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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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( I'll go since nopony else will. :) )

Silver frantically flipped through his notebook as he heard Broken's voice over his shoulder. He wasn't a fan of showing his work to people, being nervous when it comes to showing his talents...Save for his flying.

Eventually he just stood out of his chair as an excuse to avoid showing his friend the drawing. Only to realize he now had to introduce himself to everyone. Stagefright over took him as he walked to the front of the class and stood front and center.

He clutched his book in his hands and held it up to his chest, nearly speaking into it. 

[colour=#696969]"I- I'm Silver Wisp...It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm from Cloudsdale and I'm here to learn friends and make education...."[/colour]

He began to tremble, terrified. He feared being judge harshly by his fellow students. Silver apologized silently to the class and quickly took his seat. Burying his head in his arms, fairly disappointed with himself.

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Lightning stood up, forgetting to let go of Shade's hand. "I'm Lightning, I love seafood and sleeping, and cats. It's the first day and I already have plans after school with a very pretty girl." She giggled, not realising she was rambling. "Also I love hugs, that's pretty much it."

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Quiet Sapphire gulps and goes up next after Lightning. "... H-Hi .... M-my name is .... Quiet Sapphire." He said as its obvious his shyness and nervousness getting to him. ".... I Love a-anything about music .... I also write my own songs .... If you want ... yo-you can look at them .... and I-I hope to make some friends." He then quickly sat down his face very red

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(that was direct lol :P)

Broken stood up "well i guess its my turn"

he stood infront of the class, "Im from a small town known as ponyville, its not too far from here, i enjoy making music, playing games and just being a nerd"

Broken said with a grin

"now i can be kind of a prankster, but not too much, the reson im here is i wanted to get a higher education, and my mum said i couldent be a musician full time, but what does she know, shes just being mum"

Broken looked upon the silent classroom and bowed

"oh my names broken chords by the way, you can call me chords"

Broken then grabbed a peice of chalk and wrote in big bold letters:


Broken, winked and went to his seat.

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Pepperjack watched in horror as her classmates one by one gave their introduction, after she saw quiet sapphire give his she felt strangely at ease with having to say anything, Nows my chance... If... if I can just say who I am maybe he'll notice me, she waited till broken sat down then boldly stood up "gulp..." She realized that she just involuntarily stood to her feet "I... I... I'm pepperjack and... I... Umm... Like..." She looked towards sapphire "I..." She looked passionately into sapphires eyes "Like..." She turned beet red "S... uhh... School! Yeah! School... And... And stuff..." She quickly sat down and buried her face in her history book

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Shade chuckled a little when she read what broken wrote on the board. She didnt mind that Lightning forgot to let go of her hand, she just stood up along with her, then after a few more introductions than she'd of liked to have waited before taking her turn. [colour=#800080]"Umm.. You guys can call me Shade or whatever.. I guess I like pretty much everything Lightning said, and coffee and writing and being creative.. And I also have plans with a certain somepony after school." [/colour]She took a seat, looked at Pepperjack who had her head in her book, then chuckled quietly

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Sapphire listened to Broken chords, glad there was someone else who liked Music. He then looked as Pepperjack got up and introduced herself. [colour=#0000ff]'so her name is pepperjack, she is really cute.'[/colour] he thought to himself and then saw her look at him and he went red in the cheeks, then saw her go red as well, and for just that moment .... he could of sworn she was about to say something else, other than school. She then quickly sat back down burying her face in her book, that appeared to still be upside down. He wished he could talk to her, but he probably would choke and make a fool of himself, but then he had an idea and quickly pulled out his notebook and began to scribble in it.

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(enough with this procrastinaton )

[colour=#0000cd]BLUEMOON[/colour] -well there goes a perfectly good mystery- Bluemoon thought to herself << Well acually, MorningDawn, I >> [colour=#8b4513] TIMETURNER [/colour]<< Since you two *points to MorningDawn and Bluemoon* feel like talking so much. Why dont you both come here and introduce yourselfs and while you're at it why dont you share what it is you were talking about>>

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MorningDawn slowly rose and walked to the front of the class, " My name is MorningDawn, we were talking about my cutie mark....." MorningDawn bumps Bluemoon gently, " Right? Bluemoon?"

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He sat in silence for a while, still nervous and scared. Though his trenbling slowed to an eventual halt and his breathing almost returned to its normal rate and much less staggered.

Silver lifted his head upon hearing the return of Chords. He looked up at him blankly emotionless. Soon turning to the board, noticing what was written, and laughing silently. He turned back to Chords and gently punched him in the arm, playfully scorning him.

[colour=#696969]"Really, Chords?"[/colour]

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[colour=#4b0082]My first day....my first day of actual school and...i'm...TARDY!!!![/colour] Twilight ran through the halls in an absolute panic looking for her 2nd class having missed the first. She looked over her schedule whilst running down the halls not really taking into account the safety of others. Of course up until now she never really thought about others at all. She was a border line recluse spending all her time in teh private library in Canterlot. She never needed anyone else but her scrolls and books and the occasional 50 quills. And now....

She slowed to a walk and looked around her. [colour=#4b0082]"I'm not sure i really want this...these people are only going to slow me down. We have nothing in common and besides, i dont really need friends. But...i guess it wouldnt hurt to try.[/colour]" Twilight sighed heavily and turned to look at the door way next to her. She saw a few others and a teacher standing in the classroom and decided to ask for some assistance. She approached the room confidently and cleared her throat to get their attention.

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Quiet Sapphire blinked as he heard someone clear their throat and he looked around and saw someone standing at the door. He blinked as more and more people were coming and wondered what she would be like, maybe she could be another friend he could make here in school, but then again he couldn't get over his blasted shyness and swore it would be his downfall.

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Pepperjack looked up from her book to see bluemoon and morning dawn awkwardly standing up there talking about dawns cutie mark, pepper leaned over to shade "see what would've happened if I gave him a note!" She looked at her book once again, only this time she noticed it was upside-down. She quickly flipped it over and glanced around to see only one pony looking back, the last pony she'd want to have noticed that... Sapphire... She hid her embarrassed face once more in her (now upright) history book and thought to herself: why does he have to be looking! Why now!

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Fluttershy sat outside the school on an old stump with her new found birdy friends "thank you little ones you're so great! You've made today so much easier! I... I got scared when I saw that unicorn run past... She looked so... So worried! But... I... I have to be strong!"she triumphantly rose to her feet "it can't be that bad! Mommy and daddy said it would be fun!" All the birds joyfully flew around her chirping "there's nothing to worry about!... Ex... Except meanies... And tests" she began breathing heavily "And worst of all... F... Failure!" She slunk back down onto the stump like before "They'll all make fun of me!" All the birds grabbed at her shirt and stood her back up "y... You're right... It'll be okay..." She paused for a moment "I... I guess It's almost time for me to head int... Into... class..." She Hung her head low as her long bang drooped to cover the remaining portion of her face... One of the birds landed on her shoulder and chirped a little tune "thanks little guy... I... I'm almost ready..."

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Twilight stood in the door way and spoke confidently and almost regal like [colour=#4b0082]"Excuse me everyone. My name is Twilight Sparkle. And i was hoping someone could help me find 2nd period History?"[/colour] Twilight stood there looking around the room and the students and teacher hoping someone could help her out.

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Twilight looked closer at the books on the table. Yes...this was indeed History class. Her face became alittle red as she laughed nervously. [colour=#4b0082]Great...first day with other people and i make an idiot out of myself.[/colour][colour=#4b0082] "Oh...heh heh...well ok then. I think i will just take a seat then. Thank you..."[/colour] She drew out the compliment hoping to get this persons name.

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(This was booming a few days ago where is everypony? lol)

[colour=#4b0082]"Well its nice to meet you Quiet Sapphire. Thanks again for the help."[/colour] Twilight searched a second and found a seat off to the side but still in the front where she sat alone. [colour=#4b0082]From here i should be able to pay attention to the teacher and be alone at the same time. A perfect vantage point.[/colour] Twilight smiled to herself, victorious.

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Puzzlebeat walked in with his bopping his head listening to his headphones and took a seat towards the middle of the room. as he sits he takes out a rubicks cube and starts to work on it within a 10 minute time spam he solves it 5 times working on his goal time of sovling it at least once in less then 1 minute. this is his first day and he wants to make new friends so he stops and looks around the room to see if he can find someone interesting. realizing then that every one was looking at him. [colour=#008080]"um hi my name is Puzzlebeat and this is my first day here."[/colour]

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Shade held a hoof to her muzzle, giggling quietly. "Its EVERYpony's first day.." she whispered to just the ponies around her. "He seems cool though." She squeezed Lightning's hand, pulling it in her lap still intertwined with hers.

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Quiet Sapphire frowns at Twilight wondering why she wanted to sit alone, didn't she want to make any friends or at least try? He shook his head and pulled out his notebook with his music and began to write in it.

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Rarity walked into the classroom, not showing any signs of haste, even though she had ran all the way here. [colour=#4b0082]"Hello, darlings! Dreadfully sorry for my tardiness, I know it's not a good way to make a first impression." [/colour]She walked calmly to her seat, sitting next to Twilight. [colour=#4b0082]"Oh, Twilight! I must say, I expected to see you here. What with this being a school in Canterlot." [/colour]Rarity said, laughing slightly.

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Pepperjack watched as sapphire began to write in his journal (oh no! He's writing about how I had my book upside-down!) She then saw twilight and him talking and how nice he was to her (no... He's too nice to write mean things about Anypony...) Pepper then watched as puzzle strode in, sat down and solved the cube several times over before introducing himself (hmm... He's good with that thing... Glad to have so many smart ponies in this class and none of those preppy, stuck up-) rarity stepped inside (I stand corrected...) "So..." She nudged shade "what do you think about the noobies?" She said with a wink

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