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Talk to your Imagination! (Ask me thread)!

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Ask me questions! Ask me anything!

How many left feet do you not have? What's your favorite game? Magi, wouldn't that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity?

BUT, it must be in letter form. I love getting mail.

Dear Great and Most Merciful Lord of All That is Canterlot Whom I beseech in My Time of Need Magi,




Ask for advice! Ask for answers! Ask for food! Ask anything! It's the long overdue Imagination ask thread! But keep it appropriate, so Helix can't have her fun no mo'. >:I

Ask, and the Court of Manbabies shall answer.

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Dear Magi,

Why are you so awesome?


Dear Phil,


I've eaten bear. Therefore I am their natural predator. They fear me. They respect me. But most of all, they entertain me if I know where to go on Youtube.

My awesomeness comes from many things. But bears are pretty awesome, so I'm going to go with that on the short term.



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Dear Magi,

What is it like to be the great clown prince of the manbabies?



Dearest Helix,

It's a BIG responsibility! As the Clown Prince, it's not only on my shoulders to inherit the grand kingdom, but also to keep up morale!

I'm learning all sorts of neat and wonderful things about the Manbabies! But you must know that not EVERYONE can be a Manbaby. It takes a certain set of traits, a certain firey spirit, and a certain high pitched voice and adorable sounds that make one a true Manbaby. Luckily, my people are easily amused, so morale has never been higher! At least not as far as I know.

I both look forward to and dread the day I inherit the crown, but the Prince's life suits me just fine.

Plenty of good looking princesses to take my pick from!


Clown Prince Magi

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Dear Magi,

Have you ever really been far even as decided to use even go want to do write more like?

Best of luck. [colour=#ffffff]Also I'm not apologising for this one but you're still pretty cool.[/colour]
- Halide
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Dear Magi,

Have you ever really been far even as decided to use even go want to do write more like?

Best of luck. [colour=#ffffff]Also I'm not apologising for this one but you're still pretty cool.[/colour]

- Halide

Dear Halide,

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do wrote more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do write more like. It's just common sense.



Dear Magi,


Sincerely, Davvy

Dear Davroth,

Your refusal has forced me to take drastic measures.


With severe contempt,

Magi <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear that of which gives the mind the ability to be creative or resourceful,

I've been quite curious as to the origin of your name, would you be willing to tell

me the past behind your admirable title?

Kind Regards,


Dear Accellerant,

What a magnificent question!

Canterlot is actually the first place I've ever used this great and wondrous title. It's origin was really from a simple moment of reflection. I wanted a name that describes who I am as a person, and would be memorable. I like to draw, I build blanket forts when my roommate isn't looking, I like to write, and can come up with a silly explanation for the most improbably of things, and I'm still a child at heart. Why? A very overactive imagination. So, the virtue that best describes me, I thought, is Imagination.

So I thus named myself Imagination, and have made a glorious mark upon you all with my antics. That, and made a totally cool and not sue-ish alicorn OC when I first got here. Totally.


Imagination :3

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Dear Clown Prince of the ManBabies,

What would happen to be one of your most memorable experiences?

From Russia with love,


Dearest Accellerant,

Just one of my greatest moments?

One would have to be when I was name Tom the Rock's official roleplayer here on Canterlot. Don't see him on the cast list? Good. He's a secret agent. Can't risk being on any lists.

He's on special assignment right now guarding the mirror pool. But that's classified information, so don't tell nopony :0



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  • 2 weeks later...

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