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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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Twilight staggered about the house, calibrating her balance in this new body she had. As she did, it never occurred to her that the house she ended up in was already inhabited by a human...she just kept stumbling about like it was nothing that she was suddenly in another dimension and having to imitate some strange species.

(This is where Harvy finds her)

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Jim Cook slamed the door to his jeep shut, before crouching down at the small dog at his feet

"Hey there Sherily, ready to get going? That random thunder storm might have brought a tree down"

The small dog barked in responce, and Jim rubbed her head.

"That's my girl, now come on, that lightning hit the ground, and i wanna make sure that everyone's ok. Heard that a few fokes were camping, no point leaving to em' lonesomes out there"

Jim and Sherily started to walk into the bush, Jim narrigating the woods with ease. He'd grown up with them, and he knew them like that back of his hand.

He heard Sherily bark and start running somewhere, Jim quickly took chase. If Sherily was acting like this, she'd found something.

Jim turned around a tree, but Sherily was completely out of site.

"SHERILY! Where are ya!?"

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"That's just the thing, Flurtershy darlin'," Seth began as he led the woozy Pony back inside. "We found someone online who says he found other ponies, but he didn't say who..." Once inside, he led Fluttershy to a couch and helped her lie down. "Jesse already went a message back to him, but we're waiting on hearin' back from 'im. In the meantime, why don't you get some rest??"

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(wait. can spike still breathed fire?)


Spike opened his eyes and looked around he was in the middle of the forest he sat up. "ugh where am I?" he asked his self scratching his head feeling the hair. "What the?" He looked at his hands and saw he wasn't a dragon but something fleshy and not a dragon. "what am I?" he looked at him self he was still humanoid so balance wouldn't be an issue. all he could remember was every one was there and then there was a flash of light then he blacked out. He felt afraid for Pinkie and Twilight and Applejack and Rarity... "Oh no Rarity!"


Charles looked around the house but mainly stayed next to Rarity to make her feel more comfortable but every one seemed to be doing that for him. so he allowed for her to leave him to go get get her picture taken

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((Seth led Fluttershy to a couch))

After Fluttershy lay down, Seth to Jesse, leading her to another room. “Did the message say anything else, Jesse? Like anything we need to do to prove she's Fluttershy??”

((Yes, Spike can still be able to breathe fire. And Rarity's with Colette, in Colette's room, getting her picture taken))

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Rarity nodded, "Ok," she smiled warmly

Harvey heard a crash and went down to see, "Hey hey hey, what are you doin in er?" he asked her and walked over, "Ye alight ladie?" his accent was thick, laden with scotland

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[colour=#282828]"Oh no Rarity!"[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jim's eyes quickly flipped over to where he'd heard someone say Rarity, so something like that. He quickly headed there, and found Sherily trying to jump for one log to another[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"Come on girl, we gotta get going"[/colour]

[colour=#282828]He put the small dog in his arms, and quickly made his way in the direction of the voice. He ducked under a branch and found himself in a clearing he didn't recognise, then saw him.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]A small kid, sitting on the ground, with the strangest hair Jim had ever seen, it was green.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Sherily rolled out of Jim's arm and went over to the kid, looking at him like the small kid might have been a threat. Sherily barked happily, and went up to him.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"Looks like Sherily likes you, not many earn her trust that quickly" [/colour]

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"Not much actually just the location and a couple of pics..." Jesse yawned and decided to snuggled up with Seth, " I am really tired, i think i might go to bed. You can stay for the night....Just remember, uh don't try anything weird with Fluttershy.....Is that understood?"

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Spike turned to see the dog running at him. he freaked out till it seemed to like him. he heard a voice tell him the dog didn't really trust people most of the time. Spike turned to see a strange creature he has never seen before. "Whoa get a way from me what ever you are."

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[colour=#ee82ee]~Pinkie Pie~[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Oof!"[/colour] Pinkie squeaked, as she landed with a thud. They were so close to getting that meanie Chrysalis, when she opened a portal and somehow caught her and all her friends in it. She ached all over, from her head to her.... feet? She sat up, looking down at herself. What's this? Feet? She looked at them, and wasn't sure what to think. The only thing she could think of was how Lyra Heartstrings would talk about how humans have feet and hands. Hands? She looked down at her hands. They really were as strange as Lyra always said. She moved her fingers, made a fist, and then moved them back to an open palm.[colour=#ee82ee] "Hm. Okay..."[/colour] She also realized she was wearing clothes. She'd worn clothes before, but only dresses and the like when Rarity dressed her up. She was dressed in Converse shoes, yellow and pink striped stockings, jean shorts, a loose fitting pink blouse and a blue tank top underneath. Her shirt wasn't long enough, and revealed a slim stomach. She stood up. She was a bit wobbly for a moment, but her balance kicked in. She was used to standing on two hooves, what makes feet any different? She turned around and saw a human step through the bushes. She looked at him, and was unsure what to say. [colour=#ee82ee]"Um... Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?" [/colour]

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Jim frowned at the kids reaction, of everything he had expected, that was not on the list.

"Umm, i don't think you've noticed this mate, but you're human too..Now, where's your parents? Seems' to me you got lost or something like that..Not something you wanna do in these woods, i'll tell you that for nothing"

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"Okay... Say cheese!" Colette said as she took a picture of Rarity's face. Looking at the screen, everything seemed fine… A perfect shot, in fact, but something about it seemed off… That can wait! She could always get another picture if she needed to, for she only wanted ONE picture of Rarity's cutie mark! "Um, okay… time for… apictureofyourcutiemark!"


Seth smiled and returned the affection, but blushed furiously at the mention of Fluttershy. "Jesse, I would never!" He then looked around, seeing as the couch was otherwise occupied. "Uh… I don't suppose you still have a spare bed??"

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" I do have one, but there's just one catch......." Jesse looked into Seth's eyes, " I don't really want to sleep on the couch, so i guess you'll have to tolerate me..." Jesse looked at Seth mischievously, but Jesse didn't want this to go to something else. She was just playing around with Seth, but she still had feelings for him. Jesse opened the door to the guest bedroom and grabbed Seth's hand as she led him to the bed. She laid on the bed and stretched around getting cozy. She waited for Seth to lay down. Jesse took her hat off and set it down on the nightstand. She yawned a little before falling asleep snuggling against Seth.

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Fluttershy curled up tightly in jesse's bed she hummed gently in her sleep curling her toes into the duvet, jesse had left the window open and as fluttershy mumbled and hummed small woodland creatures made their way into the room and snuggled around the sleeping pony girl. she sighed happily undisturbed by their presence as she slept peacfully.

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Colette's face went as red as her hair. "Wha.....???" Wasn't it going to be on her flank??? "Okay, just… Just lift up your skirt!" Colette nearly bit her tongue on that last part. "That did NOT come out perverted at all..." she muttered sarcastically, redder than before.


Seth looked back into Jesse's eyes, getting lost in them for a moment before the tone of her voice fully set in… Was she going somewhere with this?? No! No, if course not! This is Jesse May here! Seth followed her up the stairs, blushing all the more. He let himself be led into the guest bedroom and onto the bed. His heart pounded against his chest as Jesse lay against him. Jesse had always had a special place in Seth's heart, ever since they were little. Seth leaned in and kissed Jesse on the lips as she fell asleep, holding her close as he drifted off to sleep.

((I would've posted last night, but my internet derped out on me. Also, the first human/human relationship!))

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