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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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[colour=#696969]"Don't say that. For all you know, they're just friends. You may still have a chance if you hurry. Do you want me to ask her for you?"[/colour] Silver teased Broken lightly, enjoying himself. [colour=#696969]"Tick tock.

I don't think there will be anyone left to ask if you keep on waiting like this. "[/colour]] He stopped spinning his pen and began to repeatedly tap Broken with it.

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(omg this is reminding me of when i was gonna ask this girl out, my friend was doing the exact thing you were, Silver :3)

"No, dont do that, that will be VERY embarassing"

Broken stood up and scanned the room as he got and got a tissue he sat back down.

"I......I......Really dont know"

Broken saw garnet holding clouds hand

well scratch that one

Broken then over heard puzzlebeat ask colette

sweet mother of celestia, silvers right these people are hooking up like theyve been love poisioned!

Broken sat back down, "welp, its actually too late, everybodies taken"

Broken lets out a sigh, his horn started glowing as he pulled up his backpack and pulled out a daring doo book, he opened it and buried his head into the book.

(i edited due to my extreme stupidity and not paying attention)

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Morning gets up and eases his way into a seat next to Rainbow, " Can I speak with you?"

Rainbow glances at Morning as he sat next to her, then looks away, back at her deck.

"W-what do you want Morning?" Her voice was short and slightly shakey

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" Well, you see. I was actually talking about our childhood. What Nova told you was a twist of my words, i was actually trying to convince him that you and i were great friends, and in my foolishness, i thought that would help me. It looks like it didn't, though. Well that's all i have to say, i hope you are happy with your new boyfriend. I suppose i might see you after school, for a race maybe? Same time always, whoever loses has to buy food for the other."

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~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

When she was done passing out the forms, she sat back down at her own desk and laid back in her customized leather chair. She didn't expect these students to try to learn anything on the first day of school...no teacher really did. Besides, they were mostly enjoying themselves at this point. Tomorrow will be when she cracks down hard...but for now, she'll let the students take it easy. Autumn spotted her younger cousins in the back of the classroom, Ruby obviously pouting with that pretty face of hers, and Garnet merrily chatting it up with another student. Odd, that. Garnet usually always followed her sister's lead...what changed?

~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

While Garnet sat there talking away, Ruby was busy with her artistry. She had a passion for drawing since she was a toddler...and it had only grown over the years...especially when her magic came in. After a few moments, her perfect drawing of a cardinal bird was finished, and she smiled down at it for a second. Using a bit of her magic, her horn glowed, and so did the paper, in a soft red glow. Suddenly, the drawing began to rise up from the sheet, rising from the desk and thickening out, becoming three-dimensional. Narrowing her eyes in concentration, the magically-wrought bird began to grow colours; red, black, and small bits of yellow, put in the same places as the real bird itself. When it was all done, the bird stood on the desk, appearing completely real and gazing around. Looking at her, it chirped and leaped up onto her shoulder, brushing against her head affectionately. Ruby couldn't help herself by smile and stroke the newly-made Cardinal's soft feathers.

Garnet spared a glance over at her sister, smirking a bit. Was Ruby showing off, or had she done that simply because she wanted to? Nonetheless, it was an amazing job. Her sister's talents existed in the world of physical art, while her own...she prefered music and dance. Shaking her head in amusement, she murmured to herself. "...that's my sister for you..."

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" Well, you see. I was actually talking about our childhood. What Nova told you was a twist of my words, i was actually trying to convince him that you and i were great friends, and in my foolishness, i thought that would help me. It looks like it didn't, though. Well that's all i have to say, i hope you are happy with your new boyfriend. I suppose i might see you after school, for a race maybe? Same time always, whoever loses has to buy food for the other."

As Nova was talking to Applejack he overheard Morning try to come onto Dash he smirked finding it cute that Morning was still trying then finally turned his attention briefly to Morning "Excuse me for just one second Applejack I'll be right back to you right now I have something to sort out." he said as he stared at Morning displeased before he started to address him, "'afraid not for Dash and me have plans after school, we're having a race and then after that we'll be getting ready to go to the party. So unfortunate for you Dash will be preoccupied and I didn't twist your words you did that to yourself and now Dash is pissed at you for what YOU said about her to me, I didn't do it. You did. Congrats, now stop trying to re-twist it so I look like that bad guy when you did a fantastic job of doing that to yourself." Nova flat out interrupted and explained to Morning who was STILL trying to win Dash over despite the fact he already blew his chance when he didn't watch what he was saying and gave Morning a cold steely glare. Finding the former friend's antics rather annoying firmly stating what Morning did as clear as crystal with a hint of sarcasm.

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(sorry for being late to post. been gone awhile)


Puzzlebeat looked at the girl and blushed a little [colour=#008080]"you can go with me to my own party if you would like."[/colour] he told her


Applejack nodded to nova when he wished to be excused and smirked at the comment he made to Morning.

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Morning looked up to Nova, " Excuse me, i was just trying to address my friend. Nothing more than that, but if you want Rainbow to shut me out than i will stay out of your way." Morning was about to walk away, but he turned to look back at Nova, " You know, just because you have it all, doesn't mean you control others lives, i am not your royal subject, and i will not bow down to you. Don't get to cocky, or you might just crash and burn. Have a nice life, jerk." He ran out of the school once more this time not returning. ( if i have Nova on my case all the time, then i will no longer participate. I am just ruining the roleplay by being here. )

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(OOC: Morning, Nova's just playing as one of the high school stereotypes...you know, the popular guy whose dating (or wanting to date) the popular girl, but the weaker and less popular guy keeps getting in the way, and so he feels threatened, and thus tries to make the weaker guy feel insecure and unconfident. It happens all the time. It makes the RP more real :3)

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(Holy cow, guys...simmer down...this is an RP and you're getting worked up over a fictional relationship? I understand Morning doing it, but you Nova? -shakes head sadly- ...I expected better from someone older. Take it to OOC before Ashy breaks down on everyone.)

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( you truly are an ass, i gave up RD because i wasn't violent. Besides you had her before i even tried to do anything. So stop with the act jackass )

((Yo, Morning. You need to calm down, it's just an RP. Don't take it so seriously. There's no need for name calling. Ok?))

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(Holy cow, guys...simmer down...this is an RP and you're getting worked up over a fictional relationship? I understand Morning doing it, but you Nova? -shakes head sadly- ...I expected better from someone older. Take it to OOC before Ashy breaks down on everyone.)

(First time I was pulling his leg and playing around with him, how was I supposed to know he'd overreact like this Val? :roll: )

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( I am done, i will not continue this argument. Please just leave morning alone, i will not mess with you or even talk to you. Leave him alone, and he will leave you alone. Like i said, last one )

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(Okay guys, if you two don't sort this out then there's going to be some repercussions, you two are insulting each other over something that doesn't matter! If this continues then I'm not sure there's room for either of you)

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(No need, it's done. coincidently Shadow mentioned to me about having plans for Rainbow and warned me about something to do with Morning and advised me on action.)

That a cue for Nova, or not?

I don't really see what Novy can do here, wanna just let it slide?

Maybe taunt him by showing Morning that you've basically replaced him?

Oh, just a warning. When Nova leaves dash alone (for whatever reason) Morning is going to confront her about before. So, Novy better be prepared. Just thought i'd give you a bit of warning

Just in case proof was needed.

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