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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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Arty grabbed the phone to redial the number, before pausing to glance over the counter, seeing Dash running off. He winced and dropped the phone, vaulting the counter and catching her before she makes it out the garage door.

"W-Wait a minute, there! It'll disperse in the buildings, it's fine!" He lowers his grip to her hand ad gently pulls her, guiding to the office. "I'm going to call the hospital again and tell them to call off the ambulance... If you REALLY are Dash... You don't have shelter or anything... I'll take you home and we'll get everything sorted out, okay?"

He smiles warmly, ignoring the fact that he was holding her hand, focused only on his desire to help an idol.

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(Timezones are messing up... I'll be online this "evening" (for me late night))

(and the pic of the car: http://g30i.img-up.net/peugeot20655dd.jpg?l=en )

For Magda it was just another nice day here in america. In fact, it was her first free day in this continent. She got here during a military training together with parts of the US Army, as she and a platoon of her company were to show them how to defend themselves without air superiority. But that was a long story... In the end all that matters was, that she was allowed to stay here and to spend her free days seeing a diffrent contry. She even got to bring her own car with her, even as it seemed to be pretty small, compared to some of the american vehicles.

To her it was just an ordinary day which she wanted to spend by seeing some of the sights here. So her plan was simple, at least until she got interrupted by the sight of a flash. Something like a lightning, except for there were no dark clouds to see. Thinking of it as an adventure she quickly grabbed everyting she needed and left the small hotel room, driving in her car on the streets as close as she got.

Soon she had to drive on simple field streets rather than the nice and flat roads in the city or on the highway, but she came up to maybe 100 yards, where she got out of the car and closed it, before she walked up to where she thought that the lightning had hit. Her weapon stayed back in the car, even thought she was in america, she really didn't think that she would need them here.

All she saw was a teenager girl with tan skin, reaching up for the sky and then rolling on the ground. Magda had to admit that the sight of this was pretty strange... "Hey! Is everything alright?!" she asked from a distance, cautiously approaching the teenager to see what was wrong with her.

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" What is that thing you're holding in your hoof, err. Hand, or whatever these limbs are called. And yes i think I'll be ready to order, but no i don't have a place to stay. I already told you that I live in Ponyville! This isn't Ponyville! Or Equestria for that matter, but anyways."David looked at the menu, shocked, " You don't have cakes on this menu?" Then he read it over once more," Hmmm. At least you have muffins." David thought about who was going to make his food, " Do you think Pinkie Pie cooks this, no. Well thats to bad." David waited for the waitress or whoever was going to take there order to come," I will have a blueberry muffin. Thats it. Oh, and maybe put some daisies on the side, you don't have that. Oh...Then i will just have the muffin then."

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Oh, man! What to do, what to do?! Wait... "Question. How are you going to seduce men in this world if you're dressed like Dracula's bride?? You're cute and all, but some men just aren't into vampires. You might have a little trouble feeding~"

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Rainbow Dash slightly nodded and felt the rush of relief. She would probably need the sleep.


Spin Art stopped moaning and rolling on the grass. She looked up and saw the most unusual creature she has ever seen in her life, so weird that it might not inhabit the forests of Everfree. It was nearly hairless like her, wore odd clothing like her, but it was standing up on its hind legs like a bear... Spin Art narrated in her mind. She didn't know what to say to it but only grumbles such as "Um. Ah....."

Should she flee? She guessed it would be the best option. Spin Art got up on all fours and started to trot for three feet but then stumbled to the ground.

FAIL. I must flee! ​Spin Art thought dramatically and tried to flee.

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After calling off the ambulance and mopping the blood from his arm, Arty began locking up, leaving Dash to explore under the rules of 'Don't break anything'.

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Rainbow Dash went around the tornado torn place. Nearly everything was on the floor. Along with the mess there was a bunch of round black and metal things. One was standing up. She pushed it and it began to roll to the wall and falling over.

"What's that thing for?" She bluntly asked. What use did that have? She seen those fast (but not as fast as her-!) monsters that sped up and down the yellow-streaked black trail. They had those round feet that she was just experimenting on. Maybe the creature that was helping her was some doctor for the monsters! "Are you some monster doctor of some sort?"

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Arty chuckled from across the packed garage, locking the final door and heading back over to her.

"Monster doctor? No, Mechanic? Yes. These things aren't monsters," He gestures to the cars in the garage. "They're machines... you know, like the buggies you guys have? Except they run on petrol, not horses!"

He makes his way over the the massive garage door and pulls the rope, dropping it quickly, only to be stopped at eye level by Arty's hand. He gestures beneath and latches the door behind her, exiting through the door as the siren bleeps once to ensure him it's armed. He makes his way down the face of the building and to the alley, where a beautifully painted and detailed Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution sits happily, awaiting it's master. Arty casually opens the door and waits for Dash to step to the other side.

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The female soldier closed in on the girl cautiously, trying to avoid looking too much like one of the bad ones, despite the uniform she was wearing. While she got closer she took a quick look at the girl. She was an averenge sized young woman, so much for sure. At least it didn't look like she if she was just about to get to know a teenager boy a bit better.

The friendly approach proved to be a failure and that other girl tried to run away... on all fours? "Was zur..." ("What the...") said Magda, surprised by that action, but shortly after she had to smile as she saw that teenager stumble to the ground. That girl really had to be full of alcohol... or even worse... at least that was the first idea she got while looking at her. And she knew the consequenzes of this... "Hey! Don't run away, I'm trying to help!" said the soldier in a louder voice, without really screaming, and moved up to the teenager girl. It'd be an easy task for her to catch her if she would keep trying to crawl on all fours, that's for sure.

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Rainbow Dash entered the mechanical carriage. It didn't need stallions pulling it! How awesome is that?

"So awesome!" Rainbow grabbed her cheeks and made a fishy face. The carriage was 20% better or maybe more than 20% better than the ones she was used to. "Queen Chrysalis turned Equestria into something so odd, but awesome at the same time!"

Rainbow Dash's understanding was that everypony was turned into these creatures and the world of Equestria was different in a way.

"Hey! I don't even know your name? So are you earth pony?"


Spin Art felt so awkward in a different body.

Surely the creature was going to get her in its hind legs than Spin Art on the floor not knowing how work her body.

I'm going to dieeee-!

She stopped and cowered on the grass.

"So much for my life! I'll never meet my dad or join the Wonderbolts! Kill me, I don't care!" She screamed at the creature.

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As she got closer, Magda prepared herself for the most common reactions. Most likely that girl would try to attack her or try to flee. But what really happened caught her on surprise. For a moment she held still, looking down on that girl, before she got herself again. Magda didn't realize that that girl said something about the Wonderbolts because she was too focused about the part with the killing. "Of course you care if you get to live or die. Else you wouldn't be afraid... but..." The soldier reached down, grabbing that girls upper arm with her hand and pulling her up to her feat. "I'm not here to kill you, or even to harm you. So just calm down and don't forget about breathing."

After these initial words she smiled at her, trying to look more friendly. Also she left the grab at her arm. "So... My Name is Magda, Corporal in the Austrian Army and on vacation here in America. What's your name?" In her past it has proven to be a good idea to introduce each other for further conversation.

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Arty chuckles, sitting down next to her and fastening his seat belt. "I ain't no pony, Dashie, I'm a human! Been a human for... Well, long as I can remember..."

He chuckles, inserting the keys and turning the electronics on, turning the volume down on the radio before it turned on. He closes his door and pauses.

"Seat belt?" He asks, tucking at his to show her.

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Spin Art was pulled up to her hind legs. She was able to maintain balance. Hopefully she didn't have to move like this for a while or not she'll fail and fall to the ground.

"So... My Name is Magda, Corporal in the Austrian Army and on vacation here in America. What's your name?"

Must be a mare. Spin Art thought to herself. “I’m Spin Art and we’re in… Amareica you say? And Austria is…” She stopped abruptly and looked at her surroundings. Wheat fields, wheat fields everywhere and a stone black trail.

Spin Art inspected her clothes. She wore a uniform with a black beret. Magda, her name, said she was a Corporal in the army. She definitely wasn’t lying by the looks of it.


Rainbow Dash grabbed the seat belt. Using her hooves like this was odd. The belt held her to the seat comfortably.

“We don’t need seat belts, what’s it for?”

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"To make sure that if some as-... Jerk hits us, we'll be okay... Now..."

Arty turns the key and the car roars to life, the beautiful noise set Arty's heart aflutter, oh how he loved it. Into first gear and out onto the street they went, travelling through minimal traffic at a decent rate.

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The carriage began to move, without a stallion to pull it.

"So you're the one who is pulling the carriage in a way?" Rainbow asked. The sound of the carriage was completely different than Rainbow Dash thought it would be. Wished it could go faster, Rainbow could have been at her house by now. "Can this go any faster?"

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"Ohohohoho, yes it can, Dashie... It's just, well... There are too many cars around... Maybe when we get onto the freeway."

He pulls the car in and out of lanes expertly, making his way over the bridge and onto the freeway, where he begins to crack his neck.

"So... you wanna see what this thing can do, eh?"

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The foreign soldier was happy, that this girl finally came to a rest and stopped running away or fearing for her life. But seeing how she had problems with keeping her balance just proved jer, that she has taken something that wasn't good for her. But the way she spelled the countries name made her smile again. "It's spelled America... and it's the country here. The country you're living in. Austria is another, smaller country." At least the Corporal thought, that Spin Art was from here. By the way...

"Spin Art is a really strange name... even for an american... I mean I heard of names like Rose or Rainbow as well as Sunshine, but... no offense..." Magda smiled a bit before she reminded herself why she was here in the first place. "There was a strange lightning and when I got here, you were there. Are you alright?" She tried to look if the teenager had any wounds, but as it seemed she was fine. Her clothing wasn't blodstained and she wasn't crying in pain. So... everything seemed to be ok.

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Rainbow began to smile.

"Aww yeah!"


I live in America? Spin Art thought confusedly. No.. no-no... no....Austria... Another country?

The name Spin Art to Magda seemed odd. Same to Spin Art, the name Magda was not a pony name. Well, she was a creature that maybe Zecora, the zebra who lived in the Everfree Forest may not know about.

The lightning. What was that all about anyway? Spin Art began to tell her what she remembered.

"Yeah I'm fine, but Queen Chrysalis was trying to take over the world and she cast a spell on this rune and now I'm here. Not sure where I am...."

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Slowly the car began to glide into an open lane... Second gear...

Third gear...

Reaching towards 80, the car began to audibly cry a wail of sweet sweet turbocharged petrol fire.

Fourth gear...

Nearing a hundred, Arty eases off, worried of the extraordinary speeding ticket.

Back down to the speed limit, he eases into traffic and continues the trip.

"Wish I had more space..."

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