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Equestria Divided Rp (Check OCC for Signups)


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Accipiter's victorious smile was wiped from his face like chalk from a board. Who was this... unicorn to tell him that he was an embittered failure?! His lips pursed as he felt himself slowly quake in anger. How could he possibly stay by her side? She was an abomination, a twisted experiment that ultimately failed. She didn't work for anything she achieved. Nothing trumped experience, and he had it by the bucketful. Accipiter raised a hoof and prodded Eclipse in the chest, clearly trying very hard not to make it into a fully fledged hit. "I see she's already got to you. Fine... Don't listen to my warning. When she turns on you and tears you apart, well, I most certainly will not be weeping," he spat, before turning around and marching away.

Accipiter looked around the cell once more, quickly realising that he had made naught but enemies since his capture. Even Shadles was unlikely to listen to him with his actual commander around. He saw Obsidian attempt to introduce himself to the group, and he shook his head. Accipiter wasn't going to die here, he could promise that. In the wake of such an appalling speech, Accipiter saw an opportunity. The weak needed somepony to look to, and with other officers making speeches like that, it might as well be him. He walked over to the entrance to the cell, and noisily banged against the metal bars with a hoof until he got everypony's attention. Nopony got to his rank without making a speech or two.

"Fellow ponies!" he called, directing the attention from the noise and to himself. "Do not give yourself unto despondency. Do not surrender and give in to death. Fight. Fight for glory, for the chance to see our homes again, for each other. We are many species, many houses, but within us all beats the hearts of equines. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. We are soldiers, I am a commander. Swear your fealty unto me, and I promise you that most of us will make it through this, for I cannot promise all. Some of us will fall, but they will fall knowing their sacrifices give a future to the others. Stand by me, fight with me, follow my orders, and we will succeed. For order is the enemy of chaos, and through it we are all strong!" Accipiter shouted, his voice oozing charisma in an attempt to win over all of those that had yet to form allegiances.

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Soul held his hooves to his ears as Accipiter's bounced off the walls, causing the assassin to frown.

"First off, screw you. Second off, holy Celestia, keep your voice down, you dunce! This isn't the time to be drawing the attention of whoever has a hold of us. Besides we don't need encouragement to want to break out of this horrid prison, and I will require silence to formulate a plan to get out of hear..." The unicorn trailed off as he caught sight of his commander, and grinned with glee.

"Or maybe I won't have to since you're here. Luna's grace , Commander, th' heck did you do to end up in this infernal hole? And..." He looked over to Noctrina, tilting his head. "...Did you...make friends with another one of my quarry? I won't doubt your judgment but...I don't know, I find it a bit weird. Still, guess that' one less person I have to kill."

He beamed at Noctrina with a genuine smile and held out a hoof to her. "Name's Soul, ma'am. Sorry for nearly killing you earlier. Just a part of the job, is all. I'm an assassin under the banner of Moon and Sun, and a somewhat close friend of Eclipse's as well as one of his subordinates. Nice to meet you!"

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" See something you like? I know you do. " Skyfire said with that knowing smirk still on her face. She turned her head towards Phantasma and wiggled her eyebrows at the mare. Her eyes flicked over to Accipiter when he spoke, then rolled over in their sockets to look at Phantasma again. Her smirk grew slightly as she spoke. " He's certainly a character isn't he? Trying to drum up camaraderie in a cage full of dissidents...obviously perfect command material for Stormwing. Pompous, arrogant, charismatic, brash, and thinks he's better than everyone else and that they should all do exactly as he says... " She scanned her gaze up and down Phantasma. " I think he could learn a thing or two from us, don'tcha think? "

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Shadles looked around, everypony was seemingly getting along, if that word could be used to describe the tense situation. Still, his eyes focused on Obsidian and the unicorn mare he'd been talking to before the ambush they'd recieved in the caves. They were, in effect, his only 2 allies, and he needed them if the young solider was to survive.

He walked up to his captain first "Captain, a-are you ok? I..i'm sorry, i failed you. I-i was just trying to look after the Griffons, and then, well..i don't remember what happened after that. D-did the Griffons get the jump on you sir?" the recruit knew he'd failed Obsidian, his captain was probably disappointed in him, why wouldn't he be? He had been given a task and he'd failed at it. He looked over and saw the mare, the one Obsidian had been talking to, not moving and seemingly just not moving. He gently poked her shoulder.

"H-hey..a-are, are you ok?"


Midnight took a step back, it was him! The pony that had nearly taken her head, and removed majority of her mane! That unicorn that had ambushed her and probably been the closest she's ever been to death. But, she couldn't help but laugh as Soul introduced himself. Despite him being the closest death of Noctrina and herself, he acted extremely civil about it.

"Umm, all, good, i suppose? It was a battlefield, so attempted murder isn't something that can be held against one another. My names Midnight, you could say i'm a combat analysis for Stormwing, though..It's hard to define what i truly am, outside of the words 'abomination' or 'monster', which seemingly fit 'her' well"

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He smiled slightly as Shadles came over, then shook his head as the young colt began to apologize, "Now now lad, you did your best to keep tabs on them, but we were set up from the start, I'm fairly sure that dam Topaz had something to do with this, last thing I remember is her giving some sob story about you being her brother and then leading me down a tunnel where I got knocked out. Point being there was nothing you could've done."

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"If my head got as big as his I don't think it'd fit between your thighs," Phantasma joked as she listened to the commander's speech. Accipiter's speech was generic and uninspired just regular ole come together talk. The mare doubted anypony was listening to him at all, but she saw a walking talking opportunity. The stallion had an air of self worth about him that just burned the salmon mare. "He could use a few pointers in public appeal. What he's saying does not make me want to tussle his wrinkly undercarriage."

Phantasma, ran her lips along the fur on Skyfire neck until was right at the mare's ears. "But I do see a unique chance for an ally and an expendable meat puppet. Those unicorns and that mare don't seem to take kindly to him. Perhaps we should join the commander, just to stymie that mare's momentum in the game of friends. With everypony joining sides the others will be pressured to as well. It won't be hard to skewer this in our favor I believe we can be very... mmm... Persuasive," she whispered in Skyfire's ear, finishing her idea with a nibble on the ear.


"Stuff happens, Soul. Though I have to admit that this was not on my list of likely possibilities." Eclipse was glad to hear that Soul wasn't doing to bad and seemed to have his usual demeanor about him. With Soul here that was on more pony he could count on in a pinch.

The stallion turned to Midnight... Noctrina... Midnight. He settled on the name because that's who he knew her as. The information he had received was concerning. Apparently the mare either wasn't a strategist, but was instead an ace warrior, or she was both. The latter would be horrifying. While he himself was responsible for a number of strategies employed in the field having a dedicated combat analyst with the skills of a seasoned frontline warrior scared him just a little. But I was Midnight they were talking about...

No... he made his promise. Being wary of her wouldn't help his trust. She wasn't even denying it, which meant that it was all probably true. She even mentioned 'her' as a separate entity. Eclipse knew what he had to do.

"Ok, Midnight. I trust you to tell me what they're are talking about and who Noctrina is. The sooner this comes out the better it will be for everypony."

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Midnight nodded her head, it made sense. She knew this would be an eventuality, Noctrina being revealed to Eclipse, but it wasn't something she wanted to do. But, he hadn't left her, he'd defended her even. If he was trusting her this much, a enemy he barely knew, then what harm was their of revealing the truth to him? Not like she was under high level information classification anymore, high chance Rainbow would try take her head if she ever made it back.

'She can try' Echoed a weak voice in her head, Noctrina was weak, but ever present. Midnight decided she needed to ignore her, if only temporarily, and turned her attention to Eclipse and Soul instead.

"It's..complicated, even now, i don't fully understand what happened. But, i'll tell you guys what i've pieced together. Me, and Noctrina...We're, the minds of both of us are in the same body. Like, sometimes she controls the body, and othertimes, like now, i'm in charge. If that makes sense... We were, created. To my knowledge, we were two seperate ponies, were..Me, i was something of a professional analysist, or something of the like. And Noctrina, a...well, an insane Pegasi warrior. Somehow, we got pushed into the same body...She fights, and kills on the battlefield...W-while, i...i tell her how to avoid dying. I'm the reason she's so powerful, i tell her how to avoid being killed and how to kill others. I'm, well..just as bad as her" She knew what she was saying was, unbelievable at best. But it was the simple truth. She didn't know anything other then her own speculation, she hadn't had time to confirm anything of her theory. But, it was her best explanation to what she knew.

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Elusis Felt a Hoof Hit her Shoulder, She turned her gaze from her trance upon the Small Colt. Soon she was able to form a Responce from her Numbed senses. "Oh....Yea im alright....." She said Quietly just enough for Him to hear. She was mostly listening to the Group of Prisoners around herself as One claimed to lead them. She doubted it entirely And For the record didnt really consider herself on one side or another now. She was a Merc, thats all she would ever be.

She Shifted her Sitting stance before peering to the colt once again. "And Its not your fault that we are in this stinking Pile right now.....Should have detonated that Self Destruct Scroll when i had the chance." She admitted to him, she realized how harsh her words seemed. Bitting the inside of her gum she thought of what to say once again. "And anyways I dont Really believe That you had anything to do with it."

Glancing around she gave a Huff, "If i had some ink and something to write on i could Make Something to Break those bars....But i guess thats a Farcry."

She aimed her sights on him again. " Never caught your name....Mine is Elusis."

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Shadles frowned, Topaz claiming to be his older sister? He was an only child from the orphanage, taken into a family. An obvious ruse, meaning Topaz was responsible for this capture. But, like Obsidian had said, there was nothing he could have done.

"I...I-i guess you're right, but, it hurts that i couldn't do anything" he said annoyed, he wanted to have done something! A fight, but nothing came of it.

At the mares response, Shadles tore his attention back to her. He smiled at her, she was Whitegold, meaning another possible ally that might keep him alive for longer.

"Nice to meet you properly Elusis, i'm Shadles. And, i assume you were captured with Obsidian?"

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"I know this may shock you Midnight, but that isn't the most outlandish thing I've ever heard." The stallion chuckled a little as he shook his head. "Is that really all there is to your secret? Two minds, one body?" He sat down and examined her a little more closely. "I'm sorry if i'm being a little silly right now, but I've been a soldier most of my life. And in the past 15 years I've seen everything for dragon- pony forest spirits to amalgamations of a dozen corpses and pony souls take to the field. It'll take a little more than that to send me running off."

He tapped his chin as he thought about the implications of this and the complications it could cause. "The sooner we can meet Noctrina, the better. This needs to be sorted out."

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Midnight was shocked, 15 years? 15 years of war, battle and destruction. And he nothing like Noctrina. She looked at Soul, then back at Eclipse. He made a valid point, but she'd expected something more then shrugging it off as simple as that. But, at least he wasn't abandoning her, or seemingly scared of the prospect of encountering a pony that held nothing other than her own survival the highest priority, and killed anything between her and where she wanted to be.

"Well...I can't, 'call' her out, in the battle..we were hurt, and, i soaked up what i could, but she must have suffered a lot after i 'passed out'. She, like a regular pony, she needs time to recover. Her more-so then others, but..when she does take control...she'll...she'll try kill you, for the sport of it...I-i can't risk it. I can't control her, and if she gets loose, no pony in this cell is safe"

It was truly too dangerous, Noctrina would kill Eclipse, and Soul, and anypony else in the cell would probably die. Midnight tried to open her mouth to tell them Noctrina couldn't be trusted with them, but it didn't. That freeze, she knew what it was. She was not in control of her own body, meaning that Noctrina was....She felt a cold shiver run up her spine, there wasn't anything she could do to save them, in her eyes, she felt Noctrina's anger rise up in her body.

On her physical body, a small smile had formed, and her red eye was now blazing like a fire, while her blue had shifted into more of a dormant sapphire.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Small fries that Midnight has cooked up for me? Or is it something more? No...don't tell me..She trusts you, and you trust her. Ha! Oh, this is priceless, with the war, our capture, and Midnight finally makes her friend outside me? You know, i could rip your tongue out of your throat, or maybe tear your horn off and stab you with it? Doesn't that sound nice, but, maybe, just maybe, you'll get to live. Tell me, 'Eclipse', what makes Midnight worth protecting? Do you see something in her, something that isn't me, an ignorance maybe? Or maybe you just want her like a ball in your hooves, tell me, come on, if i like your answer, you might get to live and help me protect little Midnight" Her voice came as a growl, glaring at them like food. Her eyes alternated between Soul and Eclipse, hungrily eyeing them, almost looking for one of them to open a weakness. She bared her teeth, her blood pumping. Noctrina felt something of a hunt arriving, and it was this hunt, and the kill, to be what she lived for.

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Oh wonderful, crazies on the left, crazies on the right, Obsidian decided he'd rather try the two lovely psychos on the opposite end of the room. He trotted over, making sure to give Accipiter a friendly smile as he crossed the room, he neared Skyfire and Phantasma, giving them a grin, "Morning ladies, either of you fine lasses seen a mongoose running around? She's run off and I can't seem to find her." Best to be friendly with everyone for now, make sure everybody here knows you're just the friendliest fellow who ever walked the planet.

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Elusis Nodded slowly to Shadles Before clearing her throat. "Yes i was....Cant say that im Exactly whitegold Though..Just a Hired Hoof for Support role..." She Said To the small colt. She Eyed the crowd once again before gazing back to Him. "You enjoy the house you picked?" she asked in a sort of Ruse way.

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Skyfire bit her lower lip and closed here eyes, taking in a hissing breath at Phantasmas actions, then hummed happily to herself. It was then that the male unicorn came over and asked about a lost mongoose. Sky sighed, leaning in towards Phantasma a bit as she opened her eyes to give the unicorn a slightly annoyed glance. " Sorry, no, I haven't. And you seem rather chipper, this some sort of special occasion? Or are you just overjoyed at the sight of two mares enjoying each others company?

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Accipiter had expected cheering, a sense of unity. He'd made these speeches to seasoned soldiers, and they always cheered... then again if they didn't there would be disciplinaries. Was he really that bad at it? As if failing to inspire anypony was bad enough, the assassin berated him publically, before walking over to join Noctrina. Of course he too would be involved with her. Was there some kind of conspiracy going on here? He was the seasoned officer! He waited for any kind of positive response, the best he got a smile from Obsidian as he walked over to the other side of the cell. His eyebrow began to twitch as he felt the rage flooding him again. What was with all of these accursed prisoners? How could they possibly not understand that he was their best bet? Did they really think they can all do their own things? Or throw themselves at the mutated freak and somehow she would get them out? It made him sick. Sick and angry.

He bit his tongue so hard he could feel liquid start to fill his mouth. As much as he wanted to curse and scream at everypony here, all that would do is eliminate any chance of them ever listening to him. He was a strategist, he just needed a killer strategy. He was smart. He was crafty. He was prestigious. If he couldn't appeal to the group at large, then he would have to try individual ponies. One at a time. If gold was their motivator, he had that back home. If it was a need for survival, he could make them see his experience. If they just hated speeches, he could tailor it individually. Yes, that was a plan. Say anything, promise anything, and chances were they'd die before he had to pay up. That was a sound plan. He scanned the crowd eager for targets. That's when he saw Noctrina's red eye in the distance. It looked like the psychopath was back home. He felt his anger soothing a little at the thought of her tearing those two idiots to bits, then him marshalling together the others to take her down. For now he would merge with the crowd.

He spotted Shadles talking to another unicorn. Probably both Whitegold, a good and easy place to start. He walked on over, spitting up a globule of red stained saliva onto the dirt floor as he did. He really shouldn't of done that. Crimson teeth wouldn't help make a good impression. There was no time to wait though. "Shadles!" he said with an attempt at a friendly tone and a smile. "I'm so glad you found your captain, and another friend. Listen, private, remember how you said in our previous cell that we should work together. Well, I feel that now's the time we start to gather our strength, right? When tomorrow comes we'll fight it best with a team." Accipiter then turned to the female unicorn he had been talking with. "Whitegold, right? You know, I'm fairly wealthy, and in need of friends. If I were to die in here, well, my fortune wouldn't be worth a bit. So if I survive it's only fair that it becomes forfeit to all the friends who helped me along the way," Accipiter said, still trying to sound upbeat. "I can always make more."

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"Is this really what ponies are considering a monster?" Eclipse shook his head and sighed. "I'm disappointed." The stallion's gaze hardened as he analyzed the mare's new disposition towards him. Noctrina had taken control, booting the nice calm persona of Midnight to the back seat.

Noctrina's red eye and harsh words didn't phase the stallion at in the least, especially after what he'd been through. Like the Stromwing stallion, Noctrina was just blowing hot air in his opinion. "All I see is a sad, lonely pony who has turned cruelty into a game. Like a foal who tears the legs off of a spider just to spite life. Listen, Noctrina, you may chew through mooks like celery stalks, howerer, the presence of not one, but three of your enemies tells me that while you maybe skilled, you are by no means unstoppable. Between Soul and I'll we'd subdue you before your hooves even left the ground. Do not underestimate one of the original Knight's of Luna." Eclipse locked gazes with the murderous mare, never showing any sign of fear or weakness. Even without his magic he's faced off with Juggernauts and stood against the forces of the Everfree. Noctrina may be a god on the battlefield, but Eclipse was a non- believer.

"Midnight may be the strategist between you two, but I know that you can assess the situation. Tell me, how would you fair if you started attacking ponies in here in your current state? Don't bring it that, don't try to find the answer." Eclipse growled at the mare jabbed her roughly in the chest. "And don't try to deflect control of the situation on me by feeding me that B.S. about you deciding if my reasoning for protecting Midnight is good enough. It's ponies who think like you that remind me of why Equestria's Divided and gone to sh*t!" He snorted and took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Would you believe me if I told you that I took up the sword and shield solely to protect other ponies? That I simply put others before myself? Both of you are injured, frightened, confused, and alone. Is that not enough reason to stand beside you?"

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Obsidian chuckled at Skyfire's response, "Sorry to say I'm happily married, though if my wife were here I have no doubt she'd enjoy the show, she's always been quite frisky." He tipped a nonexistent hat to the two of them, "The reason I'm so pleased is because in all likeliness I won't be fighting any of you, doesn't make sense for them to put us all in this cage if we have to brawl later, besides I don't think they want to see ponies fighting ponies, but ponies fighting...something else." He once again thought a bit more on the subject, rubbing his chin in a thoughtful expression, "If I was going to have prisoners fight beasts in an arena, I'd probably throw them in there with some of the cult of laughter's troops, they have some dam scary little buggers working with them. Used to be crawling all over the Undercity before the militia stepped in to intervene, I suppose it's not to hard to understand why a pony from Undercity might join them, it's not the nicest place to live after all."

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Phantasma couldn't stop her snickers. This stallion seemed interesting. He wasn't loud, obnoxious, or overtly macho. Add to that he was faithful to his wife, even though he was so far away and may never see her again. He eyed her and Skyfire like any other pony. Despite the fact that she and the other mare were in each other's clutches and trading playful nibble he never once showed any sigh of lust towards them. A pang of sadness washed over Phantasma's heart causing her to lower her head and rest it on Skyfire. She'd had what he had, and she fought everyday to get it back. No matter what she did it felt like she wasn't getting any closer...

The mare pretended to shudder when Obsidian brought up the Cult's monstrosities. "I know first hand what the Cult can do..." she said, channeling her sadness in a convincing ruse. It was a ruse right? She was unsure, but it didn't matter. Sadness was a tool she could use to get sympathy and sympathy could be paramount in getting these ponies to do what she wanted of them.

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Elusis's ears swiveled to the sound of a new voice. She turned her gaze to peer at the one who had given the speech earlier. She flicked her tail and listened quietly as the big inspire speak to Shadles. She gave a low hum as he spoke to her next. She brushed her sapphire mane aside now peering at him with both of her scarlet hued eyes. She had to admit that even with the blood covered teeth that he was Quite charismatic. Then again if she was offered enough money she would let anypony sleep with her...that wasnt completly true. However she had been moved twoards his favor. Giving a small laugh she looked him over. ¨I have to say that your quite the character...however im quite useless on terms of attacking. Without my scrolls i can only cast simplistic spells.¨ She consoled in him. Standing and trotting slowly around him, she kept her gaze on him. ¨Now... if you were able to get me some paper.... or a surface i can write on. Maybe some ink, blood or hell some kind of writing utensil. I could be of more use.¨ She said as she finnished her circle and sat infront of him once more. ¨We could discuss funds later, but without those items t create what i need... im best off throwing rocks. Dont get me wrong i want to get out but my hooves are tied.¨

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"And I, to reclaim my home in the Everfree Forest and vanquish those that have forgotten the meaning of harmony, of morality. I'm not even talking about whatever religious-y bull the Moon and Sun has been spewing. Not the iron fist of law and religion. True harmony. Even if it means spilling blood in its name, I've sworn to cut and slice away all corruption to this world and restore it to its former glory...or at least get close enough to it. But if possible, I'd rather avoid killing you and Midnight, or anyone else in here." The unicorn closed his eyes calmly, feeling his hip instinctively for his blade.

"...Except for Mister Preachy-Speechy over there." He threw a nonchalant hoof towards Accipiter's direction.

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He gave Phantasma an apologetic smile, "A thousand pardons madame, I didn't mean to insinuate that I condone what the cult does, merely that their actions aren't as surprising to me as they are to some, the Undercity is a place where you're just as likely to be robbed by an orphan as attacked by a cultist, not to mention earthborn occasionally shells the city. There are many who suffer there, and for some, they see the cult as a way of ending the suffering of others." Obsidian had grown up in the Undercity, strife was as common as breathing, and the cult of laughter wasn't the only cult who operated down there, they were just the largest and most dangerous.

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"The earthborn are..." Phantasma stopped herself before she revealed too much. This was always one of the tougher subjects for her to keep up a ruse with. The cult had taken much from her, but provided great opportunity to her as well. She knew that the Cult wanted to end suffering, at least it claimed to. And everypony under laughter's banner was much happier. The mare's face twisted into a grimace. This was the kind of indoctrination she was suppose to be resisting! The Cult are a means to an end, nothing more...

Phantasma groaned as she fought her insanity. "I shouldn't have reacted that way, it was clear you meant no harm..." She extended a hoof in greeting. "My name is Phantasma."

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Skyfire raised an eyebrow and shifted her gaze to look at Phantamsa out of the corner of her eyes, a small pondering smile touching her lips. " Skyfire. " She said plainly, not taking her eyes from the mare beside her. " Now, you've gone and gotten me curious babe...what are the Earthborn? Do tell... " She leaned in a little closer to Phantasma and tilted her head to the side, a playful smile on her lips, but her eyes were were anything but.

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Noctrina was nothing less than shocked. Who was this unicorn taunting her! It annoyed her because, he had no fear of her, no nothing. An insult to her, and an annoying truth that she was, in her injured state, no match against the flying assassin and the knight, taking a step back from Eclipse, surprised. An original knight of Luna? They were rare indeed, and powerful foes, nothing you want to fight in a close range.

At the unicorns challenge, Noctrina felt a burning in her heart. She wanted to tear his apart, a burning passion that normally resulted in the death of many ponies before him. And his claim he wanted to protect ponies, Noctrina actually froze. She’d never, in her life, heard that reasoning to join the war. Everything she knew of the unicorn made that claim to make sense, and that meant she wasn’t going to be killing either of them. That knowledge was enough for the mare.

“Fine, Eclipse, I’ll trust Midnight’s judgement, but keep one thing in mind. I’m always watching, and if you lay a hoof on Midnight in a way I don’t like, I’ll wear your intestines like a necklace”

Satified she’d done her work, her red eye changed into dormant ruby shade, while her blue shifted from dormant sapphire to a more ice shade.

Shaking her head, Midnight looked up, and was shocked to see Eclipse and Soul hadn’t seemingly been touched. Probably the first ponies to her knowledge, to not be killed by Noctrina, outside of Skyfire.

“I’m…oh, god..A-are you ok? All I remember is losing control, and, then nothing..D-did she, hurt you?” Midnight took an urgent step forwards, as if to see if their was hurt, and in doing so, completely forgetting about her own injury. She collapsed on the ground, grasping her shoulder and letting out a groan of pain. She’d forgotten about her injury.


Shadles looked at Elusis, and honestly, he wasn’t. But not because of the house, but it was the war. He hated it, ponies were dying and there was nothing anypony could do to stop it. Before replying, Accipiter appeared. Shadles hadn’t payed attention to his talk, but he knew what Accipiter was trying to do. He wanted to get his alligence, and as he looked between the current forces, it looked promising. Safety in numbers, it was Obsidian, Elusis, Accipiter and the 2 other mares, against two unicorns and a pony.

“I know what I said, and I’m…I’m sticking by my works. Safety in numbers, and well, it seems we have safety in numbers right now”

Shadles didn’t believe it, Accipiter would use him as a meatshield to save his own, and Shadles would do the same. Despite being on the same team, there was no trust. He knew that, but regardless, it was what he had to do to survive.

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Accipiter nodded at Shadles' words. "Well said, well said." He vigorously nodded before turning back to Elusis. "I'm afraid I don't have any writing implements, or anything to write on. They took everything we had, and nothing much in here... wait, maybe you can carve something? Just find a nice piece of rock, brick, or a pebble or something... maybe even a bone. Might take a while, but it's worth a try, right? This is a coliseum; we will be called to fight eventually." Accipiter suggested genuinely; it was in his best interest after all. "Even so, with so few of us, every set of hooves matters. Your service will prove invaluable," he added reassuringly.

Accipiter started to grin. He wasn't alone. These two would form the backbone of his newest unit, even if one had very limited use. One could never underestimate the value of a good decoy though. As long as she swift of hoof. Yes, Accipiter wasn't down and out. Soon lines would be drawn, and he just had to outnumber Noctrina's group. Even with that honourable fool of a knight on their side, he was confident in his ability to bring more onto his side than theirs. Then he could work on marshalling them into an actual fighting force. They wouldn't exactly be Hoplites, but they'd do. Now to go after a key player. "Shadles, where's your captain gotten to?" he asked.

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