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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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"Awesome although my musical tastes are pretty wide while I am a rock and metal lover at heart, I do enjoy other stuff as well as orchestral, rap, classical rock and some party-type music too I'm kind of an all rounder mostly I can even play the guitar too maybe I could show ya sometime if you want" he confidently listed off his favourite types of music realising that she was a bit of a rock lover too, he started blushing alittle shyly without realising as he admitted to playing the guitar since he doesn't speak much about it. he couldn't help but smirk alittle finding the punk story funny and yet felt bad for Rainbow's friend for having to deal with the situation, "So what happened then? did she get rid of him or something?" he asked curiously although feeling like he asked a stupid question despite the obvious outcome.

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"Well...I don't think i'm the one to tell the story, but let's just say he'll be careful who he dates next.....Do, you play guitar? Sounds pretty sweet, and i'd love to see you play it sometime"

Rainbow feels her cheeks warm up slightly, and quickly runs her hand through her hair to try hide it

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Lightning blushed, "Um, Miss Black, I was wondering if you could tutor me? Science, especially chemistry is my low point, Im going to need a lot of help on it." She looked up at the teacher, her blushing face obvious.

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((Ack! I missed a lot! Time for catching up!))


Pepper watched as colette danced (she's good but she's way too into herself...) Pepper pulled out her sketchbook (hmm... What to draw for him... Oh I know!) She began scribbling, halfway listening to the other introductions and teachers explanation only to be startled by a shrieking voice wanting the bubble to explode (where did she come from?!?) She erased the newly formed line from being startled and looked up to see how the bubble was coming along


"Pinkie! Rainbow dash! Applejack! Yay! All my friends are here! What have you been u-" she was cut short by a man shaking her hand "oh... H... Hello" she shyly looked away to the bubble "um... Excuse me?" No one heard her "ex... Excuse me I think that's about to-"

((I'll leave the explosion to the teacher ;P))

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[colour=#daa520]"Pinkie give her room to breath."[/colour] AppleJack said Basically ripping pinkie off of Fluttershy. [colour=#daa520]"Hey there Fluttarshy." [/colour](cowgirl accent not a spelling error)


Puzzlebeat looked around to see the class mainly in an uproar.

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Miss (Licorice) Black

"Of course I can, Sweetie!" She grinned at Lightning, not paying attention to the bubble like a good teacher should. "I know how unexciting tutoring may sound, so Im very impressed with you to ask! Don't worry though Lightning. Ill make it fun! Promise!" She winked.

*KABOOM!* The bubble exploded with a very audiable 'splosion noise, much to the teachers dismay, seeing as so many students were in the way. "Oh no.. Its okay you guys!! We have one chemical shower located right over here," she pointed. "One at a time, nobody touch your eyes, mouth or nose and you'll be fine. One at a time, just stand under the red X and pull the chain down and itll be like a big bucket getting poured on you.. One at a time!!" She covered her mouth in horror, looking at FLUTTERSHY, PINKIE PIE, COLETTE, APPLEJACK, AND PUZZLEBEAT, worried that she might get fired on her first day. "That umm.. Thats all I have for class everyone.. I am SO sorry you guys!! If you need a change of clothes I have extra in my car it got on your clothes like you closer people.." ((how high is the technology level?))

"Shade" Britches

"Bwaaahahahaa!" She didn't mean to, but shade just couldn't help but let out some laughter, but quieted soon after realizing that her newest crush, Colette, had been one of the bubble's victims. As chatter picked up, she got to talking with her friends. "That was CRAZY.. Cool for a first day or whatever!"

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Rainbow couldn't help herself but burst out laughing at the misfortune of the victims.

"You..you see that Nova? That's priceless!"

Rainbow took a second to wipe a breath tear from her eyes, before continueing to laugh

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(Its of modern level Starry)

Lightning jumped and clung to Ms. Black at the sound of the explosion, "Wow, thats loud!" She didnt let go, "Thats sweet of you Ms. Black, I have a cheerleading outfit in case anyone wants to borrow it!"

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Quiet Sapphire jumped when the Bubble went off but he looked seeing some of the new students got hit with the bubble but chuckled a bit at the ones who got hit, but also hoped that they would be alright. He then scribbled some more in his notebook as he seemed to ignore what was happening around him once more.

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She watched as the bubble exploded on a few students and chuckled (at least its nothing dangerous...) Turning to shade "that was pretty cool! I feel bad for them though... The chemical showers are freezing cold..."


Fluttershy nearly being hugged to death by pinkie " I... I'm glad... To see you...to-*kaboom*ooaaaagh!" She dove under the nearest desk, not fast enough to avoid the blast though, she stayed curled up under the desk

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[colour=#daa520]"What in Tarnation?" [/colour]Said Applejack being Covered in the chemicals, then she started to howler in laughter


Puzzlebeat sat there and looked at himself, Then he started to bust up with laughter. [colour=#008080]"Yeah i think a change of cloths would be nice, HEY EVERYONE! YOUR ALL INVITED TO A PARTY AT MY PLACE AFTER SCHOOL TODAY. BRING FRIENDS!"[/colour] he yelled over the laughter.

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[colour=#daa520]"i'll come too."[/colour] Applejack said to her Friends. [colour=#daa520]"and it sounds like someone is trying to out party you pinkie."[/colour]


Puzzlebeat Headed to the guys locker room to get cleaned still laughing on the way.

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Quiet Sapphire sat back down still writing in his notebook since class was over and he had some time since no one was paying any mind to him and he also heard something about a party but he was not the party type.

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Rainbow glances at Nova, slowly trying to build up the courage to ask him to the party "H-hey..Nova? I was just, umm, wondering if, you know, you wanted to go to that party?"

Rainbow quickly looks down, avoiding eye contact

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Miss Black

Licorice put her arm around Lightning back. "That would be great, Lightning! Thank you.. I just cant have them running around with that chemical compound all over their clothes!" She turned her attention. "Puzzlebeat, I feel safe in leaving you in charge of the class. Lightning and I will be back with changes of clothes for you four. She stepped outside with Lightning. "Okay, run and get your cheerleading outfit. I don't know if I have any boy clothes for Puzzlebeat.. I guess jeans and like, a plain shirt wouldn't matter that much." She laughed, digging through the back of her car. "Aha, just enough for the four of them! Okay.. Well we should probably head back in and GIVE them the clothes before the bell rings!" She checked the time on her phone and headed back inside. "Sorry class, were back. I had JUST enough!" She handed out the clean clothes to Applejack, Colette, and Pinkie, and then noticed Fluttershy under the desk. "Aww, sweetheart its alright.. She helped her up. Lets get you cleaned up real quick.." Miss Black led her over to the chemical shower. "Just pull the chain when youre ready.. Itll be a little cold. Lightning hun, did you grab that cheerleader outfit?" (Id better save the last outfit for Puzzle!) She decided silently

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"Well...I don't think i'm the one to tell the story, but let's just say he'll be careful who he dates next.....Do, you play guitar? Sounds pretty sweet, and i'd love to see you play it sometime"

Rainbow feels her cheeks warm up slightly, and quickly runs her hand through her hair to try hide it

"Thanks it takes awhile to practice but I have very fast reflexes so it helps when you're playing a guitar-heavy song, to be honest I didn't expect anyone in this group that likes rock as much as you do. I have a feeling this year'll be a special one" he smirked as he opened his backpack, "Here take a look, you might find something you'll love." Nova offered as he handed her his music player to use during the lesson.

Rainbow couldn't help herself but burst out laughing at the misfortune of the victims.

"You..you see that Nova? That's priceless!"

Rainbow took a second to wipe a breath tear from her eyes, before continueing to laugh

Nova flinched as his hand got caught in the blast radius of the bubble, he looked at his hand with shock and disbelief on his face before looking at the others who were covered in the bubble wholesale, he took a moment to register what just happened before he fell on the floor laughing. "What the hell was that?! Whoever did that owes me my hand back!" he tried to speak as he laughed hilariously being caught by the bubble.

Rainbow glances at Nova, slowly trying to build up the courage to ask him to the party "H-hey..Nova? I was just, umm, wondering if, you know, you wanted to go to that party?"

Rainbow quickly looks down, avoiding eye contact

Nova slowly calmed down but was still smiling until Rainbow asked him to come with the party with her, his cheeks grew red as he blushed then recomposed himself and prepared to answer, "Dash, I'd be honoured to go with you..." he smiled warmly and shyly looks back to his desk occasionally glancing over to Rainbow too embarrassed to speak again.

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Lightning grabbed her neatly folded outfit from her satchel, "Here ya go Fluttershy, it might be a bit tight around the chest, but its better than walking around with goop on you right?" She smiled warmly at the girl, "Lets make this the start of our friendship, kay?"

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