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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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Colette took a good look at both mares, and seeing that they were well supported, she smiled. “let's find some more bras, then find something to cover the Queen's goods!” Colette then led the two mares to the racks displaying more bras. “Make sure to get them in your sizes! You're gonna be wearing them for a while!”

Stephen led Shadow back over to his brother, who shot Shadow a look. “What was that outburst about??” He asked, before sighing. “Look, Shadow... You REALLY gotta watch what you say... I don't know how it is in Equestria, but saying stuff like that is a good way to alienate yourself from others here , so try to keep your judgements to yourself whilst you're here...”

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"Y-yeah, you're right...sorry, i guess, i'm just not the best example of what a pony is meant to be...Smart, aware, covered in friends..as for alienating myself...arn't i already an alien?"

Shadow lowered his voice for the last part, before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Next please" came a female voice at the counter, queued towards Shadow, Shawn and Stephan.

Shadow looked over at her, she looked similar to the twins, but her hair was longer, and her chest was slightly larger.

He glanced at the twins "Well, about time..this line was kinda long" he muttered, making sure he couldn't have been overheard by anyone expect the twins

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“Yeah.. Store lines are like that.” Stephen said. They finally arrived at the end of the line, leading the former Pegasus to the register, Stephen smiling at the cashier “Hi, Amy!” He chirped, unusally chipper. “How's it goin'?” Shawn smiled at the scene. He leaned into Shadow, and whispered, “That's Amy, a girl Stephen knows from school... He's had big eyes for her for a while!"

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"Umm, big eyes? W-what does that mean? He has....big...eyes......."

Shadow's mind spent several long seconds before he finally understood what Shawn had said.

"Ohhhh....i see, so he feels...attracted towards her? I assume he'll kill me if i say something stupid then?"

Amy smiled slightly at seeing Shawn and Stephan, her shift was usually boring, so seeing people she knew was always a plus. However, she spied someone she didn't reconise among the twins.

"Hey Stephan, it's going ok, just kinda boring. It's good to see ya and your brother, but..Who's the new kid? I don't recognise him from school..."

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" If you want you can help, but you don't have to if you don't want to. You're not my slave or anything like that." Jesse walked over to some farm equipment and started it up. She harvested half the field before she called it quits. Jesse wasn't suppose to help with jobs like this, her real job, was handling the horses. " Come here Fluttershy, i think this will surprise you." Jesse took Fluttershy's hand, " Close your eyes." She got a horse from the barn and slowly walked it over to Fluttershy, she grabbed Fluttershy's hand, " Open them." She put her hand on the nose of the horse.

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[colour=#FF0000]"In a sense...yes. There is a show on TV with you as a main character. I know a few things about you, Ms.Applejack." [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt said,[/colour]

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"Work's always like that, right??" Stephen said, in an attempt to make conversation. "Anyway, he's one of our cousins, and his name is… is…" Stephen tried to come up with a name, wracking his mind for a good one. Well, he said he was in the lunar guard, right?? So maybe… "… His name is Sargent Fahning ." What the hell kind name was THAT?!? Stephen chuckled nervously a little at the stupid name and added. "His parents were in the military, and REALLY loved their jobs, sooo… he's gonna be staying with us for a while, but he lost all of his luggage at the airport, so we're getting him new clothes!" He then motioned for his brother and Shadow to come over, and not Hood up, the line any more. He managed to not embarrass himself this time, nor did he want to in front of the Pegasus...


((Before I forget again, yes, the Equestrians can bring things back with them-- and sorry for the stupid name for Shadow! It's Stephen, by the way!))

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(crud my computer will sometime unfollow me on topics. sorry)


Charles took out his phone and called Colette.


Discord just sat there and let Seth and Fluttershy take it in and he stayed there to eat when Fluttershy went to go get some cloths

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[colour=#282828]“...You're getting 'em covered up!” Colette said flatly, picking out several bras that would fit the two mares, then led them to the cashier, and into the line. “It makes you look a lot better as a person if you don't have them exposed all the time!”[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Just as she got the Equestrians into the line, Colette's phone began to vibrate and play the theme to Top Gun, signaling that Captain Van Meter was calling. Colette took out the phone and answered with a casual, “Hello?” [/colour]

[colour=#282828]((Connor was cooking breakfast for all the guys, by the way! And also, here's the theme to Top Gun!)) [/colour]

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"W-what do ya mean, i'm a character on a t.v program?? And just Do ya know about me?"

Apple Jack didn't like how Matt, who wasn't even from Equestia, claimed to know about her life.

Shadow Flare

Shadow chuckled slightly at the way Stephan talked to her, then he heard the random name.

Wow...Just wow, i'm not even human and i could have come up with something better then Sergeant Fahning....And i'm not a sergeant, i'm a captain..

Approaching Amy and Stephan, Shadow made a quick promise to himself to avoid saying anything too stupid, hence Stephan try kill him when they left.

Amy frowned as Stephan told her the 'cousins' name.

"That, is a strange name...His first name is Sargent? Sounds like the army rank, and even if his parents are all military..."

She saw Shadow and Shawn walk over, placing several items of clothing on the registar. She started to scan them in.

"So Stephan, you never mentioned you had a cousin coming round..What's Sargent like? Can he even speak english? A name like his has to be foreign or something, right?"

Shadow almost felt like giving Amy, and Stephan, a piece of his mind, but slowly decided against it. Going crazy at the pair of them would not only 'alienate' him from Human society, but also screw him over, loosing the only people who seemed to care, or know, that he wasn't from Earth.

Shadow looked at Amy, before decided to at least answer "I can speak..English, and as Stephan said. My parents were, umm, very into their jobs....."

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[colour=#FF0000]"Not that much but I don know about the apple farm, I know about your family. Applebloom, Big macintosh, Granny smith, and a few others. I know about your friends and I know a bit about you, element of honesty." [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt said with a somber look.[/colour]

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Apple Jack was slightly unnerved that Matt knew that much about her. Even though that was common knowledge around PonyVille, Matt wasn't from there, for a pony.

"Allright, Matt, if ya know all this, then i assume ya know what in tarnation moved me to ya world?"

It's a long shot, but maybe...just maybe..

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[colour=#FF0000]"As I've said before, I have no idea what moved you here at all. Maybe Nightmare moon came back." [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt said shrugging his shoulders.[/colour]

[colour=#000000](Matt's only at episode 19 so he has nopony else to blame...)[/colour]

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Stephen looked over to Shadow, and flashed a quick apologetic look at him before turning back to Amy. "He's actually American, and his visit was a bit of a surprise to us as well." Stephen said, which was technically true… "So yeah, we're going to buy these clothes for Shad--Sargent, then go food shopping." Shawn was listening intently the entire time, wondering when his brother was going to embarrass himself in front of Amy, as he usually did... So far, however, things are going pretty swimmingly for him... Must be Shadow's presence… but then again, they haven't made it to the door yet…

((Stephen's name is spelled with an e, by the way))


"It's gonna be a while, Charles... have Connor take you out or something." Colette answered. As if on cue, Connor poked his head into Charles' room. "Hey, Charlie, your breakfast is about to get cold... That, and I got something to tell you…"


Seth blazed through his chores, but was still careful enough to not miss anything or make any mistakes… He only wanted to do things once, and he wanted to get back to Jesse's house as soon as he could. He also wanted to see if Discord was still there, as he wanted to know if there was any way to send a message to anyone else who found a Pony.

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Charles got up and walked out into the kitchen. "ok talk to you later Colette." He sat at the table and looked at Connor there seemed to be something wrong with him. "dude, you ok?"

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Colette hung up the phone as they moved up in the line, looking to the mares. “Charles is getting antsy at my place... Maybe Connor could take him out a little later... Now, all we have to do is buy your bras, and then go upstairs to a really fashionable store for Queenie... She needs cover those things up before she puts some guy's eye out!

Connor served both David and Charles their breakfast before sitting down himself. With a sigh, he said, “Discord was here earlier this morning. And he knows the other Ponies are here as well..”

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“Discord is a Draconequus from the show who once ruled Equestria, and caused a whole bunch of Chaos. He's supposedly been reformed by Fluttershy, but I don't know... He's the lord of chaos, after all... He says he had no real reason for coming over, but I don't really trust him...” Connor took a bite of his toast, then continued, “He says he can create a portal into this world, but only can do it for himself... So I don't know if he can help Chrysalis out...”

“Oh yeah, this is gonna be AWESOME...” Colette said sarcastically. She was hoping to get the Queen in at least two or three outfits, but she really wasn't holding her breath. She looked up to see that it was their turn. Leading the two mares to counter, she flashed a smiled at the cashier. “They have some merchandise on, so you might want to check those first...”

((Anyone want to be the cashier??))

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