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the portal to equestria


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okay here's a bit of fun or role playing along as so to speak, i hope i have posted this in the right area of this forum, and also i have been inactive for a while so i thought i cool interesting thread would be ace to start some conversation


you are walking home alone from anywhere in particular, could be school work or a friends house, you decide to take an alley way home for a short cut and you notice the wind kicks up and flashes of light ripple through the sky. you get abit nervous an hear a crash but you suddenly notice something to the left of you, a hole in a wall or a portal has opened up ripping through space and time as well as the fourth wall totally smashed in part, the portal is only open for around ten seconds only, you have to be a quick thinker for this kind of dilemma.

you notice that your favorite coloured equines are all on the other side going by on their average day to day life, you could enter and live a life with your ponies happy ever after, but this is a one way ticket and you only have the belongings that you have with you (phone wallet keys ID or a bike or skateboard)

You will be welcomed with full open hooves though, and be a hero and someone to look up to for the Equestrian society an creatures over the continent will love you. Celestia an Luna will even have you stay at her palace in Canterlot but after thoroughly analyzing you, the mane 6 also become your closest friends that you could ever imagine.

what do ?!


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Firstly, I'd question my sanity.

But, I think I'd jump in. I would consider what people would think if I suddenly vanished from our world. But It's EQUESTRIA for crying out load! Who would seriously pass up this offer?!

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quite a few views, people why you no answer ? :(

id think id go for the jump to you know, leave this ugly cruel world behind, and to go to a place were crime and misery are at its all time lowest, i wouldn't even blink an eye at it, the jump into equestria will be made !

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Depends. If my family, my dog, and my girlfriend were walking right in front of me and I could push 'em in with me, mmmaybe. >.>

If they weren't, but I could be a pegasus... I probably still wouldn't, but it'd be a very near thing. I love flight, being around it, the physics of it... I used to just sit in my car near the airport and watch the planes go out, before I realized that'd probably land me on a watchlist. My medical history is likely going to keep me out of the air force (stupid once-in-a-blue-moon migraines, wish I'd never gone for a prescription) so being able to just fly? It would be tempting. Very tempting.

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Depends. If my family, my dog, and my girlfriend were walking right in front of me and I could push 'em in with me, mmmaybe. >.>

There is so much yes in this post.

Jump in and run around.


Go in hiding and have Princess Celestia make me immortal so I can study forever and eventually create a Cross-dimmensional portal. Where I would then go back in time to where I was in hiding (as to prevent space-time distortion and stuff) and invite all my friends from Canterlot.com to Equestria!!

For a less Donut Steel answer, I'd go and become best pony. :P

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I would get the heck in there! :D Frig, I'd still have my phone, my plush companion cube (I take that thing everywhere, I made it myself. :P ), and some other stuff, and I could be a PEGASUS! I could meet Pinkie. And Derpy! ALL THE PONIES!

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I can just go in when life sucks. Hopefully a new place like Equestria will be a better place and not to mention the many mares I can befriend with. :D I'll be a unicorn in this world.

The main drawback I know is the lack of full technology like TV, internet, computers, etc.. :( But that's alright, I'll adapt with it, when I get a job there, I won't have any distractions that will compromise sleep or my own job itself.

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I'd go in I think. Although I would miss my friends and relatives, I pretty much have a 'long distance' type relationship with many of them anyway, either because of actual distance or my working weird hours.

A chance to live in an out and out fluffier world has to be a good thing and as a human I think it would be fascinating to see what the current inhabitants response would be, whether I go on my own or as part of a mass brony/Canterlot.com migration.

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I'd probably sit there pondering for the full ten seconds until it closed up, then spend the rest of my life wondering about what could have been. I'm horribly indecisive like that.

Though I might just go for it if I was having a particularly bad day.

You & me both, it's just the lifestyle there maybe better but the main price to lose is our love for technology, especially we all love the internet, right? :) I'll miss my favorite games & movies that are yet to be released and so forth. :(

Well, I agree with Kunio, it's going to be hard, but I prefer to keep it that way, hopefully will negotiate with Celestia so at least I can be a researcher for Equestria on what Earth has and what it uses and maybe we'll share too. Some people would say can become an embassador. Remember how Megan got to Ponyland in the first place?

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I dunno if I could even get through the portal. Me being analytical, the gate would be removed from existence before I would've even started to think about entering it. I mean, the gate just appears! How would we know if the civilians would just open their arms towards us? Heck, I was typing up about 12 sentences starting to cast doubt on the premise just because I didn't read the OP completely. Most of my questions were answered in the later portion of the post; I only read the first half.

And even if I did have time to critically analyse the situation, I would have a laborious task of actually entering it (that's if I decide to go). I would have to miss out on seeing the few relatives and family members that I love, and miss all of the future opportunities and possibilities. Plus, again, how would I know if the population were to love me? I would be assuming the worst. I would be thinking more about the xenophobia and possible out-lash that I may face, rather than thinking about how utopian it is. Basically, it would be my future on earth versus being an actual alien on another planet.

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We will adapt though, the main curse are going to be our friends and families and advanced technology, particularly the internet.

Well, with all of the magic going around (and all of the books to read), I wouldn't see how no internet would be that bad. It would pretty much be family and friends that would be the man point holding you back. But if relations like those are sub-par, that would be a different story.

but ponies though ????

Based on my previous post, this would have effectively zero factor.

what if it was twilight sparkle that was welcoming you at the entrance of the portal, what if she was the one that created it with all her crazy science experiments..

I would definitely be more inclined to enter the portal then.

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I am not prepared to leave my wife

If she wants to come along if you can convince her, sure.

Well, with all of the magic going around (and all of the books to read), I wouldn't see how no internet would be that bad. It would pretty much be family and friends that would be the man point holding you back. But if relations like those are sub-par, that would be a different story.

Yes, I know this will also hold you back, but the other is, as teenagers and young adults, the computers and internet we mostly used are also we used everyday including we play with them. But that's ok, in Equestria, you won't get distracted with those stuff. Imagine you're working, I compromise sleep when the internet keeps me for the fun and in the end only gets 4 hours of sleep rather than the usual normal hours. But with those gone, it should be easier and also you'll socialize better with your new pony friends because there's no Facebook over there.

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...But with those gone, it should be easier and also you'll socialize better with your new pony friends because there's no Facebook over there.

I never really used the internet to socialize with people to begin with...

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