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A Pony With a Fedora Trots Into a Forum


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About Myself: The name is Klopp, not to be confused with anything that is pronounced exactly the same (Feel free to giggle, though).

I'm just a not-so-average 21 year old guy looking for a nice place to hang out and roleplay. My interests include... everything, really. There is always something awesome in every subject, and when it comes to entertaining myself, I will find joy in just about anything, especially if I am doing it with friends.

Apart from being a brony, I am also a furry, and have been for roughly 5 or 6 years. Normally I would be hesitant to say that, because I tend to always get insulted simply because I enjoy something, so I have this horrendous fear that people will dislike me just for being myself. Thankfully I've gotten over that recently, and am not afraid to openly admit I am a furry on the internet. :3

In case you are interested in that at all, my fursona is a Messenger, a species created by my friend, Arylett, who also joined and said a bit about them in her own introduction thread, In case you didn't read hers, they are an anthropomorphic species of canines with three separate races, Dogs, FOxes and Hyenas. My own fursona is of the Fox variety.

Anyways, I tend to be a generally silly guy with a strange sense of humor. That's not saying I can't be serious when necessary, but being silly helps me cope with stress better (Which, unfortunately, I have a lot of) I am a kind and sympathetic, sensitive guy, and really hate to see others in pain. I am dedicated and loyal to my friends, and would do anything I could to protect them.

I guess that's enough rambling about myself right now, I think I'll move on to the next text box...

How I found Canterlot.com: I was told about it by my best friend, Arylett, who I joined alongside.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I had seen the memes pop up around the internet everywhere I went throughout 2011, but wasn't really interested in trying it out until I joined a forum and read a few posts from people who said the show was genuinely awesome, so I gave it a look and over the course of 2 days watched the series, and was begging for more.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
I don't know what else to say, I guess HELLO! :3

See yall 'round the forums!

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Welcome welcome! Aside from Arylett, we have other furies hanging around these parts as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll giggle at your name. :lol:

PS: Panama hats are better.

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Welcome welcome! Aside from Arylett, we have other furies hanging around these parts as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll giggle at your name. :lol:

Good to know! But it's not at all surprising, really. There doesn't seem to be a public website anywhere in the internet that doesn't have at least one furry. XD

PS: Panama hats are better.

Only to those whose minds have been tainted by evil. Away with you and your devilish taste in headwear! (Of course not, both are Epicz. :3)

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

My personal fursona is a fox as well.

I'm sure it's because Foxes are just too awesome. :3

Welcome to canterlot!

Hope you enjoy your stay!

Thanks! I'll do my best to enjoy it here. :3

Klawpz! You finally post. Good boy! :3 Just remember to tune out the lies about any other hat being superior to a fedora. Because that is clearly not the case. Your hat is the only holy hat to exist.

Of course! We all know my hat is superior to the rest. :3

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Only to those whose minds have been tainted by evil. Away with you and your devilish taste in headwear! (Of course not, both are Epicz. :3)

That reminds me, I really really need to post a WiP of a panama hat-wearing OC of mine..... :P

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How many fedoras do you own?

Well, the funny thing about that is I actually don't own any. :3 (I really need to get one though)

It's just become this ridiculous symbol of Kloppishness that is so awesome I wouldn't dare create an OC representing myself without one. And yeah, I will certainly get myself a real one... some day. >.>

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Welcome, Welcome! Another furry fan? Yay! I shall say that only the Doctor can truly pull off funny hats (sorry), but then again, who am I to judge? I shall now proceed to giggle a bit at your name. :lol:

My fursona is a lion...rawr?

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