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Equestria Divided Interest Check/Sign up's


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Hello everypony, and welcome to the Sign-up's for the Equestria Divided RP i'm planing. First, let it be said that due to the nature of the RP, there will be death and naturally, fall under the category of 18+.

If you are not sure what Equestria Divided is, its on Devient Art. I'm not too sure about the rules of URL's in posts, so i'll just play it safe.

If you are unfamilar, i'll try my best to briefly explain it. Though, do forgive me that i am trying this without internet and unable to check if i'm saying the correct houses.

After the dissapearance of Celestia and Luna, the sun and moon continued. Tensions ran high until the Main 6 Split into 6 factions, setting Equestria into Chaos.

Twilight Sparkle: After tricking Apple Jack into letting her be used as a test dummy for Twilight's attempt to become an Alicorn. Not only does it fail, but Twilight's mental state afterwards was critial. Her forces are called Sun and Moon, believers that Celestia and Luna will return, if they remain loyal. Her forces control the moutains around Canterlot, and are primarly Unicorns.

Rarity: After hearing what had occured between her friends, Rarity left Ponyville, and headed to Manehatten (I think, forgive me if this is wrong. I'm not perfect) And set up her own house. Based entirely upon wealth and profit, they are merc's for hire, bandits, assassins. Her house cares for nothing unless their is a profit in it for them.

Fluttershy: Fluttershy tried to keep her friends together, but it fell apart around her. And war started. She kept neutral, until she found a large number of innocents slaughtered. She lost it, and took her followers into the Everfree, savages, tamers of the wild and because beast's themselves.

Rainbow: Rainbow, despite being the element of Loyality, was one of the first to go. After seeing Twilight's failed spell, and Apple Jack starting to round up her forces. Rainbow realized the Pegasi needed to stick together, and they did that. Moving Cloudsdale to the north, her Pegasi army rule the sky, and have even allied themselves with some Griffens, under Gilda's leadership.Rainbow's Second in Command is Scootaloo, the pegasus finally got her wings, and if loyal to Rainbow. (I think this part is wrong, not 100% sure)

Pinkie: Pinkie was believed to have died after Twilight's second failed attempt to become an alicorn, and vanished. The the cult appeared, under the control of the Laughing Mare. They dont' care about teh war, and just have acts of indiscriminate Terroism against all forces, with no care for their own lives, in the name of the Laughing Mare.

Apple Jack: After nearly dying for Twilight's Spell, Apple Jack went to the Buffilo for their help, and at the cost of one of her eyes, she aqquired a new power. She can see truth, see lies. Her forces are inspiried by knowing their leader cannot lie, and her speaches are some of the best. Big Mac is one of their best commanders, leading the troops into battle. And Apple Bloom finally found her talent, creating cannon's.

Anyway, i'm not the best with these kinds of posts, and i won't bother trying to say i am. So i'll just get straight to the main point, the RP basic plot line and stuff.

So the Plot Line for the start really is nice and simple. Ponyville is under Apple Jack's control, the Earth ponies control it with what is considered an Iron Hoof. The forces of the Sun and Moon, under the Command of Twilight want it. So, the plan is theorically simple. Attack full force into it. However, they are not the only force interested in this. Rarity's house, Gold, wants Ponyville for the sake of gold, and send a team, heavily armed with merc's, to take it.

However, a battle wouldn't be complete with the hunters of the air. Rainbow Dash with her House of Pegasi are plotting, waiting for the battle to finish before cleaning up what survived. For hopefully obvious reasons, the Cult and the Everfree forces are not mentioned, because unless someone does a brilliant character, it's just too hard to make use of it.

It is the 20th year of the war

So, character Creation. Its pretty simple really.

Name: (Kinda simple, kinda obvious)

Race: (Are you a Pegasus, an Earthpony, a Unicorn? Take your pick)

Faction: (Who do you fight for? Rainbow Dash? Twilight Sparkle? Apple Jack? Somepony else? Which house is yours?)

Age: How old are you?

Gender: (Are you male or female? Why do i feel like Professor Oak when i say that?)

Eye:(What is your eye Colour? Please make it simple, unless its nessacery)

Mane/tail:(Is it black, blue, orange, pink and purple? Is it long, short, messy, tidy? Do you have any in the first place?)

Coat: (Again, whats your fur? Is it orange? Is it Cyan, purple? I could go on, but you get the point)

Cutie Mark: What is it, and what is your tallent? If could be from before the war, or during. The choice is yours.

Weapons/Armor: What do they use? A huge sheild, maybe 2 blades? The choice is yours

Fighting Style:How do they fight? Up close and personal? Or maybe from a distance? Maybe like a shadow?

Reason for Fighting: Why? Everypony has a reason they fight, something that drives them. What drives your character?

Anything else that is interesting: Something that i haven't mensioned that you think needs to be told. Anything, their favriote colour, ummm, food? Not sure why i said that, but meh. You get the point.

Now, in care everyone goes for 1 faction. We need it to be spread out, so i'm going to put a restriction on it. 2 characters Per Faction.

And unfortunity, being GM, i have already gotten 1 of the slots in Rainbow's one (Huose Strongwind i think) because i've already made my character. I'll put her app in a bit, simply because i need to do some stuff.


- Sunlightheart

- UnitPON13 (Hagane Soul)


- Travelaway (Obsidian Blackwell)

- Daboom (Elusis)

Rainbow Dash:

- Shadowbolt0 (Midnight Blossom/Noctrina)

- Cainiam (Accipiter)

Apple Jack:

- Hundasher (Skyfire)


Pinkie pie:

-Sunlightheart (Phantom)

If you can make a workable character for either Fluttershy or Pinkie's house, i'll first be impressed, and since i doubt many will work, i'll just leave that open.

Anyway guys, if you've read this far down, you're amazing!

Rock on my fellow ponies.

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Level of Technology. God, i really need to re-read the thingy sometime between now and later.

If i remember, the Earthpony forces have the best 'technology' with Apple Bloom's Cannons, which are like the ones used by the British Empire, but more mobile and more likely to blow you up.

Ummm, there are rifles, flintlock and used defaultly by Rarity's army i think.

Again, this sort of important is on the Deviant ARt page, i will read up when i will remember them. Its 4 in the morning here, so i'm just readying some fimfics before i fall asleep.

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Ok, so my character. Oh boy, this is going to be fun...

Name: Midnight Blossom/Noctrina

Race: Pegasus

Faction: House Stormwing (Rainbow Dash)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Eye: Midnight: Dark-Blue Noctrina: Ruby Red

Mane/tail: Dark Blue very mess for both, long and unkept.

Coat: Midnight-Blue

Cutie Mark: Unknown

Weapons/Armor: Her main weapon is a shield-sword, a which is a large, diamond shaped shield that is strapped onto her left hoof. However, it can split down the middle and hidden in

the shield is a sword that can extent out. This is her weapon, stolen from the Whitegold assassin. The shield-blade is heavily enchanted, giving it strengh where it should be weak, and is pained Red and Blue. As for Armor, she bears lighter armor then is normally seen in the Pegasi Hoplite ranks, but this lighter armor allows her great speed and maneuverability.

Fighting Style: Very reckless, she dives into her enemies with no fear, using her shield-blade to protect herself and slaughter her enemies. She abuses how fast she really is, using her wings to give her the advantage of ground based units that are alone, in small numbers and are not well armoured. Air units, she charges. Despite her reckless attack, her movement is always one step ahead, like while charging, she is thinking aswell,

Anything else that is interesting: This pony has Multi-personality disorder. Rainbow Dash was attempting to create the perfect warrior, intelligence and strength. Ruthlessness, and combat awareness. However, it didn't go according to plan. They tried, and with what failed magic they had. She was created. Originally 2 ponies that vollunteers, Midnight/Noctrina don't remember anything other then sharing the same body. Under Rainbow's orders, she kills. Noctrina is the rage, the power of a pegasi warrior. She is the ruthless force, killing anything that gets in her path, controlling their body majority of the time. While Midnight hides, protected in the mind. In there, Midnight uses her amazing mental capacity to outthink their opponents, come up with strategies and to notice weaknesses in their enemies combo's. That was what Rainbow Dash was aiming for, however, it was meant to be one mind, not two souls trapped in one mind.

Reason for Fighting: Bred for war, they know nothing but war. War is everything to them, their reason for living. Midnight wants peace, and believes that the only way peace will be aquired is if force is used to defeat those holding against the,. Noctrina fights because its fun. Because, some ponies don't need money or reason. Some ponies, like Noctrina...Just want to watch the world burn.

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Name: Obsidian Blackwell

Race: Unicorn

Faction: House Whitegold (Rarity)

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Eyes: Emerald green

Mane/Tail: Pitch black, well kept and brushed, mane is cut short.

Coat: Amethyst purple

Cutie Mark: Two flintlock pistols crossed over an emerald.

Weapons/Armor: Obsidian carries six flintlock pistols holstered over his chest, these are his primary form of attack but when necessary he has a bayonet on the end of one of the pistols. As for armor, he wears light leather armor which is always worn underneath his long gentleman's coat.

Fighting style: A gunslinger through and through, Obsidian prefers to surprise his opponents and then gun them down in a quick flurry of gunfire, then retreat to cover. When absolutely forced to, he has a small set of spells, mostly involving distractions.

Anything else interesting: Though he lives in The Undercity, he has dreams of rising to greatness and becoming a noble of house Whitegold. Although he's not perfect, he's better than most with the firearms that are so new to the war torn land of Equestria. Obsidian is a bit of a dashing rogue and has a past of petty thievery and jewel heist, now he works as a spy, informant, and occasional soldier. He has a pet mongoose named Cherisse that he carries with him everywhere, she usually hides out in the large collar of his coat.

Reason for fighting: Status...and the access the the resources that brings. Obsidian longs to be a member of the nobility or at least have some standing within house Whitegold's affairs.

(This character most closely resembles the pony of fortune)

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Name: Obsidian Blackwell

Race: Unicorn

Faction: House Whitegold (Rarity)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Eyes: Emerald green

Mane/Tail: Pitch black, well kept and brushed, mane is cut short.

Coat: Amethyst purple

Cutie Mark: Two flintlock pistols crossed over an emerald.

Weapons/Armor: Obsidian carries six flintlock pistols holstered over his chest, these are his primary form of attack but when necessary he has a spell that allows him to use a spectral rapier. As for armor, he wears light leather armor which is always worn underneath his long gentleman's coat.

Fighting style: A gunslinger through and through, Obsidian prefers to surprise his opponents and then gun them down in a quick flurry of gunfire, then retreat to cover. When absolutely forced to, he has a small set of spells, mostly involving spectral weaponry and distractions.

Anything else interesting: Though he lives in The Undercity, he has dreams of rising to greatness and becoming a noble of house Whitegold. Although he's not perfect, he's better than most with the firearms that are so new to the war torn land of Equestria. Obsidian is a bit of a dashing rogue and has a past of petty thievery and jewel heist, now he works as a spy, informant, and occasional soldier. He has a pet mongoose named Cherisse that he carries with him everywhere, she usually hides out in the large collar of his coat.

Reason for fighting: Status...Obsidian longs to be a member of the nobility or at least have some standing within house Whitegold's affairs.


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Name: Lt. Cmd Eclipse

Race: Unicorn

Faction: Moon and Star (Twilight)

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Eyes: Purple

Mane/tail: Eclipse's mane and tail are both silver with grey highlights. They're thick and voluminous with a bit of natural curl and bounce to them.

Coat: Dark grey

Cutie Mark: A total solar eclipse. His special talent is shadow magic, which works best when large light sources are absent. Though he is also skilled in telekinesis.

Weapons/Armor: Eclipse wears chainmail beneath platemail armor. He wears a mage's hood instead of a helmet. Eclipse carries two curved swords on his sides: One in a red sheathe and one in a black sheathe. The one in the red sheathe belonged to his friend Illcaster. Eclipse also carries a large tower shield emblazoned with Luna's cutie mark on the front. The last of its kind.

Fighting Style: Eclipse fights viciously, smart, but viciously. He's a front line combatant and never forget it! He isn't afraid to charge Juggernaut and rush down cannons. Eclipse has nearly two decades of experience under his belt and it shows in his expert swordsmanship, use of magic, and tactics. Eclipse like to systematically tear the enemies options apart personally.

Reason for Fighting: Eclipse was already in the guard before everything started. While he doesn't agree with everything Moon and Star do or represent, Canterlot is his home and he feels it's his duty to defend it. Eclipse also remembers how the guard was the princesses disappeared. He truly hopes that Equestria will return to those days and plans on keeping Canterlot safe until that time. He also has a score to settle with the Earthborn.

Anything else that is interesting: Eclipse has a burning hatred for the Earthborn. They killed his entire squad and he was the sole survivor.

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Name: Lt. Cmd Eclipse

Race: Unicorn

Faction: Moon and Star (Twilight)

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Eyes: Purple

Mane/tail: Eclipse's mane and tail are both silver with grey highlights. They're thick and voluminous with a bit of natural curl and bounce to them.

Coat: Dark grey

Cutie Mark: A total solar eclipse. His special talent is shadow magic, which works best when large light sources are absent. Though he is also skilled in telekinesis.

Weapons/Armor: Eclipse wears chainmail beneath platemail armor. He wears a mage's hood instead of a helmet. Eclipse carries two curved swords on his sides: One in a red sheathe and one in a black sheathe. The one in the red sheathe belonged to his friend Illcaster. Eclipse also carries a large tower shield emblazoned with Luna's cutie mark on the front. The last of its kind.

Fighting Style: Eclipse fights viciously, smart, but viciously. He's a front line combatant and never forget it! He isn't afraid to charge Juggernaut and rush down cannons. Eclipse has nearly two decades of experience under his belt and it shows in his expert swordsmanship, use of magic, and tactics. Eclipse like to systematically tear the enemies options apart personally.

Reason for Fighting: Eclipse was already in the guard before everything started. While he doesn't agree with everything Moon and Star do or represent, Canterlot is his home and he feels it's his duty to defend it. Eclipse also remembers how the guard was the princesses disappeared. He truly hopes that Equestria will return to those days and plans on keeping Canterlot safe until that time. He also has a score to settle with the Earthborn.

Anything else that is interesting: Eclipse has a burning hatred for the Earthborn. They killed his entire squad and he was the sole survivor.

Very nice App, accepted!

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Name: Phantasma "The Phantom" Goria (Not her original name)

Race: Earth Pony

Faction: Cult of Laughter (The Laughing Mare)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Eye: Amber.

Mane/tail: Half of her mane is black, while the other half is fuchsia it's styled in an unkempt manner same as her tail.

Coat: Light salmon

Cutie Mark: A spell book over a silver gear and a gold gear. Her special talent is magical engineering.

Weapons/Armor: Wears a metal mask over her face. The right side of the mask is painted in the likeness of Tragedy and the left side is painted in the likeness of Comedy. She also where an amber dress shirt and a black blazer with twin coat tails. Phantasma uses five 7 inch daggers, several small throwing needles, poison gas bombs, and various small explosive devices to cause chaos. Really anything bladed will do, if it can kill she can kill with it. Though she doesn't know squat about firearms.

Fighting Style: Phantasma is a lightning bruiser, preferring to jump into the fray do what needs to be done and then leave before she's in too much danger. She's also one heck of an assassin, capable of working quickly and silently to kill targets before anypony knows what happened. When in direct conflict she moves with blinding speed and a unique combat style that nopony has ever seen. Her sixth sense allows her to avoid most danger on the battlefield and react at seemingly superpony speeds. Basically, she fights like

(the guy who fights with a bunch of swords)

Reason for Fighting: Phantasma's foal and husband were killed in the crossfire between Earthborn and Moon and Star. The Cult of Laughter promised her eternal happiness with her family if she died in service of the Laughing Mare.

Anything else that is interesting: Make no mistake, Phantasma is insane, but she is much more sane than many Cult of Laughter ponies. Phantasma is sane enough to hold it together long enough to infiltrate buildings in broad daylight and she is capable of holding back her bloodlust. She is also more than capable of weighing benefits against costs, thus she is not as suicidal as most Cult ponies. Phantasma does not see herself as expendable because the Laughing Mare demands blood, rather she believes that service until her body can no longer handle the burden of combat is the path to eternal bliss in the afterlife with her family. She's not needlessly destructive and her madness has a method. She has no desire to kill innocents and unarmed ponies. She is, however, always certain to cause a ruckus when she does fight and revels in killing skilled.

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Name: Phantasma "The Phantom" Goria (Not her original name)

Race: Earth Pony

Faction: Cult of Laughter (The Laughing Mare)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Eye: Amber.

Mane/tail: Half of her mane is black, while the other half is fuchsia it's styled in an unkempt manner same as her tail.

Coat: Light salmon

Cutie Mark: A spell book over a silver gear and a gold gear. Her special talent is magical engineering.

Weapons/Armor: Wears a metal mask over her face. The right side of the mask is painted in the likeness of Tragedy and the left side is painted in the likeness of Comedy. She also where an amber dress shirt and a black blazer with twin coat tails. Phantasma uses five 7 inch daggers, several small throwing needles, poison gas bombs, and various small explosive devices to cause chaos. Really anything bladed will do, if it can kill she can kill with it. Though she doesn't know squat about firearms.

Fighting Style: Phantasma is a lightning bruiser, preferring to jump into the fray do what needs to be done and then leave before she's in too much danger. She's also one heck of an assassin, capable of working quickly and silently to kill targets before anypony knows what happened. When in direct conflict she moves with blinding speed and a unique combat style that nopony has ever seen. Her sixth sense allows her to avoid most danger on the battlefield and react at seemingly superpony speeds. Basically, she fights like

(the guy who fights with a bunch of swords)

Reason for Fighting: Phantasma's foal and husband were killed in the crossfire between Earthborn and Moon and Star. The Cult of Laughter promised her eternal happiness with her family if she died in service of the Laughing Mare.

Anything else that is interesting: Make no mistake, Phantasma is insane, but she is much more sane than many Cult of Laughter ponies. Phantasma is sane enough to hold it together long enough to infiltrate buildings in broad daylight and she is capable of holding back her bloodlust. She is also more than capable of weighing benefits against costs, thus she is not as suicidal as most Cult ponies. Phantasma does not see herself as expendable because the Laughing Mare demands blood, rather she believes that service until her body can no longer handle the burden of combat is the path to eternal bliss in the afterlife with her family. She's not needlessly destructive and her madness has a method. She has no desire to kill innocents and unarmed ponies. She is, however, always certain to cause a ruckus when she does fight and revels in killing skilled.

Ok, round 1 to you.

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Name: Hagane Soul

Race: Unicorn (partially Crystal)

Faction: Twilight Sparkle, under the Moon subsection.

Age: Equivalent of 23 years in human age.

Gender: Male

Eye: Blood red.

Mane/tail: Mane pure white, parted down the middle, and flows past the ears. His tail has a similar behavior and is also white.

Coat: Dark, pale blue.

Cutie Mark: Although his name may or may not suggest it, he is a very dedicated blacksmith. He tends to experiment with foreign ores and metals, mixing them together and heating them into a purified, hardened alloy. As such, he tends to make his own weapons, and does not like being rushed in his line of work.

Weapons/Armor: His weapon of choice tends to vary. As for his main ones, he tends to carry two stilettos and a single katana, the stilettos made from a flesh corroding alloy of magically enchanted steel, and the katana having been crafted from moonsteel, which glows and becomes increasingly sharp when exposed to moonlight. His armor is little more than multilayered faux leather armor glued together by a natural resin, covered by a black tunic and pants, complemented by a black hood and boots.

Fighting Style: Stealth is the name of the game, deception is the rule, and killing is the end goal. Through magic, Soul is capable of cloaking himself and dampening the noise from his boots, both to an extent. He may also play mind tricks upon his prey by creating illusions or summoning an unnatural darkness with in the vicinity. Once his prey is in an isolated location, he'll drop down from a high place and crash down (quietly via magic) with a pair of stilettos and sheathe them violently into the nearest vital organ or vocal chord before corroding the spine with multiple stabs. On the off chance that Soul is faced with a direct confrontation, he will quickly switch to his katana and use the iaijutsu fighting style, which relies on reflexes, drawing, cleaving, swiping the blade clean before sheathing once more. The process sounds slow, but with years of experience, Soul can do all of this within a single fluid movement and perform this feat with incredible speed, which further distracts or blinds the enemy when the blade is glowing, making it hard to predict where the next blow will land. While doing so, the scabbard is used to block and parry enemy attacks.

Reason for Fighting: To find safety within the ranks of the Moon and take back his pillaged home from Fluttershy's forces. As of now, he silently plots against Twilight, waiting for the moment when he can get close enough to kill her swiftly before she has anytime to react, thus why he practices his drawing strikes: to improve his speed and accuracy. This is in the name of the peace he seeks, to restore Equestria to its former glory, to the days when ponies smiles without a care in the world and Equestria was untouched by the corruption of war, even if scars upon the land and history of this fractured nation come as a result of his actions. He believes that Twilight is irredeemable in her religious crazy and partly to blame for the continuation of the on going war against the other factions. If fighting is what Soul must do, if Soul must slay millions to restore this peace and end the war that has taken the lives of so many innocents and families, then he will do it. He hopes that it may never come to that...nevertheless, if this is the price of being able to bring happiness back to Equestria and return to his lost home once more, he will surely pay it. His home was the center of his world when it was taken from him, and he wouldn't wish the pain he felt as he watch all of his accomplishments, his childhood, burn, on anyone else.

Etc.: The world is an ocean that Soul wades through, and continues to be. Soul is a wanderer, having no tangible memory of his parents or what happened to them (whether or not they perished in the Forest at the hands of the wildlife or Flutter's scouts even before the exodus), and used to reside within the Everfree forest until he was chased out by the mass exodus of Fluttershy's forces into the Everfree forest.

Though he may come off as a heartless killer, he's actually anything but. He tends to be quite passionate and empathic as a result of his partial crystal heritage, which at times acts rather nastily with the rest of him whenever he becomes enraged or conflicted with negative emotions. Soul also likes to be quite whimsical at times, as dull moments prove an effective breeding ground for brooding. For the most part, however, he is relaxed and relatively carefree, his mood generally changing only when met with conflict, be it emotional or physical. His hobbies including roaming, reading romance novels, and smithing.

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Name: Hagane Soul

Race: Unicorn

Faction: Twilight Sparkle, under the Moon subsection.

Age: Equivalent of 23 years in human age.

Gender: Male

Eye: Blood red.

Mane/tail: Mane pure white, parted down the middle, and flows past the ears. His tail has a similar behavior and is also white.

Coat: Dark, pale blue.

Cutie Mark: Although his name may or may not suggest it, he is a very dedicated blacksmith. He tends to experiment with foreign ores and metals, mixing them together and heating them into a purified, hardened alloy. As such, he tends to make his own weapons, and does not like being rushed in his line of work.

Weapons/Armor: His weapon of choice tends to vary. As for his main ones, he tends to carry two stilettos and a single katana, the stilettos made from a flesh corroding alloy of magically enchanted steel, and the katana having been crafted from moonsteel, which glows and becomes increasingly sharp when exposed to moonlight. His armor is little more than multilayered faux leather armor glued together by a natural resin, covered by a black tunic and pants, complemented by a black hood and boots.

Fighting Style: Stealth is the name of the game, deception is the rule, and killing is the end goal. Through magic, Soul is capable of cloaking himself and dampening the noise from his boots, both to an extent. He may also play mind tricks upon his prey by creating illusions or summoning an unnatural darkness with in the vicinity. Once his prey is in an isolated location, he'll drop down from a high place and crash down (quietly via magic) with a pair of stilettos and sheathe them violently into the nearest vital organ or vocal chord before corroding the spine with multiple stabs. On the off chance that Soul is faced with a direct confrontation, he will quickly switch to his katana and use the iaijutsu fighting style, which relies on reflexes, drawing, cleaving, swiping the blade clean before sheathing once more. The process sounds slow, but with years of experience, Soul can do all of this within a single fluid movement and perform this feat with incredible speed, which further distracts or blinds the enemy when the blade is glowing, making it hard to predict where the next blow will land. While doing so, the scabbard is used to block and parry enemy attacks.

Reason for Fighting: To find purpose within the ranks of the Moon and take back his home. Something that Soul lacks. Killing gives Soul purpose, and purpose is something Soul seeks. If fighting is what Soul must do, if Soul must slay millions to appease those he follows, than so be it, for he is a tool in this crazy war. But he did wish it wasn't on the whim of a mentally battered unicorn...nevertheless, if this is the price of being able to settle down in his home again, he will surely pay it.

Etc.: The world is an ocean that Soul wades through, and continues to be. Soul is a wanderer, having no memory of his actual home, and used to reside within the Everfree forest until he was chased out by the mass exodus of Fluttershy's forces into the Everfree forest. Though he may come off as a heartless killer, he's actually anything but. He tends to be quite passionate and empathic, and if asked, will describe himself as a few sprinkles of religious, a dash of romantic here and there, and just a hint of philosophical, all coated by mysteriousness. Of course, nopony ever asks him because he's an incredibly off-putting introvert at first glance and appears to be liable to cut you down to size if you so much as comment about his sense of fashion. Nevertheless, he does try to make an effort to be more social when off-duty or undercover. His hobbies including roaming, reading romance novels, and smithing.

Very good, while a little to slteathy for my personal liking (Then again, remember that i made my character insane), a very well done character. It'll be interesting to see more of him

Oh right. Accepted

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Name: Skyfire

Race: Pegasus

Faction: Applejack

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Eye: Amethyst

Mane/tail: Crimson Red, messy, short and spiky

Coat: Cobalt blue

Cutie Mark: Anarchy Symbol http://i911.photobucket.com/albums/ac320/RavenLederer/Profile%20Graphics/anarchy-circle-red-black.gif

Weapons/Armor: Traditional pegasus light armor. Custom built long sword made from sawed off unicorn horns. Adorned in pegasi feathers and mane and tail locks she's taken from killed opponents.

Fighting Style: Skyfire strikes fast and hard, and makes a mess while doing it. She loves creating chaos on the battlefield, attacking indiscriminately against her enemies with no apparent rhyme or reason behind why she targets who she targets.

Reason for Fighting: Skyfire has always been a rebel, always going against the grain. When the majority of pegasi came together under one banner, she looked to those that didn't and joined with them. She's also always pushed herself to the limit and beyond, striving to be better than others. Essentially, she fights because she likes to fight, to kill, and to cause chaos and pain.

Other interesting things:

- It is rumored that Lightning Dust herself is in an affair with Skyfire, though no one can confirm this, because asking either of the two mares about such things would be akin to donning a fake horn and set of wings, and waltzing into Moon and Star house held territory claiming to be an alicorn.

- Sky once tried to venture into the everfree forest in an attempt to join it's forces, but was repelled and barely escaped with her life. She often times debates attempting to burn it down in revenge, or attempt to enter it again.

- Sky collects more than just feathers, hair and horns, though she keeps these more grisly items hidden away from prying eyes.

- Sky holds a dark secret she has never shared with anyone, and most likely never will.

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Name: Skyfire

Race: Pegasus

Faction: Applejack

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Eye: Amethyst

Mane/tail: Crimson Red, messy, short and spiky

Coat: Cobalt blue

Cutie Mark: Anarchy Symbol http://i911.photobuc...e-red-black.gif

Weapons/Armor: Traditional pegasus light armor. Custom built long sword made from sawed off unicorn horns. Adorned in pegasi feathers and mane and tail locks she's taken from killed opponents.

Fighting Style: Skyfire strikes fast and hard, and makes a mess while doing it. She loves creating chaos on the battlefield, attacking indiscriminately against her enemies with no apparent rhyme or reason behind why she targets who she targets.

Reason for Fighting: Skyfire has always been a rebel, always going against the grain. When the majority of pegasi came together under one banner, she looked to those that didn't and joined with them. She's also always pushed herself to the limit and beyond, striving to be better than others. Essentially, she fights because she likes to fight, to kill, and to cause chaos and pain.

Other interesting things:

- It is rumored that Lightning Dust herself is in an affair with Skyfire, though no one can confirm this, because asking either of the two mares about such things would be akin to donning a fake horn and set of wings, and waltzing into Moon and Star house held territory claiming to be an alicorn.

- Sky once tried to venture into the everfree forest in an attempt to join it's forces, but was repelled and barely escaped with her life. She often times debates attempting to burn it down in revenge, or attempt to enter it again.

- Sky collects more than just feathers, hair and horns, though she keeps these more grisly items hidden away from prying eyes.

- Sky holds a dark secret she has never shared with anyone, and most likely never will.

Despite knowing how badly this is going to end.


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Name: Elusis

Race: Unicorn

Faction: House White Gold

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Eye: Sapphire blue

Mane and tail : Dark blue with silver streaks

Coat: Charcoal Black

Cutie mark: Arcane circle. The ability to control Arcane magic.

Weapons: One large shield and a small dagger for emergencies. Magic is her main weapon

Fighting style: Sentry Battle, Takes her shield for defence. Then uses arcane magic to create a sort of artillary circle to fire spells from afar. When the enemy gets close she attempts to fight with her imbued dagger before teleporting away to continue her magic casting.

Reason for fighting: the money, and to increase her magical prowess.

Interesting facts: Uses magical Scrolls for way stronger spells and defenses. Follows irders as long as money will be garuenteed.

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Name: Lightning Shadow

Race: Unicorn

Faction: pure merc. Has no true faction.

Age: 17

Gender: Male (you feel like oak because you ARE Oak! XP)

Eye: Yellow dragon eyes from an accident.

Mane/tail: Yellow and black. Swept back in a blade style like my avatar for the site.

Coat: Purple

Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a green circle with a slash going down the center of it. The whole thing looks like it is carved into his flank. His talent is battle, and making a large range of combat aids from stone, metal and wood around him.

Weapons/Armor: For weapons he uses his magic as well as a rather large sword (almost a buster sword) made of enchanted obsidian. He wears a set of armor similar to that of Nightmare Moon. He also has a set of golden legbands, two on each leg, each with a black gem in it.

Fighting Style: lightning tends to mix his style. He uses his magic for both close and long range combat, but uses his sword at almost any time, using his magic to keep it levitating next to him at all times.

Reason for Fighting: his parents died before the war started, he fights for the money he needs to make a living. He also fights to defend his fading honor, after being accused of murdering one high up member of each house, he became a true merc to avoid being charged with a crime he didn't commit.

Anything else that is interesting: he has actually made his new home out of some old ruins in the everfree forest. He is always ready to fight, and has vowed to find the pony who framed him. He has a scar over his right eye, this is from before the war.

(Hope this is ok.)

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Name: Elusis

Race: Unicorn

Faction: House White Gold

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Eye: Sapphire blue

Mane and tail : Dark blue with silver streaks

Coat: Charcoal Black

Cutie mark: Arcane circle. The ability to control Arcane magic.

Weapons: One large shield and a small dagger for emergencies. Magic is her main weapon

Fighting style: Sentry Battle, Takes her shield for defence. Then uses arcane magic to create a sort of artillary circle to fire spells from afar. When the enemy gets close she attempts to fight with her imbued dagger before teleporting away to continue her magic casting.

Reason for fighting: the money, and to increase her magical prowess.

Interesting facts: Uses magical Scrolls for way stronger spells and defenses. Follows irders as long as money will be garuenteed.

Yep! That's good for me, Whitegold has another member.

You can post in the Rp, umm, Whitegold currently has Obsidian in the tunnels, you can post from there.

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Name: Lightning Shadow

Race: Unicorn

Faction: pure merc. Has no true faction.

Age: 17

Gender: Male (you feel like oak because you ARE Oak! XP)

Eye: Yellow dragon eyes from an accident.

Mane/tail: Yellow and black. Swept back in a blade style like my avatar for the site.

Coat: Purple

Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a green circle with a slash going down the center of it. The whole thing looks like it is carved into his flank. His talent is battle, and making a large range of combat aids from stone, metal and wood around him.

Weapons/Armor: For weapons he uses his magic as well as a rather large sword (almost a buster sword) made of enchanted obsidian. He wears a set of armor similar to that of Nightmare Moon. He also has a set of golden legbands, two on each leg, each with a black gem in it.

Fighting Style: lightning tends to mix his style. He uses his magic for both close and long range combat, but uses his sword at almost any time, using his magic to keep it levitating next to him at all times.

Reason for Fighting: his parents died before the war started, he fights for the money he needs to make a living. He also fights to defend his fading honor, after being accused of murdering one high up member of each house, he became a true merc to avoid being charged with a crime he didn't commit.

Anything else that is interesting: he has actually made his new home out of some old ruins in the everfree forest. He is always ready to fight, and has vowed to find the pony who framed him. He has a scar over his right eye, this is from before the war.

(Hope this is ok.)

He needs a faction, i said this, you cannot not have a faction. Outside of that, he needs to have a weakness, he seem's too good, he has close range perfected with the 'obsidian sword' and long range with magic (Which is too powerful) as a start.

Ech house can only have 2 members, and currently Whitegold is full with Daboom & Travelaway.

His eyes, just no. He is a pony, unless you mention this 'accident', he has normal eyes.

Fightning style has to learn towards one particular combo. No character is perfect, and they are either close range, or long. You cannot have both.

I dislike the reason for fighting, it is extremely vague, and needs more detail in it. The 'kill people of high in each clan' is not possible, nor realistic. And no reason is given. Honestly, i don't think you've read any of Equestria Divided on Deviant Art, please do that before anything else, because honestly, it's nessacery you know it.

Please consider everything before attempting another App.

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