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I feel terrible!


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I just joined a storyline as one of my characters. And he is downright the most despicable character I have made up, and i hate myself now! Sure he is interesting, but playing tic-tac-toe with a dagger on a living specimen even creeps me out! And I am willingly writing this! I came up with it naturally! I just feel so bad about what sort of person I am!

Any moral support would be appreciated right now. I can't stand myself!

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Well, hey. When it just boils down to it, remember that this character is just that. A character. Sure he may creep you out, and it may even disturb you that you naturally do this, but it really just is a story. It's completely fake, and it doesn't reflect on you at all. I would think that this would be as creepy as you mention because you would never consider doing this anywhere ever, outside of a work of fiction. Don't forget, you can always tone it down to a more bearable level, as well.

I hope I can at least help a little here.

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I guess some folks have a hard time drawing the line between IC and OOC - just 'cause ya play someone evil, and delve into that darker place for ideas, doesn't necessarily mean you, yourself, are a bad person. In the end, after all, it's all words, and so long as you aren't looking to cause actual, real sufferin', ain't nothin' to it.

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I feel like this is too grimdark for the forum in general, even just bringing it up.

If you feel like you have a problem, and that you are having weird thoughts that you feel are abnormal (when in reality some people just randomly come up with things that are twisted and they're generally functionally within the normal ranges of socially acceptable human behavior), please go see a licensed therapist.

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Thank you to the first four posters. I didn't think to look at it that way. I feel better now, since I realize I like making good in depth characters and not the background behind them.

And sorry for posting this. At all really. I was off my meds for the third time this month and long process thinking was hard. You can remove/lock it if you want

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Conclusion: You can do what you want with your stories and your characters. There is a time and a place for everything; just realize that what you do WILL stick with you.

Resolved, topic locked.

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