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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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Midnight let out a sigh before following after the pair, while she'd of rather be doing different things than 'team bonding', what choice did she have here? She opted to silence, listening to Slash and Andrea talk.

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Slash cleared his throat and snickered. "First we must get breakfast!  The fight from yesterday used up all our energy, so let's go!" he said as he swung open the door in a swoop and marched out.

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"'Kay then! The salmon sandwiches are mine!" Slash yelled as he raced down the halls and ended up in the dining hall. He grabbed a couple of salmon and tuna sandwiches and something else. After coverin up that 'something' with all his sandwiches, he sat at a table and set his food down. "Upupupu...this is going to be fun" he snickered.

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Andrea arrived in the dining hall and nearly collapsed. " Food. Actual food! I thought I'd never see it again! "  Andrea grabbed a variety of foodstuff and marched toward the dining table triumphantly. " I am going to absolutely destroy myself with all of this. and it will have been completely worth it. " Andrea sat down and began her feast of queens. 

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Silver looked up at Aisha as she stepped out. She began helping him pick up the broken ceramic off the floor. He continued to clean up the liquid in silence before finally speaking.


"Sorry if I was intruding." He said quietly. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

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Aisha was cleaning us the mug parts and listened when he appologised. Her ears twitched and she glanced up at him with a passively happy smile. 

Dont worry silver. It's okay." She said comfortingly and got to her knees. She leaned in and kissed his forehead. 

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Midnight arrived not a minute behind her team, looking at the wide variety of food. She grabbed a few sandwiches as well as some toast with butter and jam, sitting down facing Slash and Andrea. She silently started eating. Why were they waiting? They needed to be out there, or she did at least, hunting down that red headed criminal! She needed answers to him, and her family....why. What had happened when she left him?

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Tehengu had grabbed some bacon and eggs before he sat next to Midnight. He could tell what she wanted to do, he wanted it himself, to an extent. He didn't like the idea of criminals running loose, but he could tell there wasn't much they could do yet. 


"Midnight. I know, but not now." He whispered quietly. Really, he was just guessing, but he knew enough about her. 

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Midnight glanced over at Tehengu, hearing his whispering. Part of her wanted to talk back, but she glanced at Slash, or more specifically, his ears. If his ears were as good as hers, whispering would be easy to hear. She simply nodded her head. She had a feeling Tehengu knew where her mind was, it had been there all night, and now she hated how she felt, like she was wasting her time.

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"Yes you will..." Slash snickered at Andrea's comment about destroying herself with her food. He picked up another sandwich to eat, quickly covering the gap that almost revealed his plan. "But who should I start it with? Tehengu probably wouldn't react at all, Midnight would just get upset, so that would leave..."

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Midnight said something that made a smile creep onto Slash's face. "THIS!!" he yelled as he took the cherry pie from under his sandwiches and threw it at Andrea's face. "Andrea will definitely fight back, she has to" he thought

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Andrea was just sitting at the table eating her food, not really paying attention to anything when suddenly, her attention was forced back onto her teammates when Slash yelled "THIS!". Andrea snapped back into attention right as the pie struck her directly in the face. Andrea slowly brought her hand to her face wiping the cherry goop off. She sighed before opening her eyes and flashing a smile at Slash. Suddenly flipping her Plate full of food right at Slash, Andrea Shouted "I'LL KILL YOU! I swear I will!" Andrea stood herself up, grabbed Tehengus Plate and flung the contents at his face. " That's for existing. "

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Slash dodged the first plate of food and laughed, suddenly getting hit by the second plate. "FOOOOD FIGHT!" Slash hollered as he ran to the food table. He grabbed another two pies and threw them at Midnight and Tehengu. Slash took a third pie and launched it at Andrea. 

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Tehengu simply watched Andrea fling his plate. Thankfully, he had eaten most of it by then, but that just meant there was more plate to deal with. 


He sighed slightly as Slash declared the food fight and threw more pies, aiming towards him and Midnight. He dodged the projectile easily, throwing an egg into the pie aiming for Midnight to knock it off course. 

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Out of everything she'd been expecting, that, wasn't it at all. A, pie throwing contest? She frowned before looking around the room, and realization hit her about what would happen. A food fight. She tucked her book into her jacket, simply staring dumbly at Slash. Her biggest fear she her book would get damaged in all the commotion.

That's when Slash, knowing or not, triggered her semblance by throwing a pie at her, and moved her head to the left slightly as the pie flew past her, crashing into the girl behind her, who turned around the threw an apple at Slash.

Reaching onto her plate to grab another sandwich, she watched the entire room start erupting. She glancing over at Tehengu "Aren't we meant to start throwing food at people as well?" 

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"Depends on if you wanted to participate or not." Tehengu responded, watching the room join in the fight. He picked up another small piece of food, ready to retaliate or protect himself should the need arise. 

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Midnight sighs as she finishes her sandwich and moves onto the next "It wouldn't be much of a challenge..." she mutters as she eats, moving her head side to side to dodge the occational item of food "...Since I can see everything before it'll hit me...Still, it could be an interesting, team building activity..." she grabbed her last sandwich before frowning, shrugging, then spinning to her side and throwing it right at Tehengu.

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Tehengu really wasn't paying much attention to Midnight, the food flying around keeping him busy. As such, he didn't see the sandwich coming, and it hit him in the back of the head. He froze in place, blinking for a second before turning to face Midnight. 


"Really? A sneak attack?" He asked, throwing a waffle back at her. 

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"This is great!" Slash laughed as he shook some soda cans and bombed his teammates with them. His eyes were sudden drawn to the coils of sausages. Slash grinned an evil grin as he thought of the perfect use for them.

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Midnight grins, almost childishly at him as she flips out of the way of Teh's waffle "I'm your teammate, n--!" She would have continued, before Slash threw the soda's, again triggering her selblance and letting her backflip out of the way, throwing a glance back at her friend "No one said I had to play fair!"

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