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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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In an unknown Dark location


Lovinity is surrounded by darkness. "Help? Is... is anyone there?" Lovinity randomly ran through the dark tunnels and passageways finding no way out.

She sat down for a moment... focused on her heart energy.

"It's okay Lovinity. It's okay. You are loved by many. Ponies, Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor. They'd never let me down. But in times like these, there's only one person I can go to for help..."

Lovinity's heart magic started glowing green and turning into a ball.


The energy ball fired away and bombed away rock. But it did no good. Lovinity was still trapped.

"Don't worry Lovinity... there's... there's always a way out of anything. Don't..." (squeak) "...worry."

Lovinity got teary-eyed and then shook herself back to composure. It didn't last long though, for flash backs started coming to her of being trapped in her long-ago past by the Princess of Darkness... Queen Chrysalis.

Lovinity can't even remember how she got to where she was now. She's doesn't remember when, where, how, or why. All she could think about was Queen Chrysalis, and her friends out in Ponyville.

"What if the Queen's back out on the loose? What if I'm where no pony can find me?! I DON'T WANT TO BE TRAPPED FOR ANOTHER MANY YEARS!!!" Lovinity squeezed up against a rock wall and shook scared.

Edited by Lovinity
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In an Unknown Dark Location (sorry I forgot to add this on)


"Qu...q q queen... Chrysalis. No... no please don't hurt my friends... please don't. Princess... I hope someone can... can... help them..." Lovinity continued to shake in fear. She got up on her hooves again and started running around, out of her mind.

"There's got to be a way out... somewhere... anywhere... I... MUST... HELP... MY... ..." Lovinity fell down and started crying... "...friends... "

"Oh dear Celestia I hope... someone can... come to the... the rescue and h help my f friends and me. Anyone. Celess Princess Celestia, Cadence, Luna... any pony!"

"Oh dear... what... what I what have I done? I should... should have paid m more time with my fellows in instead of t trying to f find that mo mountain... even though it was l long after the c c crash. I should have not d doubted. I should have believed every thing w was okay. And..." "...Now it isn't."

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Pinkie held up a hoof. "Hold on." She turned to Pitch. "Don't be so down silly willy billy goat." She hopped up to him and gave him a hug, before letting go. She turned back to Lovinity.

"'Im sorry Lovinity, I hate to do this, but i have to deny your request." She frowned. "Because i'm already on a very important mission." She nodded her head toward the griffin. "But, your job is to share love right?! And I know a pony who could use a a little love and some help. Maybe a cupcake or two, but i'm not the right pony to help him. You are. DO you know who that pony is? Its Pitch!" Pinkie dramatically pointed at pitch.

"Me? Ah... I-I really don't think you need to worry about me..."

Pinkie made her request to Lovinity, but instead Lovinity suddenly disappeared.

"Eh? Lovinity? Wh-Where'd ya go? Why'd you disappear like that?"

... And then an ordinary-for-him feeling of awkwardness hit as he realized nopony was there.

He tried to worry, and he did, but...

Pinkie was puzzled as she watched Luvinity disappear. She turned towards Pitch. "I know you can get a date for tonight! You just have to be brave and try!" She tries to cheer him up. She smiles at him again before walking back to Razor.

She grins at Razor. "So how many deliveries do we have left? Must not be much." She said as she sat down beside him. "We should finish up, so we can get some food."

"... Yeah. Sure."

To get a date today would be pretty much impossible, and consideeing it was THE night for the dance, and he still had no special somepony. Yeah, Pinkie's words felt pretty silly at the moment.

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Applejack began to explain what happened. Ripples appeared as the flashback initiated...

Big Mac followed Applejack to the end of the hall. "Whats wrong?" He asked, seeing the thoughtful look on her face.

"Its Flashbomb... He"

"What did he do?" The red stallion said aggressively, interupting his sister.

"He... He said he loves me..."

"That rat! I knew it, he's just trying to bed you!" Big Mac said angrily. He was assuming the worst. This business with his sister was bringing back memories of his younger days. When he was a young stallion, before Applejack was even old enough to talk, he was quite the mares pony. He knew every dirty trick in the book. He wasnt proud of his past, but the knowledge came in handy when he was judging Applejacks suitors.

"No Big Mac! Flashbombs not like that!" Applejack said defensively.

"The Tarturus he isnt. I'll crush him, tryin to pull something on you.." Big Mac tried to start towards Flashbomb, who had just walked out of his room. (continued)

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Applejack stepped in front of her brother. "Ah think Ah love him too..." At this, Big Mac froze. Applejack looked at him, wanting him to understand her feelings, even though she didnt undertand them herself. She continued. . "When Ah first saw him, somethin... Stirred inside me. Ah dont know what it was, but... Ah dont want to loose him... You saw when that rock fell on him. Ah've never felt like this before, but..." She looked Big Mac in the eyes. "Ah know Ah cant stop you from being suspicious, but please... Dont hurt him." She finished, a tear in her eye. Big Mac was quiet for a long time. Then he spoke.

"Go. Go find him."

Applejack smiled wide, kissed him on the cheek, and bolted from the hospital. Big Mac chuckled. "Eeyup." And with that, he made his way back to Cheerilee.

As the scene resolved back to AJ and Flashbomb, thd orange mare looked up to her special somepony, awaiting his responce.

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(sorry double post)

Flashbomb looked at apple jack for awhile. He smiled. "She loves me." He thought He then responded to her. " Applejack... I dont know what to say." He Had another pony love him, Applejack loved him. He Felt so happy. " I Love you Applejack" Was all he could say he was overcome with happyness. He wasnt to strong with these kinds of things as he tried to find the words to say. All he could do Was say I love you. He Leaned in and kissed her.

(i honestly couldnt think of anything else to say that wouldnt make the moment awkward.)

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Applejack was smiling too. She started to say something, but was inturupted by Flashbombs kiss. Her eyes widened. Though nopony knew it, she had never been kissed before. She was startled by the heat of his lips on hers and almost pulled away. But then a shiver ran through her, and she closed here eyes and leaned into the kiss.

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Applejack blushed when she saw Flashbomb looking at her. She suddenly felt very selfconscious. She smiled more in the manner of Fluttershy, ducking her head ever so slightly. "Well, we should probably head back to Ponyville.."

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In the unknown location


Lovinity fell asleep. She began hearing hoof steps down in the hidden place and woke up.

"Princess Cadence! In a way I'm glad to see you!" Lovinity said, and ran up to Cadence to give her a hug.

"But then on the other hand... that means..."

"Yes, I'm trapped too Lovinity. I can't find a way out. What about you?" Princess Cadence said.

"No, I can't find any ways out either." Lovinity replied. "Do you know how you got here?"

"No I don't, but I bet I know who's behind all this!" Cadence said.

"Queen Chrysalis!" They both said at the same time.

"Have you noticed any signs of her before we ended up here?" Lovinity asked.

"The only thing I noticed was that you suddenly became alive." Cadence said.

"Suddenly became alive?" Asked Lovinity.

"Yeah you were in the Crystal Empire and I came up to you and you were completely healed. Don't you remember?" Cadence asked.

"No I don't remember..." Lovinity responded.

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Darkness shuffled a hoof, "I guess it couldn't hurt to go," he said and nodded his head at Discord, "We..well bye then..i guess," he said simply and began slowly trotting toward Ponyville, not sure what to do anymore

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(If there is a role player for Fluttershy, Twilight, or Rainbow Dash, please let me know... or please tell me there isn't. I know there's one for Applejack, rarity, and Pinkie Pie. The reason I would like to know this is I wish to know how to take the role play further with Lovinity, Cadence, and Chrysalis.)

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Light was sitting on the train waiting to arrive at the crystal empire. He hadn't heard or seen Lovinity in days. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen a lot of the ponies he first met every since he went home.

He knew about the tragic accident with Flashbomb and his house but that was over and done. What he was worried about now was the fact that a while back he heard that Lovinity was in the hospital. He remembered when she checked into the hospital but when he went to go visit her there she was gone. He asked the doctor where she was and he told him she was at the Crystal Empire.

So that is why Light is on this train. He hoped she was ok and all he wanted to do was see her again. He sulked for a bit and then he looked out the window and saw the Crystal Empire on the horizon. He perked up a bit but then thought to himself. "What if I don't find her here?" He then frowned and almost let a tear break through. But he repressed it and then perked up and stood up. "No!" he thought. "I will find her if it's the last thing I do!"

((sorry for seeming to just jump in. I wanted to bring my char back in. Hope I'm not interrupting anything and I hope I got my post right XD))

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In the unknown location


Princess Cadence and Lovinity continue to try and find a way out. Cadence tried shooting magic at the rocks to clear paths... but it just seemed like an endless amount of rock.

"Oh... what are we going to do? What if Shining Armor is worried, and then he can't find me anywhere?" Cadence questioned.

Suddenly they started hearing a noise.

"Cadence, is that you?" The voice said.

"(gasp) Shining Armor is that you??" Cadence jumped.

"Yes it is!" Shining Armor said, then ran towards the voice of Cadence.

Cadence and Shining Armor nuzzle.

"Oh Shining Armor I was getting so worried down here, and I ran into Lovinity and poor filly looked so scared."

"What is going on anyway?" Shining Armor asked.

"We... we think Queen Chrysalis trapped us." Replied Cadence.

"Queen WHAT?" Shining Armor yelped in terror.

"You remember when you suddenly saw Lovinity alive in front of us, right?" Cadence asked.

"Yes..." Shining Armor replied.

"Do you remember anything after that?"

"No all I remember after that is waking up and finding myself in no where in here."

"Exactly... we think that that Lovinity there was a changeling... because Lovinity doesn't even remember doing such thing."

"Oh Dear..." Shining Armor said quietly as he sat down.

"I have an idea..." Cadence said.

"What's that?"

"Do you remember our spell during the Royal Wedding, banishing Queen Chrysalis and all her changelings out of the Palace?"

"Yes I remember that (chuckles and smiles)."

"If we do it again, down here, do you think maybe we can get rid of enough rocks to free ourselves?"

"That seems mighty dangerous. The rocks could crush us."

"Yeah... and all I can do is heart magic... I can't build a shield," Lovinity sadly and quietly said.

"Wait... heart magic, that's it!" Shining Armor popped. "Cadence, do you have the Love Element with you?"

"The Love element?" Cadence asked.

"You know what the Element of Love is?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes, but I don't have it with me." Cadence replied.

"(sigh)... I was thinking maybe we could use that as a shield while we plow through the rock, or use that to plow through the rock and our magic as a shield."

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Light finally arrived in the Crystal Empire. He had actually never been there before so everything was new to him. But everything sure was amazing. He could hardly take in all the colour and lights and everything. He realized that he was standing there with his mouth open and looking like an idiot so he shook his head and made his way towards the center palace.

A few of the crystal ponies waved hello to him as he walked past them and he waved back. He really like it here. Everypony was nice and happy. Light then saw a pony playing a violin and he stopped and listened to him. He was put into a trance by the beautiful sounds the violin was making. He quickly snapped out of his trance and then looked at a pony next to him

[colour=#000080]"Excuse me." I don't mean to be a bother but you would you happen to know a pony named Lovinity?" [/colour]

"Lovinity?" The pony replied. "No I don't know her sorry. But you could near the crystal palace. Maybe she is there."

[colour=#000080]"Thanks!"[/colour] Light said as he took off. He only knew that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were in charge of The Crystal Empire. Maybe he could ask them if they knew where Lovinity was.

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In the unknown location


"Hmm... I have an idea," Lovinity said. "Let's make a game. Whoever blows away the most rocks in 30 seconds wins. We'll have multiple rounds!"

"How's... hey you have a good point." Cadence replied.

"How's what? Good Point?" Shining Armor asked.

"By having fun, not only will we blow away rocks faster and more quickly, but we'll feel better too!" Lovinity explained. "Come on now hehe..." Lovinity teasingly nudges Shining Armor.

"Oh you're so going down you two" Shining Armor said, chuckling.

"Alright you ready... 3, 2, 1, GO!" Lovinity counted down.

The three of them scurried off, blowing every rock they could find in sight. Of course since Lovinity wasn't a unicorn she fell behind, but she didn't care ^^. The three of them ran around destroying rocks.

"How much time we have left lovinity?" Asked Cadence.

"Fifteen Seconds!" Lovinity shouted, giggling.

The three of them continued to blow more rocks up, panting and laughing as they do so.

"Cadence you're so going down haha!" Shining Armor said.

"You can't beat a Pegasus Unicorn, " Cadence said, laughing.

"Five Seconds!" Lovinity shouted.

But before she could even get to the countdown, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor bump in to each other. Lovinity ran over.

"Haha you two alright?" Lovinity asked.

Cadence and Shining Armor had their eyes closed, laughing and panting, having trouble responding.

"Yeah... haha I think we're good Lovinity!" Cadence replied. "Good idea! That was fun!"

"Looks like Cadence is the winner! Ready for round two?" Lovinity daringly asked.

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Flashbomb trotted with Applejack at a steady pace to ponyville, He watched other ponies go by, they waved at them and smiled. The continued twoard ponyville. " I wonder if rarity is done with my suit." He commented to Applejack. " do you ant to go chat with them? " He asked her as they moved along.

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