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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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"Queen Chrysalis?" she asked. For a short moment the soldier didn't know what to do, but then she smiled. "And let me guess... You're from a place called Equestria and you're normally a pony and not a human, right?"

The simple idea sound like a crazy fairytale, but judging by how that girl acted all along... "Whatever you took, you should either take less, or give me something of it too. Or better just take less. I don't want to risk my job."

Magdalena smiled a bit before she nodded in the dorection of her car. "Come on, we'll get you a coffee and something to eat. You'll feel better soon." she said to Spin Art, making one step to the car, looking if that girl was able to follow her or if she was still too dizzy and needed her help.

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Rainbow Dash was filled with adrenaline until they had to slow.

"Aww! That was awesome!"

[colour=#282828]"Wish I had more space..."[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"What do you mean? So we can go faster? Yeah, there are a ton of carriages here."[/colour]


Spin Art wanted to say yes to Madga's questions, but it seemed like to her that Spin Art was acting all this time. Take less? Take less of what? Spin Art didn't wanted to ask.

Madga motioned her to the metal thing that was a far ways away.

Please no.... Spin Art tried her best to step on her hind leg. One step through, and now the other step........


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The first stepbseemed to be going nicely, more or less. But the next one already proved problematic and... there was that stumbling, the reason why she took only a single step before she waited for her. Quickly she grabbed her with both her hands and prevented her from falling down. With ease she put Spin Arts arm over her shoulders andcaround her neck, holding her up while walking to the car, taking most of her weight off the teenagers feet. As a soldier like her she was used to carry others or to carry a heavy backpack. Sometimes even carry others while carrying a backpack. So that it wasn't a big problem to carry that girl to her car. "Don't worry... As soon as your body has recovered, you'll be fine again." she said, coming closer to her car. With one hand she reached for the key and pressed on a little button on it, which resulted in the car making a click-noise and flashing it's orange lights two times. Then she opened the door and tried to help Spin Art inside. "Easy now. The worst part is already over."

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I was being carried and I was able to make it to the metal thingy over there. Spin Art narrated. Soon as my body was recovered, no as soon as I get used to it. I will sometime.

Magda was really strong. Spin Art wished she was like her, but first she wanted to walk like the way she was walking. Seemed pretty cool to do for a pony. Spin Art wondered where everypony was.

This metal thing was so odd. It flashed orange with it's eyes. Spin Art tried to make a pointing gesture with her hoof.

"What is that?"

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Out of all what she might have expected, that question wasn't included. But she knew the answer to it, that wasn't the problem. The real problem was... in order to explain it she had to tapk to that Spin Art pike to a child, a really young child. And she simply hated children... They were so annoying! Without exception!

"It's a car. By using it you can move faster than on foot. Much faster." Well... that wasn't too bad... not too childish and such... After she pretty much sat Spin Art into the car, she took a quick look if there wasn't anything that could be hit by the door, like a hand, leg or hairs, and then closed the door. While she had to walk around the car to get to the drivers door, Spin Art propably had some time.to look at the interior. On the backseat was a belt with a holster and a black pistol in it, as well as two magazin bags. The fact that it was lying on the backseat pretty much showed that she wasn't planning to do anything with it.

Magda opened the drivers door and got inside quickly, closing the door behind her and sliding the key into the keylock. Then she grabbed the seatbelt and held it in front of herself as she turned her head to look at Spin Art. "Grab the Seatbelt and put the metal ending in here..." As she explained she showed it by example of herself. When that girl already asked what a car was, then she would surely not know what a seatbelt was. After that was finished she talked to the girl. "So... What were you doing there? And where are you from anyway?"

(I'm off for now. 1:43 am here already)

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Charles reached in and buckled the seat belt around rarity. "Safety measure." He told her. He got in on the other side buckled in and pressed a button opening the garage door then started the car. " what type of clothes do you like to where? No dresses though." he said starting the car. he pulled out of the garage pressed the button again and started to drive down the road.

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((I kinda like how everyone's in a car. xD))

Spin Art looked what the inside of the "car" looked like. Mostly everything had a soft feel to it. It was just like the carriages at Ponyville but no stallions pulling it. Very cool.

She tried to follow what Magda was doing with the seat belt. How interesting! Spin Art wondered why the seat belt was there for anyway unlike the carriages didn't need anything.

Right next to her was a type of belt with pockets and other items. Spin Art grabbed it, finally used to her unusual hooves, and inspected it.

[colour=#282828]"So... What were you doing there? And where are you from anyway?"[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"I told you, I really don't know. All I know is that Chrysalis did something to me and I just found myself in this body in the middle of a wheat field. I'm from Cloudsdale. I work in Ponyville so it's like my other home."[/colour]

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"shirts you can where for upper body, i wont buy you a dress because I'm going to get you more then one outfit and dresses are expensive, but i will get you as many skirts as you want." Charles explained "i will also get you a coat if you'd like and a scarf... wait your a dress maker? Gimme a sec." He pulled out his blue tooth and put it on. "ok for next couple of minutes, I'm not talking to you so please don't respond to what say." And then he called Connor

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David waited for the waitress to give him his food, even the daisies he asked for, " Wow, this place is really top line." He ate his small muffin and drank what was left of his coffee, " You want some?" David saw the shake of his new friend's head that signaled a no. David took a small bite of the daisy's tip and then spat the flower out, " What happened to my taste buds? I used to love these things." David grabbed his tongue to inspect and felt it was really small, " Tongue you must like this taste!" He said it while holding his tongue. David got up and balanced himself, " Acquaintance we must move forward! To your other friends. I must see if mine are there as well, just to make sure."

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Connor threw some money on the table and got his bag. "Right, let's go." He got his phone out of his pocket and dialed Colette. "Once we get to Colette's you can get some rest while we wait for Charlie."

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Connor said goodbye to Charles and hung up, dialing Colette to tell her they were on the way. "David, this is called a phone, it's how we communicate without being face to face."

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As if on cue, the opening riffs to The Spectrum sliced through the sliced through the silence. "Oh! Telephone!" Colette chirped, jumping up and pulling out her phone. Who was -- oh NO! Colette's face blanched as she turned to the Changeling Queen, putting on plastic smile. "Dad's calling, gotta take this." Colette then took the call as she grabbed her jacket and headed toward the front door.

"Hi, DAD! Before you ask, I didn't invite anyone over! How's Boston??" Colette hoped Connor would take both hints. She knew she needed to get Chrysalis out of the house eventually, but she also needed Connor to stay away from her… If she can pick up on someone's crush, there's no telling what Chrysalis would do to him…

Once she was sure she was out of earshot, Colette dropped the act. "Connor, you can't come! Chrysalis is onto your crush!"

((Sorry about the late reply! My phone died yesterday, and I was owned by the sandman))

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"Ain't meant to be, I guess."

Arty pulls the car off the highway and into a more suburban area, passing down past a few houses and turning into a rather small one's driveway, into the garage.

"Roomies are out of the state, so we should be safe."

He shuts the car off and the garage door closes on its own. Getting out and into the cold room, he pauses, licking his thumb and rubbing a smudge off the car. He then, whistling the whole way, makes it to the door and unlocks it, stepping inside the... Well, pigsty of a house. There were dishes stacked in the sink, clothes on the couch where laundry had not been folded, and there was even two boxes of Chinese food with chop sticks in one of them, sitting on the coffee table. Lovely. Arty scratched the back of his neck, hoping Dashie wouldn't mind...

"Now... Um... Make yourself at home? I'll go get changed out of my work clothes..." He then leaves her to her devices as he makes his way upstairs and debates showering...

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So many odd things lying in the room. Rainbow Dash sorta disliked the mess, but it left her a chance to explore the world she was in.

The dishes in the sink were the same. Queen Chrysalis didn't change that. The clothes on the couch were just like the clothing that the friend that was helping her and Rainbow was wearing. But something was quite different. What were sticks used for noodles?

"Hey! What's this?"

Rainbow picked up one stick and tried to play around in the noodles. She tried picking them up, but they kept sliding off. Frustrated, she bounced on the couch filled with clothes and relaxed. Sticking underneath the box of noodles looked like a spine of a book. Rainbow pulled it out, making a bigger mess as the boxes toppled onto the floor. She began reading the book.

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Arty would have responded if he wasn't rumaging through stacks of clothes searching for a shirt to wear. Finally he decided on a t-shirt with Dash's mark on the chest, a rainbow down the front. The idea of her being in his house completely escaping him. He makes his way back downstairs, walking back into the living room where she sat reading 'The Art of War'.

"Watcha got there?" He asks, walking over and grabbing his laptop, reclining at a reasonable distance from her on the couch.

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Not looking up from the book, Rainbow Dash responded.

"An awesome book!" Hopefully, her friend didn't mind her being an egghead, but it was too late to hide it since the book's ideas and theme was too great. "It has war tactics that possibly nopony ever knows about! Hehehe..." Rainbow rubbed her hooves together with a mischievous smile.

[colour=#000000]"So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself." [/colour][colour=#000000]The book quoted.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Queen Chrysalis... An alicorn who is queen of the changelings which feasts upon the emotion of love.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Rainbow Dash... An AWESOME pegasus who can fly great speeds and a future Wonderbolt.[/colour]

Ok, at least she got that part down. Now what? Rainbow really wanted her wings back and Queen Chrysalis to regret everything she has done such as trying to take over Equestria at least twice. The thought made Rainbow Dash frustrated and angry. She gripped the book angrily.

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As the computer booted up, he looked over at her, buried in the book.

It was then that he fully took in that she was sitting next to RAINBOW. DASH.

"D-Dashie? I just can't believe it's really you... How's Ponyville? The whole place, rather... How'd you even get here?"

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Her friend helped her escaped the realm of her anger.

"Yup, of course it's me!" Rainbow Dash scoffed with a joyous sarcasm. Rainbow Dash paused and thought about her town. The clouds were untended. "Omigosh!" Rainbow jumped. "The clouds are covering the skies at Ponyville!! ... Ah, that can wait!" She waved her hand and fell back into her place.

How did she get here? She had to ease her mind after planning revenge on Chrysalis to remember how she got here.

"How did I get here... How..." She tried to think. "Oh yeah! Ok, so you know Queen Chrysalis right? Yeah, she tried to take over Equestria, AGAIN. I, Rainbow Dash, tried to stop her from her evil plan until she cast a spell on all of us. That's all I remember. But somehow she has taken my wings." She angrily muttered.

"Hey do you know where's everypony else? Maybe they might be around the area! You gotta help me find Chrysalis! PLEASE!" She got down to her knees and begged.

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