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About Myself: Well for starters I am a fan like any other pony here.

I dabble in tinkering with computers, I do watch anime and know a bit of them as well as do a bit of gaming here and there.

I am a pretty laid back person and I do rp as well so if you feel like saying hi or seeing about any rps just drop by

How I found Canterlot.com: google ^^

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well I saw it when it started to become a thing on youtube. I pretty much saw youtube filled with pony related stuff and some of the people I watch normally on youtube talking about.

So I was curious and looked into it loaded up episode 1 and gave it a watch and then pretty much watched all of season 1 in one sitting.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
So pretty much this is more of a reintroduction, as I didn't really do much the last time that I signed up being busy at the time. Anyway now I plan to participate so again its nice to meet you all and I hope to get to know all you pretty well. On a side note I do have an rp idea based around the Tales of series checking for interested if anyone wanted to give it a shot. Other then that thanks for having me ^^

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