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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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Rainbow glances over at Nova, only to see Morning was there to.

'What is Morning doing here? And what's he whispering to Nova about?'

Rainbow decides not to worry about it, probably Morning wanting to ask Nova about the cadets or something like that...

Looking around the room, she see's the person who was obsessing over a book, and now it looks like a note, and he was blushing..at lot.

'Well, looks like someone gave someone else a love letter, but with no name...i wonder who did that?'

Rainbow's eyes almost immeditally shot to someone else, someone she didn't know. (PepperJack)

Rainbow looked back and forth 'Well, problem solved i guess'

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Morning looked at Nova, he would ruin. His plans to actually ask her out. He actually was trying to during his childhood, but he was to late. Some lovers came and went, but this one seems to have her attention. David gets up moves his books to the desk next to Nova, " Hello there. The name's Morning." Morning looked him over, not very tall. Well not as tall as Morning. Not really built either. Morning had an excuse for that, since he worked shifts at the coal mine. He looked at Nova. He leaned in close and whispered, " I don't think so man, she's mine. I've been working at it for years. I actually race her more often than any pony in Equestria. Always get second, but i get cut slack."

Nova watched Morning swagger towards him and Dash overconfidently, he listened carefully before Morning declared his intentions and swiftly sensing the desperation in Morning's voice and smirks finding Morning's desperation amusing he leaned back scanned the desperate Morning carefully analysing him, "While I do pity your plight I'm afraid I cannot let that happen for several reasons you see, Firstly you regard her as a thing. an object of which you impose your will on with little thought to what she wants or her opinion. Secondly you claim to of "worked on it for years" does this make you some sort of stalker? most people would consider that...Creepy and besides had you of claim to hold such affection to her, why have you not done so unless your claims aren't as true as you so hold them to be?, Thirdly your size suggests you value brawn over brains, unless you're overcompensating I think you should reconsider your options and think before you act." he coldly retorted chewing Morning's claims over Rainbow Dash apart with lethal efficiency as he pitied the sadly delusional person unimpressed and not intimidated by Morning's appearance thinking Morning would resort to this being all he'd need to scare Nova off. "You are one sad, sad yet hilarious simple-minded individual. Now if you don't mind I'd like to continue with my day without further interruption ." he dismissively shrugged at Morning's attempt and looked back at Rainbow Dash smiling.

Rainbow glances over at Nova, only to see Morning was there to.

'What is Morning doing here? And what's he whispering to Nova about?'

Rainbow decides not to worry about it, probably Morning wanting to ask Nova about the cadets or something like that...

Looking around the room, she see's the person who was obsessing over a book, and now it looks like a note, and he was blushing..at lot.

'Well, looks like someone gave someone else a love letter, but with no name...i wonder who did that?'

Rainbow's eyes almost immediately shot to someone else, someone she didn't know. (PepperJack)

Rainbow looked back and forth 'Well, problem solved i guess'

Nova turned his attention back to Rainbow Dash after dealing with Morning, "well that was amusing and interesting, Dash apparently that guy thinks you're his plaything and tried to scare me off with his less then thought out threat, anyway Dash you still up for going to the party?." He chuckled and gave her a flirty look behind Morning's back as Morning disappeared back to his desk, he was writing something in his notebook glancing at Dash blushing.

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Dash looks over at Morning, almost shooting daggers out of her eyes "W-what did you just say? I was Your PLAYTHING!?!?"

Rainbow grabs her bag and puts it on her back, before talking a step forwards and punching Morning hard in the stomach.

She then throws the table in front of her out the way, leaving her notebook behind, and storms out of the room, pushing violently past anyone in her way. Once out, she flared her wings and took off, flying out of the school building, landing on the highest point of the school.

It was there were she finally let it out, she cried.

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"While I do pity your plight I'm afraid I cannot let that happen for several reasons you see, Firstly you regard her as a thing. an object of which you impose your will on with little thought to what she wants or her opinion. Secondly you claim to of "worked on it for years" does this make you some sort of stalker? most people would consider that...Creepy and besides had you of claim to hold such affection to her, why have you not done so unless your claims aren't as true as you so hold them to be?, Thirdly your size suggests you value brawn over brains, unless you're overcompensating I think you should reconsider your options and think before you act.".

I'm sorry but....tumblr_lt103p1hy81qlhprco1_500.gif

Bro just got owned :lol:

And in this post, Silver apparently doesn't notice Rainbow's little fit, because I got ninja'd....again :roll:


Derp, he notices

Silver scoffed lightly, taking his Broken underestimating him as a sort of challenge. [colour=#696969]"You don't know what I would and wouldn't do even if I told you. Nevermind, that. Anyhow, I doubt the twins would do anything of the sort...Ok, maybe..I don't know. Point is...[/colour] He paused for several seconds, not really having a point to make. [colour=#696969]"Point is, there is no point. How you like them apples?"[/colour]

He proceeded to pretend as if he was winning their conversion until the rainbow haired one stormed out in a fit of rage. Silver looked back at Broken, confused.

[colour=#696969]"What do think all that was about? Should someone go fetch her? I think class might be starting soon..."[/colour]

*nudge nudge wink wink* for the inactive teacher

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[colour=#008080]"what was that?" Puzzlebeat said "hey pinkie save me a seat could you?"[/colour] he asked the pink pony. then let out his wings and took off after the pegasus. when he saw her land he waited a little then landed next to her kneeling [colour=#008080]"Hey whats wrong?"[/colour] he asked the rainbow headed girl.


Applejack walked into the math class and sat next to Fluttershy. then randomly a question she was meaning to ask her came into her mind [colour=#daa520]"you know there is a lot of guts who like you ya know that Fluttershy? nut why haven't i seen you in a relationship in like ever?"[/colour]

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Dash looks over at Morning, almost shooting daggers out of her eyes "W-what did you just say? I was Your PLAYTHING!?!?"

Rainbow grabs her bag and puts it on her back, before talking a step forwards and punching Morning hard in the stomach.

She then throws the table in front of her out the way, leaving her notebook behind, and storms out of the room, pushing violently past anyone in her way. Once out, she flared her wings and took off, flying out of the school building, landing on the highest point of the school.

It was there were she finally let it out, she cried.

Nova watched as she stormed out he grew heavily concerned for her as she shoved people out of her way he grabbed his things and his backpack, "Dash wait!" Nova called out to Dash and ran out after her apologizing to everyone who got shoved out the way by Dash's anger while urgently trying to find her, he searched desperately for her until he found her up on the highest point of the campus on the roof top crying. "Dash...Are you ok?..." he asked concerned for her feelings, it crushed his heart to see her so upset he sat next to her hoping his company would cheer her up and comfort her, he looked back and heard another person arrive on the roof after him and Dash.

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Dash glanced up, seeing Nova sitting next to her and someone else kneeling on the roof not far behind him.

Rainbow covered her eyes with her had, trying to hide the fact she had been crying from both of them, mostly Nova.

'He can't see me like this, he'll think i'm soft...Not as awesome as i claim i am'

"I-I'm fine..." She brings her legs up and wraps her arms around them, becoming similar to a ball in shape

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Dash glanced up, seeing Nova sitting next to her and someone else kneeling on the roof not far behind him.

Rainbow covered her eyes with her had, trying to hide the fact she had been crying from both of them, mostly Nova.

'He can't see me like this, he'll think i'm soft...Not as awesome as i claim i am'

"I-I'm fine..." She brings her legs up and wraps her arms around them, becoming similar to a ball in shape

Nova moved closer to her hesitantly not saying anything to upset her further he could feel she was hurting after what Morning said about her, he held back his feelings and wraps his arms around her comforting her closely reassuring her, "Dash, It's ok...I'm here for you..." he whispered softly reassuring her while trying hard to not upset her further as he held her close supportively, Nova looked her in the eyes with his shining Emerald-green eyes and gazed in her magneta-coloured tearful eyes hoping she'd trust him enough to open up to him smiling at her honestly.

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Rainbow felt Nova hug her, and looked deeply into his emerald eyes.

'He...He knows, that i'm hurt, that i'm crying, and....he doesn't think less of me?'

She unwrapped herself and hugged Nova back, her head resting against his shoulder as the tears continued to fall.


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Rainbow felt Nova hug her, and looked deeply into his emerald eyes.

'He...He knows, that i'm hurt, that i'm crying, and....he doesn't think less of me?'

She unwrapped herself and hugged Nova back, her head resting against his shoulder as the tears continued to fall.


Nova silently embraced Rainbow Dash as he rested his head against hers, "Anytime Dash...It hurts to see you this way, just remember...You're not alone, I promise you have the best friends always there for you, your family and...Me. Just remember there's always someone there for you supporting you no matter what through the good times and the bad times if you ever feel like you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there." he spoke softly as he cradled her in his arms and blushes heavily not caring whoever sees him like this as long as he was with Dash he didn't really care if he got ridiculed for it. Then Nova realised something he hadn't noticed before...While friends came and went he never stayed around long enough or kept in contact with most of his friends because of his fear of socializing with people and getting involved with people's lives, he hated having to pick sides or get involved with personal conflicts or drama between two friends and due to his often kind-hearted nature it was often manipulated during the conflicts. After a particularly nasty drama which devolved into a big fight several years ago he started developing the social barrier he has today using sarcasm as a defence mechanism.

No, not this time...This is different...That won't happen again. He hugged Dash close pushing his thoughts of fear to the back of his mind, right now...He's got the beautiful Rainbow-haired girl in his arms and some new friends, that's everything he wanted.

This heart-stopping moment is brought to you by this beautiful song.

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Nova silently embraced Rainbow Dash as he rested his head against hers, "Anytime Dash...It hurts to see you this way, just remember...You're not alone, I promise you have the best friends always there for you, your family and...Me. Just remember there's always someone there for you supporting you no matter what through the good times and the bad times if you ever feel like you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there." he spoke softly as he cradled her in his arms and blushes heavily not caring whoever sees him like this as long as he was with Dash he didn't really care if he got ridiculed for it. Then Nova realised something he hadn't noticed before...While friends came and went he never stayed around long enough or kept in contact with most of his friends because of his fear of socializing with people and getting involved with people's lives, he hated having to pick sides or get involved with personal conflicts or drama between two friends and due to his often kind-hearted nature it was often manipulated during the conflicts. After a particularly nasty drama which devolved into a big fight several years ago he started developing the social barrier he has today using sarcasm as a defence mechanism.

No, not this time...This is different...That won't happen again. He hugged Dash close pushing his thoughts of fear to the back of his mind, right now...He's got the beautiful Rainbow-haired girl in his arms and some new friends, that's everything he wanted.

This heart-stopping moment is brought to you by this beautiful song.

Rainbow felt herself blushing heavily, but it was the last of her concerns. The biggest, and only concern to her is what Nova had just said to her, how he'd stay with her no matter what.

'So, this is how my friends feel when i'm around? Loyalty is staying by those you trust, no matter what they go through...You'll be right next to them, like Nova is right now'

"T-thank you Nova....i..i-i would like it, if you'd be there...for me..w-when i need you....."

Rainbow tightened the grip of her hug, pulling herself closer to Nova as her tears slowly start to subside.

'He's more than i could have hoped for, and i'm lucky to have met him.....'

"H-hey? Nova? I'd love to come to that party thing tonight, with you..."

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Rainbow felt herself blushing heavily, but it was the last of her concerns. The biggest, and only concern to her is what Nova had just said to her, how he'd stay with her no matter what.

'So, this is how my friends feel when I'm around? Loyalty is staying by those you trust, no matter what they go through...You'll be right next to them, like Nova is right now'

"T-thank you Nova.... I... I-I would like it, if you'd be there...for me..W-when I need you....."

Rainbow tightened the grip of her hug, pulling herself closer to Nova as her tears slowly start to subside.

'He's more than I could have hoped for, and I'm lucky to have met him.....'

"H-hey? Nova? I'd love to come to that party thing tonight, with you..."

Nova smiled and nodded to her warmly as she thanked him for being there for her while finding her blushing absolutely adorable, "Of course, it's no problem Dash. I'm just glad you're feeling better than before" he answered positively while avoiding a direct reference to Morning at risk of upsetting her again. he felt her grip tighten as she pulled closer in the hug while returning the hug he looked up at the clouds and admired the view that the roof give him and Dash during their time as the blue sky and white clouds painted the scenery around them in a magnificent image of calm and tranquil peace as the wind blew around in a gentle breeze, Nova looked back down at Dash and dried her tears away gently as the flow slowed until her tears stopped flowing.

Nova then blushed heavily as Dash finally answered his question from earlier and hugged her closer feeling that no words would be needed in that moment as they embraced, "Say Dash, if you're ready do you wanna head back to class or stay up here for a bit and just watch the scenery pass by?" He looked back at her asking if she was ready to go back to class or not while obviously concerned that Morning might try to hit on her again but at the same time confident that Dash would be able to deal with him by herself considering what he said to her had made her so angry to literally send him off his feet with a punch to the gut.

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(This will probably be my last post for the time being until people come back, wouldn't want to fill up a whole page of just me and Shadowbolt with no-one else replying (no offence Shadowbolt you're doing a fantastic job of RP-ing as Dash I'd just want to avoid trouble with the OP about pages of responses with just two people in a group rp.) or maybe a just few more posts but definitely putting a limit on how many posts I make in a posting streak, even if this little scene with Nova and Dash is utterly made of D'awww... :blush: unless Shadowbolt wants to continue this via PMs would be perfectly fine and it would help to avoid the aforementioned problem.)

Nova smiled and nodded to her warmly as she thanked him for being there for her while finding her blushing absolutely adorable, "Of course, it's no problem Dash. I'm just glad you're feeling better than before" he answered positively while avoiding a direct reference to Morning at risk of upsetting her again. he felt her grip tighten as she pulled closer in the hug while returning the hug he looked up at the clouds and admired the view that the roof give him and Dash during their time as the blue sky and white clouds painted the scenery around them in a magnificent image of calm and tranquil peace as the wind blew around in a gentle breeze, Nova looked back down at Dash and dried her tears away gently as the flow slowed until her tears stopped flowing.

Nova then blushed heavily as Dash finally answered his question from earlier and hugged her closer feeling that no words would be needed in that moment as they embraced, "Say Dash, if you're ready do you wanna head back to class or stay up here for a bit and just watch the scenery pass by?" He looked back at her asking if she was ready to go back to class or not while obviously concerned that Morning might try to hit on her again but at the same time confident that Dash would be able to deal with him by herself considering what he said to her had made her so angry to literally send him off his feet.

(Yeah, waiting for the others sounds like a good idea, but we'll contine in PM and when the others come back, we'll just let them guess what happened in the time period)

Rainbow glances down at the tiles of the roof, and takes a deep breath "I...I don't know, i thought i knew him, knew Morning...but...I just don't know anymore Nova..I'm...I'm slightly scared. Scared of what Morning could do, scared about what my friends'll think we went we go back to the class....I-i just need some time to think..."

Rainbow slowly breaks the hug so the pair are sitting side-by-side. She then leans in slightly, resting her head against Nova's shoulder.

Her eyes drifitng from Nova, to the sky all around her, then back to Nova.

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"Um... well... Ever since me and oil slick broke up... I... I just... Just haven't..." She looked away and just played with her hair for a second until rainbow dash stormed out "I hope rainbows okay... We should go check on her!" Trying to avoid the current conversation and to help her friend, she stood up forgetting she was in the cheerleader outfit and quickly sat back down trying to hide, torn between helping her friend and not being seen, leavung the ultimate choice to Applejack


Pepper couldn't help but constantly keep looking over at sapphire but looking away when his gaze reached her (I can't believe I forgot to put my name...) She put her head in her hands for a moment until she saw rainbow dash get up and leave (looks like I'm not the only one having problems today...)

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Lightning Chaser:

Lightning walked into the math classroom and sat next to Fluttershy, "gee, you're looking great Fluttershy! I know its probably not what your used to, but it looks smashing on you."

Cloud Shimmers:

Cloud walked in and looked around, since he didnt know anyone else he sat next to the twins, "Um, I never caught your names, I'm Cloud." He smiled a little at them.

*Ding dong ding the late bell rings*

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Morning face palms himself, " That is not what i actually said, but....Whatever. None of that is true, i never said brains over brawn, I never said she was my plaything. Some people are smarter than me. You are one of them. You seem to like her, so i decided that i will stay out of your way. Oh, and good luck to you. By the way, i don't stalk her. She was a childhood friend. I hope me and you can be friends, and i hope you can understand. Now i am actually trying to protect her, just don't do anything stupid to harm her. There just might be some consequences."

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[colour=#008080]"Glad to hear your going to make it to my party, but for now lets get to class ok you two?"[/colour] Puzzlebea said to the two of them


[colour=#daa520]"oh Come on just because one guy broke up with you your going to be forever alone?" [/colour]Apple jack asked Fluttershy.

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

"Names, huh? Well, I'm Ruby." The twin with the moon-lit mirror hairpin said. The other twin extended a hand toward Cloud, flashing a smile. "...and I'm Garnet. Nice to meet you." Ruby looked at her sister in surprise, for she was never the one to shake hands.


~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

When the tardy bell wrung out loudly, she got up from her black leather chair and walked over to the classroom door, shutting it gently and then walking back over to her desk. Sitting against the desk, she gave the students a look-over once more before smiling and taking off her hat, her auburn-coloured hair streaming past her shoulders. "Hello, class. I'm Miss Sunshine...but you can call me Autumn if you wish. I think that familiarity improves student-teaching conditions. I am excited to get to know each and every one of you, and I have no doubts that we'll get along just fine, see? Now, before I let you ask any questions...I have one of my own." She paused a bit, tipping her head to the side as she crossed her arms.

"What do you all think of Canterlot Prep...? Is it like you expected it to be?"

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broken snaps out of his confusion that silver put him in

"i dont know, but lets just hope there is little drama this year, and if there is, that it will be fun for us to watch"

broken snickered, and jumped a bit when the bell rang

"welp it looks like class is finally starting"

he said as the teacher got up and seemed to ask everypony a question, the class was silent so thought he should be the first to speak up.

"well its been good so far, kinda weird being back in school, but more or less, its been decent..."

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He leaned back, "I slept through my first few classes, but yeah I like it here, it seems fancy, and the student dorms look nice enough." He shook Garnets hand, "You're names are pretty."


She smiled eagerly "so far I love it here, all the girls are pretty, and I've made a lot of friends!" She gave Fluttershy a little hug, "right?"

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Sapphire sighs wondering who the note was from, and he would ask who it belonged to, but suddenly Rainbow Dash caused a ruckus and then the bell rang so he couldn't ask anyone until the end of this class

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"I... Just don't want to get hurt again..."

Lightning Chaser: Lightning walked into the math classroom and sat next to Fluttershy, "gee, you're looking great Fluttershy! I know its probably not what your used to, but it looks smashing on you."
She was glad to hear lightning ask a subject changing question "th... Thank you..." She blushed

*Ding dong ding the late bell rings*

Fluttershy jumped a little when the bell rang so unexpectedly, fixing her skirt once more

Lightning: She smiled eagerly "so far I love it here, all the girls are pretty, and I've made a lot of friends!" She gave Fluttershy a little hug, "right?"
"r... Right!" She paused for a moment and said in what seemed like a whisper "And... And I like canterlot prep so far... I'm glad all my friends are here..." ((Shoot... gotta get off wifi... I'll post peppers part soon!))
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