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Foal Play! (open, please apply in OOC)


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Siren proudly showed off that he was an endurance flyer. [colour=#b22222]"Sounds awesome! How come you don't have your cutie mark yet then?" [/colour]Knight was slightly confused. Siren obviously had a good skill that he was aware of, usually, that warranted a cutie mark. It worked for Knight, at least.

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Light smiled at him and nodded. He then looked up at the clock and said, "Hey Flash, when does class start?". He looked around the room and saw more foals talking with each other. He looked up at the teacher's desk and then looked back at Flashbomb. "Who's the teacher?". He didn't know if the teacher was in the room or not. He just saw the desk and looked back at Flashbomb.

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Flashbomb shrugged.[colour=#0000ff]" I dont know, I figured that class would have started by now."[/colour] He said. He was aalittle worried but just thought that the teacher was late.

(Who is gonna RP th teacher?)

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Chrysalis giggled a bit as Siren made the comment about flying fast, "Your full of yourself," she teased and then got up to trot a bit and flittered her bug wings, hoping he now realized..she was an alicorn

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[colour=#800080]"The teacher is Ms. Shin."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Pocket [/colour][colour=#000000]Said coming out of her hiding spot. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I don't think we've met. My name is Pocket Watch." [/colour]

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Light nearly jumped out of his desk. He turned around and put his hoof on his chest. He felt his heart beating fast and he looked around and saw a foal. He assumed she was the one talking to him and Flashbomb. Light sighed and caught his breath and said, "You almost killed me there!". He glanced Flashbomb and then back to Pocket. "My name is Light Harmony."

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"I am not full of myself!" Siren told her in a fake-offended sounding voice. "I am simply full of energy!" He watched her wings. "Oh... those are cool wings. They're like an insect. Of coarse, I like my feathers, but yours defiantly hold the 'cool' advantage here... Wait... You are an alicorn... a corn of ali... or is it... hm where does the name come from. The corn stem comes from unicorn, but where does ali fit in with the pegusas?" He seemed more concerned with the words origin than anything.

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Flashbomb jumped just as bad as Light did when the foal snuck up on them He stayed Quiet and flicked his long tail back and forth. He thought that the foal looked like a trickster or something. It was just a hunch. Light Introduced himself and waited for her responce. Flashbomb watched The foal with his orange eyes.

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The odd looking mare still seemed to ignore Pawn. It was made clear when she spoke to Siren, but still hadn't responded to Pawn's greetings. He cleared his throat, and with more annoyance, repeated what he said earlier to her. [colour=#808080]"I am Pawn." [/colour]He didn't care that she was an alicorn, and ignored Siren's rant on where the word 'alicorn' came from. He was mostly curious about the mares relation to the Princess, and how she was adopted by them.

Knight laughed as Siren ranted on about the word 'alicorn'. [colour=#b22222]"Dude, you should, like, get a cutie mark in talking or something." [/colour]Knight joked, nudging Siren. Knight also didn't really care that she was an alicorn. After meeting his brother, he really wanted to avoid nobility as much as possible.

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"Talking? What would that cutie mark even look like? A pair of lips? Do you know how awkward it would be to have lips forever imprinted on my-" In a sudden change of conversation, Siren suddenly lept back in surprise. "You are an Alicorn!" He asked Chrysalis, as if just now realizing it.

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[colour=#800080]"Nice to meet you!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said with a half fake smile. She turned to the other pony. [/colour][colour=#800080]"And what about you? What's your name?"[/colour]

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While at first Siren began ranting more about what a talking cutie mark would look like, he suddenly jumped up in surprise as he realized the mare was an alicorn. Knight laughed at his reaction.

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Flashbomb glanced down at the floor. [colour=#0000FF]" im Flashbomb. some just call me flash."[/colour] He said to her. He looed back up at her and smiled slightly. He glanced over when he heard Alicorn he was surprised that an alicorn was there in elementary school. He loked back to Light and the foal. [colour=#0000FF]"Im sorry i dont think i caught your name."[/colour] He said to her. His ear twitched when a itch bothered it.

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She turned towards pawn, "I'm sorry," she said clearly hearing and sensing his irritation, "I'm Chrysalis," she said finally shaking the hair out of her face to show her neon green almost cat like eyes and she smiled, once more revealing her tiny fangs.

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Pawn raised an eyebrow at the mare. She introduced herself as Chrysalis. She moved her mane, and Pawn got a better look at her. She had ghostly green eyes, and very sharp fangs. [colour=#808080]"What are you?" [/colour]He asked her rudely. He didn't mean to be rude, he was curious. He knew she was no regular pony, especially since she was adopted by Princess Celestia. Knight smacked Pawn on the head. [colour=#b22222]"Don't be so mean dude!" [/colour]He then put his (very bad) charm on as he spoke to her. [colour=#b22222]"Hello. My name is Knight. Do you have directions? I'm lost in your eyes right now."[/colour]

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She shuffled a hoof and looked down, "i..i don't know what i am," she sighed, "but Knight...be careful," she sighed, "i..i can hurt ponies who love me," she said closing her eyes tring not to cry, she sat, even if she wanted to run.

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(Gosh darn I'm slow!)

[colour=#000000]<<[/colour][colour=#40e0d0]mum! I'm gonna be late![/colour]>> Yelled the Bubblewrapped little filly <<[colour=#0000ff]Sorry Mooney, I'm just really worried about you studying all the way in ponyville. I just want you to be safe[/colour][colour=#000000]>> Said Caralot While she Bubble wrapped her Daughter some more. Bluemoon began removing the bubble wrap armor and running for the door[/colour][colour=#40e0d0] <<Come on mum lets go! we're already late enough as it is![/colour]>> <<[colour=#0000ff]Such energy[/colour][colour=#000000] >>[/colour] Caralot Opened The front door and Bluemoon followed. A short(long) caridge ride later they had arrived at ponyville elementery...Late. Bluemoon and Caralot walked into the school and to The classroom "Knock" "Knock"<< [colour=#40e0d0]Well mum this is where I go [/colour][colour=#000000]>> << [/colour][colour=#0000ff]Wait! before I go.[/colour][colour=#000000] **Pull Bubblewrap armor out of bag** [/colour][colour=#0000ff]Please? [/colour][colour=#000000] >> <<[/colour][colour=#40e0d0] ...No. [/colour][colour=#000000]>>[/colour]

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Knight backed off slightly after Chrysalis responded, saying she often hurt those that loved her. Knight joined Siren in wrapping his hoof around Chrysalis in a friendly manner. Pawn glared at Knight. [colour=#808080]"Why did Celestia adopt you?" [/colour]He asked Chrysalis, once again, still not meaning to be rude.

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