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Pony in training


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Here's a little back story. I used to mock the show and everybody who watched it until one day curiosity got to me and I watched the first episode, I enjoyed it but tried to convince myself I didn't, all but one of my friends are the same as I used to be, at the mention of anything pony related it's like a tornado of hate and laughter so I didn't want to be at the end of their poke stick, but the seed of friendship was planted and slowly growing.

after about 2 months that curiosity creeped up on me again and I watched episode 2, and 3 but again tried to convince myself I didn't like it. later that night at work I found out I could get on netflix from there and couldn't help myself but to load up MLP:FIM and watched the whole first season.

Though I started out disliking everything that involved ponies I quickly found out that it had more charming qualities that appealed to me than I thought, I even came to agreement that my real personality is very similar to Miss Rarity's which helped me to come to my senses even more about the whole situation. Though I refuse to let it slip to my friends and keep it a secret, they found out my friend was a brony and even though they tease about it jokingly(no different than we always joke), I know it gets to him and I know that I wouldn't be able to handle it myself.

I'm hoping to get out of that ditch a little bit with the help from the ponies of Canterlot, as well as join in the fun even if my Role Playing skills are a bit rusty.

TL;DR - I used to mock ponies but soon found myself relating to and loving the show more than I ever thought I could. (edited for grammar)

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I regret to inform you that we here on Canterlot are sadly nothing more but plain humans, though I can do my best to appear like a pony if that'd make it feel better? ;)

Anyways, welcome!

I wish you the best of luck with your situation! Though it might come to a point were you'll simply have to stand your ground towards the judgement from you friends and tell them that it's not cool to hurt one's friend (or anyone for that matter) even if it's just a little teasing.

Oh yikes, don't get me going with my unwanted advising, let me just say welcome and wish you a great time here :)

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