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Wonderful Pony Stepping Down


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I have been asked by one of my staff if they could step down for the time being and take a break from being Canterlot staff. She has expressed to me that her time is very limited between work and school, and I can quite understand- it takes a lot of pony-power to run these boards; and I work the staff really hard. They are all wonderful though, and a pleasure to work with, especially this particular pony.

Many of you from the old board know Meow well, as she was one of the moderators at the old location. Meow has been around since the inception of these boards and has invested immense amounts of input, work, and time into the boards to make them what they are. Meow shaped much of the Mane RP as we know it, has helped develop applications and RP guidlelines, developed the logs page, and created countless lists and valuable resources.

As much as I wish I could keep working Meow to the bone, and as much as I'm certain she would if she had the chance, I would much rather her enjoy these boards than dread them for the workload that they can sometimes be. As per Meow's wish, I have removed her from the moderators group. However, in the same turn I feel it is only appropriate that I award her with the Canterlot Assistance Award for her tireless contributions to this board over the past months.

Please give Meow a huge thank you for her contribution to this board and its community. I hope to see her poking her way through the RP and enjoying herself soon :)

Thank you Meow!

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Meow, you put up a good fight, struggling to keep order and intelligence on these boards. You can step down with honor like the old retired corporal who has to quit after the the war's been won.

*pins awesomeness medal to Meow*


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Although I am saddened by Meow having to step down, I totally understand the reasons. She was a great admin and was always helpful and willing to listen through thick and thin. :)

Glad to hear she is staying around as a member though, now she'll hopefully have time to have fun with the site and RP. :D

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Thanks for being awesome, Meow. I'm glad you're sticking around, even though your awesome will need to be more fully devoted to non-pony life. It happens to the best of us.

Also, as an aside, I want to thank the whole staff for doing everything you guys do here. This board is giant, and busy, and you make the management of it look effortless and simple. Thank you, past and present staff, for all the hard work you've put into making Canterlot the happy little corner of the internet it is.

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  • 3 months later...

I do not know Meow, but I shall miss her as an administrator. I KNOW how much time and work goes into being a moderator and administrator.. and I say Bon Voyage and may your days be filled with apples and fresh oats.

Farewell, would be friend


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