crimes we didn't commit and for abandoning us when we needed their help and support and called us traitors and fired on us when we had enough of waiting for them to help." she explained to Applebloom about some of Freelancer's good deeds and told her of the fate that awaited them all if Freelancer was taken apart by Red Fox

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They slowly but surely marched through the gates of the capital. Into the wood they went and after some walking they found the diamond dogs chief money maker known in the criminal underworld as its Red Light District for underage foals both male and female sick yes.. disgusting yes. Draco was here to clean it out with the help of his new comrades the two guards at the entrance yelped and ran into the entrance knowing better than to fight a armed patrol of guards as they entered the entrance they saw three tunnels. to the right the dim lanterns were covered with red fabric casting a red glow... where the dogs were... serviced most of the young female foals were brought here to be taught the ways of prostitution. the door on the left was Covered with a thick barred door obviously where they kept the foals male and female as well as the guards quarters. the main passage was the biggest this split into multiple passages that went into mines or higher ups quarters. Draco looked to Draxis for orders


(OOC: Nice set up Draco.)

The smell of drugs and sex hovered heavily in the air, a putrid odor the likes no pony nose should ever have to be subjected to.[colour=#008080] "Their methods are deplorable,"[/colour] Draxis said as he lifted a hoof up to his nose. [colour=#008080]"But I commend their perseverance, adapt or die. They chose the former."[/colour] Since the GEF had pulled on the reigns of the flow of money in the area the local RLF couldn't conduct their normal business ventures. That's when Gruff started to foalnap ponies to sell to the diamond dogs in exchange for gems. The captain made a few gestures with his hoof and the team spread out in search groups of two ponies each. The guards stormed several rooms, bucking down the doors with precision strikes. Yells of "get down," "release her," and "bag him" were heard echoing through the compound.

[colour=#008080]"Draco, miss...with me." [/colour]He said abruptly. Draxis trotted past the rooms were his men were clearing house. Fillies were escorted out and colts were unshackled. Those kids were a sad sight, each and everyone of them blemished in someway, whether the scars are physical or emotional, only time will tell. The operation was going excellent, it looked like it was going to be a clean in and out sweep. Draxis' mind lingered on that thought, nothing was ever clean with the diamond dogs, nothing. So why this time? Where their slave and sex toys not worth guarding? No. They had paid good money for these ponies, they wouldn't forsake them so easily. He reached the final door in the tunnel, the changeling told the two civilians with him to hold back. Prodding the door carefully, he peaked inside careful not to alarm the rooms occupants.

Ever seen a diamond dog give a filly a jolly roger? no? Well Draxis just did, and the of it sight forced him to yelp in disgust, something he wished he could take back. The diamond dog tossed a chair at the door causing it to smash into Draxis muzzle and draw and draw a little blood from his nose. He only held his face for a second, but a second might have been too long...There, next to his hoof was a round object about the size of a base ball, except it had a blinking red light on it. His eyes widened in horror, the light had already flashed twice which meant...

[colour=#008080]"GET DOWN!!!"[/colour] He shouted back to Draco and the mare as he dived for them.

The grenade floated up into the middle of the tunnel and drew in nearly all of the air, making it deathly silent for a split second. Draxis could hear all three of their hearts beating as he sailed through the air. The resulting explosion caught him mid air and sent him barreling into Draco and the mare. Luckily his shield took the brunt of the blast, but he'd still have some pretty nasty injuries. The diamond dog responsible for the explosion burst out into the passage, carrying the filly over his shoulder like a sack of flour. The broke through a door at the end of the passage with his shoulder and slammed his paw on a large red button. The button was definitely and alarm, a siren blared in the background and Draxis heard the sound of metal sliding against metal...darnit! where they were now, the diamond dogs would have them cut off.

He stared down the tunnel where the Guard dogs had started pouring in and back down the to where the dog with the filly had run off to.

He pulled himself up and winced, a thin stream of blood fell down his fore head and his back legs were bleeding. "We have to go down, to get out. Draco," he said as he tossed his magnum to the guard, but not quite a guard yet pony.[colour=#008080] "I can't keep up with that dog like this, you...you save that foal!"[/colour] He looked at the mare they had brought along with them. [colour=#008080]"This escalated fairly quickly didn't it."[/colour]


[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

[colour=#daa520]"Who the hay does that dirt rutter think she is,"[/colour] Gilda fumed. The griffon had taken up a perch on top of their armory, it was a fairly high point, not the highest though obviously Quick Scope had taken that position. He current place was fine though, from here she could keep an eye on Baxterrrrrrrrr - scan for enemies. Yeah, scan for enemies that what she was doing.

She lay out the parts of her launcher and inspected her payload:

  • Titanium combat knife
  • Pump action shotgun
  • UGN-65 missile delivery system.
  • Dumb fire rockets
  • fire and forgets
  • HEAT warheads
  • 4 thumpers
  • C4 charges

Gilda thanked the maker for UGN hammer packs. The ability to just reach into a compartment and access a stream of supplies was a god send. Eventually Baxter disappeared somewhere into the recess of the base, leaving her with nothing interesting to look at. She snorted, bored with the whole situation.

Baxter traveled around the base to try and figure out the lay of the land. "I love to singa, about the moona and the juna and the springa," A joyful tune played itself in his mind and soon ending up spilling out of his beak. "I love to singa, about a sky of blue-a or a tea for two-a anythinga with a swinga - F***!!!" He cried out. In his ignorant bliss Baxter stumped his lupine toes on a doorway.

Quick Scope scanned the outer regions of the stronghold for anything out of the ordinary. Even though she was sure nothing would happen, that transmission earlier put her on edge.

Tech found a nice bench to stretch out on and take a nap.

(yes, 2/4 members of Alpha inForce are crouching morons, hidden badasses.)

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[colour=#ff8c00]"Why tell me any of that, 4-6-9er? It won't make much of a difference to me...just as how the Freelancers are your new home, the GEF is mine. My family is gone because of the mistakes of the Principality...and I need to prevent that from happening once more. Surely, you must understand..." [/colour]Applebloom lowered her eyes once more, her voice drifting to a lower tone. [colour=#ff8c00]"...the Red Fox denied me my wish to join the Shade Corps at first...said it was too harsh, too bleak for a pony like me. But I was insistent...I wanted revenge...and I got it. I killed the soldiers who murdered my family and burnt down the farm...I avenged the Apple family..." [/colour]A fiery anger burned in the depths of her eyes, probably the first true emotion 4-6-9er had seen from the older filly. After a moment, the fire would simmer down, and her eyes took on a more dull, tired look.

[colour=#ff8c00]"...I wasn't sure what to do with myself when the Revolution ended. So, against the Red Fox's wishes...I joined the Shade Corps...and by the time the Red Fox had found out, I was already through the training grind." [/colour]Shortly after the words escaped her mouth, she wondered why she had told this pony any of that. Maybe Applebloom's training hadn't been entirely successful, if she were talking about her past so willingly. She felt...disgusted at herself, reminiscing in front of an enemy of the GEF.

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