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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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Arty's eyes went wide as his cheeks shined pink.

"W-Wow.... That's new... U-Oh, yeah, sure, I'll do my best, I'm sure anybody who would have found your friends would post this somewhere..."

Arty brings up Canterlot on the laptop and scrolls threw the news and banter, looking for a post.

"Hm... I don't see anything... Let's give it some time..."

He sets the laptop on the counter and turns on the t.v., putting his feet up as the news turns on. A plane crash shows up first, causing him to sigh before changing it to Comedy Central, Kevin Hart's stand up was on.

"Well you tell cancer I'm lookin' for him, Imma find him, and when I do Imma shoot 'im in the face. Twice. Me. By my self. One gun. One bullet. All day. Every day. Wake up. Go back to sleep. Take a nap." Arty chuckled, his favorite comedian.

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((Nice touch with canterlot.com xD))

Rainbow Dash with disappoint moaned. Her friend with a magic stick like thing with buttons, commanded the black box thing to flash with events and humans, she now guessed what they're called. The images moved and talked.

"What's that? Magic?"

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"Hah, no, actually it's electricity, like lightning?" He chuckles as he sets the remote down and watches the show. "I'm trying to think of all the things we have that you don't that you might find interest in..."

He pondered for a few moments before shrugging. "Life's pretty boring, here actually..."

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:shock: Rainbow nodded trying to understand.

"What else you got here?"

As the little act of that one human trying to make everyone laugh (which Rainbow didn't seem to get), there was some sort of advertisement on another machine, that Rainbow Dash guess. But it wasn't the ones that ran along the black trails but flew. She seen some of these before in the sky flashing lights, but what the advertisement was about, was about these blue and yellow coloured machines that flew faster and did tricks. The machines spewed out smoke from their behinds. They were just like the Wonderbolts.

The Wonderbolts....!!

"Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh!!!!" Rainbow jumped with excitement.

"The Blue Angels will be coming to your area!" The box announced. Rainbow looked to her friend.

"Who are the Blue Angels? Are they just like the mechanisms that are controlled by humans? THEY'RE SO AWESOME!"

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"W-Well yeah! They're a bunch of pilots who do stunts in jets, we can see them if you'd like! It's not far from here, and I'm pretty sure I can afford it." He smirks, hoping he might be able to take her out, it could be fun.

Wait... Take her out!? Like, on a date!? Good lord, Artyom, what are you doing!?

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"Easy there, Dashie! It's not for a few more hours!" He pats the couch next to him as the show comes back, leaving Arty to chuckle again.

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Connor made a face "I-I don't have a crush what are you talking about? We're on the way to your house now, we're halfway there!" He knew that Chrysalis could be pretty dangerous and decided to just go there anyway. He had to protect Colette from her.

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Charles started to look around when he saw a colouring book for my little pony. On the cover were the main six characters he noticed the white one and it looked like a pony version of Rarity but it actually was a unicorn. he took note of the three diamonds on the ponie's flank. he went to the jewelry section of the store even that was cheap at a fashion discount store, there he found a necklace that was silver with three diamond shaped blue Zircons making three fourths of a bigger diamond the only part missing was the forth missing was on the right. he paid for it. Might as well. he thought. She might like it. with that he continued looking around.

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" Something wrong Connor. We should leave now, i will rest on the journey to the house." David walked outside and opened the car door. He took a seat and decided to sleep for a while.

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Chrysalis stated out the window, watching as more of these creatures walked by, some holding hands, so happy, she closed her eyes and sighed, "Have I been so cruel?" she wondered and looked back at them, "I mean I need to feed, but At what point did I cross the line?"

Rarity was going exstatic tring to find matching outfits, but also ones that went well with her new body, wanting to flaunt it but not expose it, it was very difficult!

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As soon as the seatbelt was in place, Magda spent a moment on thinking where she should drive to. In the meantime the teenager seemed to be interested in the belt she had placed on the backseat. The soldier wasn't the slightest bit worried about that. She was a very responsible gunowner and she would never take a loaded gun into the public. So even if that girl was able to put in a magazine and load the weapon, she probably still wouldn't be able to fire that gun. And in the meantime.... let's just say that beeing shot wasn't anything she expected to happen.

After she thought up of something, her hand grabbed the key and she turned it, making the motor as well as the electronics going on. Shortly after the radio began to play silently, playing a track from a cd. (Nightwish - Over the Hills and far away) But Spin Art just kept sticking to her story. Unnecessary to mention, what she said sounded pretty much like nonsense, fiction, a dream. "And you're sure you didn't just dream of beeing a pegasus from Cloudsdale? I mean... the whole pony show is pretty nice, but it's all just fiction. You know.. like not real..."

Either way, Magda decided to get Spin Art and herself something to eat, and so she drove the car back to the city, but already at the outskirs she stopped at a Burger King Drive-In. "Guess you've never been to Burger King before, did you? At least if you're going to stick to that pony story you weren't..."

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