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Walking Dead season 3

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[colour=#0000ff]I stopped watching "The Walking Dead" after I think the third episode of second season. I was getting tired of the writers having electricity work only when they needed it to advance the plot. How was the the amplifier and tape deck still working at the church to make the recorded bells keep on working when the timer triggered them every morning? That made no sense at all. It was almost as bad as the first episode, where electricity still worked in the hospital, EXCEPT for in the stair wells! Go back and look at it. There were flickering emergency lights everywhere, except for where you would actually need them! That's just lazy writing. [/colour]

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I thought it was a pretty good episode all the way through. This looks like it is going to be a great season. Everyone has gotten much better since the start of season 2. Can't wait till next week!

@honey- I have noticed some of the holes in story but it really isn't enough to lower the entertainment value of the show. Sorry if the show isn't working out for you.

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[colour=#0000ff]I stopped watching "The Walking Dead" after I think the third episode of second season. I was getting tired of the writers having electricity work only when they needed it to advance the plot. How was the the amplifier and tape deck still working at the church to make the recorded bells keep on working when the timer triggered them every morning? That made no sense at all. It was almost as bad as the first episode, where electricity still worked in the hospital, EXCEPT for in the stair wells! Go back and look at it. There were flickering emergency lights everywhere, except for where you would actually need them! That's just lazy writing. [/colour]

1. I agree with Eagle that it could happen. Electric, wiring, and storage are not as simple as you think too.

2. Would you rather watch it in darkness?

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1. I agree with Eagle that it could happen. Electric, wiring, and storage are not as simple as you think too.

2. Would you rather watch it in darkness?

[colour=#0000ff]Here's another thing. If someone was untended in a coma, how did they receive nutrients? The potted plant being dead in the first episode indicates that Rick was laying there for days, possibly weeks with no medical care before he awoke. His condition would have weakened until he died, before he could wake up. What about waste? How come the bed wasn't totally encrusted, if you get my meaning. [/colour]

[colour=#0000ff]Point two. I would have found fuel for the tank, or at least tried to start it! Get that sucker runnin', and you can ride in style right over all the zombies! Going back to the electricity thing. Logic says that the tank was running until the fuel ran out after it's driver died. When Rick managed to get into it, the lights were on, and all the electrical systems were running. How come the battery still had enough charge for that, days/weeks later? Here's an experiment. Go out to your car right now. Turn on the radio and inside lights. Leave them on and tell us how many hours they last. [/colour][colour=#0000ff]I know a tank has beefed up systems, but we're talking at least a couple weeks here![/colour]



[colour=#0000ff]Oh, one last thing. If one tiny bite from a zombie will convert you, how come getting splashed in the face with zombie gore has no effect? (That's pretty much my question for ALL zombie films) [/colour][colour=#0000ff]I may be stepping on toes here, but for all it's bouncing boobies, Highschool of the Dead treated the subject better. [/colour]

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M1 tanks take jet fuel. You couldn't get it running. The way the engines work now, you'd need to go through a lot of maintenance to convert it to run. The engine is multifuel. The whole system is not.

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[colour=#0000ff]Oh, one last thing. If one tiny bite from a zombie will convert you, how come getting splashed in the face with zombie gore has no effect? (That's pretty much my question for ALL zombie films) [/colour][colour=#0000ff]I may be stepping on toes here, but for all it's bouncing boobies, Highschool of the Dead treated the subject better. [/colour]

That is actualy explained. Not directly (yet) so you have to think about it.

At the end of the second series, Rick and Shane find a few walkers that have no bite marks. After Shane kills that kid, he again turns into a walker dispite not being bit. Rick then reviels that everyone is infected and its only when you die you turn into a walker. Being sprayed with gore wouldn't do alot since the infection itself doens't kill you.

Logicly, being bitten would introduce you to all kinds of nasty infections and other bacteria. This is why before you turn into a walker, you get incredibly ill. The fever kills you, the infection turns you into a walker. Hence, if you beat the fever, you won't turn.

Thats my theroy anyways...

28 weeks later had a simmilar system going on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved the comic series and wanted to love the show, but it pales in comparison to the comic. I know that you can't rid of characters as easily on the show, but that's what I loved about the Walking Dead. Besides Rick, everyone's fair game.

spoiler'd 'cause it may ruin a future twist to the show (that is if you haven't read the comics)

I mean hell, his wife was killed in the comic series, who's to say that his son wont succumb to the same thing?

Maybe I'll give the show another chance in due time, but for now I've got to play catch up with the comics.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I myself have a love/hate relationship. Love certain elements and dislike others. <3

T-dog went out like a true hero

I still continue to hate Andrea..she a hoe!!

When Rick was on the phone all those times..that was just in Rick's head right? they weren't real calls?

Ughhh!!! I hope Andrea dies!!!!!

Glenn, Rick, Daryl for life

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It would be pertty hard to get a call from a bunch of dead people.

Ricky is just loosing his mind.

At least it looks like Michonne (the local Zombie goddess of badassery and hottness) will be joining the Ricktatorship.

I didn't realize it was hot to look like you are constantly smelling a fart.

I feel like there is a lost opportunity with Michonne. She definitely is bad ass when fighting but it bugged me how she was instantly suspicious of the town before she actually had proof. Also she doesn't seem to have much of a personality. I don't know if she is traumatized due to the outbreak or just poorly written

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I didn't realize it was hot to look like you are constantly smelling a fart.

I feel like there is a lost opportunity with Michonne. She definitely is bad ass when fighting but it bugged me how she was instantly suspicious of the town before she actually had proof. Also she doesn't seem to have much of a personality. I don't know if she is traumatized due to the outbreak or just poorly written

As long as she keeps that hip swagger walk, i don't care what they do with her.

Unless they kill her off.

There probably just using her for 'that character'. The one that they can do anything with since they haven't set in concrete what person she's gonna be.

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