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Equestria Divided Rp (Check OCC for Signups)


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Accipiter laughed throatily at the snappy reply from across the way. "I may piss jewels, but I'm no more Whitegold than you. Rainbow is who I-" he began as he walked into the light, stopping when he noticed the assassin and instantly scowled. There was no mistaking that cocky smile. "You! You're the plougher who ruined my negotiations! Out of all the imbeciles who could have survived that battle, of course it was you. The impossible alicorn. I wasn't aware Moon and Star trained pilots!" he practically spat as he fumed. He took a deep breath as he sought to regain control after his sudden outburst. He had said that Soul would regret not taking his head, and this prison would be the perfect opportunity to make that so. "You already missed my throat once, assassin. Hard enough when you have a blade as broad as your leg," he replied, smiling now. "Maybe this time I'll make it easy and mark a line for you. Or maybe this time I'll be the quicker draw. We'll see how tough you are without your bottles of tricks."

Just as Accipiter finished his rant, another pony showed up to the bars, either Moon and Star, or Whitegold, hard to tell from where Accipiter was stood. He had no idea who Shadles was. What kind of name was Shadles anyway?

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"Saving lives. I guess I'm not the only one who rationalizes what they do with that." Eclipse said as he laid down on the cell floor. The stallion grunted, the movement straining his injury. Now on his side, the unicorn looked up and smiled before closing his eyes.

He chuckled quietly, lowering his head to the floor. "Take good care of me, doc," Eclipse joked.

Midnight was a perfect example of why he hated this war. She was no doubt a smart, talented young mare, but what did she get for it? Commanding soldiers to go die in the field, holding hundreds or thousands of lives in her hoof every other day, causing her choices to eat at her confidence? He had nothing against military professions, he joined of his own volition. What he had a problem with was when ponies not cut out for fighting were forced into it. He'd seen it many times with Moon and Star's slave ponies and he saw it in Midnight. The main thing that set him mind on its current path was the part about Rainbow Dash having her killed if she didn't provide her expertise. It was sickening really, to force Midnight to squander her talents on the battlefield.

"If it's any consolation. I'm sorry that Rainbow Dash is making you do this. Twilight Sparkle and her friends use to be heroes... Now they're just amoral monsters."

The moment Eclipse's eyes closed, she quickly took the bandage off her foreleg, making sure it was as neat as possible, before slowly taking Eclipse's bandages off too.

She took a look at his wound, it was bad. How he'd managed to bang himself up like this was surprising to her, he seemed so nice, what had done this to him, and what has he done to it?

She shook it off, tightly re-wrapping Eclipse's bandage around him, no doubt causing the unicorn some pain, but the mare ignored any noises of pain, she needed to get this right.

After his bandage ran out, she went to work with her own, and after a few minutes, she took a step back to observe her work.

Their bandages were tightly wrapped up, stopping his wound from getting infected and should only take a few days to heal.

The same couldn't be said about her's, as she wrapped what was left over onto her injury.

Compared to how it had looked before, she shoulder had only a few bandage wraps around her injury. She knew it might take her longer to heal, but realistically, if she wanted to survive, her best hope would be to stay with Eclispe.

"Ok, finished, that should keep you together until it heals" she took a step back, but couldn't offer Eclispe a hoof up. Her left hoof was a no-go due to her injuries, and she needed her right to stay standing.

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"Dear Luna! You wrapped those tightly." The stallion righted himself. He ran a hoof over his new bandaging. It felt a lot more solid and held together much better. "Thank you, Midnight."

Eclipse looked at the mare, noticing that her bandages were now bound by less material. The warm smile he had fell into a frown as his gaze fell back on to his wrappings. She claimed that she wasn't strong. It was trash and he knew it, she had used her bandages to bind his wounds, increasing the risk of further injury to herself. Would he have done the same? The answer at this moment was a resounding no, and it sickened him to think that he wouldn't have given up some worthless cloth to help ensure Midnight's survival. He could make more of an effort to help ponies. She'd taught him a lesson. But what she did was also stupid, her wounds were fresh... Her wounds were fresh...

Eclipse thought that was strange. If she was a strategist, why were her injuries so extensive? Earthborn's pegasi wouldn't ever dream of hawking down Stormwings command post in a battle, so how did Midnight get those front-line wounds? He could say that she got hurt fighting whoever kidnapped her, but the mare didn't seem to have much of a fight reflex and simply resorted to curling up into a ball when she felt threatened and she had the injuries of a prolonged melee. He decided to let it go for now, but made a mental note that she may be hiding something.

"A question: Our captures could have killed us, right? So why cage us and transport us to Luna knows where?"

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Midnight noticed the quick change in expression from Eclipse, and she knew he’d noticed she’d used her bandages on him. After all, it would be rather hard to miss. Still, in her opinion it was a worthwhile trade. She would take longer to recover true, but that wait would be worth the trade. Till Noctrina comes back, which could be days given it occurring before, Eclipse would be her best option to survive whatever they might facing.

That’s when Eclipse asked a question that had be blurring in the mares mind. Who and Why? Something she wanted to know as well, she could break it down easily enough, but all it did was remove the suspects, not leaving her with anything other than questions.

“I’ll break down what I’ve figured out, and, well, it’s not much. Can’t be Stormwing, otherwise, why capture me? I doubt Moon and Star, unless you’re a traitor or something. Earthborn doesn’t sound right either, I have my wings, you your horn and we’re not on solid ground, meaning we’re no longer near Ponyville, Earthborn’s primary base. I doubt Whitegold, the reason doesn’t stand, capturing warriors for prisoners? That’s stupid, even for them. Everfree, no, just no. And I doubt the Cult has the rescourses to pull this scale of an operation off, logic dictates that” Midnight had started pacing, it was her natural movement when her mind was active, she paced. It let her continue to be active while her mind ran something of a marathon.

“But if we know that, then comes back to the question. Who? A 7th force, maybe, but then coming to why? Why capture ponies from a battlefield? Sell us maybe? Action us, but to whom, and why?” The mare almost howled in frustration. She didn’t have enough information to get an answer, all she’d done was prove that she had no idea where they were. She looked at Eclipse, he probably knew he was her only hope of survival, at least for now. She contemplated telling him about Noctrina, but went against it. More he wouldn’t believe her than anything else, the concept was silly enough and given how timid she was, that she was a feared Stormwing warrior who was actually 2 ponies in one. Who would believe that?


Shadles had backed away from the Pegasus as he seemingly started talking to others in cells across from him. Honestly, he wanted to just get out, go home. But he was stuck, and that...

"Have you seen a young lad named Shadles? The colt is my assistant and I'd like to know he made it out with his life."

Shadles instantly jumped up, going to the cell. There was only one pony that would consider calling him an assisstant, and that would be Obsidian!

"C-captain, it's me! I'm here!" He called out, pushing next to Accipiter, trying to see if it really was him. If Obsidian was here, while that did mean he'd been captured, at least he wasn't alone, which was a better position then what he was in a minute ago.

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Obsidian gritted his teeth as Shadles referred to him as captain, well that little ruse went right out the window. "Yes Shadles, it's me, glad to see that you're alright, who's your roomie there? Sounds like quite the charmer."

(Couldn't think of much, sorry it's short)

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His crimson eyes focused on Accipiter, a venemous grin spread across his face.

"Ah...my quarry...how have you been? Hope you haven't been soiling yourself without a guard to hug and hide behind." He chuckled, almost purring as he spoke.

"How sweet...well I assure you that I didn't miss, I just felt like toying a bit with you. Nice manecut, by the way."

The assassin perked a brow at his comment, letting out a bone chilling laugh, half lidded crimson orbs staring back to Accipiter. "Cute...the little toy soldier thinks he can draw his sabre faster than the assassin. Let me give you some advice: no one draws faster than me, because no one sees me coming, just as you never did before I slaughtered your units like they were made out of cardboard and tin foil. Secondly, the blade is a preference. It'd be much quicker to draw one's hooves to, say, break your neck, than to draw a sword."

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Accipiter's smile soured as Soul's strengthened. How could that worm possibly be smiling? "I am no pony's quarry! If you'd stand and fight me on single terms I could take you down with ease, backstabber!" he barked back, taking a step backwards without realising it. His hoof went to his shredded mane as he instantly reddened. "Well... maybe you should consider handing in your resignation. You're a much better barber than you are a killer," Accipiter returned, although his heart wasn't quite into it anymore. Then came the laugh, his remaining courage and bluster sapped quickly in the face of such darkness. His venomous words carried the seed of self-doubt, implanting them in his mind. What was he thinking? He took another few involuntary steps back. What was he thinking? This assassin was just playing mind games as he saw him as too large a threat obviously. He couldn't waver in his face. "Hmph, we'll see how hiding in shadows helps when there's nowhere to hide. In a fair fight, you know you'd lose," he tried to shout back, summoning up his reserves of confidence.

Fortunately a timely distraction proved itself when the Private in his cell ended up to be Shadles, and the fellow opposite was the mentioned Captain Obsidian. Accipiter took the opportunity to slip back behind the wall and out of sight, just before he started physically shaking a little. That assassin was too intense. He knew he could best him, but those words cut as deep as his sword had. He shook off the icy wrapping of fear, and turned back to see what the private, or Shadles as it apparently was, had to say to his captain. Particularly interesting was what he had to say about him.

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Eclipse stared in awe. The mare in front of him had changed dramatically. No longer was she quiet and shy. Midnight had taken to pacing, breaking down their situation as she marched back and forth across their cell. It proved easy for her to articulate who it wasn't and why. Her breakdown had made perfect sense and pretty much sent Eclipse's mind reeling. None of the obvious suspects were likely. So chances were some group that's been under the radar had foalnapped them for some unknown reason. Other than himself and Midnight, the stallion had no idea who else had been captured. Midnight may be important, but was he important enough to warrant being taken hostage?

Eclipse gestured for Midnight to reign it in. "No need to get frustrated. Besides, in our current state, what could all the information possibly do for us? It would be nice to have all the knowledge of what's going on, so that we could regroup and plan. But it can't be helped." Eclipse tapped his chin for a moment before turning to Midnight and stating his proposal.

"Midnight, do you think it's possible that whoever kidnapped us has something they want to do, but either don't want to risk their own or lack the combination of skills to perform said task? It's not a very comforting thought, but honestly I can't stand the thought of letting my mind go idea here... " The unicorn lowered his head and let his sliver and grey mane all over his face. "It's like being on the earthborn's chopping block all over again..."

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Skyfire absentmindedly stroked Phantasma's mane as the mare lay atop her. She glanced down at herself, her eyes roving across the small wounds upon her body, then casting her gaze over the mare with her head laying against Sky's chest. She let out a small chuckle, reaching down with one hoof to run it along the mares injured leg. " Well now, that was fun. I bet we made enough noise to alert the whole ship. Of course, given our shared interests..." She stopped stroking her mane and reached down to lift the mares head to look at Sky, then stroked the mares injured leg again, applying a bit of pressure and smirking as she did so. " It's not really a surprise now is it? "

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Shadles smiled, seeing the Pegasus getting defeated by his captains, cellmate. It would be a lie to say he didn't take any pleasure, because he did

"He could be better Captain, Pegasus from Stormwing, but he's somepony that might be helpful, so maybe we shouldn't annoy him too much"


Eclipse stared in awe. The mare in front of him had changed dramatically. No longer was she quiet and shy. Midnight had taken to pacing, breaking down their situation as she marched back and forth across their cell. It proved easy for her to articulate who it wasn't and why. Her breakdown had made perfect sense and pretty much sent Eclipse's mind reeling. None of the obvious suspects were likely. So chances were some group that's been under the radar had foalnapped them for some unknown reason. Other than himself and Midnight, the stallion had no idea who else had been captured. Midnight may be important, but was he important enough to warrant being taken hostage?

Eclipse gestured for Midnight to reign it in. "No need to get frustrated. Besides, in our current state, what could all the information possibly do for us? It would be nice to have all the knowledge of what's going on, so that we could regroup and plan. But it can't be helped." Eclipse tapped his chin for a moment before turning to Midnight and stating his proposal.

"Midnight, do you think it's possible that whoever kidnapped us has something they want to do, but either don't want to risk their own or lack the combination of skills to perform said task? It's not a very comforting thought, but honestly I can't stand the thought of letting my mind go idea here... " The unicorn lowered his head and let his sliver and grey mane all over his face. "It's like being on the earthborn's chopping block all over again..."

She nodded her head "It seems to be the best answer, Diamond Dogs and Griffons have no alliance in the war, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say they are just the merchants, and us being the merchandise"

Midnight just felt, uunfamiliar She always had all the information, and that information gave her power, and with power security. Without Knowledge, or Noctrina, is wasn't looking nice for her.


Outside everypony's cells, Diamond Dogs walked in front of the the cell doors, all of them holding next chains, some of which had glowing gems. The first pair stopped outside Midnight and Eclipse's cell, opening the door and armed with their spears, walk to the ponies with confidence. They grab the Pegasus Mare roughly, recieving a whimper from the shoulder, her injured shoulder, that they grabbed. Putting one of the chains around her neck, they turn to the Unicorn, restricting him and placing the glowing one on his neck. The gems, to the dogs knowledge, negated the power of his horn.

Outside Skyfire and Phantasma, the dogs barged into the cell, roughy grabbing the mares by their legs and putting the chains on them tightly. Pulling at them, pulling them onto the top of the boat.

Once outside, a large city can be seen, huge walls, and not designed by ponies. Whatever city lay before them, only one thing could be ensured. They were not in Equestria anymore.


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Back in the Ship, Diamond Dogs dragged out the remaining prisoners, around 3 dozen ponies, within their numbers, Accipeter, Shadles, Soul and Obsidian were grouped together, placed right next to Midnight, Eclipse, Phantasma and Skyfire.

Eventually, the ship landed and, being pulled by their chains, the ponies were foribly made to walk in tight formation, armed Diamond Dogs, ensuring none of the ponies tried to move. All around the ponies, were Griffons. Shops, buildings and almost everyone there would be a Griffon.


Midnight looked at the ponies around her, trying her best to make sure the pegasus Noctrina had taunted couldn't see her, as she looked at Eclipse. She spoke, loud enough for most ponies to hear her.

"Oh, no..Thunder Claw..." She spoke, more to herself. Mostly because any pony who studied Geography would know what city Thunder Claw was, and where it was. North, outside of the border of Equestria, the capital city of the Griffon Empire.

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Skyfire grinned maniacally and began to laugh. This was to perfect! She'd always wanted to visit the fabled city of the griffons, though her 'duties' made such a trip quite difficult. She then noticed who it was that had spoken. She knew that voice, wasn't that?...She glanced at the pegasus and her grin grew wider.

" Well well well! " She said past her laughter. " If it isn't the pony that killed me! How's it feel to see the dead walk before your very eyes? I'd really like to know before I tell you, because I'mlooking at a dead pony right now...the same pony that tried to kill MY! LIGHTNING! " She lunged at the pegasus without any thought about her personal safety.

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Accipiter scowled at the diamond dogs that came into his cell, his wings flaring ready to go, but a prompt hit in his already bruised side quickly made him compliant. He didn't resist as he was lugged out to join the chain gang and forcibly marched out onto the deck. He welcomed the fresh air, and tested the strength of his bindings, quickly deducing that there wasn't a chance of him snapping those chains and flying free into the tantalising close blue sky. He saw the city as the ship pulled into port, and grimaced. This was the griffon capital, Thunder Claw. Accipiter had been here before, accompanying Rainbow on a diplomatic mission. They had spoken with the Emperor himself, gained support, and now they were being stabbed in the back. "Traitorous scum," he growled, imagining the Emperor in front of him.

He was herded with the rest of the prisoners like cattle onto the dock and into the city streets, onlookers staring at them with disdain in their eyes. Accipiter growled again, tensing up before a swift smack on the back of the head from a diamond dog walking next to him shut him up. There was nothing he could do for now, but fume. He tried to at least march proudly, trying to contrast the despondency shown by most of the other prisoners. He was still an officer. He may have been beaten, chained and imprisoned, but he was still an officer. All he could think on in his head was the motive. There had to be a motive here for what the Emperor was doing, what the diamond dogs were doing. Were they thinking of entering the war? Taking Equestria for themselves?

He was snapped out of his thoughts by aggravated shouting from nearby. One of the prisoners who he vaguely recalled seeing in Earthborn colours was shouting at... was that Noctrina?! Oh, he would love to be the one who snapped her neck himself. He took a step forwards, then the choking of the chain saw him step back again. Nowhere near enough give from where he was stood. The way Noctrina was reacting though, it was like she wasn't home. If the weak one was in charge, oh, yes, Accipiter was extremely glad to have first row seats to a very one sided fight with Noctrina's life on the line. His muzzle shaped into a large grin as he looked on expectantly.

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Before Eclipse could even react Diamond Dogs rushed into his cell, binding both his and Midnight's limbs and placing magic cancelling collar around his neck. He thrashed a little, but his injuries kept him from putting a much of a fight. ****it all...

The diamond dogs marched him and Midnight through the ship until the eventually rose out of the vessel's bowls and onto the deck. The salty air was almost enough to make Eclipse vomit. He had never been much of a sea stallion, just because he was a trained soldier didn't change that fact one little bit. At least the sky was were it always was. As the stallion's eyes wandered up to the open air, his ears picked up Midnight's dread. If that's really were we are, we're a long way from Equestria...


Skyfire's chest was soft, so soft... Phantasma vowed to take good care of her new toy and if they both survived this encounter, attempt to recuit her into the cult. Skyfire had the qualities that made a good higher up in cult ranks. She snuggled into the mare's embrace. Skyfire was powerful, dominating, and focused. As far as worldly pleasures went she had been the best the earth pony had for a while. Phantasma couldn't remember the last time she was the one who submitted and took a subservient role. She purred as Skyfire's hoof ran through her licorice and fuchsia mane. When the pegasus pressed a hoof against Phantasma, moaned in bliss and agony, then bit Skyfire firmly on the chest.

They didn't get a chance for a second round of fun. Their captors rushed in and roughly separated the two mares, chaining them up and leading above deck. Well look at that. Honey, we ain't in Equestria anymore... She thought, eyeing the intimidating walls.


Eclipse stood at Midnight's side, silently surveying their situation. The dog brought out many other prisoners as well, but several were lined up around him. Among the new arrivals was Soul. The unicorn wanted to call out to his friend, to tell him that he was glad he still lived, but the smart thing to do would be to keep quiet and make the dogs think that they didn't know each other so that it would seem like they had no prior experience in working together. Midnight seemed nervous, and rightfully so, but it wouldn't do to be panicked all the time.

The stallion playfully nudged her on the side and smiled at her. A friendly smile can go a long way.

However, just as he thought that he might have a chance at calming her down a rage filled voice cut through the sloshing of the water on the shoreline. Killed her? Tried to kill Lightning? Who the hell was this mare and was she addressing Midnight? Eclipse's question was answered when they mare threw herself at Midnight.

In one slick motion, the knight moved from his position and placed himself between Midnight and her would be assailant. "Stand down!" The unicorn shouted.


Phantasma watched in awe as Skyfire sprang into action despite her injuries. Gods that mare was impressive, but now was not the time for whatever petty grudge she had with the other pegasus. "Skyfire! Now's not the time, look around us! We've no position of power here, don't make trouble for us." She pleaded.

Running up to the mare, she wrapped her hooves around Skyfire's body in a half- hug, half- submission hold. "Calm down..." Phantasma whispered in Skyfire's ear's. "First we wait until we're safe, then we wait until we're alone..." Her voice dropped down to a sultry, blood lusted tone. "Then you tear her to bloody ribbons..." The earth pony whispered, nibbling on her ear.

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Skyfire never reached her target, instead being blocked and grabbed. She allowed herself to be pulled away, then began to laugh. It was a throaty chuckle at first, then rose into a genuine laugh but with manic undertones, causing the laugh to spike from time to time. " T-trouble? hah...c-calm down? hahah! " She said between laughs, then reached around behind her head to wrap a foreleg around Phantasmas neck, pulling her closer as she tiled her head slightly to the side to look her in the eye and cut off her laughter abruptly. A creepy smile crossed her lips. " I was only having a little bit of fun, where's the harm in that? " She shifted her eyes to look at Midnight again, and smiled slightly wider, before relaxing in Phantasmas arms.

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Obsidian wished he could say this was the first time he'd ever been in chains, but it wasn't the first, nor would it be the last time he escaped from them. He saw the Pegasus mare who screamed something about Lightning charge at another Pegasus, he assumed they were earthborn and stormwing respectively, he shook his head and chuckled, "Act like you've been there for Gods sakes, is this your first time being in chains? Just stay calm and don't make trouble, and you'll probably keep your head."

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Midnight heard the call from another Pegasus, looking over and instantly freezing. It was her! The Pegasus that had been with Lightning! How she was even alive amazed her, Noctrina may play around, but never had a pony escaped her alive. Thankfully, her hesitation didn’t kill her. Eclipse, the unicorn, had stepped in front of her, protecting her. She was thankful for him, he didn’t have to help her, yet he was.

She observed another mare helping ‘Skyfire’, the Pegasus that had it out for her. She made a quick note to, either, avoid them at all costs, or stay with Eclipse at all times. She very much doubted that Skyfire would give up on her, obviously, personal grudge anytime soon.

She felt a shiver run around her body when Skyfire looked at her, calling it fun. Fun for her and Noctrina, but the last thing Midnight wanted was part of that fun. That fun would, surely, result in her slow and painful death.

She looked up at her unicorn protector, knowing he would not be happy at her, quite apparent, lie to him before. She’d have to tell him the truth, that she knew, but not here. Not when they were surrounded by others, once they had the chance, she would.

“Eclipse, listen..I…I can explain, j-just..not here” She said, quickly and quietly, glancing over at Skyfire one more time.


The ship docked, a bridge being put out to board the ship, and several Griffons armed to the teeth, came aboard. Each looked down at the ponies, analysing them like food. They looked at their Diamond Dog captors, nodding and starting to walk back to the shore, before a call came out. Crawling out of the ship, a Diamond Dog pulled up the final pony from their haul. A Unicorn from the caves under the battlefield, their last prisoner they could fit in a cell, Elusis.

After packing her in with the large group of captured ponies, a total group of around 20. The Diamond Dogs started pulling the ponies along forcefully, any resistance shutting down quickly with the jabs of their chains and collars. After only a few minutes of walking, their destination came in sight. A large, circular building, with a large title on the top that would be impossible to miss. It said ‘Colosseum’.

Whatever this building was, the ponies didn’t get to see, the dogs dragging them through the doors, and quickly under the building. The ponies were, quickly, thrown into a large, communal cell, with the chains of their collars removed, along with the collars themselves. Roughtly thrown into the cell, the door slammed shut, with a loud locking noise. One of the dogs looked into the cell, speaking quickly before leaving. “Word of advice, if any pony in this cell is dead in morning, you ALL pay the price with your life”

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Sky pondered doing what the guard had said not to do. It would be so easy, oh so easy for her to pretend to be dead, getting all the others killed and allowing her to escape, but she threw the idea aside. She had a hot mare in here with her, and even though a corpse or two could be fun for a time, they eventually started to smell, and there were also few things as boring as a corpse cage full of corpses.

However...there was something else. She tilted her head to the side slightly, narrowing her eyes, scanning the ponies in the cage with her eyes, then slowly grinned. She chuckled and nudged Phantasma. " Hey hot lips, guess what? There's another pony in here with us who has a deep dark dangerous secret they don't want anypony to know...call it a hunch. " She sat down with a smug expression on her face. Things had just got a lot more interesting in Griffontown.

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Elusis Slowly began to Come to, Her Head pounding over and over as though as a drum. She Twitched a bit before Her vision Clouded in slowly as she opened her eyes. She groaned quietly to herself as she lay there on her left side. She figured that she was captured. She Slowly brought her Legs to her stomach before her Body rolled to Place them Underneath her. She as well noticed that everything she had was gone, Scrolls, Shield and Other items. She only lay there with her legs folded under her and her eyes Closed. She needed to Recover Slowly as she took quite a hard blow to her cranium.

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Accipiter scowled as the impromptu fight was stopped before it could begin. He couldn't even understand why that unicorn would stand up for Noctrina. Nopony ever stood up for Noctrina, then again nopony ever had to. Still, she made friends like an earth pony built clouds... as in she never made any friends, and there was very good reason for that. Maybe Noctrina's alternate personality was truly in charge, and without the psychopath she was making nice socially. He shook his head and sighed, disappointed that she hadn't even gotten a scratch as the procession carried on. He saw the colosseum in the distance, and now he knew what they were here for. Blood sport. The griffons still encouraged such a barbaric practice, and if that was really where they were going, it seemed like they would too.

When the cell doors slammed shut, Accipiter rose to his hooves and dusted off. He looked around at the assortment of ponies, some familiar, some not so. He caught a glimpse of the assassin, and shook his head. Now wasn't the time for combat that would see one of them dead. The diamond dog had stated so. What use was there in a victory you wouldn't survive. Next he saw Shadles and his captain, Obsidian he believed, they seemed happy to see one another. Then there was Noctrina, he made sure to catch her gaze if even for a second to give an intense glare as a smirk began to form. If she wasn't going to tell that unicorn anything, then maybe he would. A friend of Noctrina's would begin an enemy of his in time, so he wandered over to stop that from happening.

"Noctrina, Scourge of the Houses. Fancy seeing you here," he said sarcastically. "How many griffons you take down before they grab you, eh? I bet you delighted in the extra action. I see most of your unit didn't make it, maybe your brilliant tactics don't extend to survivability, then again we both already know that, don't we?" Accipiter stopped before turning to the unicorn who had so readily jumped to her aid before. "Word of advice, don't get tangled up with this one. The second her friend comes out to play, don't expect your internal organs to stay internal. What? You think her doe eyes are for real? She's Stormwing's own personal monster." As he finished his head swung back to Noctrina with a victorious smile. "Isn't that right, Noctrina?"

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Elusis had heard some conversations echoing from seperate parties In chains whith her. She only scrunched her nose as her head pounded harder and harder before she opened her eyes Someone was talking with another called Noctrina. The name Mattered not to her as she hadnt really brushed up on Bios as of late. She only sat there with her gaze glued forward and not speaking. Without her scrolls she was no fighter. Her magic could cast a few bolts...maybe take a Pen and Jab it in an eye but that was about all she would be capable of. She huffed and closed her eyes, trying to keep to herself.

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Another mushy cell, great! Phantasma sighed, glancing around the room. Everyone their captures had placed next to them with on deck was thrust into the cell along side her and Skyfire. Luckily, the frisky pegasus was keeping her cool and not flipping out. Phantasma was kind of worried that SKy might try to kill the Stormwing mare despite promise of certain death that those actions would guarantee.

"...Really?" She asked, feigning surprise. Secrets seemed to be the name of the game lately. That mare Skyfire hated, and Skyfire herself. Phantasma knew that the mare was holding something back from her.

The facts just didn't add up to the salmon pony. Phantasma had witnessed first hoof, Skyfire's vigor, strength, and skill. Most ponies would be hard pressed to keep up with her on the field or between the sheets, injured or not; but Sky not only matched her, she over powered her at times! Phantasma knew the mare was not to be trifled with. But unlike herself and their cellmates Skyfire's injuries were superficial, flesh wounds. She knew searched Sky's body thoroughly, and she was sure the mare was well off. It didn't make sense. How had they caught her without injuring her? She didn't show any signs of a concussion and she had no head wounds there were also no signs of gassing and Phantasma hadn't tasted any ingested sleep agents on Sky's tongue. So how was she captured?


Who was this blowhard and what was he talking about? Is all Eclipse was thinking about as Accipiter spoke. The pompous pegasus started jabbing at Midnight's kills and how her unit hadn't made it out and how her weren't conducive to survival. The unicorn quickly found himself getting pissed off at how big their company's balls had gotten just because they weren't to kill each other. Regardless of who Midnight really was, it was just horrible to rub in the loss of ones unit in their face. At the moment, Eclipse wanted to stab this stallion in the chest with his horn and grind salt into the puncture wound.

Eclipse sneered at the stallion in front of him. "You know what they say? Birds of a feather. I'd wager that none of us are exactly 'good ponies'." He sized the stallion up, he'd seen his type before. He knew thi sort of thing was bad in Moon and Star, probably in Whitegold as well, but Stormwing? Go figure.

"What's your problem with her any way? Let me guess: You are an enemy of hers? No not quite right... you know a little too much about her, so you're probably a rival officer, right? Explains why you carry yourself so high and mighty. Midnight must have stolen your glory one too many times. Now you're going to torment her and keep her from forming alliances while she weak and beaten. That's actually a solid strategy. I know I'd being doing what you are if our roles were reversed. However, you didn't account for at least one thing." He looked at Midnight, then back to Accipiter. "I gave Midnight my friendship. That means something to me. So until she betrays my trust, I have no reason to turn my back on her. I've known she was hiding something from me, but I chose to let her come forward with in on her own."

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Obsidian clapped his hooves together several times, "Wonderful, simply wonderful, this is the most random group of cannon fodder I've ever seen, myself not excluded mind you, I'm in here too after all. There is almost no sensible reason I can think of for these griffins to have captured us, therefore they must truly wish to see us die. Quite barbaric really, though I suppose it won't matter for long, seeing as we're all about to die." He chuckled a bit, finding a space to settle in, "Name is Obsidian, my fellow prisoners." He looked over to Soul, "Sorry for the deception earlier friend, nothing personal."

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Midnight, seeing Accipiter coming towards herself and Eclipse, winced. She knew what he was planning to do. To make Eclipse betray her, or to place distrust. She knew that Eclipse was probably doubting of her credibility, and his 'friendship' with her was probably shaky at best, meaning the little uncertainty that Accipiter will surely be able to put in Eclipse's mind, would leave her a easy target from Accipiter, or even that other mare, Skyfire, to kill her.

After his stinging taunts, she knew she was doomed. Everything he said, while true to Noctrina, it was easily applied to her, and more evidence to the hidden truth of Midnight and Noctrina. She didn't know how to defend herself in this situation. She could try defuse it through an accusation of a lie, but that wouldn't work. Attacking Accipiter about his own failures, wouldn't work. She saw Eclipse look at her, with what looked like anger on his face. She lowered her head, shamefully. Accipiter had succeeded and in the games that were to come, she was...

Midnight was shocked, Eclipse was....defending her still? Despite everything Accipiter had said, he was still next to her. She was, impressed, to see Eclipse had managed to deduce her relationship with Accipiter. They were 'rivals' though of a different sense. Accipiter felt like she was threatening his position in Stormwing's hierarchy, while Noctrina just enjoyed battle. But, when Eclipse declared he knew she was hiding, but refusing to leave her, she felt a large smile on her face. There was only one other pony in exsistance who would say the same, and that was the pony she shared the body with.

"Eclipse...i..T-thank you" she smiled, before looking at Accipiter, planning to say something, before feeling a huge headache smash into her like a freight train.

She knew that feeling all too well, the feeling of Noctrina's cruelity demanding control. She grasped at her head, sitting down. Midnight knew what would happen if Noctrina would take control, death to many in the cell. She wasn't about to let that happen! She managed to beat Noctrina back, keeping her body under her control. Even if it was for now, and she'd deal with what would happen with her and Eclipse, later. She stood up, slightly shaky, her red eye looking more like a fire than a dormant Crystal.

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