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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

The twins blinked at the offer, their surprised expressions exactly the same. Ruby gave a wry smirk before answering; "I don't think that my sister and I-" She was cut off instantly by Garnet, who smiled brightly. "That sounds great, Cloud! We'll take you up on that." Her sister shot her a venomous glance, drawing an innocent grin from Garnet. "...we live with our cousin, Autumn, up in Canterlot Heights...and yes, that teacher over there is our cousin. Oh, look...seems like she's about to explode." The twins looked over to Miss Sunshine, whose face was enshrouded by the shadow under her fedora. This can't be good...


~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

So, this was the class she was supposed to teach this year? A bunch of rowdy, tardy, undisciplined brats?! Already, most of the students just simply walked...walked...right out of her classroom. Something needed to be set straight here. Getting up rigidly from her desk, she strode quietly to the door, opening it and walking outside. Spotting the collection of students, her expression changed to a smile...but that smile didn't reach her amber eyes. "Is there a problem that I need to be aware of, students? Or is this another moment of teen drama?" Her voice was completely flat, no emotion laced into it whatsoever.

(Queue evil anime expression! :evil:)

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((the teacher!!



[colour=#696969]"Pinkie...No, of course not. You're beautiful and amazing. Now, I don't know why you would ever think those negative things about yourself, but I wish you would stop."[/colour] He looked at Pinkie in silence for a moment, now noticing Rainbow. Who was just glaring at him...Menacingly... He tilted his head slightly as a puzzled expdession came across his face. [colour=#696969]"Umm, what?"[/colour] , he whispered quietly.

Silver waited for a response until the door to the class they were outside of opened suddenly. Revealing an unamused Miss Sunshine....What an unfitting name...But in a feeble attempt to not get into trouble for such a petty affair, Silver sprung up and tried to seem busy.

[colour=#696969]"Miss Sunshine!? Thank the stars you're here! We in fact do have a problem, you see...Umm..We thought, that umm...[/colour] , Silver hesitated and looked at Puzzlebeat. [colour=#696969]"Um, tell her why we're out here, and why it's important, Puzzlebeat."[/colour]

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"I suffer from depression," Pinkie said as she got up, "It...it makes me feel very very down once in a while and I have to get away; they were just concerned about me, being my friends," she said with a sigh, "I'm sorry for the trouble, we will come in now,"

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Rainbow got up next to Pinkie and looking away from Silver

'Well, that was his one chance...and he blew it'

Then the teacher came out, Rainbow could see how unamused she was even while wearing a smile.

"Kinda...straight up, but basically that's the deal teach..Come on Pinkie, you can sit next to me if you like"

Rainbow smiled sincerly, trying to help her energetic friend feel better

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Rainbow simply froze as Pinkie went back inside, sadder than when she'd left. Dash looked over at Silver, her anger about to peak at how she thought, it was obvoius Pinkie had a thing for him, and he.....ohhh.

Rainbow simply walked inside, trying to conceal her anger at that moment and sat down in her spot next to Nova.

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~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

She listened to them for a moment before sighing, crossing her arms as her smile slipped. "...just please go inside and sit down. Pinkie, I'd like to speak to you after class, understand? You others...come inside momentarily. Don't make me come out again." Saying what she had to say, she went back inside and began to organize a few papers.

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Cloud smiled at Garnet, "great! I'll pick you two up at 5." Despite his happy demeanor he noticed Ruby's unhappiness, he scrawled down a note and passed it to her; 'if you'd rather I could cancel, I wouldn't want to impose if you and Garnet already had plans :/'.

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Puzzlebeat walked into the room and sat down. [colour=#008080]'wow trouble for being nice just great.' [/colour]he thought to himself


Applejack followed the others into the room and looked at Pinkie [colour=#DAA520]'i hope she's alright.[/colour]' she thought silently

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Nova watched as everyone returned back to class he noticed that Pinkie and Dash looked worse then they did before they left the classroom. "Dash, you ok? what happened out there?" Nova asked curiously concerned as he sensed that she was hiding built up anger, he quickly figured it had to do with what happened out in the hall. He was writing a note to give to the teacher after class from his notebook. Finding the drama around him depressing he retreated into his mind after finishing his note which he placed in his chest pocket of his coat he opened aa new page and started drawing a picture in his notebook.

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

Garnet returned Cloud's excited expression. "That sounds lovely. I can't wait till school ends!" Ruby looked away, staring out the window until she noticed Cloud pass her a note. Reading it, she sighed and wrote her reply, passing it back. 'No...I guess we do need to get to know some people if we're going to be here for awhile. Just don't expect anything from me.'

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Rainbow looked over at Nova, smiling slightly "It...It's hard to explain...But..i'm fine" She looks over at Pinkie "I..I just hate not being able to help her..."

Sighing, she reopens her notebook and restarted drawing her flight plans, but her insiration was lacking. Consistantly glancing over at Pinkie, she couldn't help but feel she'd failed her friend in some way.

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Cloud passed the note back with his own message. 'I expect you to have a little fun at the party :3. Please?'

Lightning looked at Fluttershy with a smile, she actually liked math, it was her favorite subject.

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I'm actually proud of Silver. He's following in my footsteps!! Wait.....Fml :/


Silver sullenly walked back into the classroom and took his seat. Quickly giving himself the facepalm he needed.

[colour=#696969]"Oh, I hate my life...I wonder if it's too late to go back to Cloudsdale..."[/colour] , he spoke quietly too himself, closing his eyes and wishing for some sort of way out if this, however inevitable. He soon folded his arms across his desk and rested his head upon them, hoping he didn't just make things worse and this would blow over fast.

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

Ruby received the note again, and looked at it's contents. Blinking, she set it aside and began to fiddle with her hairpin as she thought to herself in silence. Garnet leaned on one of her hands, looking at Cloud. "So, tell me about yourself. Might as well get to know my date." She winked at him teasingly.

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Cloud blushed, "I um, was born in Canterlot, but after an accident both my parents passed away, and Ive been living with my aunt and uncle in Trottingham ever since. I'm new here so I dont have many friends yet, but Im glad i met you two." He smiled at them.

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Quiet Sapphire looked as the others came in and things seemed to be worse than what happened before. He didn't know of a way to help, and doubted that they would even want his help. He sighed knowing he would not make a friend at all at this rate and he looked down at his desk, at the notebook full of songs, but for some reason, he had nothing to write down in it, nothing could come to him.

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Puzzlebeat looked at Cloud and the gleam sisters [colour=#008080]"So you guys coming to the party?"[/colour] he said mainly focusing on Ruby [colour=#008080]"I would love to see you all make it."[/colour]

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